中國公路學會WTC交通工程學部 “交通前沿技術”技術委員會主席和航空運輸學部“機場生態環境”技術委員會聯合主席,中國交通運輸協會青年科技工作者委員會委員。主要從事交通安全、智慧型網聯汽車、風工程等的基礎及前沿課題研究工作。主持了相關縱橫項課題20餘項,其中國家自然科學基金面上基金1項、民航聯合基金1項和青年基金1項、國家重點研發計畫專題1項、教育部博士點基金1項和留學回國人員啟動基金1項、中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金4項。參與了國家自然科學科學基金重點基金1項、面上基金2項、青年基金1項、國家科技支撐計畫2項、湖南省交通科技項目1項。獲華夏建設科學技術獎(省部級)二等獎和三等獎各1項,入選2012年、2016年同濟大學青年英才計畫(培育、優青)和2015年同濟大學青年優秀人才培養行動計畫。
在國際學術期刊和重要學術會議上發表論文50餘篇,其中Accident Analysis and Prevention、Transportation Research Part C、Transportation Research Record、Traffic injury Prevention、Journal of Transportation Engineering-ASCE等SCI/SSCI 期刊收錄(或在刊)30餘篇,SCI引用達1000餘次。側風環境下行車安全的SCI論文獲美國土木工程學會(ASCE) Arthur M Wellington獎提名。
擔任SCI期刊Journal of Advanced Transportation(影響因子1.983)特刊“Safety, Behavior, and Sustainability under the Mixed Traffic Flow Environment”客座主編(Leading Guest Editor)、SCI期刊International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health(影響因子2.468)特刊“Promotion of Big Data and Intelligent Transportation to Traffic Safety and Environment”和“Traffic safety and injury prevention”客座主編(Guest Editor)、期刊International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology特刊“Safer Road Infrastructure and Operation Management”客座主編(Guest Editor),國際會議The 17th、18 th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals領域主編(Area Editor)、ASCE 2015年道路與機場工程前沿國際研討會特刊編委會成員(Editor Board),Transportation Research Part C,Accident Analysis and Prevention,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Traffic Injury Prevention, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Transportation Research Record, Journal of Transportation Engineering-ASCE等30份國際SCI/SSCI期刊審稿人,美國TRB年會、CICTP等國際會議的審稿人。
美國科羅拉多州立大學,土木與環境工程系,博士後 (20011.08-2012.08)
同濟大學交通運輸工程學院,講師 (2012.09 –2014.06)
同濟大學交通運輸工程學院,講師,碩士生導師 (2014.06 – 2015.12)
同濟大學交通運輸工程學院,副教授,碩士生導師 (2016.01 – 2016.07)
同濟大學交通運輸工程學院,副教授,博士生導師 (2016.08 – 2021.12)
同濟大學交通運輸工程學院,教授,博士生導師 (2021.12 – 至今)
2019年PROMET – Traffic & Transportation創刊30周年貢獻獎
2010年美國科羅拉多州獲美國土木工程學會科羅拉多分會提名Arthur M Wellington 獎
1. Feng Chen, Haorong Peng, Pak-wai Chan, Xiaoqing Zeng(2019), “Low-level wind effects on the glide paths of the North Runway of HKIA: A wind tunnel study”, Building and Environment, 164, 106337.
2. Feng Chen, Haorong Peng, Xiaoxiang Ma*, Jieyu Liang, Wei Hao, Xiaodong Pan(2019), “Examining the safety of trucks under crosswind at bridge-tunnel section A driving simulator study”, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 92, 103034.
3. Feng Chen, Mingtao Song, Xiaoxiang Ma*, Xingyi Zhu (2019), “Assess the impacts of different autonomous trucks’ lateral control modes on asphalt pavement performance”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technology, 103, 17-29.
4. Guangyang Hou, Suren Chen*, Feng Chen (2019), “Framework of simulation-based vehicle safety performance assessment of highway system under hazardous driving conditions”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technology, 105, 23-36.
5. G. Wu, F. Chen*, X. D. Pan, M. Xu, X. Y. Zhu (2019). “Using the visual intervention influence of pavement markings for rutting mitigation-part I: preliminary experiments and field tests”, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 20(6), 734-746.
6. X. Y. Zhu, Z. W. Dai, F. Chen*, X. D. Pan, M. Xu (2019). “Using the visual intervention influence of pavement marking for rutting mitigation - Part II: visual intervention timing based on the finite element simulation”, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 20(5), 573-584.
7. Feng Chen, Mingtao Song and Xiaoxiang Ma* (2019), Investigation on the Injury Severity of Drivers in Rear-End Collisions Between Cars Using a Random Parameters Bivariate Ordered Probit Model, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(14) , 2632.
