



  • 中文名:陸雋鶴
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:University of Washington
  • 職稱:教授


  1. 1998.7,南京大學環境科學與工程系,本科
  2. 2001.7,南京大學環境科學與工程系,碩士
  3. 2007.6,華盛頓多和乎灑大學環境犁仔頁工程系,博士
  4. 2007.7-2010.8, University of Georgia, Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences, 博士後
  5. 2010.9-至今,南京農業大學環境科學與工程良罪章系,教授市糠道漿,博士生導師


  1. 環境水化學
  2. 水處理高級備嫌料氧化工藝
  3. 消毒拜照船副產物的生成和控制
  4. 有機污染物(包括農藥、持久欠熱性污染物、內分泌干擾物、藥物等)環境行為
  5. 土壤、地下水污染修復


  1. Lu, J.; Shi, Y.; Ji, Y.; Kong, D.; Huang, Q. Transformation of triclosan by laccase catalyzed oxidation: the influence of humic acid-metal binding process.Environmental Pollution, (2016).
  2. Ji, Y.; Shi, Y.; Kong, D.; Lu, J. Degradation of roxarsone in sulfate radical mediated oxidation process and formation of polynitrated by-products.RSC Advances, 6(85), 82040-82048 (2016).
  3. Zhao, L.; Ji, Y.; Kong, D.; Lu, J.; Zhou, Q.; Yin, X. Simultaneous removal of bisphenol A and phosphate in zero-valent iron activated persulfate oxidation process.Chemical Engineering Journal, 303, 458-166 (2016).
  4. Lu, J.; Dong, W.; Ji, Y.; Kong, D.; Huang, Q. Natural organic matter exposed to sulfate radicals increases its potential to form halogenated disinfection byproducts.EnvironmentalScience & Technology, 50(10), 5060-5067 (2016).
  5. Ji, Y.; Kong, D.; Lu, J.; Kang, F.; Yin, X.; Zhou, Q. Cobalt catalyzed peroxymonosulfate oxidation of tetrabromobisphenol A: Kinetics, reaction pathways, and formation of brominated by-products.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 313, 229-237 (2016).
  6. Xie, W.; Dong, W.; Kong, D.; Ji, Y.; Lu, J.; Yin, X. Formation of halogenated disinfection by-products in cobalt-catalyzed peroxymonosulfate oxidation processes in the presence of halides.Chemosphere, 154, 613-619 (2016).
  7. Ji, Y.; Shi, Y.; Dong, W.; Jiang, M.; Wen, X.; Lu, J. Thermo-activated persulfate oxidation system for tetracycline antibiotics degradation in aqueous solution.Chemical Engineering Journal, 298, 225-233 (2016).
  8. Jin, H.; Kong, D.; Ji, Y.; Lu, J.; Zhou, Q. Degradation of tetrabromobisphenol A in heat activated persulfate oxidation process.RSC Advances, 6(35), 29718-29726 (2016).
  9. Ji, Y.; Xie, W.; Fan, Y.; Shi, Y.; Kong, D.; Lu, J. Degradation of trimethoprim by thermo-activated persulfate oxidation: Reaction kinetics and transformation mechanisms.Chemical Engineering Journal, 286, 16-24 (2016).
  10. Luo, Q.; Lu, J.; Zhang, H.; Wang, Z.; Feng, M.; Chiang, D.; Woodward, D.; Huang, Q. Laccase catalyzed degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid.EnvironmentalScience & Technology Letters, 2(7), 198-203 (2015).
  11. Lu, J.; Shao, J.; Wang, Z.; Liu, H.; Huang, Q. Formation of halogenated polyaromatic compounds in laccase catalyzed transformation of halophenols.EnvironmentalScience & Technology, 49(14), 8850-8857 (2015).
  12. Ji, Y.; Fan, Y.; Liu, K.; Kong, D.; Lu, J. Thermo activated persulfate oxidation of antibiotic sulfamethoxazole and structurally related compounds.Water Research, 87, 1-9 (2015).
  13. Liu, K.; Lu, J.; Ji, Y. Formation of brominated disinfection by-products and bromate in cobalt catalyzed peroxymonosulfate oxidation of phenol.Water Research, 84, 1-7 (2015).
  14. Lu, J.; Wu. J.; Ji, Y.; Kong, D. Transformation of bromide in thermo activated persulfate oxidation processes.Water Research, 78, 1-8 (2015).
  15. Fan, Y.; Ji, Y.; Kong, D.; Lu, J.; Zhou, Q. Kinetic and mechanistic investigation of the degradation of sulfamethazine in heat-activated persulfate oxidation process.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 300, 39-47 (2015).
  16. Ji, Y.; Dong, C., Kong, D.; Lu, J. New insights into atrazine degradation by cobalt catalyzed peroxymonosulfate oxidation: kinetics, reaction products and transformation mechanisms.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 285, 491-500 (2015).
  17. Lu, J.; Shao, J., Kong, D. Nucleophilic substitution as a mechanism of atrazine sequestration in soil.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 284, 103-107 (2015).
