




2017.07—2021.10 清華大學 電氣工程 博士
2014.09—2017.03 華北電力大學 電力系統及其自動化 碩士
2010.09—2014.06 華北電力大學 電氣工程及其自動化 學士
2021.12—2023.12 清華大學 電機工程與套用電子技術系 助理研究員
2023.12—北京交通大學 電氣學院 副教授


[1] 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金,光伏併網系統漏電狀態感知與監測技術研究,2023.01-2025.12 (主持)
[2] 中國博士後科學基金第4批特別資助(站前),基於漏電流的併網光伏系統關鍵裝置線上狀態感知與控制診斷研究,2022.08-2023.12 (主持)
[3] 遼寧省科技計畫項目自然科學基金資助計畫(重點科技創新基地聯合開放基金),永磁同步電機轉子退磁狀態感知與檢測方法研究,2022.08-2024.06 (主持)
[4] 新能源電力系統國家重點實驗室2022開放課題,併網光伏裝置與系統線上狀態感知與智慧型診斷研究,2022.03-2023.12 (主持,結題優秀)
[5] 國家重點研發計畫,大規模海上風電新型匯集組網送出拓撲技術,2023.01-2025.12(子任務負責:構建綜合評價指標體系和評估方法,形成綜合評價模型)
[6] 國家重點研發計畫(國際合作),高可靠性風電機組監測與智慧型運維關鍵技術研究,2022.06-2025.05(核心骨幹:開發高精度寬頻漏電流監測裝置,完成風機和變壓器套用驗證)
[7] 國家重點研發計畫(基礎加強),起動發電機系統功率變換器故障診斷與預測技術研究,2021.06-2025.06(重點參與:研究軍用系統的高可靠性變換器監測方法)


[1]Geye Lu, Zheng Yin, Dayong Zheng, Cungang Hu, Pinjia Zhang*, "A High-efficiency Online Monitoring Strategy for dc-link Capacitors of Multistring dc/dc Converters in Photovoltaic Applications," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Early Access, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3306413.
[2]Geye Lu, Qinghao Zhang, Dayong Zheng, Sohrab Mirsaeidi and Pinjia Zhang*, "Detection and Location Approach to Incipient Grounding Defect in Transformer Winding Based on Sequence Voltage Ratios at PV Inverter Switching Frequency," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 6337-6346, June 2023.
[3]Geye Lu, Dayong Zheng and Pinjia Zhang*, "An Advanced Wide-band Model and A Novel Multi-type Insulation Monitoring Strategy for VSC-connected Transformers Based on Common-mode Impedance Response," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 879-889, Jan. 2022.
[4]Geye Lu and Pinjia Zhang*, "A Novel Leakage-Current-Based Online Insulation Monitoring Strategy for Converter Transformers Using Common-Mode and Differential-Mode Harmonics in VSC System," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 1636-1645, Feb. 2021.
[5]Geye Lu, Dayong Zheng, Qinghao Zhang and Pinjia Zhang*, "Effects of Converter Harmonic Voltages on Transformer Insulation Ageing and an Online Monitoring Method for Interlayer Insulation," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 3504-3514, March 2022.
[6]Geye Lu, Qinghao Zhang, Dayong Zheng and Pinjia Zhang*, "A Novel Online Monitoring Strategy for the Localized Grounding Insulation Defect of Converter Transformers Based on Converter Switching States Control," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 11124-11134, Sept. 2022.
[7]Geye Lu, Yang Wu and Pinjia Zhang*, "Analytical Analysis and Design of an Advanced Differential-Mode Current Sensor for Insulation Monitoring for Industrial Electrical Assets," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 151360-151370, 2020.
[8]陸格野, 張品佳*. VSC系統換流變壓器的共模模型及主絕緣線上監測方法[J].中國電機工程學報,2021,41(11): 3885-3896.
[9]鄭濤, 陸格野*, 黃婷, 趙彥傑, 劉連光.特高壓有載調壓變壓器差動保護自適應算法[J].電工技術學報, 2017, 32(20):271-280.
[10]鄭濤, 陸格野*, 趙彥傑, 陳水耀. 基於虛擬等效電感的特高壓調壓變壓器勵磁涌流判別算法[J]. 電工技術學報,2016,31(07):118-125.


Best Paper Award of the 26th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2023) 排名1
Best Paper Award of 2022 International Joint Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power Engineering (CoEEPE 2022) 排名1
First Prize Paper Award of The Electric Machines Technical Committee of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2021) 排名2


