- 中文名:陳慧芝
- 畢業院校:上海中醫學院
- 職業:醫生
- 主要成就:上海長江醫院不孕不育專家組成員
Huizhi chen, the Chinese-medical doctor
The doctor graduated from shanghai Chinese-medical college and has been engaged in the clinic job more than 30 years, she has a rich clinic experience. She edited many thesis on the medical journal and is called the advanced doctor by shanghai healthy department many times.
She is good at treatment of the barrenness, the hysteromyoma, the endometriosis, the chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, the cervicitis, the salpingemphraxis, the ovulation failure,and so on, in the traditional Chinese medicalmethod. Especially she specializes in the Polycystic ovarian syndrome.