



  • 中文名:陳濱桐
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:成都
  • 出生日期:1964-5-11
  • 畢業院校:賓夕法尼亞大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:管理科學與運籌學
  • 職務:工商管理學院院長
  • 學術代表作:最佳化理論,技術以及在生產,後勤,和供應鏈領域的套用
  • 職務:工商管理學院院長









[1] Forthcoming European Journal of Operational Research:“Advertising, Pricing, and Profit Sharing in a Manufacture-Retailer Supply Chain” 2013
[2] Decision Sciences 44, (2013), 193-203:店堡乃 “Technical Note: Cooperative Advertising with Bilateral Participation” 2013
[3] 管理科學學報 :C2C環境中顧客重複購買行為的實證與建模 2011
[4] European Journal of Operational Research 210, (2011), 559-267:“On a Composite Contract based on Buy-back and Quantity Flexibility Contracts” 2011
[5] European Journal of Operational Research 205, (2010), 127-135:“Using MSRP to Enhance the Ability of Rebates to Control Distribution Channels” 2010
[6] Production and Operations Management 18, (2009), 226-240:“Using Frontier Portfolio to Improve Make-to-Order Operations”悼臭勸 2009
[7] Management Science 54, (2008), 1861- 1875:“Market-based Supply Chain Coordination by MatchingDuppliers’ Cost Structures with Buyers’ Order Profiles” 2008
[8] Postharvest Biology and Technology 49, (2008), 417-423:“Treatment Design of Radio Frequency Heating based on Insect Control and Product Quality” 2008
[9] Journal of the Operational Research Society 59, (2008), 685-692: “Pareto Quantity Flexibility Contracts for a Supply Chain under Multiple Objectives” 2008
[10] European Journal of Operational Research 184, (2008), 63-75:“Due Date Assignment and Sequencing a Single Machine Shop with Uncertain Procession Times” 2008
[11] Journal of the Operational Research Society 58, (2007), 751-759:“Pareto-optimal Contracts for a Supply Chain with Satisficing Objectives” 2007
[12] European Journal of Operational Research 176, (2007), 1103-1116:“Mean-range based Distribution-free Procedures to Minimize ‘Overage’ and ‘Underage’ Costs” 2007
[13] Operations Research 54, (2006), 1128-1136:“Expected Value of Distribution Information for the Newsven-dor Problem” 2006
[14] Journal of the Operational Research Society 57, (2006), 390-396:“Generating Ranking Groups through Pairwise Comparisons” 2006
[15] Journal of the Operational Research Society 56, (2005), 390-396:“A Generalized Model for Weight Restrictions in Data Envelopment Analysis” 2005
[16] Postharvest Biology and Technology 35, (2005), 97-107:“Mathematical Modeling of Heating Uniformity of in-shell Walnuts in Radio Frequency Units with Intermittent Stirrings” 2005
[17] Journal of Optimization and Applications 124, (2005), 93-111:“On Characterization of Quadratic Splines” 2005
[18] Naval Research Logistics 51, (2004), 363-385:“Resource Allocation with Lumpy Demand: to Speed or not to Speed?” 2004
[19] Journal of Optimization Theory and Application 108, (2001), 317-332: “Superlinear Noninterior One-step Continuation Method for Monotone LCP in Absence of Strict Complementarity” 2001
[20] Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 108, (2001), 297-316:“Error Bounds for R0 -type and Monotone Nonlinear Complementarity Problems” 2001
[21] Math-ematical Programming 88, (2000), 211-216:“A Penalized Fischer-Burmeister NCP-function” 2000
[22] Computational Optimization and Applications 17, (2000),131-158:“A Global Linear and Local Quadratic Continuation Method for Variational 2000
[23] European Journal of Operational Research 116, (1999), 591-606:“Continuation Method for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems via Normal Mapping” 1999
[24] SIAM Journal of Optimization 9, (1999), 605-623: “A Global Linear and Local Quadratic Non-interior Continuation Method for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems based on Chen-Mangasarian Smoothing Function” 1999
