陳智輝,博士,副教授,碩士生導師, 山西省高等學校優秀青年學術帶頭人, 2014年度山西省高等學校優秀創新團隊研究骨幹。主要從事微納光電子器件及其光耦合結構的研究。在北郵信息光子學與光通信國家重點實驗室和瑞典皇家工學院讀博期間參與並完成了國家自然科學基金、863 項目、瑞典Richertska Foundation 項目、瑞典Acreo公司量子點紅外探測器研究合作項目,具有豐富的科研經歷。在量子點、光子晶體耦合結構等方面發表SCI 檢索期刊論文18 篇, EI 檢索文章4 篇,申請發明專利4項。相關研究論文主要發表在Nanoscale、Applied Physics Letters、The Journal of Physical Chemistry C、Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells、Applied Physics B、Optics Express 等學術期刊上。獲得過瑞典 Carl TryggersStiftelse獎學金、第三屆歐盟格線Plugtests競賽二等獎、3M 公司創意獎學金、北京郵電大學優秀博士論文獎等。現為RSC Advances (IF 3.708)、Optics Communications 等國際期刊審稿人。現主持國家自然科學基金、教育部博士點基金、山西省自然科學基金、信息光子學與光通信國家重點實驗室開放課題、山西省高等學校優秀青年學術帶頭人支持計畫、太原理工大學引進高層次人才科研啟動項目。與瑞典皇家工學院、上海交通大學、浙江大學、北京郵電大學、北京化工大學有很好的合作關係。
- 中文名:陳智輝
- 外文名:Chen Zhihui
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 職業:太原理工大學 副教授
- 畢業院校:瑞典皇家工學院、北京郵電大學
- Z.-H. Chen,* Y. Wang, Y. Yang, N. Qiao, Y.-C. Wang and Z. Yu, “Enhanced normal-direction excitation and emission of dual-emitting quantum dots on a cascaded photonic crystal surface”, Nanoscale, DOI: 10.1039/c4nr03851g, outside back cover (2014). IF: 6.739, 一區。
- Z.-H. Chen,* S. Hellström, Z.-Y. Yu and Y. Fu, “Comb-shaped photonic crystal structure for efficient broadband light diffraction and funnelling in solar cells”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 99, 316-320 (2012). IF: 5.030,一區。
- Z.-H. Chen, S. Hellström, Z.-Y. Yu, Min Qiu, and Y. Fu, “Time-resolved photocurrents in quantum well/dot infrared photodetectors with different optical coupling structures”, Applied Physics Letters, 100, 043502 (2012). IF: 3.794,二區。
- Z.-H. Chen, S. Hellström, Z.-J.Ning, Z.-Y. Yu, and Y. Fu, “ExcitonPolariton Contribution to the Stokes Shift in Colloidal Quantum Dots”,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 5286–5293 (2011). IF:4.835,二區。
- Z.-H. Chen, Z.-Y.Yu, Y.-M.Liu, P.-F. Lu, Y. Fu, “Multiple beam splitting to free space from a V groove in a photonic crystal waveguide”, Applied Physics B:Lasers and Optics, 102, 857-861 (2011).
- Z.-H. Chen, Z.-Y.Yu, P.-F.Lu, and Y.-M. Liu, “Surface diffusion of Si, Ge and C adatoms on Si (001) substrate studied by the molecular dynamics simulation”, Chinese Physics B, 18, 4591 (2009).
- Z.-H. Chen, Z.-Y.Yu, P.-F.Lu, and Y.-M. Liu, “Molecular dynamics simulations of atomic assembly in the process of GaN film growth”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 404, 4211-4215 (2009).
- S. Hellström, Z.-H. Chen, Y. Fu, M. Qiu, R. Soltanmoradi, Q. Wang, and J. Y. Andersson, “Increased photocurrent in quantum dot infrared photodetector by subwavelengthhole array in metal thin film”, Applied Physics Letters, 96, 231110 (2010). IF: 3.794,二區。
- Wang, WJ ; Sheng, Y ; Roppo, V ; Chen, Z H ; Niu, XY ; Krolikowski, W, "Enhancement of nonlinear Raman-Nath diffraction in two-dimensional optical superlattice", Opt. Express, 21, 18671-18679 (2013). IF:3.525,二區。
- Shao-Ding Liu, Yi-Biao Yang, Zhi-Hui Chen, Wen-Jie Wang, Hong-Ming Fei, Ming-Jiang Zhang, and Yun-Cai Wang, "Excitation of Multiple Fano Resonances in Plasmonic Clusters with D2h Point Group Symmetry",J. Phys. Chem. C, 117, 14218–14228(2013). IF:4.835,二區。
- X. Wu, Y. Liu, Z. Yu, Z. H. Chen, H.Gong, and H.Yin, "Ultrathin nanodome solar cell combining with antireflection structure and metal grating", Journal of Optics, 15, 055012 (2013). IF:2.01,三區。
- Ming Li, Pengfei Lu, Zhongyuan Yu, Lei Yan, Zhihui Chen, Chuanghua Yang, and Xiao Luo,“Vector Monte Carlo simulations on atmospheric scattering of polarization qubits”,J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 30(3),448-454,(2013).
- H. Ye, P.F. Lu, Z.Y. Yu, D.L. Wang, Z.H. Chen, Y.M. Liu, S.M. Wang, “Dislocation-induced composition profile in alloy semiconductors”, Solid State Communications, 150, 1275-1278 (2010).
- H. Ye, P.F. Lu, Z.Y. Yu, Z.H. Chen, B.Y. jia, H.Feng, Y.M. Liu, “Equilibrium critical thickness for a wurtziteInGaN/GaNheterostructure”, Superlattices and Microstructures, 48, 58-65 (2010).
- H. Ye, P.F. Lu, Z.Y. Yu, W. J. Yao, Z. H. Chen, B.Y. jia, Y.M. Liu, “Electronic and optical properties of GaN/AlN quantum dots with adjacent threading dislocations”, Chinese Physics B, 19, 047302 (2010).
- Jia B.Y., Yu Z.Y., Liu Y.M., Chen Z.H., Yao W.J., Zhao W., Ye H., Feng H., “Electronic structures of GaAs/AlGaAs concentric double rings in applied electric and magnetic field”, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 42, 82-85 (2009).
- Liu, YM; Yu, ZY; Jia, BY; Xu, ZH; Yao, WJ; Chen, Z H ; Lu, PF; Han, LH, “Strain distributions and electronic structure of three-dimensional InAs/GaAs quantum rings”, Chinese Physics B, 18, 4667-4675 (2009).
- 山西省高等學校優秀青年學術帶頭人 2014。
- 北京郵電大學優秀博士論文 2014。
- 國家公派博士後2013-2014。
- 美國3M公司創意獎學金 2012。
- 第三屆歐盟格線Plugtests競賽二等獎2006。
- 北京郵電大學一等獎學金2008。
- 北郵信息光子學與光通信研究院優秀研究生2009。