



  • 中文名:陳朱琦
  • 出生日期:1983年9月
  • 畢業院校:北京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:環境催化、污染控制與生態修復、固廢處置及資源化利用等
  • 就職院校:華中科技大學化學與化工學院


陳朱琦,男,1983年9月生,湖北武漢人。現任華中科技大學博士生導師,楚天特聘教授,華中學者。在包括Adv. Mater.(先進材料),Environ. Sci. Technol.(環境科學與工程),Chem. Eng. J.(化學工程),ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces(美國化學會套用材料與表面),J. Hazard. Mater.(有害廢物),Bioresource Technol.(生物資源技術),Chemosphere(大氣層)等國際頂級雜誌發表SCI論文60餘篇,其中影響因子大於4的44篇,累計被引超過1000次。在審和獲批專利11項。
中國城市環境衛生協會垃圾滲瀝液處理專業委員會的特聘專家委員,中國環境衛生協會國際合作委員會專家。Water Research,Bioresource and Technology,Chemical Engineering Journal,Journal of Cleaner Production,Journal of Hazarous Materials,Chemosphere等雜誌特邀審稿人。




2005.9 ~ 2010.7
北京大學碩博連讀 研究生(博士)畢業
2001.9 ~ 2005.7
北京大學 本科(學士)


2010.8-2012.8 加拿大阿爾伯塔大學-博士後


1. 國家標準“碟管式膜處理設備GB/T33758-2017”,中國標準出版社,2017,第三起草人;
2. 行業標準“生活垃圾滲瀝液膜生物反應處理系統技術規程CJJ /T264-2017”中國建築工業出版社,2017,主編;
3. 行業標準“生活垃圾滲瀝液處理技術導則” RISN-TG009-023,中國建築工業出版社,2016,第二主編;
4. 國家標準“生活垃圾衛生填埋場環境監測技術要求GB/T18772”修編,國家標準化管理委員會,主要起草人;
Towards a better understanding on mercury adsorption by magnetic bio-adsorbents with γ-Fe2O3 from pinewood sawdust derived hydrochar:Influence of atmosphere in heat treatment,Bioresource Technology,2018,256,269-276.(5.651)
Zhanao Lv,Cholho Choe,Yunfeng Wu,Haibin Wang,Zhuqi Chen*,Guangxing Li,Guochuan Yin*,Non-redox metal ions accelerated oxygen atom transfer by Mn-Me3tacn complex with H2O2 as oxygen resource,Molecular Catalysis,2018,accepted.(4.211)
Aimal Khan,Huabin Wang,Yong Liu,Ali Jawad,Jerosha Ifthikar,Zhuwei Liao,Ting Wang,Zhuqi Chen*,Highly efficient α-Mn2O3@α-MnO2-500 nanocomposite for peroxymonosulfate activation:comprehensive investigation of manganese oxides,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2018,6,1590-1600.(8.867)
Ali Jawad,Jie Lang,Zhuwei Liao,Aimal Khan,Jerosha Ifthikar,Zhanao Lv,Sijie Long,Zhulei Chen,Zhuqi Chen*,Activation of persulfate by CuOx@Co-LDH:a novel heterogeneous system for contaminant degradation with broad pH window and controlled leaching,Chemical Engineering Journal,2018,335,548-559.(6.216)
Ali Jawad,Huabin Wang,Jerosha Ifthikar,Aimal Khan,Ting Wang,Kun Zhan,Ajmal Shahzad,Zhulei Chen,Zhuqi Chen*,Efficient,stable and selective adsorption of heavy metals by thio-functionalized layered double hydroxide in diverse types of water,Chemical Engineering Journal,2018,332,387-397.(6.216)
Ali Jawad,Zhuwei Liao,Zhihua Zhou,Aimal Khan,Ting Wang,Jerosha Ifthikar,Ajmal Shahzad,Zhulei Chen,Zhuqi Chen*,Fe-MoS4; An effective and stable LDH based adsorbent for selective removal of heavy metals,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2017,9,28451-28463.(7.504)
Jia Wang,Zhuwei Liao,Jerosha Ifthikar,Lerong Shi,Yunan Du,Jingyi Zhu,Shuang Xi,Zhuqi Chen*,Zhulei Chen*. Treatment of refractory contaminants by sludge-derived biochar/persulfate system via both adsorption and advanced oxidation process. Chemosphere,2017,185,754-763.(4.208)
Zhanao Lv,Zhuqi Chen*,Yue Hu,Wenrui Zheng,Haibin Wang,Wanling Mo,Guochuan Yin*,A general strategy for open flask alkene isomerization by ruthenium hydride complexes with non-redox metal salts,ChemCatChem,2017,9,3849-3859.(4.803,封面文章)
