- 中文名:陳揚駸
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生日期:1945年

1.Predissociation of the bΠg (v=9) State of He2 Excimer
Chuanliang Li‚ Lunhua Deng‚ Junli Zhang‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Yangqin Chen*
Chinese J. Chem. Phys.‚ 24‚ P.125 (2011)
2. Pertubation Analysis of the v=6 Level in the dΔ State of CS Based on Its Near-Infrared
Absorption Spectrum
Chuanliang Li‚ Lunhua Deng‚ Yan Zhang‚ Ling Wu‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Yangqin Chen*
J. Phys. Chem. A‚115‚ P.2978 (2011)
3. Absorption Spectrum of Neutral Phosphorus (PI) in the Range 7700-8256A
Lunhua Deng‚ Chuanliang Li‚ Junli Zhang‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Yangqin Chen
Physica Scripta‚82‚ P.065301 (2010)
4. Absorption Spectrum of the (2‚1) band in the A-X system of CS cation
Chuanliang Li‚ Lunhua Deng‚ Yan Zhang‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Yangqin Chen*
J. Mol. Spect.‚.264‚ P.75-77 (2010)
5. The absorption spectrum of the (1‚0)‚(3‚1) and (4‚2) bands in the C-A System of He2 excimer
Chuanliang Li‚ Lunhua Deng‚ Junli Zhang‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Yangqin Chen*
J. Mol. Spect.‚Vol.260‚ P.85-87 (2010)
6. Rotational analysis of the (4‚8) band in the A-X system of Cl2
Ling Wu‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Yangqin Chen
J. Quant. Spect. & Radiative Transfer Vol.109‚ P.1586-1589 (2008)
7. Study of the spectrum of (3‚1) band in the dΔ-aП system of CO
Xiaohua Yang‚ Jingwen Ben‚ Ling Li‚ Yangqin Chen
J. Quant. Spect. & Radiative TransferVol.109‚ P.468-475 (2008)
8. Rotational analysis of the (3‚6) band in the comet-tail (AПi-XΣ) system of CO
Yandan Wu‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Yingcun Guo‚ Yangqin Chen
J.Mol.Spect.‚Vol.248‚ P.81-84 (2008)
9. Study of (1‚4) band in the comet-tail (AПi-XΣ) system of CO
Xiaohua Yang‚ Yandan Wu‚ Yangqin Chen
J.Mol.Spect.‚Vol.245‚ P.84-87 (2007)
10. Study of (2‚0) band of AПu-XΣg system of N2 by optical heterodyne detected velocity
modulation spectroscopy
Yandan Wu‚ JingwenBen‚ Ling Li‚ Lijuan Zheng‚Yangqin Chen‚ Xiaohua Yang
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics Vol.20‚ No.3‚ P.285-290 (2007)
11. Perturbation of the aП(v=9) and dΔ(v=2) states of CO
Jingwen Ben‚ Ling Li‚ Lijuan Zheng‚ Yangqin chen‚ Xiaohua Yang
Chem.Phys.‚Vol.335‚ P.109-114 (2007)
12. Analysis of (1‚2) (1‚3) and (2‚3) band in the cПu-bПg system of P2
Ling Wu‚ Lijuan Zheng‚ K.Kakule‚Yangqin Chen‚ Xiaohua Yang
Chin. Phys. Lett.‚Vol.24‚ No.1‚ P.90-93 (2007)
13. Computer assisted assignments of rotational resolved molecular spectra
Ling Wu‚ Lijuan Zheng‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Yuyan Liu‚Yangqin Chen*
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics‚Vol.19‚No.1‚P.39-42 (2006)
14. Perturbation study via rotational- resolved spectrum in the triplet band dΔ-aΠ(2‚1) of CO
Chunyan Xu‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Yingchun Guo‚ Ling Wu Wei Li‚Yangqin Chen
Chinese PhysicsVol.14 (10) P.1954-1959 (2005)
15. Rotational analysis of (6‚ 20)‚ (4‚ 20) and (2‚ 18) bands in the second negative
(AПu - XПg) system of O2 cation
Lijuan Zheng‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Ling Wu‚ Kakule Kaniki‚ Yingchun Guo‚ Yuyan Liu ‚Yangqin Chen*
J.Mol.Spect.‚Vol.229 (1)‚ P.131-136 (2005)
16. New rovibrational analysis of A-X absorption spectrum of Cl2
Ling Wu‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Yingchun Guo‚ Lijuan Zheng‚ Yuyan Liu‚ Yangqin Chen*
J.Mol.Spect.‚Vol.230(1)‚ P.72-77 (2005)
17. Rovibration spectrum study of three hot bands with v”>=18 in the second negative
system of ion
Lijuan Zheng‚ XiaohuaYang‚ Ling Wu‚ Kakule Kaniki‚ Yingchun Guo‚ Yuyan Liu‚ Yangqin Chen*
J.Mol.Spect.‚Vol.226 (1)‚ P.81-86 (2004)
18. Vibronic transition moments and line intensities for H2O
Shenghai Wu‚ Yangqin Chen‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Yingchun Guo‚ Yuyan Liu‚ Yan Li‚
Robert J.Buenker‚ Per Jensen
J.Mol.Spect.‚Vol.225‚ P.96-106‚ (2004)
19. The absorption spectra of H2O and D2O in the visible and near infrared region
Yujie Gan‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Yingchun Guo‚ Shenghai Wu‚ Wei Li‚ Yuyan Liu‚ Yangqin Chen*
Molecular Physics‚Vol.102‚ No.6‚ P.611-621 (2004)
20. Observation and analysis of two sub-bands in the absorption spectrum of H2O
Shenghai Wu‚ Xiaohua Yang‚ Yingchun Guo‚ Hua Zhuang‚ Yuyan Liu‚ Yangqin Chen*
J. Mol. Spect.‚Vol.219‚ No.2‚ P.258-262 (2003)