[25] SIAM Journal of Optimization 9, (1999), 624-645: “Global and Local Superlinear Continuation-smoothing Method forP0 + R0 and Monotone NCP” Inequality with Box Constraints” 1999
[26]BIT Numerical Mathematics 38, (1998), 674-684:“On Newton’s Method for Huber’s Robust M-estimation Problems in Linear Regression” 1998
[27] IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis19, (1998), 19-37:“Solution of Linear Inequalities” 1998
[28] Discrete Applied Mathematics 82, (1998), 79-91: “Polyhedral Analysis and Decompositions for Capacitated Plant Location-type Problems” 1998
[29] SIAM Journal of Optimization 7, (1997), 403-420:“Smooth Approximations to Nonlinear Complementarity Problems” 1997
[30] Discrete Applied Mathematics 66, (1996), 81-94:“An Improved Lower Bound for the Bin Packing Problem” 1996
[31] Mathematical Programming 69, (1995), 237-253:“A Non-interior Continuation Method for Monotone Variational Inequalities” 1995
[32] European Journal of Opera- tions Research 81, (1995), 410-419:“Special Cases of the Quadratic Assignment Problem” 1995
[33] SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications 14, (1993), 1168-1190:“A Non-interior Continuation Method for Linear Complementarit Problems” 1993
[34] SIAM Journal of Optimization 3, (1993), 503-515:“A Non-interior Continuation Method for Quadratic and Linear 1993
[35] Applied Mathematics Letters 5, (1992), 19-24 :“Finite Convergence of B-differentiable Equation based Methods for Affine Variational Inequalities”
[36] Transportation Science 24, (1991), 261-275:“Two Moments Estimation of the Delay on Single-track Rail Lines with Scheduled Traffic” 1991
[37] Operations Research 39, (1991), 82-99:“Optimal Pacing of Trains in Freight Railroads: Model Formulation and Solution” 1991
[38] IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control 33, (1988), 261-267:“Optimal Scheduling of Interactive and Noninteractive Traffic in Telecommunication Systems” 1988


[1] 網路環境下的“新定價機制”,邀請講座,部門管理科學和信息系統,廈門大學 2013(11)
[2]“新發展和趨勢在運營管理和供應鏈管理領域我們”,主講人,中美運營管理和供應鏈管理合作論壇,北京 2013(6)
[3]“可持續的產學合作模式:摩根大通——錫拉丘茲大學,德拉瓦大學”,邀請演講者、副院長會議,休斯頓 2012(11)
[4]“Competing with Customer Returns Policies”, (with J. Chen), INFORMS, October 14-17, 2012, Phoenix 2012
[5]“Introduction to Spreadsheet Optimization”, invited lecture for all freshman engineering students at University of Delaware 2011(9)
[6]“遊戲理論模型贊助搜尋拍賣”,邀請講座,研討會最佳化理論的最新發展和套用,北京 2011(6)
[7]“兩國參與:協調機制合作廣告在多個零售商的分銷渠道”,全體演講者,中國一年兩次的國家行動研究會議(ORCC),北京,主講人,2011系統管理和中小企業信息化國際會議 2011(6)
[8]“Current status and future of supply chain management”, invited panel discussant, 2009 DSI Meeting, New Orleans 2009(11)
[9]“競爭、匹配和協調供應鏈管理”,演講者,中國運籌學會數學規劃分會第七屆學術會議,大連 2008(8)
[10]“壟斷供應商的談判策略及其對供應鏈效率的影響”,邀請演講者,供應鏈管理研討會,湖南大學、湖南 2008(6)
[11]“Analysis of mail-in-rebate promotion with reference-dependent consumers”, invited speaker, Workshop on Supply Chain Management and Game Theory, Tsinghua University, Beijing 2007(12)
[12]“供應鏈協調匹配的供應商與買家”,邀請研討會,中國科學院,12月6日,北京大學” 2007(12)
[13]“供應鏈管理的概念和當前問題”,邀請講座,中國東方電氣集團,成都 2007(7)
[14]“中國銀行排隊問題的分析和解決方案”,邀請講座,中國銀行成都分行 2007(7)
[15]“The effect of rebates and MSRP on manufacturer profitability in a supply chain”, invited session, POMS 2007 Conference, Dallas 2007(5)
[16]“Supply chain coordination with contracts”, invited lecture, Workshop On Optimization and Applications organized by Tsinghua University, China 2006(7)
[17]“Distribution-free newsvendor problem”, plenary speaker, Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Kunming, China 2005(7)
[18] Invited discussant for “Risk-averse newsvendor networks: resource sharing, substitution, and operational hedging”, Mini-Conference on Integrated Risk Management in Operations and Global Supply Chain Management, Washington University, St. Louis 2004(6)
[19]“Research in newsvendor and information”, invited seminar, Boeing Center for Technology, Information and Manufacturing, Washington University, St. Louis 2004(4)