Cholho Choe1,Zhanao Lv1,Yunfeng Wu,Zhuqi Chen*,Tingting Sun,Haibin Wang,Guangxing Li*,Guochuan Yin*,Promoting a non-heme manganese complex catalyzed oxygen transfer reaction by both lewis acid and Brønsted acid:Similarities and distinctions,Molecular Catalysis,2017,438,230-238.(4.211)
Zhanao Lv,Haibin Wang,Zhuqi Chen*,Shuhua Zou,Shuaishuai Zhu,Chenlin Lou,Guochuan Yin*,Non-redox metal Ions promoted dehydrogenation of saturated C-C bond by a ruthenium catalyst with dioxygen activation,Molecular Catalysis,2017,432,259-266.(4.211)
Jia Wang,Zhuwei Liao,Jerosha Ifthikar,Lerong Shi,Zhuqi Chen*,Zhulei Chen*,One-step preparation and application of magnetic sludge-derived biochar on acid orange 7 removal via both adsorption and persulfate based oxidation,RSC Advances,2017,7,18696-18706.(3.108)
Jerosha Ifthikar,Jia Wang,Qiliang Wang,Ting Wang,Huabin Wang,Aimal Khan,Ali Jawad,Tingting Sun,Xiang Jiao,Zhuqi Chen*,Highly efficient lead distribution by magnetic sewage sludge biochar:sorption mechanisms and bench applications ,Bioresource Technology,2017,238,399-406.(5.651)
Aimal Khan,Zhuwei Liao,Yong Liu,Ali Jawad,Jerosha Ifthikar,Zhuqi Chen*,Synergistic degradation of phenols using peroxymonosulfate activated by CuO-Co3O4@MnO2 nanocatalyst,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2017,329,262-271.(6.065)
11. Zhanao Lv,Wenrui Zheng,Zhuqi Chen*,Zhiming Tang,Wanling Mo,Guochuan Yin*,Synergistic oxygen atom transfer by the ruthenium complexes with non-redox metal ions,Dalton Transactions,2016,45,11369-11383.(4.029)
12. Zhuwei Liao,Jia Wang,Rui Wan,Shuang Xi,Zhuqi Chen*,Zhulei Chen*,Yingjian Yu,Sijie Long,Huabin Wang,Immobilization of Cd in landfill-leachate-contaminated soil with cow manure compost as soil conditioners:a laboratory study,Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association,2016,66,1276-1283.
13. 曹麗,陳娜,胡朝輝,廖朱瑋,陳朱琦*,垃圾填埋場:世界最大的生態修復案例,以武漢市金口填埋場為例.城市管理與科技,2016年3月
Zhuqi Chen*,Junxia Peng,Lingling Ge,Zhenghe Xu*,Demulsifying water-in-oil emulsions by ethyl cellulose demulsifiers studied using focused beam reflectance measurement. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015,130,254-263.(2.895)
Cholho Choe,Ling Yang,Zhanao Lv,Wanling Mo,Zhuqi Chen*,Guangxin Li*,Guochuan Yin*,Redox-inactive metal ions promoted catalytic reactivity of non-heme manganese complexes towards oxygen atom transfer. Dalton Transactions,2015,44,9182-9192.(4.029)
Yingjian Yu,Zhulei Chen*,Zhiyuan Guo,Zhuwei Liao,Lie Yang,Jia Wang,Zhuqi Chen*,Removal of refractory contaminants in municipal landfill leachate by hydrogen,oxygen and palladium:A novel approach of hydroxyl radical production,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2015,287,349-355.(6.065)
Zhuqi Chen,Guochuan Yin*,The reactivity of the active metal oxo and hydroxo intermediates and their implications in oxidations,Chemical Society Reviews,2015,44,1083-1100.(38.618)
Zhuqi Chen,Ling Yang,Cholho Choe,Zhanao Lv,Guochuan Yin*,Non-redox metal ion promoted oxygen transfer by a non-heme manganese catalyst,Chemical Communications,2015,51,1874-1877.(6.319)
Jihong Lan,Zhuqi Chen (First co-auther),Jinchi Lin,Guochuan Yin*,Catalytic aerobic oxidation of renewable furfural to maleic anhydride and furanone derivatives with their mechanistic studies,Green Chemistry,2014,16,4351-4358.(9.125)
