

陳玖斌,職稱: 研究員 學歷: 博士研究生,中國科學院百人計畫(海外傑出人才類)入選者。


  • 中文名:陳玖斌
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:男


姓名: 陳玖斌
職稱: 研究員 學歷: 博士研究生
地址: 貴陽市南明區觀水路46號


1990.09-1994.07 吉林大學(原長春地質學院)地球科學專業 學士
1994.09-2000.12 瀋陽市冶金局冶金實業總公司 部門經理
2003.09-2004.07 巴黎第七大學 (Paris-Diderot University) 巴黎地球物理所(Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris) 地球化學專業 碩士
2004.09-2008.07 巴黎第七大學,巴黎地球物理所 地球化學專業 博士
2007.09-2008.12 巴黎第七大學,巴黎地球物理所 講師,助理研究員
2009.01-2010.11 加拿大Trent大學 博士後
2010.11-至今 中國科學院地球化學研究所“百人計畫”研究員、博士生導師


1. 非傳統穩定同位素(Hg,Zn,Cu,Fe等)的環境地球化學研究
2. 水環境(河流、湖泊、海洋)中重金屬元素生物地球化學循環及人類活動干擾
3. 新的生物地球化學示蹤元素、同位素的開發
1、2011-2014 中國科學院百人計畫項目(引進國外傑出人才類)負責人
2、2012-2016 國家自然科學基金委重大國際(中法)合作項目:汞同位素分餾及NOTCH 細胞生物標記:環境與健康聯繫新標記方法,主要參加者
3、2012-2017 中科院戰略先導科技專項:大氣灰霾追因與控制,分子課題負責人
4、2013-2017 國家自然科學基金項目:大氣降水偶數汞同位素的非質量分餾,負責人




1、J.B. Chen, J. Gaillardet and P. Louvat, Zn isotopes in the Seine River water, France: a probe of anthropogenic contamination, 2008, Environmental Science & Technology, 42, 6494-6501
2、J.B. Chen, P. Louvat, J. Gaillardet and J-L. Birck, Direct separation of Zn from dilute natural waters for isotope composition measurement using multi-collector ICP-MS, 2009, Chemical Geology, 259, 120-130
3、J.B. Chen, J. Gaillardet, P. Louvat, and S. Huon, Zn isotopes in suspended load of the Seine River, France: isotopic variations and source determinations, 2009, Geochemica, Cosmochemica, Acta, 73, 4060-4076
4、J.B. Chen, H. Hintelmann, and B. Dimock, Chromatographic pre-concentration of Hg from dilute aqueous solutions for isotopic measurement by MC-ICP-MS, 2010, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 25, 1402-1409
5、J.B. Chen, H. Hintelmann, X.B. Feng, B. Dimock, Unusual fractionation of both odd and even Hg isotopes in precipitation from Peterborough, ON. Canada, 2012,Geochemica, Cosmochemica, Acta,90, 33-46
1、J.B. Chen, H. Hintelmann, X.-B. Feng and B. Dimock (24-29 June 2011),Unusual fractionation of both odd and even Hg isotopes precipitation, ON., Canada,oral presentation at Goldschmidt 2012, Montreal, Canada
2、J.B. Chen, H. Hintelmann, X.-B. Feng and B. Dimock (18-22 June 2011),Unusual fractionation of both odd and even Hg isotopes precipitation, ON., Canada,oral presentation at ISI2012 Conference, Washington, USA
3、J.B. Chen, H. Hintelmann, X.-B. Feng and B. Dimock (24-29 July 2011), Annual variation of Hg isotopes in precipitation from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, oral presentation at Mercury 2011 Conference, Halifax, Canada
4、J.B. Chen, J. Gaillardet, J-L. Birck, O. Cridpi, and C. Dessert (21-26 June 2009), Stable isotopic composition of Zn in hydrothermal spring waters, oral presentation at the 19th Goldschmidt conference, Davos, Switzerland
5、J.B. Chen (24-27 May 2009),Use of Zn isotopes as a probe of anthropogenic contamination and biological processes in the Seine River, France, oral presentation at AGU 2009 Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada
6、J.B. Chen, J. Gaillardet and P. Louvat (10-14 December 2007),Using Zn isotopes to investigate trace metals partitions between dissolved and suspended loads in the Seine River, France, oral presentation at AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA
7、J.B. Chen, J. Gaillardet and P. Louvat (19-24 August 2007), Zn isotope measurement in freshwater and its use as a probe of anthropogenic contamination in the Seine River, France, oral presentation at the 17th Goldschmidt conference, Cologne, Germany