[20]“On the benefits of supply chain coordination in supply chains with economies of scale”, invited session, INFORMS National Meeting, Atlanta 2003(6)
[21]“Market share and pricing for multiple suppliers in a two-echelon supply chain”, invite session, INFORMS National Meeting, San Jose 2002(10)
[22]“Smoothing methods for complementarity problems”, invited seminar, Department of Mathematics, Washington State University 1999(1)
[23]“Non-interior-continuation method: review and new results”, sponsored session, INFORMS National Meeting, Seattle 1999(10)
[24]“Newton’s Method for Huber’s M-estimator Problem”, invited seminar, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 1999(2)
[25]“錯誤邊界非線性互補問題”,邀請研討會,中央研究院和北京交通大學,中國北京 1999(2)
[26]“Global and Local Superlinear Continuation-Smoothing Method for P0 + R0 and Monotone NCP”, invited session, the International Symposium on Mathematical Programming in Lausanne, Switzerland 1997(8)
[27]“Continuation method for nonlinear complementarity problems via normal mapping”, Invited speaker, the International Conference on Nonlinear Complementarity Problems, Baltimore, MD 1995(11)
[28] “Lower bounds on several capacitated set partitioning problems”, invited seminar, Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona, November 1993; Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong 1994(2)
[29]“Projected Newton’s method for SC 1 optimization with bound constraints”, invited seminar, Department of Mathematics, Washington State University 1992(4)
[30]“A continuation method for monotone variational inequality and complementarity problems: with application to linear and nonlinear programming”, invited seminar, Graduate School of Business, Washington University, January 1990; Department of Management Science and Information Systems, University of Texas at Austin 1990(2)
[31]“A continuation method for nonlinear complementarity problems”, invited session, ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Nashville 1991(5)
[32]“A new continuation method for linear programs and linear complementarity problems”, invited session, ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Philadelphia 1990(10)
[33]“Nonlinear equation methods for solving variational inequalities: theory and applications”, invited session, ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Las Vegas 1990(5)
[34]“Real time and tactical scheduling of trains”, invited talk, American Airline Decision Technologies 1990(1)
[35]“Optimal Load balancing and scheduling in a distributed computer system”, sponsored session, ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Denver 1988(10)


[1] 網際網路環境下新的定價機制研究”,由中國自然科學基金會資助2270000元人民幣 2014-2018
[2]“Incremental Park & Ride Demand Mode- Part II”, PI, $65,905, funded by Delaware Department of Transportation 2013
[3]“Formulation Capacity Modeling Tool for AstraZeneca Newark”, PI, $30,996, funded by AstraZeneca 2013
[4]“拍賣機制和競爭戰略的研究網際網路搜尋引擎”,由中國自然科學基金會資助389000元人民幣 2012-2015
[5]“Using Metrics for Continual Improvement in Application Delivery at JPMC”, Co-PI, $102,637, funded by JPMC 2011-2012
[6]“Process Improvement and Optimization for Enterprise Storage Service Management”, Co-PI, $147,422, funded by JPMC 2011-2012
[7]“中小企業信用評級”,由中國農業銀行資助1000000元人民幣 2011-2012
[8]“Incremental Park & Ride Demand Model- Part I”, PI, $65,905, funded by Delaware Department of Transportation 2010-2011
[9]“Achieving Process Intelligence via Process Mining”, Co-PI, $100,000, funded by JPMC 2010
[10]“基於信息技術的教學創新”,由中國教育部資助360000元人民幣 2009
[11]“汶川地震”應急管理和恢復過程,由中國自然科學基金會資助70000元 2008
[12] 國際交流和協作格蘭特,中國自然科學基金會資助200000元 2006
[13] Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Improvement Grant, Washington StateUniversity, $25,000 2004
