陳桂興 (Dr. Guixing Chen),理學博士、中山大學大氣科學學院副教授、博士生導師。研究方向:季風氣象學、降水系統日變化、中尺度數值模擬。
- 中文名:陳桂興
- 外文名:Dr. Guixing Chen
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:中山大學
- 性別:男
中國氣象學會熱帶與海洋氣象學委員會委員。擔任15個國際學術期刊的評審員:Journal of Geophysical Research,Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences,Journal of Climate, Journal of Hydrology, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, International Journal of Climatology, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Journal of Meteorological Research, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, MDPI-Climate,Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing Letters, International Journal of Remote Sensing.1
2015-2020 中山大學"百人計畫二期"急需青年傑出人才項目。(主持)
2016-2019 國家自然科學基金面上項目(41575068):夏季風日變化影響東亞氣候年際及年代際變化的物理機制。(主持)
2016-2020 國家自然科學基金重點項目(41530530):全球變暖背景下南海夏季風系統年代際變化及其機制。(參加)
2016-2021 國家重點研發計畫(2016YFA0600704):中國北方地區極端氣候的變化及成因研究。(參加)
2011-2016 參加日本超高性能計算革新研究戰略計畫(HPCI SPIRE Field 3),利用超級計算機"京"進行超高性能計算,從事超高精度/超高解析度天氣預報研究。
2006-2011 受日本文部科學省國費和東北大學尖端科學國際留學項目IGPAS資助,從事亞洲季風降水日變化研究。
2005-2009 廣東省科技廳重點引導項目(2005B32601080):華南地區天氣氣候異常的機理研究及局地經向環流業務模式的開發。1
日本東北大學藤野先生獎 (2010)1
教育和工作經歷2015.03-至今 中山大學,副教授、博士生導師
2011.10-2015.03 日本東北大學,特別研究員
2008.10-2011.09 日本東北大學地球物理系,理學博士
2006.10-2008.09 日本東北大學地球物理系,理學修士
2004.07-2006.09 廣東省氣象台,天氣預報員
2001.09-2004.06 中山大學大氣科學系,碩士
1997.09-2001.06 中山大學大氣科學系,學士
2011.10-2015.03 日本東北大學,特別研究員
2008.10-2011.09 日本東北大學地球物理系,理學博士
2006.10-2008.09 日本東北大學地球物理系,理學修士
2004.07-2006.09 廣東省氣象台,天氣預報員
2001.09-2004.06 中山大學大氣科學系,碩士
1997.09-2001.06 中山大學大氣科學系,學士
What’s New
2017.01.21 出席美國氣象學會第97次年會
2016.07.31 出席 AOGS 2016 AS07-A034, 北京
2016.07.13 出席 日本東北大學 Tohoku Forum for Creativity,仙台
2016.06.27 出席 中國科學院大氣物理研究所 颱風會議,承德
2016.05.15 發表研究論文 高海溫事件中的多尺度海氣相互作用
2016.03.07 出席 JAMSTEC/日本氣象廳 超高精度中尺度氣象預報會議,京都
2017.01.21 出席美國氣象學會第97次年會
2016.07.31 出席 AOGS 2016 AS07-A034, 北京
2016.07.13 出席 日本東北大學 Tohoku Forum for Creativity,仙台
2016.06.27 出席 中國科學院大氣物理研究所 颱風會議,承德
2016.05.15 發表研究論文 高海溫事件中的多尺度海氣相互作用
2016.03.07 出席 JAMSTEC/日本氣象廳 超高精度中尺度氣象預報會議,京都
17.Chen, G.*,W. Sha, T. Iwasaki, and Z. Wen, 2016:Morning heavy rainfall corridors along the Meiyu front associated with severe floods over East Asia.Monthly Weather Review, Under review.1
16.Chen, G.,and H. Qin, 2016:Strong ocean–atmosphere interactions during a short-term hot event over the western Pacific warm pool in response to El Niño.Journal of Climate. 29 (10), 3841–3865. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0595.1
15.Chen, G.*,X. Zhu, W. Sha, T. Iwasaki, H. Seko, K. Saito, H. Iwai, and S. Ishii, 2015b:Toward improved forecasts of sea-breeze horizontal convective rolls at super high resolutions. Part II: The impacts of land use and buildings.Monthly Weather Review, 143 (5), 1873–1894. doi: 10.1175/MWR-D-14-00230.1
14.Chen, G.*,X. Zhu, W. Sha, T. Iwasaki, H. Seko, K. Saito, H. Iwai, and S. Ishii, 2015a:Toward improved forecasts of sea-breeze horizontal convective rolls at super high resolutions. Part I: Configuration and verification of a Down-Scaling Simulation System (DS).Monthly Weather Review, 143 (5), 1849–1872. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-14-00212.1
13.Chen, G.*,W. Sha, and K. Saito, 2014c:Super high-resolution modeling of 3D structures of the sea breeze front head by the Down-Scaling Simulation System (DS3).Press release on SPIRE (Field 3) HP
12.Chen, G.*,T. Iwasaki, H. Qin, and W. Sha, 2014b:Evaluation of the warm-season diurnal variability over East Asia in recent reanalyses JRA-55, ERA-Interim, NCEP CFSR, and NASA MERRA.Journal of Climate, 27 (14), 5517-5537. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00005.1
11.Chen, G.*,R. Yoshida, W. Sha, T. Iwasaki, and H. Qin, 2014a:Convective instability associated with the eastward-propagating rainfall episodes over eastern China during the warm season.Journal of Climate,27 (6), 2331-2339. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00443.1
10.Chen, G.*,W. Sha, M. Sawada, and T. Iwasaki, 2013:Influence of summer monsoon diurnal cycle on moisture transport and precipitation over eastern China.Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 3163-3177. doi:10.1002/jgrd.50337
9.Chen, G.*,W. Sha, T. Iwasaki, and K. Ueno, 2012:Diurnal variation of rainfall in the Yangtze River Valley during the spring-summer transition from TRMM measurements.Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D06106, doi:10.1029/2011JD017056
8.Li W., S. Chen, G.Chen, W.Sha, C. Luo,Y. Feng, Z. Wen, and B. Wang (2011), Urbanization signatures in strongversus weak precipitation over the Pearl River Delta metropolitanregions of China,EnvironmentalResearch Letters, 6, 034020,doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/6/3/034020.
