- 中文名:陳鋒
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:河南省汝南縣
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:中國農業科學院
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:小麥遺傳育種
- 發表論文數量:48篇(截至2019年7月)
2006.9-2008.5 中科院遺傳發育所,遺傳學,博士後
2008.6-2008.11 美國華盛頓州立大學,作物遺傳育種,訪問學者
2009.3-2010.3 義大利博羅尼亞大學,作物遺傳育種,博士後
2012.6-2013.6 美國加州大學戴維斯分校,訪問學者
1.Sun C, Zhang F, Yan X, Zhang X, Dong Z, Cui D, Chen F*. Genome-wide association study for 13 agronomic traits reveals distribution of superior alleles in bread wheat from the Yellow and Huai Valley of China. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2017, 15: 953-969 (SCI IF = 7.443)
2.Ren Y, Hou W, Lan C, Basnet BR, Singh RP, Zhu W, Cheng X, Cui D, Chen F*. QTL analysis and nested association mapping for adult plant resistance to powdery mildew in two bread wheat populations. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1212. (SCI IF = 4.298)
3.Zhang N, Zhang L, Shi C, Tian Q, Lv G, Wang Y, Cui D, Chen F*. Comprehensive profiling of lysine ubiquitome reveals diverse functions of lysine ubiquitination in common wheat. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:13601 (SCI IF = 4.259)
4.Zhang N, Zhang L, Zhao L, Ren Y, Cui D, Chen J, Wang R, Yu P, Chen F*. iTRAQ and virus-induced gene silencing revealed three proteins involved in cold response in bread wheat. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:7524 (SCI IF = 4.259)
5.Chu Zongli, Chen Junying, Sun Junyan, Dong Zhongdong, Yang Xia, Xu Haixia, Zhang Xiaoke, Chen Feng*, Cui Dangqun*. De novo assembly and comparative analysis of the transcriptome of embryogenic callus formation in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). BMC Plant Biology, 2017, 17: 244. (SCI IF =3.964)
6.Liu H, Zhou X, Li X, Chen J, Cui D, Chen F*. Molecular characterization of secaloindoline genes in introduced CIMMYT primary hexaploid triticale. The Crop Journal, 2017, 5: 430-437
7.Zhang N, Huo W, Zhang L, Chen F*, Cui D. Identification of Winter-Responsive Proteins in Bread Wheat Using Proteomics Analysis and Virus-Induced Gene Silencing. Mol Cel Proteomics, 2016, 15:2954-2969. (SCI IF=6.54)
8. Chu Z, Chen J, Xu H, Dong Z, Chen F*, Cui D*. Identification and Comparative Analysis of microRNA in Wheat Callus Derived from Mature and Immature Embryos during In vitro Culture. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7:1302.(SCI IF=4.495)
9.Chen F*, Zhu Z, Zhou X, Yan Y, Dong Z, Cui D. High-throughput sequencing reveals single nucleotide variants in longer-kernel bread wheat. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7:1193.(SCI=4.495)
10.Wang S, Yan X, Wang Y, Liu H, Cui D, Chen F*. Haplotypes of the TaGS5-A1 gene are associated with thousand-kernel weight in Chinese bread wheat. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7:783. SCI=4.495)
11. Zhang N, Wang S, Zhang X, Dong Z,Chen F*, Cui D*. Transcriptome analysis of the Chinese bread wheat cultivar Yunong 201 and its ethyl methanesulfonate mutant line. Gene, 2016,575:285-293 (IF=2.319)
12.Wang S, Zhang X, Chen F*, Cui D. A single-nucleotide polymorphism of TaGS5 gene revealed its association with kernel weight in Chinese bread wheat. Front Plant Sci, 2015, 6:1166.(SCI=4.495)
13. Chen F*, Zhang X, Zhang N, Wang S, Yin G, Dong Z, Cui D*. Combined small RNA and degradome sequencing reveals novel miRNAs and their targets in the high-yield mutant wheat strain Yunong 3114.PLOS One, 2015, 10(9): e0137773. (IF=3.057)
14. Zhang N, Chen F*, Huo W, Cui D. Proteomic analysis of middle and late stages of bread wheat grain development. Front Plant Sci, 2015, 6:735. SCI=4.495)
15. Dong Z, Chen J, Li T, Chen F*, Cui D*. Molecular survey of Tamyb10-1 genes and their association with grain color and germinability in Chinese wheat and Aegilops tauschii. J Genet, 2015, 94: 453-459 (SCI=1.108)
16.Zhang X, Gao M, Wang S, Chen F*, Cui D. Allelic variation at the vernalization and photoperiod sensitivity loci in Chinese winter wheat cultivars. Front Plant Sci, 2015, 6: 470.(SCI=4.495)