[14] Supervised a inventory management project for Nordstrom Inc. that led to a projected $248,040 annual product cost savings 2004
[15] Supervised a process improvement project for calling centers of Cascade Natural Gass Corporation that led to a projected $1 million annual savings 2004
[16] Supervised a process improvement project for the calling center of a Key Bank branch in Washington State that led to more efficient and better quality service to its customers 2002
[17] Supervised a shrinkage reduction project for Northwest Dairy Farm that led to more than $250,000 savings annually 2002
[18] Research Fellowship, Danish Natural Science Research Council 1997-1998
[19] NATO Collaborative Research Grant, Co-PI, BF 184,000 1994-1996
[20] Research Grant-in-aid, Washington State University, $10,000 1993
[21] Participated a Burlington Northern Railroad scheduling project to develop a train scheduling and evaluation system. The resulting software system is currently in use 1988-1990
[22] Participated an AT&T overseas network planning project to schedule data transmission in a AT&T telecommunication network 1986-1987


[1] 2009 DSI Proceedings,: “A game theory approach to price and advertise-ment decisions in a manufacturer-retailer supply chain” 2009
[2] 2008 DSI Proceedings:“Sourcing partner selection for manufacturer in a make-to-order supply chain” 2008
[3] Book chapter in Q. Zhang (Ed.) E-Supply Chain Technologies and Management, Idea Group, 22-33:“Dynamic transshipment in the digital age” 2007
[4] Book chapter in Algorithmic Applications in Man- agement, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 261-269:“Sequence jobs and assign due dates with uncertain processing times and quadratic penalty functions” 2005
[5] 2003 DSI Proceedings:“Supplier competition and market segmentation under two strategies” 2003
[6] 2002 DSI Proceedings: “New approaches to analytical hierarchy process” 2002
[7] 2002 DSI Proceedings:“Due date assignment and sequencing in single machine shop with uncertain process times: a Laplace approach” 2002
[8] Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society:“Resource allocation with lumpy demand: to speed or not to speed?” 2001
[4] European Journal of Operational Research 210, (2011), 559-267:“On a Composite Contract based on Buy-back and Quantity Flexibility Contracts” 2011
[5] European Journal of Operational Research 205, (2010), 127-135:“Using MSRP to Enhance the Ability of Rebates to Control Distribution Channels” 2010
[6] Production and Operations Management 18, (2009), 226-240:“Using Frontier Portfolio to Improve Make-to-Order Operations” 2009
[7] Management Science 54, (2008), 1861- 1875:“Market-based Supply Chain Coordination by MatchingDuppliers’ Cost Structures with Buyers’ Order Profiles” 2008
[8] Postharvest Biology and Technology 49, (2008), 417-423:“Treatment Design of Radio Frequency Heating based on Insect Control and Product Quality” 2008
[9] Journal of the Operational Research Society 59, (2008), 685-692: “Pareto Quantity Flexibility Contracts for a Supply Chain under Multiple Objectives” 2008
[10] European Journal of Operational Research 184, (2008), 63-75:“Due Date Assignment and Sequencing a Single Machine Shop with Uncertain Procession Times” 2008
[11] Journal of the Operational Research Society 58, (2007), 751-759:“Pareto-optimal Contracts for a Supply Chain with Satisficing Objectives” 2007
[12] European Journal of Operational Research 176, (2007), 1103-1116:“Mean-range based Distribution-free Procedures to Minimize ‘Overage’ and ‘Underage’ Costs” 2007
[13] Operations Research 54, (2006), 1128-1136:“Expected Value of Distribution Information for the Newsven-dor Problem” 2006
[14] Journal of the Operational Research Society 57, (2006), 390-396:“Generating Ranking Groups through Pairwise Comparisons” 2006
