2010.09-2014.10 哈爾濱工業大學 博士
南京艾提瑞精密機械有限公司 顧問專家
江蘇省特種機器人基地 顧問專家
梁迎春, 陳萬群, 孫雅洲, 張強, 劉海濤, 孫陽, 陳國達, 蘇浩. 單點金剛石銑削法加工大尺寸光學元件的表面波紋度控制方法 (已授權)
梁迎春, 陳萬群, 孫雅洲, 張強, 孫陽, 蘇浩, 陳國達. 基於參數化設計的液體靜壓主軸製作方法 (已授權)
梁迎春, 陳萬群, 孫雅洲, 張強, 孫陽, 蘇浩. 一種液體靜壓主軸的逆向設計方法 (已授權)
梁迎春, 陳萬群, 孫雅洲, 劉海濤, 孫陽, 安晨輝. 用於氣體靜壓主軸動力學的仿真方法 (已授權)
梁迎春, 陳國達, 孫雅洲, 張強, 張飛虎, 劉海濤, 陳萬群, 蘇浩. 一種基於頻域誤差分配的超精密飛切工具機精度設計方法(已授權)
陳萬群, 盧禮華, 劉海濤;張鵬;孫付仲. 一種基於工具機動力學特性的切削模擬方法 (已授權)
1. WanqunChen*, Yingchun Liang, Yazhou Sun, Qingshun Bai, Chenhui An. A novel dynamic modeling method for aerostatic spindle based on pressure distribution. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2015, 21(16): 3339–3347. IF:2.101
2. Qiang Gao, Lihua Lu*, Wanqun Chen*, et al. A novel modeling method to investigate the performance of aerostatic spindle considering the fluid-structure interaction, Tribology International, 2017. IF:2.903
3. Yingchun Liang, Wanqun Chen* , Yazhou Sun, Nan Yu, Peng Zhang, Haitao Liu. An expert system for hydro/aero-static spindle design used in ultra precision machine tool. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. (2014) 30(2):107–113. IF:2.846
4. Yingchun Liang, Wanqun Chen*, Yazhou Sun, Xichun Luo, Lihua Lu, Haitao Liu. A mechanical structure-based design method and its implementation on a fly-cutting machine tool design. Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 70(9-12):1915–1921. IF:1.779
5. Yazhou Sun, Wanqun Chen*, Yingchun Liang, Chenhui An, Guoda Chen, Hao Su. An integrated method for waviness simulation on large-size surface. Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture. (2015) 229(1) :178-182. IF:0.661
6. Yingchun Liang, Wanqun Chen*, Qingshun Bai, Yazhou Sun, Guoda Chen, Qiang Zhang & Yang Sun. Design and dynamic optimization of an ultraprecision diamond flycutting machine tool for large KDP crystal machining. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2013, 69(14):237–244. IF:1.779
7. Wanqun Chen*, Yingchun Liang, Yazhou Sun, Dehong Huo, Lihua Lu, Haitao Liu. Design philosophy of an ultra-precision fly cutting machine tool for KDP crystal machining and its implementation on the structure design. Int J Adv Manuf Technol. (2014)70(1-4): 429-438. IF:1.779
8. Yingchun Liang, Wanqun Chen*, Yazhou Sun, Guoda Chen, TaoWang, Yang Sun. Dynamic design approach of an ultra-precision machine tool used for optical parts machining. Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture (2012) 226(11):1930–1936. IF: 0.77
9. Yazhou Sun, Wanqun Chen*, Yingchun Liang, Chenhui An, Guoda Chen, Hao Su. Dynamic error budget analysis of an ultraprecision flycutting machine tool. Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 2015, 76(5-8):1215-1224. IF:1.779
10. Wanqun Chen*, Lihua Lu, Yingchun Liang, Yazhou Sun, Guoda Chen, Chenhui An. Flatness improving method of KDP crystal in ICF system and its implementation in machine tool design. Proc IMechE Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering. 2015, 229(4): 327-332. IF:0.547.
