


  • 中文名:陸星劼
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:全球變化與地球系統科學學院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:中山大學碩士生導師



2003/09–2008/07, 北京師範大學 (Beijing Normal University, China),物理學系 (Department of Physics),學士 (Bachelor of science)
2008/09–霉笑諒2013/07, 北堡乃束京恥習求詢師範大學 (Beijing Normal University, China),全球變化與地球系統科學學院 (College of global change and earth system science),博士 (Doctor of philosophy)
2011/10–2013/03, 澳大利亞聯邦科樂漏蘭腳學與工業學院 (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia),聯合培養博士 (Joint PhD)


2018/12 - present,中山大學大氣科學學院 (School of atmospheric science, Sun Yat-sen University, China),副教授 (Associate Professor)
2017/09-2018/12,美國北亞利桑那大學大學 (Northern Arizona University, United States),博士後 (Postdoctoral fellowship)
2017/01-2017/08,美國俄克拉荷馬大學 (Oklahoma University, United States),博士套多後 (Postdoctoral fellowship)
2013/12 - 2016/11,澳大利閥講妹亞聯邦科學與工業組織 (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia),探笑府博士後 (Postdoctoral fellowship)


陸面模型 (Land Surface Modeling)
全球變化與陸地生態系統 (Global change and terrestrial ecosystem)
生物地球化學循環 (Biogeochemical cycle)
植物生理 (Plant physiology)
植物性狀 (Plant traits)


國家重點研發計畫 (National Key Research and Development Program of China):
高解析度全球陸面過程模式研發與套用 (High resolution land surface model development and application)(2017YFA0604300), 2017.7-2022.6,主要成員 (Key participant)。


Lu,Xingjie*, Ying-Ping Wang, Yiqi Luo, Lifen Jiang (2018),Ecosystem carbon transit versus turnover times in response to climate warming and rising atmospheric CO2concentration,Biogeosciences,15(21), 6559-6572.
Lu, Xingjie*, Ying-Ping Wang, Ian J. Wright, Yongjiu Dai(2017),Incorporation of plant traits in a land surface model helps explain the global biogeographical distribution of major forest functional types,Global Ecology and Biogeography,26(3),304-317.
Lu,Xingjie*, Ying-Ping Wang, Tilo Ziehn, Yongjiu Dai(2013), An efficient method for global parameter sensitivity analysis and its applications to the Australian community land surface model (CABLE),Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,182,292– 303
Huang, Yuanyuan*,Xingjie Lu*, Zheng Shi, David Lawrence, Charles D. Koven, Jianyang Xia, Zhenggang Du, Erik Kluzek, Yiqi Luo (2017), Matrix approach to land carbon cycle modeling: A case study with the Community Land Model,Global Change Biology,24(3), 1394-1404
Liang, Junyi, Jianyang Xia,Zheng Shi, Lifen Jiang, Shuang Ma,XingjieLu, Marguerite Mauritz, Susan M Natali, Elaine Pegoraro, C Ryan Penton, César Plaza, Verity G Salmon, Gerardo Celis, James R Cole, Konstantinos T Konstantinidis, James M Tiedje, Jizhong Zhou, Edward A G Schuur, Yiqi Luo (2018), Biotic responses buffer warming‐induced soil organic carbon loss in Arctic tundra.Global Change Biology, https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14325
Li, Qianyu,Xingjie Lu, Wang, Ying-Ping, Xin Huang, Peter M. Cox, and Yiqi Luo*(2018), Leaf Area Index identified as a major source of variability in modelled CO2fertilization,Biogeosciences,15(22), 6909-6925
Xuanze Zhang, Ying‐Ping Wang, Shushi Peng*, Peter J. Rayner, Philippe Ciais, Jeremy D. Silver, Shilong Piao, Zaichun Zhu,Xingjie Lu, Xiaogu Zheng (2018), Dominant regions and drivers of the variability of the global land carbon sink across timescales,Global Change Biology, https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14275
Ren, Chengjie, Ji Chen,Xingjie Lu, Russell Doughty, Fazhu Zhao, Zekun Zhong, Xinhui Han*, Gaihe Yang*, Yongzhong Feng, Guangxin Ren (2018), Responses of soil total microbial biomass and community compositions to rainfall reductions,Soil Biology,116, 4-10.
