- 中文名:陳端兵
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生日期:1971.10
- 職業:副教授
- 畢業院校:西華師範大學,西南石油大學,華中科技大學
- 性別:男
電子科技大學計算機科學與工程學院副教授 。
2003.09~2007.06 華中科技大學 軟體與理論專業 博士。
1994.09~1997.07 西南石油大學 油氣鑽井專業 碩士。
1990.09~1994.08 四川師範學院(西華師範大學) 數學教育專業 本科。
1. 《面向對象程式設計C++》
2. 《數據結構》
3. 《C語言程式設計》
4. 《數值計算》
近年來,在Physics Reports, Scientific Reports, New Journal of Physics, Physical Review E, PLoS ONE, EPL, Physica A, Chinese Physics Letters, Computers & Operations Research, Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, Journal of Biological Physics ,計算機科學等國內外期刊及國際會議發表學術論文60餘篇,其中SCI檢索20餘篇, 1篇在2016年入選 ESI高被引論文 。合作出版專著《輿情信息分析與處理技術》一部,編寫《數據結構與算法》教材一部。作為負責人或主研參與了多項國家級、部省級和橫向課題的研究。
1. 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫 90924011,“社會網路的結構演化分析及其在輿情和疫情預警及控制中的套用”
2. 國家自然科學基金項目 60973069,“基於複雜網路的信息推薦技術研究”
3. 國家863項目 07AA01Z440,“WEB輿情的社會網路關係挖掘”
4. 242信息安全計畫項目 2007B27,“P2P殭屍網路發現與監測技術”
5. 國家自然科學基金項目10471051,“矩形packing基本問題的高性能求解算法”,2005.1-2007.12,17
6. 國家自然科學基金項目90210023,“井噴失控油氣噴流及回響域動力學研究”
7. 國家973項目2004CB318000,“數學機械化及其在信息技術中的套用”
8. 中國石油集團天然氣公司95重點科技攻關項目“四川地區複雜地質條件深井超深井鑽井技術”
9. 音樂論壇社會網路關係挖掘
10. 音樂內容分析
11. 鑽井網路資料庫系統
12. 鑽井工程分析與設計軟體
13. 高陡構造防斜打快新技術配套套用研究
14. 地面井位預選方法研究
15. 高陡構造井眼軌跡預測與控制技術研究
Jian-Xiong Zhang, Duan-Bing Chen, Qiang Dong, Zhi-Dan Zhao. Identifying a set of influential spreaders in complex networks. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:27823
Linyuan Lv, Duanbing Chen, Xiao-Long Ren, Qian-Ming Zhang, Yi-Cheng Zhang, Tao Zhou. Vital nodes identification in complex networks. Physics Reports, 2016,650:1-63
Jianlin He, Duanbing Chen, Chongjing Sun. A Fast Method for Community Detection Based on Compressing Networks. Software Engineering, 2016, 4(2):13-18
Jia-Lin He, Yan Fu, Duan-Bing Chen*. A Novel Top-k Strategy for Influence Maximization in Complex Networks with Community Structure. PLoS ONE,2015, 10 (12): e0145283.
