陳鵬飛,男,博士,中山大學數據科學與計算機學院副教授。2016年6月於西安交通大學計算機科學與技術系獲博士學位。2012年7月-2012年11月作為“明日之星”在微軟亞洲研究工作實習,2016年6月-2018年1月在IBM中國研究員雲計算部門擔任研究員,2017年2月-2017年4月作為訪問研究員在IBM T.J. Watson研究中心工作。近年來在國際會議和期刊共發表40餘篇論文,其中SCI論文6篇,中科院一區及CCF A類會議和期刊論文5篇,同時擔任多個國際期刊和會議的審稿人。
- 中文名:陳鵬飛
- 畢業院校:西安交通大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:分散式、雲計算、大數據、智慧型運維、區塊鏈
- 任職院校:中山大學
- Pengfei Chen, Yong Qi, Xinyi Li, Di Hou Michael Lyu, ARF-Predictor: Effective Prediction of Aging-Related Failure Using Entropy[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC, CCF A, 中科院二區,SCI Index), pp:1-19, 2016 (published online, DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2016.2604381).
- Pengfei Chen, Yong Qi, Di Hou, CauseInfer: Automated End-to-End Performance Diagnosis with Hierarchical Causality Graph in Cloud Environement[J]. IEEE Transactions on Service Computing (IEEE TSC, CCF B, 中科院一區,SCI index), pp:1-17, 2016 (published online, DOI: 10.1109/TSC.2016.2607739)
- Pengfei Chen, Yong Qi, Di Hou,InvarNet-X: A Black-box Invariant-based Approach to Diagnosing Big Data Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC), 5(4),pp:450-465, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TETC.2015.2497143.
- Pengfei Zheng, Yong Qi, Yangfan Zhou,Pengfei Chen, Jianfeng Zhan, Michael Rung-Tsong Lyu,An Automatic Publications Framework for Detecting and Characterizing Performance Degradation and Characterizing Performance Degradation of Software Systems, IEEE Transactions on Reliability(IEEE TR, SCI Index), 2014, 63(4): 927-943.
- Xinyi Li, Yong Qi,Pengfei Chen, et al. A cost-effective strategy for Cloud system maintenance[J]. Computers & Electronics Engineering (CCF B, SCI Index), vol. 58, pp:176-189, 2016.
- 陳鵬飛,李昕怡,齊勇*,張小輝,單步啟發式策略的備份虛擬機復用策略[J]. 西安交通大學學報,2016, 50(1):100-107, EI 索引,DOI: 10.7652/xjtuxb201601016.
- Bin Yan (student),Pengfei Chen*,et,al.,Nebula: A Blockchain based Decentralized Sharing Computing Platform, IEEE BlockSys 2019, to appear.
- Guangba Yu (student),Pengfei Chen*, Zibin Zheng,Microscaler: Automatic Scaling for Microservices with an Online Learning Approach, IEEE ICWS 2019 (CCF B類會議).
- Weiming Liao (student),Pengfei Chen*,Characterization and Prediction of Deep Learning Workload on GPUs, HPC China 2019, Best Paper Candidate (最佳論文候選者).
- Jinjin Lin (student),Pengfei Chen*, Zibin Zheng, Microscope: Pinpoint the Abnormal Services with Causal Graphs in Micro-service Environments, IEEE ICSOC 2018 (CCF B類論文).
- Pengfei Chen, Yong Qi, Pengfei Zheng, Di Hou,CauseInfer: Automatic and distributed performance diagnosis with hierarchical causality graph in large distributed systems[C]. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'14) (CCF A), April 27th,May 2nd, 2014, Toronto, Canada, 2014:1887-1895. (EI: 20143017978534).
- Pengfei Chen, Yong Qi*, Xinyi Li, Li Su, An ensemble MIC-based approach for performance diagnosis in big data platform[C]. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData), October 6-9, Santa Clara, USA, 2013:78-85. (EI: 20140717300259).
- Tong Jia,Pengfei Chen*, Lin Yang Ying Li,Fanjing Meng,Jingmin Xu. An Approach for Anomaly Diagnosis Based on Hybrid Graph Model with Logs for Distributed Services[C] IEEE International Conference on Web Services(IEEE ICWS CCF B). IEEE, 2017:25-32, Hawaii, USA.
- Tong Jia, Lin Yang*,Pengfei Chen, Ying Li, Fanjing Meng, Jingmin Xu. LogSed: Anomaly Diagnosis through Mining Time-Weighted Control Flow Graph in Logs[C]. IEEE, International Conference on Cloud Computing. (IEEE Cloud), 2017:447-455, Hawaii, USA.
- Hong Kou andPengfei Chen*, An Ensemble Signature-based Approach for Performance Diagnosis in Big Data Platform[C]. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (IEEE SOSE 2018), March 26 - 29, 2018. Bamberg, Germany, to appear(全文錄用).