8. Chen, Feng; Chen, Suren*; Ma, Xiaoxiang (2018). “Analysis of hourly crash likelihood using unbalanced panel data mixed logit model and real-time driving environmental big data”, Journal of Safety Research, 65: 153-159.
9. Dong, Bowen; Ma, Xiaoxiang*; Chen, Feng (2018). “Analyzing the Injury Severity Sustained by Non-Motorists at Mid-Blocks considering Non-Motorists’ Pre-Crash Behavior”, Transportation Research Record, 2672(38), 138-148.
10. Pu, Yatian; Chen, Feng*; Chen, Peiyan; Pan, Xiaodong (2018). “Wind Data Collection and Analysis of Topographical Features along a Highway for Traffic Safety Assessment Based on Mobile Mapping Technology”, Transportation Research Record. 2672(42), 292-301.
11. Bowen Dong, Xiaoxiang Ma, Feng Chen* and Suren Chen (2018). “Investigating the Differences of Single- and Multi-vehicle Accident Probability Using Mixed Logit Model,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, UNSP 2702360.
12. Ma, X., Chen, S.*, Chen, F. (2017). “Multivariate space-time modeling of crash frequencies by injury severity levels”, Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 15,29-40.
13. Ma, X., Chen, S.*, Chen, F. (2017). “Correlated Random Parameter Marginalized Two-Part Model: Application to Refined-Scale Longitudinal Crash Rates Data”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 144 (2), 04017071.
14. F. Chen, S.R. Chen*,X.X. Ma (2016). “Crash Frequency Analysis Using Hurdle Models with Random Effects Considering Short-Term Panel Data”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(11) ,1043.
15. C. Chen, T. N. Li, J. Sun*, and F. Chen* (2016). “Hotspot Identification for Shanghai Expressways Using the Quantitative Risk Assessment Method”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(1), 20.
16. F. Chen, S.R. Chen*,X.X. Ma (2016). “Crash Frequency Modeling Using Real-Time Environmental and Traffic Data and Unbalanced Panel Data Models”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(6), 609.
17. X.X. Ma, S.R. Chen,F. Chen* (2016). “Correlated Random-Effects Bivariate Poisson Lognormal Model to Study Single-Vehicle and Multivehicle Crashes”, Journal of Transportation Engineering-ASCE, 142(11).
18. J. Sun, T. N. Li, F. Li, F. Chen (2016). “Analysis of safety factors for urban expressways considering the effect of congestion in Shanghai, China”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 95, 503-511.
19. X.X. Ma,F. Chen*, S.R. Chen (2015).“Modeling crash rates for a mountainous highway using refined-scale panel data”, Transportation Research Record, 2515:10-16.
20. X.X. Ma,F. Chen*, S.R. Chen (2015).“Empirical Analysis of Crash Injury Severity on Mountainous and Non-Mountainous Interstate Highways”, Traffic Injury Prevention, 16(7):715-723.
21. F. Chen, X. X. Ma and S. R. Chen* (2014). “Refined-scale panel data crash rate analysis using random-effects tobit model”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 73, 323-332.
22. Q. Wu, F. Chen, G. H. Zhang*, X. Y. Liu, H. Wang, S. M. Bogus (2014). “Mixed Logit Model-based Driver Injury Severity Investigations in Single- and Multi-Vehicle Crashes on Rural Two-lane Highways”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 72, 105-115.
23. S. R. Chen*, R. Nelson, F. Chen and A. Chowdhury (2013). “Impact of Stochastic Traffic on Modified Slender Long-span Bridge Profile-Wind Tunnel Experimental Investigation”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 139 (3),347-358.
24. F. Chen and S. R. Chen* (2011). “Injury severities of truck drivers in single- and multi-vehicle accidents on rural highway”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43, 1677-1688.
25. F. Chen and S. R. Chen* (2011). “Reliability-based assessment of vehicle safety under adverse driving conditions”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technology, 18, 507-518.
26. S. R. Chen*. F. Chen and J. Wu (2011). “Multi-scale traffic safety and operational performance study of large trucks on mountainous interstate highway”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43, 535-544.
27. S. R. Chen* and F. Chen (2010). “Simulation-Based Assessment of Vehicle Safety Behavior under Hazardous Driving Conditions”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 136 (4), 304-315.
28. S. R. Chen*, F. Chen, J. H. Liu, J. Wu and B. Bienkiewicz (2010). “Mobile mapping technology of wind velocity data along highway for traffic safety evaluation”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technology, 18, 507-518.