交通運輸工程博士後,Clemson University訪問學者,Journal of Testing and EvaluationJournal of Wuhan University of Technology (Mater. Sci. Ed.)和西安建築科技大學學報等中外雜誌審稿人。陝西省“建築材料系列課程教學團隊”成員。
(1) Zheng Chen, Dengcheng Ma. Effectiveness of Solar Heat Reflective Coatings in Reducing Asphalt Concrete Temperature. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2012, 40 (5): 740-745.
(2) Zheng Chen, Dengcheng Ma. Mechanical Properties of Asphalt Mixture Reinforced with Cellulose- polyester Hybrid Fibers. Key Engineering Materials, 2012, 509: 142-148.
(3) 3Zheng Chen, Shaopeng Wu. Effects of Loading Rate on Flexural-tension Properties and Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Micro-surfacing Mixture. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Mater. Sci. Ed.), 2010, 25 (4): 656-658.
(4) Zheng Chen, Shaopeng Wu, etc. Evaluation on Solar Heat Reflective Coatings to Reduce Asphalt Concrete Temperature. Materials Science Forum, 2009, 620-622: 181-184.
(5) Zheng Chen, Shaopeng Wu, etc. Experimental Evaluation on High Temperature Rheological Properties of Various Fiber Modified Asphalt Binders. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2008, 15(1): 135-139.