  18. Ji, Y.; Dong, C., Kong, D.; Lu, J.; Zhou, Q. Heat-activated persulfate oxidation of atrazine: implications for remediation of groundwater.Chemical Engineering Journal, 263, 45-54 (2015).
  19. Lu, J.; Kong, D.; Zhao, L.; Zhou, Q. Analysis of oestrogenic hormones in chicken litter by HPLC with fluorescence detection.International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 94(8), 783-790 (2014).
  20. Kong, D.; Xia, Q.; Huang, Q.; Lu, J. Covalent bonding of chloroanilines to humic constituents: Pathways, kinetics, and stability.Environmental Pollution, 180, 48-54 (2013).
  21. Luo, Q.; Adams, P.; Lu, J.; Cabrera, M.; Huang, Q. Influence of poultry litter land application on the concentrations of estrogens in water and sediment within a watershed.Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 15, 1383-1390 (2013).
  22. Mao, L.; Lu, J.; Habteselassie, M.; Luo, Q.; Gao, S.; Cabrera, M.; Huang, Q. Ligninase-mediated removal of natural and synthetic estrogens from water: II. Reactions of 17β-estradiol.EnvironmentalScience & Technology,44(7), 2599-2604 (2010).
  23. Lu, J.; Huang, Q. Removal of acetaminophen using enzyme mediated oxidative coupling processes: I. Kinetics and reaction pathways.Environmental Science & Technology, 43(18), 7062-7067 (2009).
  24. Lu, J.; Huang, Q. Removal of acetaminophen using enzyme mediated oxidative coupling processes: II. Interactions with natural organic matter (NOM).Environmental Science & Technology, 43(18), 7068-7073 (2009).
  25. Mao, L.; Huang, Q.; Lu, J.; Gao, S. Ligninase-mediated removal of natural and synthetic estrogens from water: I. Reaction behaviors.Environmental Science & Technology,43(2), 374-379 (2009)
  26. Lu, J.; Korshin, G.V. A spectroscopic study of the bromination of the endocrine disruptor ethynylestradiol.Chemosphere, 72(3), 504-508 (2008).
  27. Lu, J.; Benjamin, M.M.; and Korshin, G.V. Reactions of the flavonoid hesperetin with chlorine: A spectroscopic study of the reaction pathways.Environmental Science & Technology,38(17), 4603-4612 (2004).
  28. Zou, H.; Yu, Z., Lu, J.; Xu, X.; and Zhang, J. A possible new disinfection by-product [2-chloro-5-oxo-3-hexene diacyl chloride (COHC)] in formation of MX by chlorinating model compounds.Water Research36(18), 4535-4542 (2002).
  29. Lu, J.; Zou, H.; Yu, Z.; Xu, X.; and Zhang, J. The interference of 2-chloro-5-oxo-3-hexene diacyl chloride (COHC) in the detection of strong mutagen MX.Chemosphere48(1), 29-33 (2002).
  30. Lu, J.; Zou, H.; Yang, C.; Yu, Z; and Zhang, J. Some problems in the detection of strong mutagen MX formed by chlorinating the aromatic acids and phenolic compounds.Water Research36(4), 970-974 (2002).
  31. Lu, J.; Zou, H.; Chen, Z.; Yang, C.; Zhang, J.; and Zhou, W. Screening the precursors of strong mutagen [3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone] MX from chlorinated water.Water Research34(1), 225-229 (2000).
  32. Chen, Z.; Yang, C.; Lu, J.; Zou, H.; and Zhang, J. Factors on the formation of disinfection by-products MX, DCA and TCA by chlorination of fulvic acid from lake sediments.Chemosphere45, 379-385 (2001).
  33. Yang, C.; Chen, Z.; Zou, H.; Lu, J.; and Zhang, J. Factors on the formation of strong mutagen [3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone] MX by chlorination of syringaldehyde.Water Research34(17), 4313-4317 (2000).
  34. 劉闊,金浩,董為,季躍飛,陸雋鶴,鈷活化過一硫酸鹽氧化過程中鹵代副產物的生成,環境科學, 37(5), 1823-1830 (2016).
  35. 師元元,季躍飛,陸雋鶴,漆酶轉化對氨基苯胂酸的研究,農業環境科學學報, 35(4), 706-710 (2016).
  36. 廖雲燕,劉國強,趙力,孔德洋,陸雋鶴,利用熱活化過硫酸鹽技術去除阿特拉津,環境科學學報,34(4), 931-937 (2014).
  37. 劉國強,王斌楠,廖雲燕,邵娟,武瑾偉,孔德洋,陸雋鶴,熱活化過硫酸鹽降解水中的2-氯苯酚,環境化學, 33(8), 1396-1403 (2014).
  38. 王斌楠,劉國強,謝衛平,孔德洋,陸雋鶴,磺醯脲類除草劑在飲用水處理過程中的去除研究,農業環境科學學報, 32(8), 1633-1638 (2013).
  39. 夏青,謝衛平,劉國強,廖雲燕,王斌楠,孔德洋,陸雋鶴,漆酶催化氧化水中雌激素的研究,環境科學, 34(8), 3119-3124 (2013).
  40. 王斌楠,劉國強,孔德洋,陸雋鶴,炔雌醇氯化反應的動力學和機制研究,環境科學, 34(6), 2225-2231 (2013).
  41. 陸雋鶴;鄒慧仙,餘子銳,徐旭,張進琪,自來水中強致突變物MX的測定,環境科學,23(2), 123-125 (2002).


