
陶乃鎔,中國科學院研究生院 金屬研究所 獲材料學博士。


  • 中文名:陶乃鎔
  • 學歷:博士研究生
  • 就職單位:瀋陽材料科學國家(聯合)實驗室
  • 職稱:研究員


2009年10月~至今 中國科學院金屬研究所 研究員
2008年1月~2008年12月 美國麻省理工學院 訪問學者
2005年4月~2009年9月 中國科學院金屬研究所 副研究員
2003年9月~2004年12月 德國馬普學會金屬研究所 訪問學者
1999年9月~2003年5月 中國科學院研究生院 金屬研究所 獲材料學博士




1. 發展製備塊體納米結構金屬材料的技術-動態塑性變形(DPD)
2. 發展製備梯度納米金屬材料的技術-表面機械碾壓處理(SMGT)
發展表面機械碾壓技術,通過移動的球形刀頭,在高速旋轉的被處理金屬材料表層產生強烈剪下變形,在材料表層實現梯度納米結構。目前已在純Cu和不鏽鋼等多種材料實現梯度納米結構, 研究梯度納米結構樣品的力學性能及變形機理。
3. 提出通過孿生變形導致納米晶粒形成的機制




1. K. Lu, F.K. Yan, H.T. Wang, N.R. Tao, Strengthening austenitic steels by using nanotwinned austenitic grains, Scripta Materialia
2. Singh, N.R. Tao, M. Dao, S. Suresh, Repeated frictional sliding properties of copper containing nanoscale twins, Scripta Materialia
3. H.T. Wang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Strengthening an austenitic Fe-Mn steel by using nano-twinned austenitic grains, Acta Materialia
4. F.K. Yan, G.Z. Liu, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Strength and ductility of 316L austenitic stainless steel strengthened by nano-scale twin bundles, Acta Materialia
5. W.L. Li, N.R. Tao, Z. Han and K. Lu, Comparisons of dry sliding tribological behaviors between coarse-grained and nanocrystalline copper,Wea
6. F. Yan, H.W. Zhang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Quantifying the microstructures of pure Cu subjected to dynamic plastic deformation at cryogenic temperature, Journal of Materials Science and Technology
7. B. Yao, Z. Han, Y.S. Li, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Dry sliding tribological properties of nanostructured copper subjected to dynamic plastic deformation, Wear
8. F. Huang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Effects of impurity on microstructure and hardness in pure Al subjected to dynamic plastic deformation at cryogenic temperature, Journal of Materials Science and Technology
9. G.H. Xiao, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Strength-ductility combination of nanostructured Cu-Zn alloy with nanotwin bundles, Scripta Materialia
10. Y. Zhang, N.R. Tao , K. Lu, Effects of stacking fault energy, strain rate and temperature on microstructures and properties of Cu-Al subject to plastic deformation, Acta Materialia
11. T.H. Fang, W.L. Li, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Revealing extraordinary intrinsic tensile plasticity in gradient nano-grained copper, Science
12. F. Huang N.R. Tao K. Lu, Effects of Strain Rate and Deformation Temperature on Microstructures and Hardness in Plastically Deformed Pure Aluminum,Journal of Materials Science and Technology
13. G. Z. Liu, N. R. Tao, K. Lu, 316L austenite stainless steels strengthened by means of nano-scale twins, Journal of Materials Science and Technology
14. C.S. Hong, N.R. Tao, X. Huang, K. Lu, Nucleation and thickening of shear bands in nano-scale twin/matrix lamellae of a Cu-Al alloy processed by dynamic plastic deformation, Acta Materialia
15. E. Qin, L. Lu, N.R. Tao, J. Tan, K. Lu, Enhanced fracture toughness and strength in bulk nanocrystalline Cu with nanoscale twin bundles, Acta Materialia
16. Y. Zhang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Effect of stacking-fault energy on deformation twin thickness in Cu–Al alloys, Scripta Materialia
17. G.H. Xiao, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Microstructures and mechanical properties of a Cu-Zn alloy subjected to cryogenic dynamic plastic deformation, Materials Science and Engineering A,
18. C.S. Hong, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, X. Huang, Grain orientation dependence of deformation twinning in pure Cu subjected to dynamic plastic deformation,Scripta Materialia
19. N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Nano-scale structural refinement via deformation twinning in fcc metals, Scripta Materialia
20. Y.S. Li, Y. Zhang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu,Effect of Zener-Hollomon parameter on microstructures and mechanical properties of Cu subjected to plastic deformation,Acta Materialia,
21. E. Qin, L. Lu, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Enhanced fracture toughness of bulk nanocrystalline Cu with embedded nanoscale twins, Scripta Materialia
22. Y. Zhang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Mechanical properties and rolling behaviors of nano-grained copper with embedded nano-twin bundles,Acta Materialia
23. G.H. Xiao, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Effects of strain, strain rate and temperature on deformation twinning in a Cu-Zn alloy, Scripta Materialia,
24. W.L. Li, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Fabrication of a gradient nano-micro-structured surface layer on bulk copper by means of surface mechanical grinding treatment (SMGT), Scripta Materialia,
25. Y.S. Li, Y Zhang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu,Effect of thermal annealing on mechanical properties of a nanostructured copper prepared by means of dynamic plastic deformation, cripta Materialia
26. N.R. Tao, J. Lu, K. Lu, Surface nanocrystallization by surface mechanical attrition treatment, Materials Science Forum
27. Y.S. Li, N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Microstructural evolution and nanostructure formation in copper during dynamic plastic deformation at cryogenic temperatures, Acta Materialia