Zhuqi Chen,Fei Ding,Feng Hao,Ming Guan,Zuqiang Bian*,Bei Ding,Chunhui Huang,Synthesis and electroluminescent property of novel europium complexes with oxadiazole substituted 1,10-phenanthroline and 2,2 '-bipyridine ligands,New Journal of Chemistry,2010,34,487-494.(3.269)
Zhuqi Chen,Fei Ding,Zuqiang Bian*,Chunhui Huang ,Efficient near-infrared organic light-emitting diodes based on multimetallic assemblies of lanthanides and iridium complexes,Organic Electronics,2010,11,369-376.(3.399)
Zhuqi Chen,Zuqing Bian,Chunhui Huang*,Functional IrIII complexes and their Applications,Advanced Materials,2010,22,1534-1539.(19.791)
Zhuqi Chen,Fei Ding,Feng Hao,Zuqing Bian*,Bei Ding,Yezi Zhu,Fangfang Chen,Chunhui Huang*,A highly efficient OLED based on terbium complexes,Organic Electronics,2009,10,939-947.(3.399)
1. Jisheng Zhang,Wen-Jie Wei,Xiaoyan Lu,Hang Yang,Zhuqi Chen,Rong-Zhen Liao*,Guochuan Yin*,Nonredox Metal Ions Promoted Olefin Epoxidation by Iron(II) Complexes with H2O2:DFT Calculations Reveal Multiple Channels for Oxygen Transfer,Inorganic Chemistry,2017,56,15138-15149.
2. Ahmed M Senan,Sicheng Zhang,Shuhao Qin,Zhuqi Chen,Guochuan Yin*,Transformation of Methyl Linoleate to its Conjugated Derivatives with Simple Pd(OAc)2/Lewis Acid Catalyst,Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society,2017,94,1481-1489.
3. Jing-Wen Xue,Miao Zeng,Xianfei Hou,Zhuqi Chen,Guochuan Yin*,Catalytic oxidation of alkynes into 1,2‐diketone derivatives by using a PdII/Lewis-Acid catalyst,Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry,2018,7,212-219.
4. Sicheng Zhang,Jihong Lan,Zhuqi Chen, Guochuan Yin*, Catalytic synthesis of 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid from furoic acid:transformation from C5 platform to C6 derivatives in biomass utilizations,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017,5,9360-9369.
5. Ahmed M Senan,Sicheng Zhang,Miao Zeng,Zhuqi Chen,and Guochuan Yin*,Transformation of unsaturated fatty acids/esters to corresponding keto fatty acids/esters by aerobic oxidation with Pd(II)/Lewis Acid catalyst,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2017,65,6912-6918.
6. Sicheng Zhang,Guanfei Shen,Zhuqi Chen,Guochuan Yin*,Accessing the HMF derivatives from furfural acetate through oxidative carbonylation,ChemistrySelect,2017,2,7096-7099.
7. Yibing Li,Lianshuang Guo,Dekang Huang,Ali Jawad,Zhuqi Chen,Jiakuan Yang,Weidong Liu,Yan Shen,Mingkui Wang,Guochuan Yin*,Support-dependent active species formation for CuO catalysts:Leading to efficient pollutant degradation in alkaline conditions,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2017,328,56-62.
8. Chenlin Lou,Shuhao Qin,Sicheng Zhang,Zhanao Lv,Ahmed M. Senan,Zhuqi Chen,Guochuan Yin* ,Non-redox metal ions promoted oxidative dehydrogenation of saturated C\C bond by simple Pd(OAc)2 catalyst,Catalysis Communications,2017,90,5-9.
9. Jisheng Zhang,Hang Yang,Tingting Sun,Zhuqi Chen,Guochuan Yin*,Non-redox metal ions enhanced dioxygen activation by oxidovanadium(IV) complexes towards hydrogen atom abstraction,Inorganic Chemistry,2017,56,834-844.
10. Sicheng Zhang,Haosheng Xu,Chenlin Lou,Ahmed M. Senan,Zhuqi Chen,Guochuan Yin*,Efficient bimetallic catalysis of nitrile hydration to amides by simple Pd(OAc)2/Lewis acid catalyst at ambient temperature,European Journal of Organic Chemistry,2017,1870-1875.