- Ping Wang, Jingmin Xu, Meng Ma,Pengfei Chenand Yuan Wang, et al. CloudRanger: Root Cause Identification for Cloud Native Systems[C]. Proceedings oftheInternational Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing(CCGRID 2018), May 1-4, 2018, to appear, Washington DC, USA. (核心貢獻作者)
- Pengfei Chen, Yong Qi, Xinyi Li, Di Hou Michael Lyu, ARF-Predictor: Effective Prediction of Aging-Related Failure Using Entropy[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC, CCF A, 中科院二區,SCI Index), pp:1-19, 2016 (published online, DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2016.2604381).
- Pengfei Chen, Yong Qi, Di Hou, CauseInfer: Automated End-to-End Performance Diagnosis with Hierarchical Causality Graph in Cloud Environement[J]. IEEE Transactions on Service Computing (IEEE TSC, CCF B, 中科院一區,SCI index), pp:1-17, 2016 (published online, DOI: 10.1109/TSC.2016.2607739)
- Pengfei Chen, Yong Qi, Di Hou,InvarNet-X: A Black-box Invariant-based Approach to Diagnosing Big Data Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC), 5(4),pp:450-465, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TETC.2015.2497143.
- Pengfei Zheng, Yong Qi, Yangfan Zhou,Pengfei Chen, Jianfeng Zhan, Michael Rung-Tsong Lyu,An Automatic Publications Framework for Detecting and Characterizing Performance Degradation and Characterizing Performance Degradation of Software Systems, IEEE Transactions on Reliability(IEEE TR, SCI Index), 2014, 63(4): 927-943.
- Xinyi Li, Yong Qi,Pengfei Chen, et al. A cost-effective strategy for Cloud system maintenance[J]. Computers & Electronics Engineering (CCF B, SCI Index), vol. 58, pp:176-189, 2016.
- 陳鵬飛,李昕怡,齊勇*,張小輝,單步啟發式策略的備份虛擬機復用策略[J]. 西安交通大學學報,2016, 50(1):100-107, EI 索引,DOI: 10.7652/xjtuxb201601016.
- Bin Yan (student),Pengfei Chen*,et,al.,Nebula: A Blockchain based Decentralized Sharing Computing Platform, IEEE BlockSys 2019, to appear.
- Guangba Yu (student),Pengfei Chen*, Zibin Zheng,Microscaler: Automatic Scaling for Microservices with an Online Learning Approach, IEEE ICWS 2019 (CCF B類會議).
- Weiming Liao (student),Pengfei Chen*,Characterization and Prediction of Deep Learning Workload on GPUs, HPC China 2019, Best Paper Candidate (最佳論文候選者).
- Jinjin Lin (student),Pengfei Chen*, Zibin Zheng, Microscope: Pinpoint the Abnormal Services with Causal Graphs in Micro-service Environments, IEEE ICSOC 2018 (CCF B類論文).
- Pengfei Chen, Yong Qi, Pengfei Zheng, Di Hou,CauseInfer: Automatic and distributed performance diagnosis with hierarchical causality graph in large distributed systems[C]. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'14) (CCF A), April 27th,May 2nd, 2014, Toronto, Canada, 2014:1887-1895. (EI: 20143017978534).
- Pengfei Chen, Yong Qi*, Xinyi Li, Li Su, An ensemble MIC-based approach for performance diagnosis in big data platform[C]. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData), October 6-9, Santa Clara, USA, 2013:78-85. (EI: 20140717300259).
- Tong Jia,Pengfei Chen*, Lin Yang Ying Li,Fanjing Meng,Jingmin Xu. An Approach for Anomaly Diagnosis Based on Hybrid Graph Model with Logs for Distributed Services[C] IEEE International Conference on Web Services(IEEE ICWS CCF B). IEEE, 2017:25-32, Hawaii, USA.
- Tong Jia, Lin Yang*,Pengfei Chen, Ying Li, Fanjing Meng, Jingmin Xu. LogSed: Anomaly Diagnosis through Mining Time-Weighted Control Flow Graph in Logs[C]. IEEE, International Conference on Cloud Computing. (IEEE Cloud), 2017:447-455, Hawaii, USA.
- Hong Kou andPengfei Chen*, An Ensemble Signature-based Approach for Performance Diagnosis in Big Data Platform[C]. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (IEEE SOSE 2018), March 26 - 29, 2018. Bamberg, Germany, to appear(全文錄用).
- Ping Wang, Jingmin Xu, Meng Ma,Pengfei Chenand Yuan Wang, et al. CloudRanger: Root Cause Identification for Cloud Native Systems[C]. Proceedings oftheInternational Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing(CCGRID 2018), May 1-4, 2018, to appear, Washington DC, USA. (核心貢獻作者)