Zhou, Sha*, Junyi Liang,Xingjie Lu, Qianyu Li, Lifen Jiang, Yao Zhang, Anders Ahlstrom, Christopher R Schwalm, Joshua B. Fisher, Stephen Sitch, Jerry Tjiputra, Benjamin Poulter, Yuefei Huang, Guangqian Wang, and Yiqi Luo(2018). Sources of uncertainty in modeled land carbon storage within and across three MIPs: Diagnosis with three new techniques.Journal of Climate.31(7), 2833-2851.
Luo, Yiqi*, Zheng Shi,Xingjie Lu, Jianyang Xia, Junyi Liang, JiangJiang, Ying Wang, Mattew J. Smith, Lifen Jiang, Anders Ahlström, Benito Chen, Oleksandra Hararuk, Alan Hastings, Forrest Hoffman, Belinda Medlyn, Shuli Niu, Martin Rasmussen, Katherine Todd-Brown, and Ying-Ping Wang. (2017): Transient dynamics of terrestrial carbon storage: mathematical foundation and its applications,Biogeosciences,14(1),145
Ryan, Edmund*, Kiona Ogle, Drew Peltier, Anthony P. Walker, Martin G. De Kauwe, Belinda E. Medlyn, David G. Williams, William Parton, Shinichi Asao, Bertrand Guenet, Anna Harper,Xingjie Lu, Kristina A. Luus, Christian Werner, Jianyang Xia, Sönke Zaehle, Elise Pendall (2017),Gross primary production responses to warming, elevated CO2, and irrigation: quantifying the drivers of ecosystem physiology in a semiarid grassland.Global Change Biology,23(8), 3092–3106.
Martin G. De Kauwe*, Belinda E. Medlyn, Anthony P. Walker, Sönke Zaehle, Shinichi Asao, Bertrand Guenet, Anna Harper,Anna B. Harper, Thomas Hickler, Atul K. Jain,Yiqi Luo,Xingjie Lu, Kristina Luus, William J. Parton, Shijie Shu, Ying-Ping Wang, Christian Werner, Jianyang Xia, Elise Pendall, Jack A. Morgan, Edmund M. Ryan, Yolima Carrillo, Feike A. Dijkstra, Tamara J. Zelikova, Richard J. Norby. (2017).Challenging terrestrial biosphere models with data from the long-term multifactor Prairie Heating and CO2Enrichment experiment.Global Change Biology.23(9), 3623-3645.
Jiang, Lifen*,Zheng Shi*,Jianyang Xia,Junyi Liang,Xingjie Lu,Ying-Ping Wang, Yiqi Luo*,Transient traceability analysis of land carbon storage dynamics: Procedures and its application to two forest ecosystems (2017).Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems,9,2822–2835.
Longhui Li, Ying-Ping Wang, Hao Shi, Shilong Piao, Alfredo Huete, Lei Cheng, Jason Beringer,Xingjie Lu, James Cleverly, Yongqiang Zhang, Lu Zhang, Qiang Yu, Derek Eamus,Responses of LAI to rainfall explain contrasting sensitivities to carbon uptake between forest and non-forest ecosystems in Australia(2017),Scientific Report7: 11720
Zhang, Xuanze, Peter J. Rayner, Ying-Ping Wang*, Jeremy D. Silver,Xingjie Lu, Bernard Pak, Xiaogu Zheng (2016),Linear and nonlinear effects of dominant drivers on the trends in global and regional land carbon uptake: 1959 to 2013.Geophysical Research Letters.43(4),1607-1614.
