



  • 中文名:陶文兵
  • 職業:博士生導師
  • 畢業院校:華中科技大學
  • 主要成就: XX重點基金,基於廣義高斯分布型圖像特徵的目標識別可信度研究
陶文兵簡介,Research Interests,Research Positions,Journal Reviewer,International Conference,Research Papers,Journal Papers,Conference Paper,承擔科研項目,人才招集,


Wenbing Tao received his Ph.D. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent system from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China, in 2004. Since 2005, he has been with the School of Computer Science and Technology, HUST, where he is currently an Associate Professor. Now he transfers to Institute for Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, HUST. He is a research fellow in Division of Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technology University from Mar.2008 to Mar. 2009. Dr. Tao's research interests lie in the area of computer vision, image segmentation, object recognition and tracking, image search engine and multimedia retrieval. He has published numerous papers and conference papers in the area of image processing and object recognition. He serves as Reviewer for many journals, such as International Journal of Computer Vision, IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Image Vision Computing, and so on.
2004年12月華中科技大學圖像識別與人工智慧研究所博士畢業,2006年12月博士後出站留在華中科技大學計算機學院工作,2007年6月晉升為副教授,2011年6月被聘為博士生導師,2011年7月調到華中科技大學圖像所工作。2007年12月至2008年1月在新加坡南洋理工大學數學系任訪問科學家進行合作交流, 於2008年3月至2009年3月應邀在該系擔任博士後研究員職位,又於2010年6月至9月應邀去該系進行合作研究,2011年11月至12月應邀在挪威奧斯陸大學國家數學套用研究中心進行訪問,期間應邀參加在德國舉行的Dagstuhl Seminar 11471 "Efficient Algorithms for Global Optimisation Methods in Computer Vision"並作了30 分鐘的研究報告。在IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Pattern Recognition等國際重要學術期刊發表和錄用學術論文三十餘篇,其中SCI收錄21篇,他引130多次,H指數為6。 主持完成和正在承擔國家自然科學基金課題三項,航天重點基金、支撐基金和創新基金課題多項,以及研究所橫向合作課題多項,並參與十二五某重大預研項目的研究工作。主要研究方向涉及到計算機視覺及圖像處理的多個領域,包括圖像分割、目標識別及跟蹤、圖像匹配及三維重建、多媒體視頻分析、人臉識別、智慧型視頻監控 、手繪符號草圖識別等。

Research Interests

◆ Image Segmentation
◆ Vision Computing
◆ Object Recognition and Tracking
◆ Multimedia Content Analysis
◆ Sketch Recognition
◆ Image Matching and 3D reconstruction
◆ Face Recognition
◆ Intelligent Video Surveillance

Research Positions

◆ Associate Professor, from Jun. 2007 to now, HUST, China
◆ Visting Scholar, from Nov. 2011 to Dec. 2010, Oslo University, Norway
◆ Visting Scholar, from June 2010 to Sep. 2010, Nanyang Technology University (NTU), Singapore
◆ Research Fellow, from Mar. 2008 to Mar. 2009, Nanyang Technology University (NTU), Singapor
◆ Visting Scholar, from Dec. 2007 to Jan. 2008, Nanyang Technology University (NTU), Singapore
◆ Assistant Professor, from Dec. 2006 to May 2007, HUST, China
◆ PostDoc, from Dec. 2004 to Nov. 2006,HUST, China

Journal Reviewer

◆ International Journal of Computer Vision
◆ IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
◆ IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part A
◆ IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B
◆ Pattern Recognition
◆ Computer Vision and Image Understanding
◆ Pattern Recognition Letters
◆ Image and Vision Computing
◆ Parallel Computing
◆ Signal Processing
◆ EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
◆ Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
◆ International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge Based Systems
◆ Optical Engineering
◆ Journal of Electronic Imaging

International Conference

◆ Section Chair of ACPR’2011 (Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition)
◆ Invited Talk in Oslo University, Norway, 2011.11
◆ Invited Talk in Dagstuhl Seminare “Efficient Algorithms for Global Optimisation Methods in Computer Vision”, German, 2011.11
◆ Invited Talk in Nanyang Technology Unviersity, Singapor, 2008.11

Research Papers

(Here is my Google Scholar Citations profile)

