


  • 中文名:陳永亮
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院生態環境研究中心
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:理學
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學



2004.09-2008.07 山東農業大學 農業資源與環境專業 本科 農學學士
2008.09-2010.07 中國農業大學 植物營養系 農學碩士
2010.09-2014.07 中國科學院生態環境研究中心 生態系 理學博士


1.2014.07-2019.02 中國科學院植物研究所 助理研究員
2.2019.03-2019.06 中國科學院植物研究所 副研究員
3.2019.07- 中國農業大學 資源環境學院 副教授


3. 植物-土壤相互作用


中國農業大學優秀人才 (2019)
中國科學院地奧獎學金 (2014)



1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“青藏高原凍土區土壤硝化反硝化過程及相關功能微生物研究” (2019.01-2022.12)
2. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“土壤氧化亞氮對增溫的回響及其微生物學機制:以水分條件不同的兩種高寒草地為例” (2016.01-2018.12)
3. 國家重點研發計畫“北方農牧交錯帶草地退化過程與趨勢分析”子課題(2016.07-2020.12)


1. Yongliang Chen, Dan Kou, Fei Li, Jinzhi Ding, Guibiao Yang, Kai Fang, Yuanhe Yang*. 2019. Linkage of plant and abiotic properties to the abundance and activity of nitrifiers and denitrifiers across Tibetan permafrost regions. Plant and Soil. 434:453-466.
2. Liang Chen, Wenhua Xiang*, Huili Wu, Shuai Ouyang, Bo Zhou, Yelin Zeng, Yongliang Chen, Yakov Kuzyakov. 2019. Tree species identity surpasses richness in affecting soil microbial richness and community composition in subtropical forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 130: 113-121.
3. Yajun Hu, Stavros D. Veresoglou, Leho Tedersoo, Tianle Xu, Tida Ge, Lei Liu, Yongliang Chen, Zhipeng Hao, Yirong Su, Matthias C. Rillig, Baodong Chen. 2019. Contrasting latitudinal diversity and co-occurrence patterns of soil fungi and plants in forest ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 131: 100-110.
1. Hangwei Hu, Juntao Wang, Brajesh K. Singh, Yurong Liu, Yongliang Chen, Yujing Zhang, Jizheng He. 2018. Diversity of herbaceous plants and bacterial communities regulates soil resistome across forest biomes. Environmental Microbiology. 20: 3186-3200.
2. Guibiao Yang, Yunfeng Peng, Maija E. Marushchak, Yongliang Chen, Guanqin Wang, Fei Li, Dianye Zhang, Jun Wang, Jianchun Yu, Li Liu, Shuqi Qin, Dan Kou, Yuanhe Yang*. 2018. Magnitude and Pathways of Increased Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Uplands Following Permafrost Thaw. Environmental Science and Technology. 52: 9162-9169.
3. Dan Kou, Yunfeng Peng, Guanqin Wang, Jinzhi Ding, Yongliang Chen, Guibiao Yang, Kai Fang, Li Liu, Beibei Zhang, Christoph Müller, Jinbo Zhang, Yuanhe Yang*. 2018. Diverse responses of belowground internal nitrogen cycling to increasing aridity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 116: 189-192.
1. Yongliang Chen, Ye Deng, Jinzhi Ding, Hangwei Hu, Tianle Xu, Fei Li, Guibiao Yang, Yuanhe Yang*. 2017. Distinct microbial communities in the active and permafrost layers on the Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Ecology. 26: 6608-6620.
2. Yongliang Chen*, Zhuwen Xu, Tianle Xu, Stavros D. Veresoglou, Gaowen Yang, Baodong Chen*. 2017. Nitrogen deposition and precipitation induced phylogenetic clustering of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 115: 233-242.
3. Yongliang Chen Tianle XuStavros D. Veresoglou, Hangwei Hu, Zhipeng Hao, Yajun Hu, Li Liu, Ye Deng, Matthias C. Rillig, Baodong Chen*. 2017. Plant diversity represents the prevalent determinant of soil fungal community structure across temperate grasslands in northern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 110: 12-21.
4. Jinzhi Ding, Leiyi Chen, Gustaf Hugelius, Li Liu, Yingnian Li, Shuqi Qin, Beibei Zhang, Guibiao Yang, Fei Li, Kai Fang, Yongliang Chen, Yunfeng Peng, Xia Zhao, Chengjun Ji, Honglin He, Pete Smith, Jingyun Fang, Yuanhe Yang*. 2017. Decadal soil carbon accumulation across Tibetan permafrost regions. Nature Geoscience. 10: 420-424.
