
陳會平,1986年同濟醫科大學獲醫學學士學位,1991年同濟醫科大學獲醫學碩士學位(醫學遺傳專業),2003年冰島大學醫學院獲醫學博士學位(醫學遺傳專業) ,現任華中科技大學教授。


  • 中文名:陳會平
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:男


1996-2000冰島鑽遷擔殼國家醫院細胞墓去符射生物學實驗室Research Fellow。
2002,03-2002,10冰島Prokaria生物技術有限公司Senior Scientist。
2002,11-2004,05冰島大學實驗病理研究所分子遺傳專業Postdoctoral Researcher。
2004,06-2007,01美國聖路易斯華盛頓大學醫學院腫瘤遺傳專業Research Associate。
2007, 01-至今 華中科技大學同濟醫學院基礎醫酷定學院醫學生物系醫學遺傳教系教授。




2.Huiping C, Xixian L. "Studies of DMD Gene Deletion and Gene Duplication " Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics 9, 23-26, 1992。
3.Huiping C, Xixian L. "Molecular Genetics of Fragile X Syndrome " Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics 10, 32-36, 1993。
4.Juan F, Huiping C Xixian L. "Gene Deletion and Gene Duplication in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Studied and Used in Gene Diagnosis " Chinese Journal of Eugenics and Heredity 1, 1-6, 1993。
5.Huiping C, Eiriksdottir G, Sigurdsson A, Sigurgeirsdottir JR, Barkardottir RB, Egilsson V, Ingvarsson S. "High frequency of LOH at chromosome 18q in human breast cancer: association with high S-phase fraction and low progesterone receptor content" Anticancer Research 18, 1031-1036, 1998。
6.Huiping C, Johannsdottir J, Arason A, Olafsdottir GH, Eiriksdottir G, Egilsson V, Ingvarsson S. "Replication error in human breast cancer: comparison with clinical variables and family history of cancer" Oncology Report 6, 117-122, 1999。
7.Huiping C, Sigurgeirsdottir JR, Jonasson JG, Eiriksdottir G, Johannsdottir J, Egilsson V, Ingvarsson S. "Chromosomal alterations and E-cadherin gene mutations in human lobular breast cancer" British Journal of Cancer 81, 1103-1110, 1999。愉囑疊
8.Sigbjornsdottir BI, Ragnarsson G, Agnarsson BA, Huiping C, Barkardottir RB, Egilsson V, Ingvarsson S. "Chromosome 8p alterations in sporadic and BRCA2 999del5 linked breast cancer" Journal of Medical Genetics 37, 0-5, 2000。
9.Huiping C, Jonasson JG, Agnarsson BA, Sigbjornsdottir BI, Huebner K, Ingvarsson S. "Analysis of the FHIT gene in lobular breast cancer". European Journal of Cancer 36,1552-1557, 2000。
10.Sigurdur Ingvarsson, Bjarnveig I Sigbjornsdottir, Chen Huiping, Jon G Jonasson, Bjarni A Agnarsson. “Alteration of the FHIT gene in breast cancer: Association with tumour progression and patient survival”. Cancer Detection and Prevention 25(3), 318-324, 2001。
11.Huiping C, Kristjansdottir S, Jonasson JG, Magnusson J, Egilsson V, Ingvarsson S. “Alterations of E-cadherin and beta-catenin in gastric cancer”. BMC Cancer, 1: 16, 2001。
12.Huiping C, Kristjansdottir S, Bergthorsson JT, , Jonasson JG, Magnusson J, Egilsson V, Ingvarsson S. “High frequency of LOH, MSI and abnormal expression of FHIT in gastric cancer”. European Journal of Cancer, 38, 728-735, 2002。
13.Ingvarsson S, Sigbjornsdottir BI, Huiping C, Hafsteinsdottir SH, Ragnarsson G, Barkardottir RB, Arason A, Egilsson V, Bergthorsson JT. “Mutation analysis of the CHK2 gene in breast carcinoma and other cancers. Breast Cancer Research, 4 (3), R4, 2002。
14.Petursdottir TE, Hafsteinsdottir SH, Jonasson JG, Möller PH, Thorsteinsdottir U, Huiping C, Egilsson V, Ingvarsson S. “Loss of heterozygosity at the FHIT gene in different solid human tumours and its association with survival in colorectal cancer patients”. Anticancer Research, 22(6A):3205-3212, 2002。
15.Huiping C. “Genetic defects in breast and gastric cancer”. Doctoral thesis, ISBN: 9979-60-828-5, 2003。
16.Petursdottir TE, Thorsteinsdottir U, Jonasson JG, Moller PH, Huiping C, Egilsson V, Imreh S, Ingvarsson S. “Interstitial deletions including chromosome 3 common eliminated region I (C3CERI) prevail in human solid tumours from 10 different tissues”. Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer, 41:232-242, 2004。
