



  • 中文名:陸天橋
  • 外文名:Mike Tianqiao Lu
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:墨爾本大學
  • 性別:男
  • 學歷:博士


在美國出版的英文專著2部 及英文專著合著1章被美國國會圖書館收藏;發表CSSCI、SSCI類論文10餘篇。
Lu, Tianqiao. 2012.Classifiers in Kam-Tai Languages: A Cognitive and Cultural Perspective.Boca Raton (USA): Universal Publishers. 2012.
Lu, Tianqiao. 2008.A Grammar of Maonan. Boca Raton (USA): Universal Publishers. 2008.
Snyder, Wil C. and Lu, Tianqiao. 1997.Wuming Zhuang tone sandhi: A phonological, syntactic, and lexical investigation.Comparative Kadai: The Tai branch. Jerold A. Edmondson and David B. Solnit (eds.). The Summer Institute of Linguistics, Inc. 1997.107-137.
Lu, Tianqiao. Dictionary of Kammu Yùan Language and Culture by Jan-Olof Svantesson, Kàm Ràw (DamrongTayanin ), Kristina Lindell, and Håkan Lundström. Copenhagen: PB - Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study [NIAS], 2014. 448 pp. In: American Anthropologist [118]. 2016 (4). p967-968. (SSCI)
Xulian, Li / Siyuan, He (Translated by Lù, Tiānqiáo). 2014. An overview of ethnic language affairs. The Language Situation in China Volume 2. Berlin/Boston/Beijing: Walter de Gruyter GmbH and The Commercial Press. 25-31.
陸天橋. 2013. 侗台語指示詞的語音交替及句法特徵.《民族語文》(CSSCI). 2013年第3期: 18-27.
Zìqún, Luó (Translated by Lù, Tiānqiáo). 2013. Status quo of the Jinuo language. The Language Situation in China Volume 1. Berlin/Boston/Beijing: Walter de Gruyter GmbH and The Commercial Press. 193-202.
陸天橋. 2012. 試論壯語中的體範疇.《語言科學》(CSSCI). 2012年第6期.
陸天橋. 2012. 試析毛南族“名從幼稱”的文化功能.《廣西民族研究》(CSSCI ). 2012年第3期。
陸天橋. 2012. 毛南語中主語和主題關係簡述.《百越論叢》第三輯. 袁鼎生主編. 廣西人民出版社.
陸天橋. 2009. 談‘了1’ 和‘了2’ 在武鳴壯語的表現形式.《壯語言文學探索1: 紀念壯語言文學學科重要開創者張元生教授》: 李錦芳主編. 中央民族大學出版社.
陸天橋. 2009. 廣西‘軍話’及‘軍人’考 --- 明代衛所制在廣西所凸顯的軍事地位.《廣西民族研究》(CSSCI). 2009年第3期.
陸天橋. 2007. 毛南語類別名詞的語法綜述. 《民族語文》(CSSCI ). 2007年第2 期: 17-27.
陸天橋. 2006.‘楊各莊’等地名的地理分布及其音變的歷史意義.《東南文化》(CSSCI). 2006年第5 期: 54-58.
陸天橋. 2005. 據一日常用詞詞源重估侗台先民古代分布區域.《貴州民族研究》(CSSCI). 2005年第3 期: 160-165.
陸天橋. 2002. 從加分看社會整合.《中央民族大學周報》(ISSN:CN 11-0811/ (G)). 2002年10 月18 日.
陸天橋. 2002. 我國族際關係的潤滑劑.《民族社會學研究通訊》. 2002年2月15日 第27期:30-32.
陸天橋. 1990. 漢語‘窟窿’和壯語的遠古關係.《中央民族學院學報》(CSSCI). 《漢語與少數民族語關係研究》(增刊). 1990年11 月: 137-149.
陸天橋. 1989. 漢堡包與逆構詞法.《大學英語》. 1989年第2 期.
陸天橋. 1989. 漢語的‘是’在壯語中的同源詞.《中央民族學院學報》(CSSCI ). 1989年第1期: 67-69.
陸天橋. 1989. 民間故事的變異機制.《中央民族學院學報》(CSSCI ). “民族文學增刊”. 1989年: 78-96.
陸天橋. 1988. 壯語元音象義現象試析. 《民族語文》(CSSCI). 1988年第4 期: 48-50.
陸天橋. 1987. 英語中的‘象形文字’.《開拓》(中央民族學院研究生雙月刊). 1987 年第2 期.
陸天橋. 1984. 試以壯侗語族諸語言重釋古代漢語“夫”與“者”. 中央民族學院少數民族語言研究所刊物. 1984年7月: 1-21.
Tonal inflection and grammaticalization of demonstratives in Thai and beyond. As conference presenter. The 23th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. 2013.5.31. Julalongkorn University, Thailand.
The peoples who live by classifying things - the importance and cultural significant of the Kam-Tai classifiers. As the presenter. Seminar in School of Arts and Social Sciences, James Cook University. 13-7-2011; As keynote speaker at 18th International Conference of Korean Linguistics (ICKL 2012)and the Xuzhou Conference on Linguistic Sciences. 7-7-2012.