1. Yongliang Chen, Leiyi Chen, Yunfeng Peng, Jinzhi Ding, Fei Li, Guibiao Yang, Dan Kou, Li Liu, Kai Fang, Beibei Zhang, Jun Wang, Yuanhe Yang*. 2016. Linking microbial C:N:P stoichiometry to microbial community and abiotic factors along a 3500-km grassland transect on the Tibetan Plateau. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 25: 1416-1427.
2. Yongliang Chen, Jinzhi Ding, Yunfeng Peng, Fei Li, Guibiao Yang, Li Liu, Shuqi Qin, Kai Fang, Yuanhe Yang*. 2016. Patterns and drivers of soil microbial communities in Tibetan alpine and global terrestrial ecosystems. Journal of Biogeography. 43: 2027-2039.
3. Tianle Xu, Stavros D. Veresoglou#, Yongliang Chen#, Matthias C. Rillig, Dan Xiang, Daniel Ondrej, Zhipeng Hao, Lei Liu, Ye Deng, Yajun Hu, Weiping Chen, Juntao Wang, Jizheng He, Baodong Chen*. 2016. Plant community, geographic distance and abiotic factors play different roles in predicting AMF biogeography at the regional scale in northern China. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 8: 1048–1057.
4. Jinzhi Ding, Fei Li, Guibiao Yang, Leiyi Chen, Beibei Zhang, Li Liu, Kai Fang, Shuqi Qin, Yongliang Chen, Yunfeng Peng, Chengjun Ji, Honglin He, Peter Smith, Yuanhe Yang*. 2016. The permafrost carbon inventory on the Tibetan Plateau: a new evaluation using deep sediment cores. Global Change Biology. 22: 2688-2701.
1. Yongliang ChenXin Zhang, Jiashu Ye, Hongyan Han, Shiqiang Wan, Baodong Chen*. 2014. Six-year fertilization modifies the biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 69: 371-381.
2. Yongliang Chen, Hangwei Hu, Hongyan Han, Yue Du, Shiqiang Wan, Zhuwen Xu, Baodong Chen*. 2014. Abundance and community structure of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in response to fertilization and mowing in a temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 89: 67-79.
3. 陳永亮, 陳保冬, 劉蕾, 胡亞軍, 徐天樂, 張莘*. 2014. 叢枝菌根真菌在土壤氮素循環中的作用. 生態學報, 34, 4807-4815.
4. Yajun Hu, Dan Xiang, Stavros D. Veresoglou, Falin Chen, Yongliang Chen, Zhipeng Hao, Xin Zhang, Baodong Chen*. 2014. Soil organic carbon and soil structure are driving microbial abundance and community composition across the arid and semi-arid grasslands in northern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 77: 51-57.
5. Dan Xiang, Erik Verbruggen, Yajun Hu, Stavros D. Veresoglou, Matthias C. Rillig, Wenping Zhou, Tianle Xu, Huan Li, Zhipeng Hao, Yongliang Chen, Baodong Chen*. 2014. Land use influences arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in the farming-pastoral ecotone of northern China. New Phytologist. 204: 968-978.
6. Tao Li, Gin Lin, Xin Zhang, Yongliang Chen, Youshan Wang, Baodong Chen*. 2014. Relative importance of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Rhizophagus intraradices) and root hairs in plant drought tolerance. Mycorrhiza. 24: 595-602.
7. Lina Zhen, Gaowen Yang, Haijun Yang, Yongliang Chen, Nan Liu, Yingjun Zhang*. 2014. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affect seedling recruitment: a potential mechanism by which N deposition favors the dominance of grasses over forbs. Plant and Soil. 375: 127-136.
1. Yongliang Chen, Zhuwen Xu, Hangwei Hu, Yajun Hu, Zhipeng Hao, Yong Jiang, Baodong Chen*. 2013. Responses of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea to nitrogen fertilization and precipitation increment in a temperate typical steppe in Inner Mongolia. Applied Soil Ecology. 68: 36–45.
2. Yongliang Chen, Baodong Chen*, Yajun Hu, Tao Li, Xin Zhang, Zhipeng Hao, Youshan Wang. 2013. Direct and indirect influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on abundance and community structure of ammonia oxidizing bacteria and ammonia oxidizing archaea in soil microcosms. Pedobiologia. 56: 205–212.