17.Anastasi S, Sala G, Huping C, Caprini E, Russo G, Birnbaum D, Iacovelli S, Lucini F, Ingvarsson S and Segatto O. Loss of RALT/MIG-6 expression in ERBB-2 amplified breast carcinomas enhances erbB-2 oncogenic potency and favours resistance to Herceptin ”. Oncogene, 24:4540-4548, 2005。
18.Shin BY, Chen HP, Rozek LS, Paxton L, Peel DJ, Culver HA, Rennert G, Mutch DG, Goodfellow PJ, Gruber SB, Lipkin SM. “Low allele frequency of MLH1 D132H in American colorectal and endometrial cancer patients”. Dis Colon Rectum, 48:1723-1727, 2005。
19.Chen H, Taylor NP, Sotamaa KM, Mutch DG, Powell MA, Schmidt AP, Feng S, Hampel HL, de la Chapelle A, Goodfellow PJ. “Evidence for heritable predisposition to epigenetic silencing of MLH1. International Journal of Cancer, 120:1684-1688, 2007。
7.Huiping C, Sigurgeirsdottir JR, Jonasson JG, Eiriksdottir G, Johannsdottir J, Egilsson V, Ingvarsson S. "Chromosomal alterations and E-cadherin gene mutations in human lobular breast cancer" British Journal of Cancer 81, 1103-1110, 1999。
8.Sigbjornsdottir BI, Ragnarsson G, Agnarsson BA, Huiping C, Barkardottir RB, Egilsson V, Ingvarsson S. "Chromosome 8p alterations in sporadic and BRCA2 999del5 linked breast cancer" Journal of Medical Genetics 37, 0-5, 2000。
9.Huiping C, Jonasson JG, Agnarsson BA, Sigbjornsdottir BI, Huebner K, Ingvarsson S. "Analysis of the FHIT gene in lobular breast cancer". European Journal of Cancer 36,1552-1557, 2000。
10.Sigurdur Ingvarsson, Bjarnveig I Sigbjornsdottir, Chen Huiping, Jon G Jonasson, Bjarni A Agnarsson. “Alteration of the FHIT gene in breast cancer: Association with tumour progression and patient survival”. Cancer Detection and Prevention 25(3), 318-324, 2001。
11.Huiping C, Kristjansdottir S, Jonasson JG, Magnusson J, Egilsson V, Ingvarsson S. “Alterations of E-cadherin and beta-catenin in gastric cancer”. BMC Cancer, 1: 16, 2001。
12.Huiping C, Kristjansdottir S, Bergthorsson JT, , Jonasson JG, Magnusson J, Egilsson V, Ingvarsson S. “High frequency of LOH, MSI and abnormal expression of FHIT in gastric cancer”. European Journal of Cancer, 38, 728-735, 2002。
13.Ingvarsson S, Sigbjornsdottir BI, Huiping C, Hafsteinsdottir SH, Ragnarsson G, Barkardottir RB, Arason A, Egilsson V, Bergthorsson JT. “Mutation analysis of the CHK2 gene in breast carcinoma and other cancers. Breast Cancer Research, 4 (3), R4, 2002。
14.Petursdottir TE, Hafsteinsdottir SH, Jonasson JG, Möller PH, Thorsteinsdottir U, Huiping C, Egilsson V, Ingvarsson S. “Loss of heterozygosity at the FHIT gene in different solid human tumours and its association with survival in colorectal cancer patients”. Anticancer Research, 22(6A):3205-3212, 2002。
15.Huiping C. “Genetic defects in breast and gastric cancer”. Doctoral thesis, ISBN: 9979-60-828-5, 2003。
16.Petursdottir TE, Thorsteinsdottir U, Jonasson JG, Moller PH, Huiping C, Egilsson V, Imreh S, Ingvarsson S. “Interstitial deletions including chromosome 3 common eliminated region I (C3CERI) prevail in human solid tumours from 10 different tissues”. Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer, 41:232-242, 2004。
17.Anastasi S, Sala G, Huping C, Caprini E, Russo G, Birnbaum D, Iacovelli S, Lucini F, Ingvarsson S and Segatto O. Loss of RALT/MIG-6 expression in ERBB-2 amplified breast carcinomas enhances erbB-2 oncogenic potency and favours resistance to Herceptin ”. Oncogene, 24:4540-4548, 2005。
18.Shin BY, Chen HP, Rozek LS, Paxton L, Peel DJ, Culver HA, Rennert G, Mutch DG, Goodfellow PJ, Gruber SB, Lipkin SM. “Low allele frequency of MLH1 D132H in American colorectal and endometrial cancer patients”. Dis Colon Rectum, 48:1723-1727, 2005。
19.Chen H, Taylor NP, Sotamaa KM, Mutch DG, Powell MA, Schmidt AP, Feng S, Hampel HL, de la Chapelle A, Goodfellow PJ. “Evidence for heritable predisposition to epigenetic silencing of MLH1. International Journal of Cancer, 120:1684-1688, 2007。