The Tai-Kadai peoples: their languages, cultures and histories. As one of the presenters. Workshop: Roots of linguistic diversity, Cairns Institute, James Cook University. 9-6-2011.
Tracing the extensive diffusion of a naughty verb. As the presenter. Workshop of Language and Culture. Cairns Institute. James Cook University. 03-11-2010.
Possession in Maonan.Possession and Ownership International Workshop. As one of the presenters, co-chairman. Cairns Institute. James Cook University. 27-9-2010.
Sketch of expression of perception and cognition in Maonan. As the presenter. Workshop of Language and Culture. Cairns Institute. James Cook University. 18-8-2010.
Must Soul be lost when Meat is attained? —The interrelation between culture retaining and economic development in the Maonan area in China. Presented at the Bright Ideas Competition. Second prize winner. School of Arts and Social Sciences. James Cook University. 22-7-2010.
The focus marker ko3 and emphatic construction in Maonan and Lao. As the presenter. Workshop of Language and Culture. Cairns Institute. James Cook University. 28-4-2010.
Numbering system in Maonan.As the presenter. Workshop of Language and Culture. Cairns Institute. James Cook University. 22-3-2010.
Introduction to Reduplication in East Asia. As the presenter. Workshop of Language and Culture. Cairns Institute. James Cook University. 15-1-2010.
Little Red Cap in South China — the linguistic cause of folktale variation. As one of the presenters. Presented at conference 'Tropics of the Imagination'. School of Arts and Social Sciences. James Cook University. 3-11-2009.
How language influences our thinking. Panel member in Interactive talk-back session 'Language we live by' (Other members: Prof. Alexandra (Sasha) Aikhenvald (chair), Prof. R. M. W. (Bob) Dixon, Dr. Anne Schwarz). James Cook University. 15/11/2009.
An Introduction to Maonan Folk Religion. Presented in Baillieu Library of University of Melbourne, Australia. 26-11-2006.
The flirting implications in Maonan welcome songs. Presented in Workshop ‘Linguistics of Song’ in Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University, Australia, 25-9-2006.
毛南族的‘親從幼稱’。小組發言。第38 屆國際漢藏語系會議。廈門大學。2005 年10 月28-30 日。
The Myth of protolanguage. Presented at Postgraduate Conference 2004 ‘Interventions, Interactions, Interrelations’, in School of languages of Melbourne University, Australia. 14, 15-11-2004.
An introduction to the current policies towards the minority nationalities in China. Colloquium on minority policies in US and China. Kansas, Missouri, USA. 30/12/1986.
新時期的民族語言政策問題. 中央民族大學研究生研討會. 1985年7月7日.


澳大利亞發現工程(2009-2011)的子項目負責人;國家社科基金項目“名詞範疇化視野下的侗台語族類別詞研究”負責人(2014);國家語委中國語保工程專項任務-毛南語課題負責人(2015) ;澳大利亞詹姆斯庫克大學凱恩斯學院外院研究員、高級研究學位候選人導師;《語言科學》雜誌英文審編、匿審專家;《中央民族大學學報》匿審專家;教育部人文社科項目評審專家;國家社會科學基金項目成果鑑定專家;奧地利科學院音樂音檔工程匿審專家;美國聖安東尼考古及人類學國際會議組委委員(2013);澳大利亞墨爾本大學詹姆斯庫克大學十多次學術報告的主講人(2004-2011);第18屆韓語國際語言學會議主旨報告人(2013);毛南語土俗字的Truetype字型檔開發人;中央電視台民族文化系列《民歌-中國》一周節目特邀專家共同主持人(2009) 。毛南語拼音文字創始人(2010)。


美國德克薩斯大學四年全額博士項目獎學金。 2003。