11. Wanqun Chen*, Yazhou Sun, Yingchun Liang, Qingshun Bai, Peng Zhang, Haitao Liu. Hydrostatic spindle dynamic design system and its verification. Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 2014, 228(1):149–155. IF:0.661
12. Wanqun Chen*, Yingchun Liang, Yazhou Sun, Chenhui An, Guoda Chen. Investigation of the influence of constant pressure oil source fluctuations on ultra-precision machining. Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture. (2015), 229(2): 372-376. IF:0.661
13. Yingchun Liang, Wanqun Chen*, Chenhui An, Xichun Luo, Guoda Chen, Qiang Zhang. Investigation of the tool-tip vibration and its influence upon surface generation in flycutting. Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science, 2014,228(12):2162-2167. IF:0.589
14. Wanqun Chen*, Yingchun Liang, Yazhou Sun, Lihua Lu. Investigation on the influence of machine tool dynamics on the wavefront gradient of KDP crystals by flycutting. ASME J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. 2014, 136(5): IF:3.286
15. Wanqun Chen*,Yingchun Liang, Xichun Luo, Yazhou Sun, Heran Wang. Multi-scale surface simulation of the KDP crystal flycutting machining. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2014, 73(1-4): 289-297. IF:1.779
16. Wanqun Chen*, Yazhou Sun , Chenhui An , Hao Su , Kai Yang, Qiang Zhang. Modeling and simulation of the interaction of manufacturing process and machine tool structure in flycutting machining. Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015,229(15):2730-2736. IF:0.589
17. Wanqun Chen*, Yingchun Liang, Yazhou Sun, Dehong Huo, Hao Su, Feihu Zhang. A two-round design method for ultra-precision flycutting machine tools with stringent process requirements.2015,229(9):1584-1594. IF:0.661
18. Wanqun Chen*, Yazhou Sun. Influence of low-spatial frequency ripples in machined potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystal surfaces on wavefront errors based on the wavelet method. Optical Engineering. (2015), 54: IF:0.958
19. Wanqun Chen*, Lihua Lu, Kai Yang, Dehong Huo, Hao Su, Qingchun Zhang. A novel machine tool design approach based on surface generation simulation and its implementation on a fly cutting machine tool. Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 2015,80(5):829-837. IF:1.779
20. Wanqun Chen*, Lihua Lu, Kai Yang, Hao Su, Guoda Chen. An experimental and theoretical investigation into multimode machine tool vibration with surface generation in flycutting. Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture. 2016, 230(2):381–386, IF:0.954
21. Wanqun Chen*, Xichun Luo, Hao Su, Frank W. An integrated system for ultra-precision machine tool design in conceptual and fundamental design stage[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015: 1-7. IF:1.458
22. Lihua Lu, Wanqun Chen *, Bin Wu, Qiang Gao, Quanhui Wu. Optimal design of an aerostatic spindle based on fluid–structure interaction method and its verification[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of EngineeringTribology, 2015. IF:0.916
23. Lihua Lu, Wanqun Chen*, Nan Yu, Zhiguo Wang, Guoda Chen. Aerostatic thrust bearing performances analysis considering the fluid-structure coupling effect. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2016. IF:0.916
24. Pingfan Liu, Wanqun Chen*, Hao Su, Guoda Chen. Dynamic Design and Thermal Analysis of an Ultra-precision FlycuttingMachine Tool, Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture. 2016, IF:0.954
25. Chen W*, Liu H, Sun Y, et al. A novel simulation method for interaction of machining process and machine tool structure[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016: 1-8. IF:1.458
26. Wanqun Chen*, Dehong HUO, Wenkun X I E, et al. Integrated Simulation Method for Interaction between Manufacturing Process and Machine Tool[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2016: 1. IF:0.531
27. Wanqun Chen, Yazhou Sun, Dehong Huo, et al. Modelling of the influence of tool runout on surface generation in micro milling, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2017. IF:0.531
28. Wanqun Chen, Xiangyu Teng Dehong Huo, et al. Development of an Improved Cutting Force Model for Micro Milling Considering Machining Dynamics, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017. IF:1.458
29. Dehong Huo, Wanqun Chen, et al. Investigation on influence of tool deflection during micro-milling on cutting force and surfacegeneration, Micromachines, 2017. IF:1.833
30. Wanqun Chen, Yingchun Liang, Xichun Luo, Wenkun Xie. An integrated dynamic design system for aerostatic spindle development[J]. International Journal of Automation and Computing. (EI)
31. Wanqun Chen, Qingshun Bai, et al. Dynamics design optimization and experimental validation of a miniaturized machine tool formicro-milling, Prod. Eng. Res. Devel. 2013; 7(5): 477-482. (EI)
32. Yingchun Liang, Wanqun Chen* et al. Integrated design of hydrostatic slideway driven system. Advanced Materials Research. 2011; 311-313:2009-2013. (EI)
33. Yingchun Liang, Wanqun Chen*, et al. The dynamic design of an ultra-precision machine tool used for large KDP crystal machining. Proceedings of the 13th euspen International Conference, Volume 2, 2013, Berlin, Germany.
34. Wanqun Chen, Dehong Huo, et al.Surface generation modelling for micro end milling considering the minimum chip thickness and tool runout, Procedia CIRP, , 2017, 58: 364–369
35. Wanqun Chen, Dehong Huo, Jack Hale. Investigation on cutting mechanism in vibration assisted micro milling, Proceedings of the 17th euspen International Conference, 2017, Hannove, Germany.
36. Dehong Huo, Wanqun Chen, et al. Design, analysis and testing a high bandwidth XY stage for vibration-assisted milling, Proceedings of the 17th euspen International Conference, 2017, Hannove, Germany.
1.Wanqun Chen, Dehong Huo. Chapter 5 Modelingof interaction between precision machining process and machine tools, in
2.DehongHuo, Wanqun Chen. Chapter 4 Vibration assisted hybrid machining, in
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