Li, Jianduo*, Ying-Ping Wang, Qingyun Duan,Xingjie Lu, Bernard Pak(2016),Quantification and attribution of errors in the simulated annual gross primary production and latent heat fluxes by two global land surface models.Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems,8
Yongqiang Zhang*, Jorge L.PeñaArancibia, Tim R. McVicar,Francis H.S. Chiew, Jai Vaze, Changming Liu,Xingjie Lu,Hongxing Zheng, Yingping Wang, Yi Y. Liu, Diego G. Miralles, Ming Pan (2016),Multi-decadal trends in global terrestrial evapotranspiration and its components,Scientific reports,6, 19124.
Reich, Peter B.*,Roy L. Rich,Xingjie Lu, Ying-Ping Wang, Jacek Oleksyn(2014),Biogeographic variation in evergreen conifer needlelongevity and impacts on boreal forest carbon cycleprojections.Proceedlings of the National Academy of Sciences.111(38), 13703-13708.
Wang, Ying-Ping*,Xingjie Lu, Ian J. Wright, Yongjiku Dai, Peter J. Rayner, and Peter B. Reich (2012),Correlations among leaf traits provide a significant constraint on the estimate of global gross primary production,Geophysical Research Letters,39(19),L19405.
Lu, Xingjie*, Ying-Ping Wang, Ian J. Wright, Yongjiu Dai(2017),Incorporation of plant traits in a land surface model helps explain the global biogeographical distribution of major forest functional types,Global Ecology and Biogeography,26(3),304-317.
Lu,Xingjie*, Ying-Ping Wang, Tilo Ziehn, Yongjiu Dai(2013), An efficient method for global parameter sensitivity analysis and its applications to the Australian community land surface model (CABLE),Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,182,292– 303
Huang, Yuanyuan*,Xingjie Lu*, Zheng Shi, David Lawrence, Charles D. Koven, Jianyang Xia, Zhenggang Du, Erik Kluzek, Yiqi Luo (2017), Matrix approach to land carbon cycle modeling: A case study with the Community Land Model,Global Change Biology,24(3), 1394-1404
Liang, Junyi, Jianyang Xia,Zheng Shi, Lifen Jiang, Shuang Ma,XingjieLu, Marguerite Mauritz, Susan M Natali, Elaine Pegoraro, C Ryan Penton, César Plaza, Verity G Salmon, Gerardo Celis, James R Cole, Konstantinos T Konstantinidis, James M Tiedje, Jizhong Zhou, Edward A G Schuur, Yiqi Luo (2018), Biotic responses buffer warming‐induced soil organic carbon loss in Arctic tundra.Global Change Biology, https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14325
Li, Qianyu,Xingjie Lu, Wang, Ying-Ping, Xin Huang, Peter M. Cox, and Yiqi Luo*(2018), Leaf Area Index identified as a major source of variability in modelled CO2fertilization,Biogeosciences,15(22), 6909-6925
Xuanze Zhang, Ying‐Ping Wang, Shushi Peng*, Peter J. Rayner, Philippe Ciais, Jeremy D. Silver, Shilong Piao, Zaichun Zhu,Xingjie Lu, Xiaogu Zheng (2018), Dominant regions and drivers of the variability of the global land carbon sink across timescales,Global Change Biology, https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14275
Ren, Chengjie, Ji Chen,Xingjie Lu, Russell Doughty, Fazhu Zhao, Zekun Zhong, Xinhui Han*, Gaihe Yang*, Yongzhong Feng, Guangxin Ren (2018), Responses of soil total microbial biomass and community compositions to rainfall reductions,Soil Biology,116, 4-10.
Zhou, Sha*, Junyi Liang,Xingjie Lu, Qianyu Li, Lifen Jiang, Yao Zhang, Anders Ahlstrom, Christopher R Schwalm, Joshua B. Fisher, Stephen Sitch, Jerry Tjiputra, Benjamin Poulter, Yuefei Huang, Guangqian Wang, and Yiqi Luo(2018). Sources of uncertainty in modeled land carbon storage within and across three MIPs: Diagnosis with three new techniques.Journal of Climate.31(7), 2833-2851.