11. Yibing Li,Ali Jawad,Aimal Khan,Xiaoyan Lu,Zhuqi Chen,Weidong Liu,Guochuan Yin*,Synergistic degradation of phenols by bimetallic CuO–Co3O4@γ-Al2O3 catalyst in H2O2/HCO3− system,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2016,37,963-970.
12. Ali Jawad,Zhuqi Chen,Guochuan Yin*,Bicarbonate activation of hydrogen peroxide:A new emerging technology for wastewater treatment,Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2016,37,810-825.
13. Sicheng Zhang,Zhuqi Chen,Shuhao Qin,Chenlin Lou,Rongzhen Liao*,Guochuan Yin*, Non-Redox Metal Ion Promoted Oxidative Coupling of Indoles with Olefins by the Palladium(II) Acetate Catalyst Through Dioxygen Activation:Experimental Results with DFT Calculations,Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry,2016,14,4146-4157.
14. Ahmed M. Senan,Shuhao Qin,Sicheng Zhang,Chenlin Lou,Zhuqi Chen,Rong-Zhen Liao* and Guochuan Yin*,Nonredox Metal-Ion-Accelerated Olefin Isomerization by Palladium(II) Catalysts:Density Functional Theory (DFT) Calculations Supporting the Experimental Data,ACS Catalysis,2016,6,4144-4148.
15. Ali Jawad,Yibing Li,Lianshuang Guo,Aimal Khan,Zhuqi Chen,Jingyu Wang,Jiakuan Yang,Weidong Liu,Guochuan Yin*,Bimetallic synergistic degradation of chlorophenols by CuCoOX-LDH catalyst in bicarbonate-activated hydrogen peroxide system,RSC Advances,2016,76,72643-72653.
16. Jisheng Zhang,Yujuan Wang,Nengchao Luo,Kangbing Wu,Zhuqi Chen,Guochuan Yin*. Redox inactive metal ions triggered N-dealkylation by iron catalyst with dioxygen activation:a lesson from lipoxygenases,Dalton Transactions,2015,44,9847-9859.
17. Jihong Lan,Lin Jinchi,Zhuqi Chen,Guochuan,Yin*. Transformation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) to maleic anhydride by aerobic oxidation with heteropolyacid catalysts,ACS Catalysis,2015,5,2035-2041.
18. Donald G. Jones,Kevin R. Wilson,Desiray J. Cannon-Smith,Anthony D. Shircliff,Zhan Zhang,Zhuqi Chen,Timothy J. Prior,Guochuan Yin*,Timothy J. Hubin*. Synthesis,structural studies,and oxidation catalysis of the late-first-tow-transition-metal complexes of a 2-pyridylmethyl pendant-armed ethylene cross-bridged cyclam,Inorganic Chemistry,2015,54,2221-2234.
19. Ali Jawad,Yibing Li,Xiaoyan Lu,Zhuqi Chen,Weidong,Liu,Guochuan Yin*. Controlled leaching with prolonged activity for Co-LDH supported catalyst during treatment of organic dyes using bicarbonate activation of hydrogen peroxide,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2015,289,165-173.
20. Shuhao Qin,Lei Dong,Zhuqi Chen,Sicheng Zhang and Guochuan Yin*,Non-redox metal ions can promote Wacker-type oxidations even better than copper(II) :a new opportunity in catalyst design,Dalton Transactions,2015,44,17508-17515.
21. Dallas L. Matz,Donald G. Jones,Kimberly D. Roewe,Michael-Joseph Gorbet,Zhan Zhang,Zhuqi Chen,Timothy J. Prior,Stephen J. Archibald,Guochuan Yin*,Timothy J. Hubin*. Synthesis,structural studies,kinetic stability,and oxidation catalysis of the late first row transition metal complexes of 4,10-dimethyl-1,4,7,10-tetraazabicyclo [6. 5. 2] pentadecane,Dalton Transactions,2015,44,12210-12224.
22. Anthony D Shircliff,Kevin R Wilson,D J Cannon,Donald G Jones,Zhan Zhang,Zhuqi Chen,Guochuan Yin,Timothy J Prior,Timothy J Hubin,Synthesis,structural studies,and oxidation catalysis of the manganese(II),iron(II),and copper(II) complexes of a 2-pyridylmethyl pendant armed side-bridged cyclam,Inorganic Chemistry Communications,2015,59,71-79.
23. Zhan Zhang,Katherine L. Coats,Zhuqi Chen,Timothy J. Hubin,Guochuan Yin*,Influence of Calcium(II) and Chloride on the Oxidative Reactivity of a Manganese(II) Complex of a Cross-Bridged Cyclen Ligand,Inorganic Chemistry,2014,53,11937-11947.