Journal Papers

(use the impact facor in 2011)
Qiuju Guo, Hongbo Xu, Wenbing Tao*, Zhiguo Cao, Automatic image segmentation by integrating salient key point extraction and star shape prior, Pattern Recognition.(*corresponding author) (Submit)
Wenbing Tao, Zhongfeng Zhou, Xiangli Liao, Spatial Adjacent Bag of Features for Object Localization and Classification by Integrating Multiple Superpixels, Pattern Recognition.(Revision)
Chunyan Xu, Tianjiang Wang, Shougang Cao, Fang Liu, Wenbing Tao, An ordered-patch based image classification approach on image Grassmannian manifold, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. (Revision)
Yong Yang, Shoudong Han, Tianjiang Wang, Wenbing Tao, Xue-Cheng Tai, Multilayer graph cuts based unsupervised color-texture image segmentation using multivariate mixed student's t-distribution and regional credibility merging, Pattern Recognition. (Revision)
Wenbing Tao, Iterative Narrow Band based Graph Cuts Optimization for Geodesic Active Contours with Region Forces (GACWRF), IEEE Transactions on image processing, vol. 21(1): 284-296, 2012. (IF=3.042)
Wenbing Tao and Xue-cheng Tai. "Multiple Piecewise Constant Active Contours for Image Segmentation using Graph Cuts Optimization", Image and Vision Computing, Image and Vision Computing, vol.29(8): 499-508, 2011. (Editor Choice Paper) (IF=1.723) (Also as UCLA cam-report 09-13, Feb. 2009)
Liman Liu, Wenbing Tao*, Image Segmentation by Iteratively Optimization of Multiphase Multiple Piecewise Constant Model and Four-Color Relabeling , Pattern Recognition , vol. 44(12), pp.2819-2833, 2011. (*corresponding author) (IF=2.292)
Wenbing Tao and Xue-Cheng Tai, A General Graph Decomposition and Minimum Cuts Composition Framework for Min-Cut Problem, UCLA cam-report 11-45, July 2011.
Xiaobai Liu, Liang Lin, Hai Jin, Shuicheng Yan, Wenbing Tao. "Integrating Spatio-temporal Contextual Information for Target Recognition and Localization in Visual Surveillance". IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. vol. 21(4), pp.393-407, 2011 (IF=1.649)
Liman Liu, Wenbing Tao*, Jinwen Tian ,"A Variational Model and Graph Cuts Optimization for Interactive Foreground Extraction", Signal Processing, vol. 91(5), pp. 1210-1215, 2011. (*corresponding author) (IF=1.503)
Shoudong Han, Wenbing Tao*, Xianglin Wu, "Texture Segmentation using Independent-scale Component-wise Riemannian-covariance Gaussian Mixture Model in KL Measure based Multi-Scale Nonlinear Structure Tensor Space", Pattern Recognition. vol. 44(3), pp. 503-518, 2011 (*corresponding author) (IF=2.292)
Shoudong Han,Yong Zhao,Wenbing Tao,Nong Sang, Gaussian Super-pixel Based Fast Image Segmentation Using Graph Cuts, ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA (自動化學報),vol.37(1):11-20, 2011. (in chinese)
Wenbing Tao, Feng Chang, Liman Liu, Hai Jin, Tianjiang Wang, "Interactively Multiple Scenes Segmentation based on Variational Formulation and Graph Cuts", Pattern Recognition. Vol. 43, no.10, Oct. 2010, pp 3208-3218. (IF=2.292
Shoudong Han, Wenbing Tao*, Xianglin Wu, Xue-cheng Tai, Tianjiang Wang. "Fast Image Segmentation Based on Multilevel Banded Closed-Form Method", Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 32, no. 2, pp 216-225, Feb. 2010. (*corresponding author) (IF=1.034)
Shoudong Han, Wenbing Tao*, Desheng Wang, Xue-cheng Tai, Xianglin Wu. "Image Segmentation Based on GrabCut Frame Integrating Multi-scale Nonlinear Structure Tensor". IEEE Transactions on image processing, vol. 18, no. 10, pp 2289-2302, Oct. 2009. (*corresponding author) (IF=3.042) (Also as UCLA cam-report 09-14, Feb. 2009)
Jin Liu, Deren Li, Wenbing Tao. "Matching rotated images in varying illumination conditions based on moment invariants".Optical Engineering. 2009, vol 48, 017201. (IF=0.959)
Wenbing Tao, Hai Jin, Yimin Zhang, Liman Liu, Desheng Wang, "Image Thresholding Using Graph Cuts", IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part A-Systems and Humans. 2008, vol 38, No.5,Sep. pp 1181-1195. (IF=2.123)
Hai Jin, Ruhan He, Wenbing Tao, "Multi-Relationship Based Relevance Feedback Scheme in Web Image Retrieval". International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.4, No.6, June, 2008, pp.1315-1324. (IF=1.667)
Hai Jin, Ruhan He, Wenbing Tao, "Exploring Semantic Association Rules between Keyword and Visual Feature Clusters for Web Image Retrieval". Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2008, vol 17, No.1,Jan., pp 59-65. (IF=0.138)
Wenbing Tao, Hai Jin, Yimin Zhang, "Color Image Segmentation Based on Mean Shift and Normailized Cuts", IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics.2007, Vol 37, No.5, October, pp 1382-1389. (IF=3.080)
Wenbing Tao, Hai Jin, Liman Liu, "Object Segmentation Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm and Fuzzy Entropy", Pattern Recognition Letters, 2007, 28(5):7, pp 88~796. (IF=1.034)
Wenbing Tao, Hai Jin, Jin Liu, "Unify Mean Shift Segmentation and Graph Region Merging Algorithm for Infrared Ship Target Segmentation", Optical Engineering. 2007, vol 46, No 12,December, pp: 127002-1-7 (IF=0.959)
Jin Liu, Deren Li, Wenbing Tao, "An automatic method for generating affine moment invariants", Pattern Recognition Letters. 2007, Vol. 28, No. 16, December, pp 2295-2304 (IF=1.034)
Wenbing Tao, Hai Jin, "Ship Infrared Object Segmentation based on Mean Shift Filtering and Graph Spectral Clustering", Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves (紅外與毫米波學報),2007, 26(1): 61~64. (in chinese)
Wenbing Tao, Hai Jin, "A New Image Thresholding Method Based on Graph Spectral Theory", Chinese Journal of Computers (計算機學報), 2007, 30(1): 110~119. (in chinese)
Before 2005
Wenbing Tao, Hai Jin, Jinwen Tian, Jian Liu, "Real-time segmentation technology of man-made infrared object based on normalized cuts", Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves(紅外與毫米波學報), 2005, 24(2): 324~329. (in chinese)
Wenbing Tao, Liman Liu, Jinwen Tian, Jian Liu, "Image double thresholding using genetic algorithm and fuzzy entropy" Signal processing (信號處理), 2005, (21)6: 684~687. (in chinese)
Wenbing Tao, Liman Liu, Jinwen Tian, Jian Liu, "A recursive threshold analysis for infrared object segmentation", Opto-Electronic Engneering (光電工程), 2004, 31(10): 46~49. (in chinese)
Wen-bing Tao, Jin-wen Tian, Jian Liu. "Image segmentation by three-level thresholding based on maximum fuzzy entropy and genetic algorithm". Pattern Recognition Letters. 2003. 24:3069~3078. (IF=1.235)
Wenbing Tao, Jinwen Tian, Jian Liu, Yue Lou, "Segmentation of forward-looking-infrared-image using genetic algorithm and fuzzy entropy", Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves (紅外與毫米波學報), 2003, 22(6): 465~468. (in chinese)
Wenbing Tao, Jian Liu, Jinwen Tian, "A new approach to extract rectangle building automatically from aerial images",Chinese Journal of Computers (計算機學報), 2003, 26(7): 866~873. (in chinese)
Wenbing Tao, Yan Tian, Jun Zhang, Jinwen Tian, Jian Liu, "The technique for automated rectangle building extraction from aerial images",Journal of Astronautics (宇航學報), 2003, (24)4: 341~347. (in chinese)