[15] Journal of the Operational Research Society 56, (2005), 390-396:“A Generalized Model for Weight Restrictions in Data Envelopment Analysis” 2005
[16] Postharvest Biology and Technology 35, (2005), 97-107:“Mathematical Modeling of Heating Uniformity of in-shell Walnuts in Radio Frequency Units with Intermittent Stirrings” 2005
[17] Journal of Optimization and Applications 124, (2005), 93-111:“On Characterization of Quadratic Splines” 2005
[18] Naval Research Logistics 51, (2004), 363-385:“Resource Allocation with Lumpy Demand: to Speed or not to Speed?” 2004
[19] Journal of Optimization Theory and Application 108, (2001), 317-332: “Superlinear Noninterior One-step Continuation Method for Monotone LCP in Absence of Strict Complementarity” 2001
[20] Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 108, (2001), 297-316:“Error Bounds for R0 -type and Monotone Nonlinear Complementarity Problems” 2001
[21] Math-ematical Programming 88, (2000), 211-216:“A Penalized Fischer-Burmeister NCP-function” 2000
[22] Computational Optimization and Applications 17, (2000),131-158:“A Global Linear and Local Quadratic Continuation Method for Variational 2000
[23] European Journal of Operational Research 116, (1999), 591-606:“Continuation Method for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems via Normal Mapping” 1999
[24] SIAM Journal of Optimization 9, (1999), 605-623: “A Global Linear and Local Quadratic Non-interior Continuation Method for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems based on Chen-Mangasarian Smoothing Function” 1999
[25] SIAM Journal of Optimization 9, (1999), 624-645: “Global and Local Superlinear Continuation-smoothing Method forP0 + R0 and Monotone NCP” Inequality with Box Constraints” 1999
[26]BIT Numerical Mathematics 38, (1998), 674-684:“On Newton’s Method for Huber’s Robust M-estimation Problems in Linear Regression” 1998
[27] IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis19, (1998), 19-37:“Solution of Linear Inequalities” 1998
[28] Discrete Applied Mathematics 82, (1998), 79-91: “Polyhedral Analysis and Decompositions for Capacitated Plant Location-type Problems” 1998
[29] SIAM Journal of Optimization 7, (1997), 403-420:“Smooth Approximations to Nonlinear Complementarity Problems” 1997
[30] Discrete Applied Mathematics 66, (1996), 81-94:“An Improved Lower Bound for the Bin Packing Problem” 1996
[31] Mathematical Programming 69, (1995), 237-253:“A Non-interior Continuation Method for Monotone Variational Inequalities” 1995
[32] European Journal of Opera- tions Research 81, (1995), 410-419:“Special Cases of the Quadratic Assignment Problem” 1995
[33] SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications 14, (1993), 1168-1190:“A Non-interior Continuation Method for Linear Complementarit Problems” 1993
[34] SIAM Journal of Optimization 3, (1993), 503-515:“A Non-interior Continuation Method for Quadratic and Linear 1993
[35] Applied Mathematics Letters 5, (1992), 19-24 :“Finite Convergence of B-differentiable Equation based Methods for Affine Variational Inequalities”
[36] Transportation Science 24, (1991), 261-275:“Two Moments Estimation of the Delay on Single-track Rail Lines with Scheduled Traffic” 1991
[37] Operations Research 39, (1991), 82-99:“Optimal Pacing of Trains in Freight Railroads: Model Formulation and Solution” 1991
[38] IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control 33, (1988), 261-267:“Optimal Scheduling of Interactive and Noninteractive Traffic in Telecommunication Systems” 1988


[1] 網路環境下的“新定價機制”,邀請講座,部門管理科學和信息系統,廈門大學 2013(11)
[2]“新發展和趨勢在運營管理和供應鏈管理領域我們”,主講人,中美運營管理和供應鏈管理合作論壇,北京 2013(6)
[3]“可持續的產學合作模式:摩根大通——錫拉丘茲大學,德拉瓦大學”,邀請演講者、副院長會議,休斯頓 2012(11)
[4]“Competing with Customer Returns Policies”, (with J. Chen), INFORMS, October 14-17, 2012, Phoenix 2012