24. Ali Jawad,Xiaoyan Lu,Zhuqi Chen,Guochuan Yin*,Degradation of Chlorophenols by Supported Co-Mg-Al Layered Double Hydrotalcite with Bicarbonate Activated Hydrogen Peroxide,The Journal of Physical Chemistry A,2014,118,10028-10035.
25. Lei Dong,Yujuan Wang,Yanzong Lv,Zhuqi Chen,Fuming Mei,Hui Xiong,and Guochuan Yin*,Lewis-Acid-Promoted Stoichiometric and Catalytic Oxidations by Manganese Complexes Having Cross-Bridged Cyclam Ligand:A Comprehensive Study,Inorganic Chemistry,2013,52,5418−5427.
26. Li Zhou,Wei Song,Zhuqi Chen,and Guochuan Yin*,Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Wastewater by BicarbonateActivated Hydrogen Peroxide with a Supported Cobalt Catalyst,Environmental Science & Technology,2013,47,3833−3839.
27. Huajun Guo,Zhuqi Chen,Fuming Mei,Dajian Zhu,Hui Xiong,and Guochuan Yin*,Redox Inactive Metal Ion Promoted C-H Activation of Benzene to Phenol with PdII(bpym):Demonstrating New Strategies in Catalyst Designs,Chemistry – An Asian Journal,2013,8,888 – 891.
28. Fei Ding,Jian Bai,Zhuqi Chen,Feng Hao,Zuqiang Bian*,Yongliang Zhao*,Chunhui Huang,A carbazole-functionalized Ir complex used in efficient single-layer electrophosphorescent devices,Polyhedron,2013,52,144-150.
29. Fangfang Chen. Zhuqi Chen,Zuqiang Bian,Chunhui Huang*,Sensitized Luminescence from Lanthanides in d-f Bimetallic Complexes,Coordination Chemistry Reviews,2010,254,991-1010.
30. Bin Lou,Zhuqi Chen,Zuqing Bian*,Chunhui Huang,Multisignaling Detection of Cyanide Anions Based on an Iridium(III) Complex:Remarkable Enhancement of Sensitivity by Coordination Effect,New Journal of Chemistry,2010,34,132-136.
31. Zhiwei Liu,Zuqing Bian*,Feng Hao,Daobo Nie,Fei Ding,Zhuqi Chen,Chunhui Huang*,Highly Efficient Orange-Red Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using a Series of Green-Emission Iridium Complexes as Hosts,Organic Electronics,2009,10,247-255.
32. Fangfang Chen,Zuqing Bian*,Zhiwei Liu,Daobo Nie,Zhuqi Chen,Chunhui Huang*,Highly Efficient Sensitized Red Emission from Europium(III) in Ir-Eu Bimetallic Complexes by 3MLCT Energy Eransfer,Inorganic Chemistry,2008,47,2507-2513.
33. Fangfang Chen,Zuqiang Bian*,Bin Lou,En Ma,Zhiwei Liu,Daobo Nie,Zhuqi Chen,Jiang Bian,Zhongning Chen,Chunhui Huang*,Sensitised Near-Infrared Emission from Lanthanides Using an Iridium Complex as a Ligand in Heteronuclear Ir(2)Ln Arrays,Dalton Transactions,2008,5577-5583.
34. Daobo Nie,Zuqiang Bian*,Anchi Yu,Zhuqi Chen,Zhiwei Liu,Chunhui Huang*,Ground and excited state intramolecular proton transfer controlled intramolecular charge separation and recombination:A new type of charge and proton transfer reaction,Chemical Physics,2008,348,181-186.
35. Daobo Nie,Zhuqi Chen,Zuqiang Bian*,Jianqiang Zhou,Zhiwei Liu,Fangfang Chen,Yongliang Zhao,Chunhui Huang*,Energy transfer pathways in the carbazole functionalized β-diketonate europium complexes,New Journal of Chemistry,2007,31,1639-1646.
36. Min Guan,Zhuqi Chen,Zuqiang Bian*,Zhiwei Liu,Zeliang Gong,Woonphil Baik,Hyunjoo Lee,Chunhui Huang*,The host materials containing carbazole and oxadiazole fragment for red triplet emitter in organic light-emitting diodes,Organic Electronics,2006,7,330-336.


華中科技大學學術新人獎 2015