Conference Paper

Wenbing Tao, Hai Jin, Feng Luo, Kun Wu, Integrating image clustering and memory indexing for large scale content-based image retrieval, Proc. SPIE 7498, 2009/10/29
Xiaobai Liu, Liang Lin, Hongwei Li, Hai Jin, Wenbing Tao. "Layered Shape Matching and Registration: Stochastic Sampling with Hierarchical Graph Representation". IEEE Conf. ICPR, ,2008. (oral)
Wenbing Tao, Feng Luo, A effective clustering indexing based on EMD for Web image retrieval, IEEE International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing,, July 31-Aug. 1 2008, Page(s):113 - 118
Hai Jin, Ruhan He, Wenbing Tao, Aobing Sun, VAST: Automatically Combining Keywords and Visual Features for Web Image Retrieval, International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), Volume 3, 17-20 Feb. 2008 Page(s):2188 - 2193
Wenbing Tao, Hai Jin, Liman Liu, "A New Image thresholding Method based on Graph cuts", International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'2007), April 15-20, 2007, Hawaii, USA. (oral)
陶文兵, 李娟, 基於圖像區域特徵及EMD匹配的圖像檢索研究, 第五屆全國信息獲取與處理學術會議, 儀器儀表學報(增刊), 2007.
Ruhan he, Hai Jin, Wenbing Tao, Aobing Sun. Unifying keywords and visual features within one-step search for web image retrieval. Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2006).
Hai Jin, Ruhan He, Zhensong Liao,Wenbing Tao, Qin Zhang. "A Flexible and Extensible Framework for Web Image Retrieval System". International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2006). Guadeloupe, French Caribbean. February 19-25, 2006.
Wenbing Tao, Cao Ju, Lou Yue, Tian JinWen, Liu Jian, "Segmentation of FLIR Images by Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Entropy", Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 5286, n 2, 2003, p 649-653.
Lou Yue, Wenbing Tao, Tian JinWen, "A Genetic Algorithm for Object Recognition", Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 5286, n 2, 2003, p 935-938.
Cao Ju, Tian JinWen, Wenbing Tao, "Detecting small target in IR image by eliminating blocks on ground using successive over-relaxation", Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 5286, n 1, 2003, p 45-50. 2003.
Wenbing Tao, TIAN Jin-wen, LIU Jian ,"A New Approach To Extract Rectangle Building From Aerial Urban Images",International Conference of Signal Processing, 2002, Beijing.


XX重點基金,基於廣義高斯分布型圖像特徵的目標識別可信度研究, 2011.10~2013.10,分主持,排名第二
南京大學軟體新技術國家重點實驗室基金,2010.6~2012.6, 主持人


招收博士 研究生、碩士研究生,以及優秀的本科實習生,歡迎電信、計算機、數學、光電、電子、自動化、物理等相關專業的學生報考,有意者請傳送你的簡歷給我。詳見WenbingTao's HomePage