Luo, Yiqi*, Zheng Shi,Xingjie Lu, Jianyang Xia, Junyi Liang, JiangJiang, Ying Wang, Mattew J. Smith, Lifen Jiang, Anders Ahlström, Benito Chen, Oleksandra Hararuk, Alan Hastings, Forrest Hoffman, Belinda Medlyn, Shuli Niu, Martin Rasmussen, Katherine Todd-Brown, and Ying-Ping Wang. (2017): Transient dynamics of terrestrial carbon storage: mathematical foundation and its applications,Biogeosciences,14(1),145
Ryan, Edmund*, Kiona Ogle, Drew Peltier, Anthony P. Walker, Martin G. De Kauwe, Belinda E. Medlyn, David G. Williams, William Parton, Shinichi Asao, Bertrand Guenet, Anna Harper,Xingjie Lu, Kristina A. Luus, Christian Werner, Jianyang Xia, Sönke Zaehle, Elise Pendall (2017),Gross primary production responses to warming, elevated CO2, and irrigation: quantifying the drivers of ecosystem physiology in a semiarid grassland.Global Change Biology,23(8), 3092–3106.
Martin G. De Kauwe*, Belinda E. Medlyn, Anthony P. Walker, Sönke Zaehle, Shinichi Asao, Bertrand Guenet, Anna Harper,Anna B. Harper, Thomas Hickler, Atul K. Jain,Yiqi Luo,Xingjie Lu, Kristina Luus, William J. Parton, Shijie Shu, Ying-Ping Wang, Christian Werner, Jianyang Xia, Elise Pendall, Jack A. Morgan, Edmund M. Ryan, Yolima Carrillo, Feike A. Dijkstra, Tamara J. Zelikova, Richard J. Norby. (2017).Challenging terrestrial biosphere models with data from the long-term multifactor Prairie Heating and CO2Enrichment experiment.Global Change Biology.23(9), 3623-3645.
Jiang, Lifen*,Zheng Shi*,Jianyang Xia,Junyi Liang,Xingjie Lu,Ying-Ping Wang, Yiqi Luo*,Transient traceability analysis of land carbon storage dynamics: Procedures and its application to two forest ecosystems (2017).Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems,9,2822–2835.
Longhui Li, Ying-Ping Wang, Hao Shi, Shilong Piao, Alfredo Huete, Lei Cheng, Jason Beringer,Xingjie Lu, James Cleverly, Yongqiang Zhang, Lu Zhang, Qiang Yu, Derek Eamus,Responses of LAI to rainfall explain contrasting sensitivities to carbon uptake between forest and non-forest ecosystems in Australia(2017),Scientific Report7: 11720
Zhang, Xuanze, Peter J. Rayner, Ying-Ping Wang*, Jeremy D. Silver,Xingjie Lu, Bernard Pak, Xiaogu Zheng (2016),Linear and nonlinear effects of dominant drivers on the trends in global and regional land carbon uptake: 1959 to 2013.Geophysical Research Letters.43(4),1607-1614.
Li, Jianduo*, Ying-Ping Wang, Qingyun Duan,Xingjie Lu, Bernard Pak(2016),Quantification and attribution of errors in the simulated annual gross primary production and latent heat fluxes by two global land surface models.Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems,8
Yongqiang Zhang*, Jorge L.PeñaArancibia, Tim R. McVicar,Francis H.S. Chiew, Jai Vaze, Changming Liu,Xingjie Lu,Hongxing Zheng, Yingping Wang, Yi Y. Liu, Diego G. Miralles, Ming Pan (2016),Multi-decadal trends in global terrestrial evapotranspiration and its components,Scientific reports,6, 19124.
Reich, Peter B.*,Roy L. Rich,Xingjie Lu, Ying-Ping Wang, Jacek Oleksyn(2014),Biogeographic variation in evergreen conifer needlelongevity and impacts on boreal forest carbon cycleprojections.Proceedlings of the National Academy of Sciences.111(38), 13703-13708.
Wang, Ying-Ping*,Xingjie Lu, Ian J. Wright, Yongjiku Dai, Peter J. Rayner, and Peter B. Reich (2012),Correlations among leaf traits provide a significant constraint on the estimate of global gross primary production,Geophysical Research Letters,39(19),L19405.


