陳金喜,理學博士,西南交通大學數學學院副教授,碩士研究生導師。 2003年6月獲西南交通大學理學(數學)碩士學位, 2006年6月畢業於南開大學數學系基礎數學專業,獲理學(數學)博士學位。 陝西師範大學數學博士後(出站)、美國《Mathematical Reviews》評論員。2006年7月任教於西南交通大學數學學院。 2014年6月至2015年6月在美國南卡羅來納大學(University of South Carolina, Columbia)數學系做公派訪問學者。現主要研究領域是泛函分析, 特別是Banach格及正運算元理論,所得結果發表在 Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Indag. Math.(N.S.), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Journal of Function Spaces and Applications 等SCI檢索源期刊上, 並被國外同行多次引用。
(1) 主研國家自然科學基金項目“函式空間上的Banach-Stone型定理”(No.11301285)
(4)主研國家自然科學基金項目" 巴拿赫空間中等距運算元的延拓及相關理論"(10571090)
(1) 本科生:數學分析 點集拓撲學 實變函式 泛函分析
(2) 研究生:Riesz空間理論 拓撲線性空間 正運算元理論
[1] J. X. Chen, The almost lattice isometric copies of $c_0$ in Banach lattices, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 46 (2005), no. 3, 409--412.
[2] J. X. Chen, The lattice-almost isometric copies of $\el_1$ and $\el_{\infinity} $ in Banach lattices, Acta Math. Acad. Paedagog. Nyházi. (N.S.) 22 (2006), no. 1, 73--76 (electronic).
[3] J. X. Chen, Extension theorems with the range space not necessarily Dedekind complete, Note Mat. 26 (2006), no. 2, 153--160.
[4] J. X. Chen, An elementary approach to a lattice-valued Banach-Stone theorem, Tamkang J. Math. 38 (2007), no. 3, 261-265.
[5] J. X. Chen, Z. L. Chen, Ngai-Ching Wong, A Banach-Stone Theorem for Riesz Isomorphisms of Banach Lattices, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 136(2008), 3869-3874.
[6] J. X. Chen, Z. L. Chen, G. X. Ji, Order continuous extensions of positive compact operators on Banach lattices, Indag. Math.(N.S.)21(2011),175-180.
[7] Y. Feng, J. X. Chen (通訊作者), Z. L. Chen, f-Orthomorphisms and f-linear operators on the order dual of an f-algebra, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2012, Article ID 971560, doi:10.1155/2012/971560.
[8] J. X. Chen, Z. L. Chen, Supra-additive and supra-multiplicative maps, Journal of Function Spaces and Applications,Volume 2013, Article ID 108535.
[9] J. X. Chen, Z. L. Chen, G. X. Ji, Almost limited sets in Banach lattices, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 412 (2014), 547-553.
[10] J. X. Chen, Z. L. Chen, G. X. Ji, Domination by positive weak* Dunford-Pettis operators on Banach lattices, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 90 (2014), no.2, 311-318.
[11] J. X. Chen, L. Li, On a question of Bouras concerning weak compactness of almost Dunford-Pettis sets, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 92 (2015), 111-114.
[12] J. X. Chen, Anton. R. Schep, Two-sided multiplication operators on the space of regular operators, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144 (2016),no.6, 2495-2501.
[13] Wen Yongming, Chen Jinxi, Characterizations of Banach spaces with relatively compact Dunford-Pettis sets, Advances in Mathematics (China) 45 (2016), no.1, 122-132.
[14] Dongyang Chen, Jinxi Chen, Ju Myung Kim, Some positive approximation properties of Banach lattices.