7.Chen, G.*,W. Sha, and T. Iwasaki, 2009b:Diurnal variation of precipitation over southeastern China: 2. Impact of the diurnal monsoon variability.Journal of Geophysical Research,114, D21105, doi:10.1029/2009JD012181
6.Chen, G.*,W. Sha, and T. Iwasaki, 2009a:Diurnal variation of precipitation over southeastern China: Spatial distribution and its seasonality.Journal of Geophysical Research,114, D13103, doi:10.1029/2008JD011103
5.Chen, G., L.Lin, Y. Feng, G.Lin, and Z.Yuan (2007), Numerical diagnosis of the abrupt change of tropicalcyclone 0411,Acta MeteorologicaSinica (in Chinese), 65(4),579-588.
4.Chen, G., Y.Feng, Z. Yuan,and Q. Wei(2007), The Mechanisms of the Weather Disasters in 2003 II——AutumnFloods in the Yellow and Huaihe River Basins,Journal of TropicalMeteorology(in Chinese), 23(4), 349-355.
3.Chen, G., Q.Wei, W. Li, M.Jian, and Z.Yuan (2005), The Mechanisms of the Weather Disasters in 2003 I——FloodSummer in the Huaihe River Basin and Hot Summer in Southern China, Journal of TropicalMeteorology (inChinese),21(1), 44-54.
2.Chen, G., W. Li,Z. Yuan, andZ. Wen(2005), Evolution mechanisms of the intraseasonal oscillationassociated with the Yangtze River Basin flood in 1998,SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 48(7), 957-967,doi:10.1360/03yd0278.
1.Chen,G., Z. Yuan, J. Liang, H. Qin, and Z. Wen (2004),Themechanism for the evolution of the monsoon meridional circulation overthe South China Sea from (20-year mean) April to June,Climatic andEnvironmental Research (inChinese), 9(4),605-618.1
6. Jiang, P., Z. Wen, W. Sha, and G. Chen*, 2016: Interaction between organized turbulence and sea-breeze front over urban-like coast in Large-Eddy Simulation.Journal of Geophysical Research, Under review.
5. 溫之平,吳乃庚,陳桂興. 2016:南海夏季風爆發早晚的經向環流異常的機理研究.大氣科學, 40 (1): 63-77. doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1508.15204
4. Zhu, X.,G. Chen*,W. Sha, T. Iwasaki, W. Li, and Z. Wen, 2014:The role of rapid urbanization in surface warming over eastern China.International Journal of Remote Sensing,35 (24), 8295-8308.doi:10.1080/01431161.2014.985397
3. Qin, H.,G. Chen, W. Wang, D. Wang, and L. Zeng, 2014:Validation and application of MODIS-derived SST in the South China Sea.International Journal of Remote Sensing,35 (11-12), 4315–4328.doi:10.1080/01431161.2014.916439
2. Saito, K., T. Tsuyuki, H. Seko, F. Kimura, T. Tokioka, T. Kuroda, L. Duc, K. Ito, T. Oizumi,G. Chen, J. Ito, and SPIRE Field 3 Mesoscale NWP group, 2013:Super high-resolution mesoscale weather prediction.Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser., 454, 012073, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/454/1/012073
1. Li, W., S. Chen,G. Chen, W. Sha, C. Luo, Y. Feng, Z. Wen, and B. Wang, 2011:Urbanization signatures in strong versus weak precipitation over the Pearl River Delta metropolitan regions of China.Environmental Research Letters,6, 034020,doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/6/3/034020