Duanbing Chen. Empirical study on structural properties in temporal networks under different time scales. Eur. Phys. J. B, 2015, 88:320
J He, D Chen. A fast algorithm for community detection in temporal network. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2015, 429, 87-94
H Liao, A Zeng, R Xiao, ZM Ren, DB Chen, YC Zhang. Ranking Reputation and Quality in Online Rating Systems. PloS one, 2014, 9 (5), e97146
X.-Y Zhao, B. Huang, M. Tang, H.-F. Zhang, D.-B Chen. Identifying effective multiple spreaders by coloring complex networks. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2014, 108 (6), 68005
H Liao, R Xiao, D Chen, M Medo, YC Zhang. Firm competition in a probabilistic framework of consumer choice.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 400, 47-56
DB Chen, R Xiao, A Zeng. Predicting the evolution of spreading on complex networks. Scientific reports 4,6108
DB Chen, GN Wang, A Zeng, Y Fu, YC Zhang. Optimizing Online Social Networks for Information Propagation. PloS one 9 (5), e96614
Q Li, T Zhou, L Lü, D Chen. Identifying influential spreaders by weighted leaderrank. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 404, 47-55
JG Liu, ZM Ren, Q Guo, DB Chen. Evolution Characteristics of the Network Core in the Facebook. PloS one 9 (8), e104028
H Gao, DB Chen, GN Wang, DNA Mensah, Y Fu. A continuous rating model for news recommendation. Journal of Information Science, 0165551514542065
H Liao, A Zeng, R Xiao, ZM Ren, DB Chen, YC Zhang. Ranking Reputation and Quality in Online Rating Systems. PloS one 9 (5), e97146
ZM Ren, A Zeng, DB Chen, H Liao, JG Liu. Iterative resource allocation for ranking spreaders in complex networks. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 106 (4), 48005
鄧冬梅, 王冠楠, 朱建, 高輝, 陳端兵. 時序最短路徑算法. 計算機科學 6, 036
D.-B. Chen, R. Xiao, A. Zeng, and Y.-C. Zhang . Path diversity improves the identification of influential spreaders. EPL 104(2013): 68006
D.-B. Chen, H. Gao, L. Lü, T. Zhou. Identifying Influential Nodes in Large-Scale Directed Networks: The Role of Clustering. PLoS ONE 8(2013): e77455
D Chen, A Zeng, G Cimini, YC Zhang. Adaptive social recommendation in a multiple category landscape.The European Physical Journal B 86 (2), 1-8
Giulio Cimini, An Zeng, Matú? Medo, Duanbing Chen. The role of taste affinity in agent-based models for social recommendation. Advances in Complex Systems, 16(4):1350009
陳端兵, 尚明生, 李霞. 重疊社區發現的兩段策略. 計算機科學 40 (1), 225-228
王冠楠, 陳端兵, 傅彥. 新聞推薦的多維興趣模型與傳播分析.計算機科學 40 (11),126-130
D.-B. Chen, L. Lü, M.-S. Shang, Y.-C. Zhang, and T. Zhou. Identifying influential nodes in complex networks. Physica A 391 (2012) 1777-1787.
Giulio Cimini, Duanbing Chen,Matus Medo, Linyuan Lu,Yi-Cheng Zhang, Tao Zhou. Enhancing topology adaptation in information-sharing social networks, Physical Review E, 2012
Duanbing Chen, Hui Gao. An improved adaptive model on information recommending and spreading, Chinese Physics Letters,201
HUANG Wenqi, YE Tao, CHEN Duanbing. Corner Occupying Theorem for the Two-dimensional Integral Rectangle Packing Problem. Science China, 2012
Linyuan Lv, Duanbing Chen, Tao Zhou. Small world yields the most effective information spreading, New Journal of Physics, 2011
Duanbing Chen, Linyuan Lv, Mingsheng Shang, Yicheng Zhang, Tao Zhou, Identifying influential nodes in complex networks, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2011
崔愛香, 傅彥, 尚明生, 陳端兵, 周濤. 複雜網路局部結構的湧現:共同鄰居驅動網路演化, 物理學報, 2011
陳端兵,黃晟,尚明生, 複雜網路模型及其在疫情傳播和控制中的套用研究,計算機科學,2011
Duanbing Chen,Mingsheng Shang, Zehua Lv, and Yan Fu, Detecting overlapping communities of weighted networks via local algorithm, Physica A, 2010,389(19): 4177-4187
Duanbing Chen, Jingfa Liu, Yan Fu, Mingsheng Shang, An efficient heuristic algorithm for arbitrary shaped rectilinear block packing problem, Computers & Operations Research, 2010,37(6):1068-1074
Mingsheng Shang, Duanbing Chen, Tao Zhou, Detecting Overlapping Communities Based on Community Cores in Complex Networks, Chinese Physics Letters, 2010
Duanbing Chen, Yan Fu, Mingsheng Shang, A fast and efficient heuristic algorithm for detecting community structures in complex network, Physica A 388(2009):2741-27492.