[5]“Introduction to Spreadsheet Optimization”, invited lecture for all freshman engineering students at University of Delaware 2011(9)
[6]“遊戲理論模型贊助搜尋拍賣”,邀請講座,研討會最佳化理論的最新發展和套用,北京 2011(6)
[7]“兩國參與:協調機制合作廣告在多個零售商的分銷渠道”,全體演講者,中國一年兩次的國家行動研究會議(ORCC),北京,主講人,2011系統管理和中小企業信息化國際會議 2011(6)
[8]“Current status and future of supply chain management”, invited panel discussant, 2009 DSI Meeting, New Orleans 2009(11)
[9]“競爭、匹配和協調供應鏈管理”,演講者,中國運籌學會數學規劃分會第七屆學術會議,大連 2008(8)
[10]“壟斷供應商的談判策略及其對供應鏈效率的影響”,邀請演講者,供應鏈管理研討會,湖南大學、湖南 2008(6)
[11]“Analysis of mail-in-rebate promotion with reference-dependent consumers”, invited speaker, Workshop on Supply Chain Management and Game Theory, Tsinghua University, Beijing 2007(12)
[12]“供應鏈協調匹配的供應商與買家”,邀請研討會,中國科學院,12月6日,北京大學” 2007(12)
[13]“供應鏈管理的概念和當前問題”,邀請講座,中國東方電氣集團,成都 2007(7)
[14]“中國銀行排隊問題的分析和解決方案”,邀請講座,中國銀行成都分行 2007(7)
[15]“The effect of rebates and MSRP on manufacturer profitability in a supply chain”, invited session, POMS 2007 Conference, Dallas 2007(5)
[16]“Supply chain coordination with contracts”, invited lecture, Workshop On Optimization and Applications organized by Tsinghua University, China 2006(7)
[17]“Distribution-free newsvendor problem”, plenary speaker, Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Kunming, China 2005(7)
[18] Invited discussant for “Risk-averse newsvendor networks: resource sharing, substitution, and operational hedging”, Mini-Conference on Integrated Risk Management in Operations and Global Supply Chain Management, Washington University, St. Louis 2004(6)
[19]“Research in newsvendor and information”, invited seminar, Boeing Center for Technology, Information and Manufacturing, Washington University, St. Louis 2004(4)
[20]“On the benefits of supply chain coordination in supply chains with economies of scale”, invited session, INFORMS National Meeting, Atlanta 2003(6)
[21]“Market share and pricing for multiple suppliers in a two-echelon supply chain”, invite session, INFORMS National Meeting, San Jose 2002(10)
[22]“Smoothing methods for complementarity problems”, invited seminar, Department of Mathematics, Washington State University 1999(1)
[23]“Non-interior-continuation method: review and new results”, sponsored session, INFORMS National Meeting, Seattle 1999(10)
[24]“Newton’s Method for Huber’s M-estimator Problem”, invited seminar, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 1999(2)
[25]“錯誤邊界非線性互補問題”,邀請研討會,中央研究院和北京交通大學,中國北京 1999(2)
[26]“Global and Local Superlinear Continuation-Smoothing Method for P0 + R0 and Monotone NCP”, invited session, the International Symposium on Mathematical Programming in Lausanne, Switzerland 1997(8)
[27]“Continuation method for nonlinear complementarity problems via normal mapping”, Invited speaker, the International Conference on Nonlinear Complementarity Problems, Baltimore, MD 1995(11)
[28] “Lower bounds on several capacitated set partitioning problems”, invited seminar, Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona, November 1993; Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong 1994(2)
[29]“Projected Newton’s method for SC 1 optimization with bound constraints”, invited seminar, Department of Mathematics, Washington State University 1992(4)
[30]“A continuation method for monotone variational inequality and complementarity problems: with application to linear and nonlinear programming”, invited seminar, Graduate School of Business, Washington University, January 1990; Department of Management Science and Information Systems, University of Texas at Austin 1990(2)
[31]“A continuation method for nonlinear complementarity problems”, invited session, ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Nashville 1991(5)
[32]“A new continuation method for linear programs and linear complementarity problems”, invited session, ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Philadelphia 1990(10)