17.Zhang F, Chen F*, Wu P, Zhang N, Cui D*. Molecular characterization of lipoxygenase genes on chromosome 4BS in Chinese bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theoret Appl Genet, 2015, 128:1467–1479(SCI=3.90)
18.Chen F*, Li H, Cui D*. Discovery, distribution and diversity of Puroindoline-D1 genes in bread wheat from five countries. BMC Plant Biol, 2013, 13: 125 (SCI=4.354)
19.Chen F*, Gao M, Zhang J, Zuo A, Shang X, Cui D*. Molecular characterization of vernalization and response genes in bread wheat from the Yellow and Huai valley of China. BMC Plant Biol, 2013, 13:199 (SCI=4.354)
20.Chen F*, Zhang F, Dong Z, Morris C, Cao Y, Shang X, Cui D*. Allelic variation and distribution independence of Puroindoline b-B2 variants and their association with grain texture in wheat. Mol Breeding, 2013, 32:399-409 (SCI=3.251)
21.Chen F*, Li HH, Li XN, Dong ZD, Zuo AH, Shang XL, Cui DQ*. Alveograph and Mixolab parameters associated with Puroindoline-D1 genes in Chinese winter wheats. J Sci Food Agricul, 2013, 10:2541-2548 (IF=1.759, SCI)
22.Chen F*, Li H, Shang X, Cui D*. A novel Puroindoline b-2 variant present in Chinese winter wheat cultivar Yunong 202. J Cereal Sci, 2013, 57: 249-252. (IF=2.088, SCI)
23. Chen F*, Shang X, Morris C, Zhang F, Cui D*. Molecular characterization and diversity of puroindoline b-2 variants in cultivated and wild diploid wheat. Genet Resour Crop Evol, 2013, 60:49-58 (IF=1.593, SCI)
24.Chen F, Zhang FY, Xia XC, Dong ZD, Cui DQ. Distribution of puroindoline alleles in bread wheat of the Yellow and Huai Valley of China and discovery of a novel puroindoline a allele without PINA protein. Molecular Breeding, 2012, 29:371-378 (IF=3.251, SCI)
25. Chen F*, Xu HX, Zhang FY, Xia XC, He ZH, Wang DW, Dong ZD, Zhan KH, Cheng XY, Cui DQ. Physical mapping of puroindoline b-2 genes and molecular characterization of a novel variant in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.). Molecular Breeding, 2011,28: 153-161 (IF=2.852, SCI)
26.Chen F, Zhang FY, Morris CF, Cui DQ. Chapter 15: A Puroindoline mutigene family exhibits sequence diversity in wheat and is associated with yield-related traits. Gene Duplication/ Book 2, 2011, 279-288 (ISTP)
27.Chen F, Beecher B, Morris CF. Physical mapping and a new variant of Puroindoline b-2 genes in wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2010, 120:745-751(IF=3.264, SCI)
28. Chen F*, Zhang FY, Morris CF, He ZH, Xia XC, Cui DQ*. Molecular characterization of puroindolinea-D1b genotype and development of STS marker in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).Journal of Cereal Science,2010, 52: 80-82 (IF=2.655, SCI)
29.Chen F, Zhang F Y, Cheng X Y, Morris C F, Xu H X, Dong Z D, Zhan K H, Cui DQ. Association of Puroindoline b-B2variantswith grain traits, yield components and flag leaf size in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties of the Yellow and Huai Valleys of China. Journal of Cereal Science, 2010, 52: 247-253(IF=2.655, SCI)
30. Chen F, He Z H, Chen D S, Zhang C L, Zhang Y, Xia X C. Influence of puroindoline allele on milling, steamed bread, noodle and pan bread in common spring wheat. Journal of Cereal Science, 2007, 45: 59-66(IF=1.91, SCI)
31.Chen F, Yu Y X,He Z H, Xia X C. Prevalence of a novel puroindoline allele in Yunnan endemic wheats (Triticum aestivum ssp. YunnanenseKing). Euphytica, 2007, 156: 39-46(IF=1.05, SCI)
32.Chen F, He ZH, Xia XC, Xia LQ, Zhang XY, Lillemo M, Morris CF. Molecular and biochemical characterization of puroindoline a and b alleles in Chinese landraces and historical cultivars. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2006, 112: 400-409(IF=2.715, SCI)
33.Chen F, He ZH, Xia XC, Lillemo M, Morris CF. A new puroindoline b mutation presented in Chinese winter wheat cultivar Jingdong 11. Journal of Cereal Science 2005, 42: 267-269(IF=1.95, SCI)