


  • 中文名:陳志永
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生地:湖南省邵陽市
  • 出生日期:1970年12月
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:中南工業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:金屬塑性變形微觀機理、織構與各向異性等
  • 職務:教授,博士生導師
  • 主要成就:發表論文86篇,其中SCI收錄51篇,EI收錄65篇;申請國家發明專利9項,已授權5項
  • 學術代表作:《高性能變形鎂合金加工關鍵技術及套用》





1993.09-2003.03 中南工業大學(2000年與湖南醫科大學、長沙鐵道學院合併,更名為中南大學),材料科學與工程學院材料加工工程系,金屬壓力加工(後改為材料加工工程)專業,保送研究生/提前攻博,工學博士
1989.09-1993.06 中南工業大學,套用物理與熱能工程系,套用物理專業,本科/理學學士
1986.09-1989.06 邵陽市第一中學,高中
1983.09-1986.06 邵陽市第一中學,國中
1978.09-1983.06 邵陽市東塔國小,國小


2013.10-目前 中南大學,材料科學與工程學院材料加工工程系,教授
2003.10-2013.09 中南大學,材料科學與工程學院材料加工工程系,副教授
2004.11-2007.08 北京理工大學,材料科學與工程博士後流動站,博士後
1999.08-2003.09 中南大學,材料科學與工程學院材料加工工程系,助教/講師


1. 相關代表性論文(標*為通訊作者)
1)Y.H. Jiang, Z.Y. Chen*, C.K. Zhan, T. Chen, R.K. Wang, C.M. Liu: Adiabatic shear localization in pure titanium deformed by dynamic loading: microstructure and microtexture characteristic, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2015, 640: 436-442.
2)H.C. Xiao, S.N. Jiang*, B. Tang, W.H. Hao, Y.H. Gao, Z.Y. Chen, C.M. Liu: Hot deformation and dynamic recrystallization behaviors of Mg–Gd–Y–Zr alloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2015, 628: 311-318.
3)Y.C. Wan, S.N. Jiang, C.M. Liu*, B.Z. Wang, Z.Y. Chen: Effect of Nd and Dy on the microstructure and mechanical property of the as extruded Mg–1Zn–0.6Zr alloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2015, 625:158-163.
4)Z.B. Chen, C.M. Liu﹡, H.C. Xiao, J.K. Wang, Z.Y. Chen, S.N. Jiang, Z.J. Su: Effect of rolling passes on the microstructures and mechanical properties of the Mg–Gd–Y–Zr alloy sheets, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2014, 618: 232–237.
5)Y.C. Wan, H.C. Xiao, S.N. Jiang, B. Tang﹡, C.M. Liu, Z.Y. Chen, L.W. Lu: Microstructure and mechanical properties of semi-continuous cast Mg–Gd–Y–Zr alloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2014, 617: 243–248.
6)T. Chen, Z.Y. Chen*, L. Yi, J.Y. Xiong, C.M. Liu: Effects of texture on anisotropy of mechanical properties in annealed Mg–0.6%Zr–1.0%Cd sheets by unidirectional and cross rolling, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2014, 615: 324-330.
7)J.Y. Xiong, Z.Y. Chen*, L. Yi, S.H. Hu, C.M. Liu: Microstructure and mechanical properties of annealed Mg-0.6 wt%Zr sheets by unidirectional and cross rolling, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2014, 590: 60-65.
8)L.C. Tang, C.M. Liu﹡, Z.Y. Chen, D.W. Ji, H.C. Xiao: Microstructures and tensile properties of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy during multidirectional forging at 773 K, Mater. Des., 2013, 50: 587-596.
9)D.W. Ji, C.M. Liu﹡, Z.Y. Chen, H.H. Wang, B. Wang: Effects of Zn content on microstructures and mechanical properties of as cast Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloys, Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(4):480-486.
10)L. Tang, Z.Y. Chen*, C.K. Zhan, X.Y. Yang, C.M. Liu: Microstructure and microtexture evolution of shear localization in dynamic deformation with different strains in annealed copper, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2013, 44(2): 793-805.
11)L. Tang, Z.Y. Chen*, C.K. Zhan, X.Y. Yang, C.M. Liu, H.N. Cai: Microstructural evolution in adiabatic shear bands of copper at high strain rates: Electron backscatter diffraction characterization, Mater. Charact., 2012, 64(2): 21-26.
12)Z.Y. Chen*, H.N. Cai, S.Y. Li, X.M. Zhang, F.C. Wang, C.W. Tan: Analysis of crystallographic twinning and slip in f.c.c. crystals under plane strain compression, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2007, 464(1-2): 101-109.
13)J.G. Tang*, X.M. Zhang, Z.Y Chen, Y.L. Deng: Simulation of rolling deformation texture of fcc metals with crystal plasticity finite element model, Mater. Sci. Technol., 2006, 22(10): 1171-1176.
14)J.G.. Tang*, X.M. Zhang, Y.L. Deng, Y.X. Du, Z.Y. Chen: Texture decomposition with particle swarm optimization method, Comp. Mater. Sci., 2006, 38(2):395-399.
15)Z.Y. Chen*, H.N. Cai, X.M. Zhang, F.C. Wang, C.W. Tan: Analysis for twinning and slip in face-centered cubic crystals under axisymmetric co-deformation, Sci. China: Ser. E, 2006, 49(5): 521-536.
16)Z.Y. Chen*, X.M. Zhang, C.M. Liu, H.N. Cai, F.C. Wang: Computer simulation of rolling textures evolution of pure aluminum with initial textures, Mater. Trans., 2004, 45(9): 2845-2850.
17)Z.Y. Chen*, X.M. Zhang, C.M. Liu, Z.P. Zhou, S.Y. Li: Co-yield surfaces for {111}<110> slip and {111}<112> twinning in f.c.c. metals, J. Mater. Sci., 2002, 33(13): 2843-2848.
18)Z.Y. Chen*, X.M. Zhang, Y.X. Du, Z.Y. Yao, C.M. Liu: Taylor-type simulation of the rolling texture of pure aluminum taking into account the initial textures, Mater. Sci. Forum, 2002, 408-412: 475-480.
19)Z.Y. Chen*, X.M. Zhang, C.M. Liu, Z.P. Zhou, Y. Yang, S.Y. Li: Yield surfaces for {110}<111> symmetric slip and {112}<111> asymmetric slip, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2001, 17(6): 605-609.
20)Z.Y. Chen*, X.M. Zhang, Z.P. Zhou, S. Li, C.M. Liu: Yield vertices for {123}<111> multiple slip, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2000, 31(10): 2449-2456.
21)陳志永*,唐林,詹從堃,楊續躍:取樣方向對冷軋Cu板強迫剪下行為的影響,金屬學報,2012, 48(3): 315-320.
22)陳志永*,才鴻年,王富恥,譚成文,劉楚明,詹從堃:冷軋Cu板動態壓縮力學性能各向異性的研究,金屬學報,2009, 45(2): 143-150.
23)陳志永*,才鴻年,常亞喆,張新明,劉楚明:多晶鋁軋制變形的織構演變-II. 理論模擬,金屬學報,2008, 44(11): 1322-1331.
24)陳志永*,才鴻年,常亞喆,張新明,劉楚明:多晶鋁軋制變形的織構演變-I. 實驗研究,金屬學報,2008, 44(11): 1316-1321.
25)陳志永*,才鴻年,張新明,王富恥,譚成文:面心立方晶體孿生和滑移軸對稱共生塑性變形分析,中國科學E輯:技術科學,2006, 36(11): 1120-1134.
2. 成果鑑定