[33]“Nonlinear equation methods for solving variational inequalities: theory and applications”, invited session, ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Las Vegas 1990(5)
[34]“Real time and tactical scheduling of trains”, invited talk, American Airline Decision Technologies 1990(1)
[35]“Optimal Load balancing and scheduling in a distributed computer system”, sponsored session, ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Denver 1988(10)


[1] 網際網路環境下新的定價機制研究”,由中國自然科學基金會資助2270000元人民幣 2014-2018
[2]“Incremental Park & Ride Demand Mode- Part II”, PI, $65,905, funded by Delaware Department of Transportation 2013
[3]“Formulation Capacity Modeling Tool for AstraZeneca Newark”, PI, $30,996, funded by AstraZeneca 2013
[4]“拍賣機制和競爭戰略的研究網際網路搜尋引擎”,由中國自然科學基金會資助389000元人民幣 2012-2015
[5]“Using Metrics for Continual Improvement in Application Delivery at JPMC”, Co-PI, $102,637, funded by JPMC 2011-2012
[6]“Process Improvement and Optimization for Enterprise Storage Service Management”, Co-PI, $147,422, funded by JPMC 2011-2012
[7]“中小企業信用評級”,由中國農業銀行資助1000000元人民幣 2011-2012
[8]“Incremental Park & Ride Demand Model- Part I”, PI, $65,905, funded by Delaware Department of Transportation 2010-2011
[9]“Achieving Process Intelligence via Process Mining”, Co-PI, $100,000, funded by JPMC 2010
[10]“基於信息技術的教學創新”,由中國教育部資助360000元人民幣 2009
[11]“汶川地震”應急管理和恢復過程,由中國自然科學基金會資助70000元 2008
[12] 國際交流和協作格蘭特,中國自然科學基金會資助200000元 2006
[13] Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Improvement Grant, Washington StateUniversity, $25,000 2004
[14] Supervised a inventory management project for Nordstrom Inc. that led to a projected $248,040 annual product cost savings 2004
[15] Supervised a process improvement project for calling centers of Cascade Natural Gass Corporation that led to a projected $1 million annual savings 2004
[16] Supervised a process improvement project for the calling center of a Key Bank branch in Washington State that led to more efficient and better quality service to its customers 2002
[17] Supervised a shrinkage reduction project for Northwest Dairy Farm that led to more than $250,000 savings annually 2002
[18] Research Fellowship, Danish Natural Science Research Council 1997-1998
[19] NATO Collaborative Research Grant, Co-PI, BF 184,000 1994-1996
[20] Research Grant-in-aid, Washington State University, $10,000 1993
[21] Participated a Burlington Northern Railroad scheduling project to develop a train scheduling and evaluation system. The resulting software system is currently in use 1988-1990
[22] Participated an AT&T overseas network planning project to schedule data transmission in a AT&T telecommunication network 1986-1987


[1] 2009 DSI Proceedings,: “A game theory approach to price and advertise-ment decisions in a manufacturer-retailer supply chain” 2009
[2] 2008 DSI Proceedings:“Sourcing partner selection for manufacturer in a make-to-order supply chain” 2008
[3] Book chapter in Q. Zhang (Ed.) E-Supply Chain Technologies and Management, Idea Group, 22-33:“Dynamic transshipment in the digital age” 2007
[4] Book chapter in Algorithmic Applications in Man- agement, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 261-269:“Sequence jobs and assign due dates with uncertain processing times and quadratic penalty functions” 2005
[5] 2003 DSI Proceedings:“Supplier competition and market segmentation under two strategies” 2003
[6] 2002 DSI Proceedings: “New approaches to analytical hierarchy process” 2002
[7] 2002 DSI Proceedings:“Due date assignment and sequencing in single machine shop with uncertain process times: a Laplace approach” 2002
[8] Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society:“Resource allocation with lumpy demand: to speed or not to speed?” 2001


