

2018年,陳金軍作為第一作者,同美國安德森腫瘤中心共同署名,在國際著名學術雜誌《Cell》子刊《Cell Reports》(影響因子8.28)發表研究論文


  • 中文名:陳金軍
  • 職業:副教授
  • 任職單位湖南農業大學
  • 性別:女
  • 代表作品:《Cell》子刊《Cell Reports》(影響因子8.28)研究論文




為國際刊物Journal of Neurochemistry, African Journal of Biotechnology, Natural Product Research等的通訊評審;為中國毒理學學會委員洪舉艱盛,中國生物化學與分子生物學才陵整學會會員棵凝趨。


  1. Jinjun Chen*, Hui-Lin Pan.Dissecting molecular architecture of post-synaptic density at excitatory synapses: An Editorial Highlight for 'Hierarchical organization and genetically separable subfamilies of PSD95 postsynaptic supercomplexes' on page 504.J Neurochem.2017 Aug;142(4):500-503. doi: 10.1111/jnc.14084. Epub 2017 Jul 25.(影響因墓踏子4.083)
  2. Qingyang Liu, Keren Long, Fangjia Lu,Jinjun Chen*. 2017. Biodegradation and antibacterial activity of a feather-degrading strain of bacterium.Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology9 (2017) 195–200*Corresponding author
  3. Mingqiang Rong§,Jinjun Chen§, Huai Tao, Yuanyuan Wu, Peng Jiang, Ming Lu, Yupeng Chi, TianfuCai, Haibo Su, Liqunzhao, Xiongzhi Zeng, Yucheng Xiao and Songping Liang. 2011. Molecular basis of the tarantula toxinβ-TRTX-Cj1a interacting with Voltage Sensors in sodium channel subtype Nav1.5.FASEB J.2011 Jun 10. [Epub ahead of print]§Contributed Equally(引用次數13,影響因子5.0)
  4. Yongqun Zhang§,Jinjun Chen§, Xing Tang, Fan Wang, Liping Jiang, Xia Xiong, Meichi Wang, MingqiangRong, Zhonghua Liu, Songping Liang 2010.Transcriptome analysis of the venom glands of the Chinese wolf spider Lycosasingoriensis.Zoology.113: 10-18,§ Contributed Equally(引用次數52,影響因子1.67)
  5. Qingyang Liu, Tiehan Zhang, Nan Song, Qian Li, Zhi Wang, Xuewen Zhang, Xiangyang Lu, Jun Fang,Jinjun Chen*. Purification and characterization of four key enzymes from a feather-degrading Bacillus subtilis from the gut of tarantulaChilobrachys guangxiensisInternational Biodeterioration & Biodegradation96 Dec, (2014) 26-32 *Corresponding author(引用次數1,影響因子2.13)
  6. Jinjun Chen,MeichunDeng, Quanyuan He, Er Meng, Liping Jiang, Zhi Liao, MingqiangRong, XinGuang andSongping Liang. 2008. Molecular diversity and evolution of cystine knot toxins of the tarantulaChilobrachysjingzhao.Cell Mol Life Sci65(15): 2431-44. (引用次數51,影響因子5.8)
  7. Jinjun Chen,LiqunZhao, Liping Jiang, ErMeng, Yongqun Zhang, Xia Xiong andSongping Liang. 2008. Transcriptome analysis revealed novel possible venom components and cellular processes of the tarantulaChilobrachysjingzhaovenom gland.Toxicon.52: 794-806. (引用次數23,影響因子2.49)
  8. JinjunChen,Yongqun Zhang, MingqiangRong, LiqunZhao,Liping Jiang and Songping Liang. 2009.Expression and characterization of Jingzhaotoxin-34, a novel neurotoxin from the venom of the tarantulaChilobrachysjingzhaoPeptides.30(6): 1042–1048(引用次數14,影響因子2.6)
  9. Liping Jiang,Jinjun Chen,Li Peng, Yongqun Zhang, Xia Xiong andSongping Liang.2008. Genomic organization and cloning of novel genes encoding toxin-like peptides of three superfamilies from the spiderOrinithoctonushuwena.Peptides.29(10):1679-84.
  10. Huai Tao,Jinjun Chen, Yucheng Xiao, Yuanyuan Wu, Haibo Su, Dan Li, Hengyun Wang, Meichi Wang, Zhonghua Liu and Songping Liang. Analysis of the interaction of tarantula toxin Jingzhaotoxin-III (β-TRTX-Cj1α) with the voltage sensor of Kv2.1 uncovers the molecular basis for cross-activities on Kv2.1 and Nav1.5 channels. Biochemistry. 2013 Oct 22;52(42):7439-48.
  11. Liping Jiang, Li Peng,Jinjun Chen, YongqunZhang ,Xia Xiong andSongping Liang.2008 Molecular diversification based on analysis of expressed sequence tags from the venom glands of the Chinese bird spiderOrnithoctonushuwena.Toxicon.15;51(8):1479-89.
  12. Zhi Liao, JiaCao, ShuimingLi, Xiaojun Yan, Weijun Hu, Quanyuan He,Jinjun Chen, JianzhouTang, JingyunXie andSongping Liang.2007,Proteomic and peptidomic analysis of the venom from Chinese tarantulaChilobrachysjingzhao.Proteomics.7 (11):1892-907.
  13. Zhi Liao, ChunhuaYuan, Meichun Deng, Jiang Li,Jinjun Chen, YuejunYang, Weijun Hu and Songping Liang. 2006. Solution structure and functional characterization of jingzhaotoxin-XI: a novel gating modifier of both potassium and sodium channels.Biochemistry.45(51):15591-600.
  14. Liping Jiang, Li Peng, Yongqun Zhang,Jinjun Chen,Dongyi Zhang, Songping Liang. Expression, purification and characterization of a groupof lectin-like peptides from the spiderOrnithoctonushuwena.Peptides.30(4):669-74.
  15. Li Li, De-Pei Li, Shao-Rui Chen,Jinjun Chen,Hongzhen Hu, and Hui-Lin Pan. Potentiation of high voltage-activated calcium channels by 4-aminopyridine depends on subunit composition. Mol Pharmacol. (2014) 86(6):760-72.
  16. 李騫,許琪瑤,宋南,龍可人,張學文,陳金軍*罌粟科植物防禦素的預測及生物信息學分析《作物研究》2014(06)通訊作者
  17. 梁海勇,李騫,陳金軍*蜘蛛毒素研究進展《檢驗醫學與臨床》2013年第19期通訊作者
  18. 陳金軍*實驗教學中對大學生責任感的培養,《中國科教創新導刊》2011年35期