Chen D.-B, Fu Y, Shang M.-S. An efficient algorithm for overlapping community detection in complex networks, Global Congress on Intelligent Systems,May, 2009,Xiamen China
Jingfa Liu, Shengjun Xue, Duanbing Chen, Huantong Geng, Zhaoxia Liu, Structure optimization of the two-dimensional off-lattice hydrophobic–hydrophilic model, Journal of Biological Physics, 2009(35): 245-253
Jie Liu, Mingsheng Shang, Duanbing Chen, Personal Recommendation Based on Weighted Bipartite Network, Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (Vol. 5), 14-16, Aug, 2009, Tianjin
Junwei Tian, Duanbing Chen, Yan Fu, A New Local Algorithm for Detecting Communities in Networks, etcs, vol. 2, pp.721-724, 2009 First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science, 2009
陳端兵, 萬英, 田軍偉, 傅彥. 一種基於社會網路分析的 P2P 殭屍網路反制策略, 計算機科學, 2009
Duanbing Chen,Yan Fu,Mingsheng Shang,Wenqi Huang,A quasi-human heuristic algorithm for the 2D rectangular strip packing problem,ISISE 2008,December 2008, Shanghai
Mingsheng Shang, Yan Fu, Duanbing Chen, Personal Recommendation using Weighted Bipartite Graph Projection, International Conference on Apperceiving Computing and Intelligence Analysis, Dec. 2008,Chengdu
Aixiang Cui,Duanbing Chen, Yan Fu. Community detecting based on weighted networks. The 2nd IFIP International Workshop on Advanced Topics in Network Computing, Technology, and Application. Oct 2008,273-280
Ying Wan, Duanbing Chen, Yan Fu. A new efficient algorithm for detecting communities in complex networks. The 2nd IFIP International Workshop on Advanced Topics in Network Computing, Technology, and Application. Oct 2008,281-286
陳端兵,劉景發,尚明生,傅彥. 一種求解矩形packing問題的智慧型枚舉算法. 重慶郵電大學學報(自然科學版). 2008, vol20 no4, 379-384
陳端兵, 黃文奇, 尚明生, 傅彥. 一種求解貨櫃裝載問題的啟發式算法. 計算機科學,2008
劉景發,陳端兵,劉朝霞. 改進的勢能曲面變平法在二維非格點模型中的套用. 計算機科學,2008
Duanbing Chen and Wenqi Huang, A new heuristic algorithm for constrained rectangle-packing problem, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2007, 24(4):463-378
Wenqi Huang and Duanbing Chen, An efficient heuristic algorithm for rectangle-packing problem. Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 2007, 15(10):1356-1365
Wenqi Huang, Duanbing Chen, and Ruchu Xu, A new heuristic algorithm for rectangle packing, Computers & Operations Research, 2007, 34(11):3270-3280
Duanbing Chen, Wenqi Huang. A quasi-human heuristic algorithm for the container loading problem. The 2007 International Conference on Information Computing and Automation.Vol.3,1529-1533
Duanbing Chen and Wenqi Huang, A novel quasi-human heuristic algorithm for two-dimensional rectangle packing problem. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2006, Vol.6, No.12
Yanbing Liu and Duanbing Chen, A novel greedy computing algorithm for rectangle packing problems. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2006, Vol.6, No.4
1. 計算機實驗教學體系改革與實踐,電子科技大學第六屆教學成果一等獎,(排名:6)
2. 計算機實驗教學體系改革與實踐,第六屆四川省高等教育教學成果二等獎,(排名:5)
3. 項目《高陡構造防斜打快新技術配套套用研究》獲中國石油西南油氣田分公司2002年度科技創新二等獎
4. 項目《鑽井工程分析與設計軟體》獲中國石油四川石油管理局2001年度科技進步二等獎
5. 項目《高陡構造預測控制井眼軌跡中靶技術》獲中國石油四川石油管理局2000年度科技進步三等獎
6. 項目《地面井位預選方法研究》獲中國石油四川石油管理局1999年度科技進步一等獎
7. 成果《地面井位預選方法研究》獲中國石油四川石油管理局第五屆青年科技活動成果三等獎
8. 論文《小井眼水力學特性分析》獲中國石油四川石油管理局第四屆青年科技活動論文二等獎
4. 項目《鑽井工程分析與設計軟體》獲中國石油四川石油管理局2001年度科技進步二等獎
5. 項目《高陡構造預測控制井眼軌跡中靶技術》獲中國石油四川石油管理局2000年度科技進步三等獎
6. 項目《地面井位預選方法研究》獲中國石油四川石油管理局1999年度科技進步一等獎
7. 成果《地面井位預選方法研究》獲中國石油四川石油管理局第五屆青年科技活動成果三等獎
8. 論文《小井眼水力學特性分析》獲中國石油四川石油管理局第四屆青年科技活動論文二等獎