- 中文名:陶亮亮
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:地圖學與地理信息系統
- 任職院校:南京信息工程大學地理科學學院
2011.9-2017.6 北京師範大學地理科學學部,博士
2007.9-2011.6 中國礦業大學(北京)地球科學與測繪工程學院,本科
2017.7- 南京信息工程大學地理與遙感學院,講師
1、2012.01-2014.12 國家科技支撐計畫項目 2012BAH29B00 旱區多遙感平台農田信息精準獲取技術集成與套用子課題:多源遙感數據獲取和分析(主要骨幹)
2、2011.12-2012.12 民用航天技術預先研究項目 基於遙感數據源的農作物需水預測與灌溉面積遙感監測模型軟體(參與)
1. Xi Chen, Jing Li, Yunfei Zhang, Weiguo Jiang, Liangliang Tao, Wei Shen. Evidential Fusion Based Technique for Detecting Landslide Barrier Lakes From Cloud-Covered Remote Sensing Images [J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017, 10(5): 1742-1757.
1.Liangliang Tao; Jing Li; Jinbao Jiang; Xi Chen, "Leaf area index inversion of winter wheat using modified water-cloud model," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 13(6): 816-820 (2016). DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2016.2546945.
2.Liangliang Tao; Jing Li; Xi Chen; Qingkong Cai; Yunfei Zhang, "An Effective Model to Retrieve Soil Moisture from L- and C-band SAR Data," Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 1-9 (2016). DOI:10.1007/s12524-016-0626-x.
3.Liangliang Tao; Jing Li; Jinbao Jiang; Xi Chen; Qingkong Cai, "A modified vegetation backscattering model for leaf area index retrieval from SAR time series," International Journal of Remote Sensing 37(24): 5884-5901(2016). DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2016.1251627.
4.陶亮亮,李京,蔣金豹,陳曦,蔡慶空. 利用RADARSAT-2雷達數據與改進的水雲模型反演冬小麥葉面積指數[J]. 麥類作物學報, 2016,02:236-242.
5. Xi Chen, Jing Li, Yunfei Zhang, Liangliang Tao. “A framework of collaborative change detection with multi-operator and multi-source remote sensing images,” IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS, 2016, 2505-2508.
6. Xi Chen, Jing Li, Yunfei Zhang, Liangliang Tao, Wei Shen. “Change Detection with Multi-source Defective Remote Sensing Images Based on Evidential Fusion,” ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume III-7, 2016, 125-132.
1.Liangliang Tao; Jing Li; Jinbao Jiang; Shi He; Qingkong Cai; Xi Chen, "Evaluation of radar backscattering models using L- and C-band synthetic aperture radar data," Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 9(1), 094091 (2015). DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.9.094091.
1.Liangliang Tao; Jing Li; Xi Chen; Yongrong Su; Yunfei Zhang; Wei Wang; Xiaoxia Shi, "Estimation of actual irrigation area using remote sensing monitoring method in Hetao Irrigation District," In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014 IEEE International (pp. 2367-2370).
2.Qingkong Cai, Jinbao Jiang, Ximin Cui, Liangliang Tao. “Retrieval of Leaf Area Index of Winter Wheat at Different Growth Stages Using Continuous Wavelet Analysis,” Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 2014, 13(3): 491.
3.Xi Chen; Jing Li; Weiguo Jiang; Yunfei Zhang; Liangliang Tao, "A decision-support method for water resource projects allocation at the city scale," In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014 IEEE International (pp. 5203-5206).
4.蔡慶空,蔣金豹,陶亮亮,胡丹娟,崔希民. 聯合主成分分析與最小二乘支持向量機估測冬小麥葉面積指數[J]. 麥類作物學報, 2014,09:1292-1296.
5.蔣金豹,蔡慶空,崔希民,陶亮亮,馬彥輝. 北京市土地覆蓋變化對地表溫度的影響[J]. 河南科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2014,03:100-104+10.
6.何汝艷,蔣金豹,郭海強,郭會敏,陶亮亮. 用投影尋蹤降維方法估測冬小麥葉綠素密度[J]. 麥類作物學報, 2014,10:1447-1452.
7.王偉,張傳偉,陶亮亮,吳燦. 基於改進信息熵的縣域耕地整治潛力綜合評價[J]. 廣東農業科學, 2014,11:190-196.
1.袁麗華,蔣衛國,申文明,劉穎慧,王文杰,陶亮亮,鄭華,劉孝富. 2000—2010年黃河流域植被覆蓋的時空變化[J]. 生態學報, 2013,24:7798-7806.
1.Wenbin Sun; Shigang Shan; Cuicui Zhang; Peipei Ge; Liangliang Tao, "Prediction of typhoon losses in the south-east of China based on B-P network," WCIC-AICI 2010.