1. 發明名稱:一種塊體純銅材料及製備方法
2. 發明名稱:一種提高金屬及合金強度的方法
3. 發明名稱:一種利用嚴重塑性變形製備高強度高導電銅薄板的方法
4. 發明名稱:在金屬材料表層實現超細晶粒組織結構的高速加工方法


1. N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Strength and ductility of nanostructured copper embedded with nanoscaletwins, Sixth International Conference on nanostructured Materials, (Rhodes, Greece, August).
2. N.R. Tao, K. Lu, (Invited talk), Bulk Nano-grained Copper Embedded with Nanoscale Twins: Preparation, Microstructures and Tensile properties, the International Workshop on Bulk Nanostructured Metal, (Kyoto, Japan, June).
3. N.R. Tao, Y. Zhang, K. Lu, (Invited talk), Effects of Deformation Parameters and Stacking Fault Energy on Grain Refinement in Cu–Al alloys Subjected to Plastic Deformation, TMS2012, Ultrafine Grained Materials: Seventh International Symposium, (Orlando, USA, March ).
4. N.R. Tao, K. Lu, (Invited talk), Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Cu-Al alloys, The 18th International Symposium on Plasticity & Its Current Applications, (Puerto Rico, USA, Jan.).
5. N.R. Tao, K. Lu, A novel surface nanocrystallization approach: surface mechanical grinding treatment, Annual Meeting 2011 Chinese Academy of Sciences-City University of Hongkong Joint Laboratory of Nanometerials & Nanomechanics, (Hongkong, China, Nov).
6. N.R. Tao,Y. Zhang, K. Lu, Effects of stacking-fault energy, strain rate, and temperature on microstructures and strength in Cu–Al alloys subjected to plastic deformation, Summer School and Symposium on nanometals for energy, (Beidaihe, China, August ).
7. N.R. Tao(Invited keynote talk), Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Copper Embedded with Nano-scale Twins, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, ICCES’11, (Nanjing, China, April ).
8. N.R. Tao, K. Lu, (Invited talk) Optimization f Strength and Ductility in Copper Subjected to Plastic Deformation and Annealing, 5h International Conference on Nanomaterials by SPD (NanoSPD5), (Nanjing, China, March).
9. N.R. Tao, Y. Zhang, K Lu, (Invited talk) Tensile Properties of Nano-grained Copper Embedded with Nanoscale Twins, International Workshop for Mechanical Behaviors of Metallic Materials,
10. N. R. Tao, L. Lu, M. Dao, S. Suresh, Fatigue and Frictional Sliding Response ofNanostructured Copper, MRS2008, Nano- and Microscale Materials-Mechanical Properties and Behavior under Extreme Enviorenments
11. N.R. Tao, K. Lu, Grain refinement mechanism and mechanical properties in copper subjected to severe plastic deformation, TMS2008, Ultrafine-Grained Materials: Fifth International Symposium: Deformation Mechanisms,


