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陳張偉,深圳大學長聘教授,博士生導師,增材製造研究所所長,深圳大學優秀學者,增材製造方向帶頭人。西安交大和里昂中央理工大學雙碩士、倫敦帝國理工學院博士。連續3年入選斯坦福世界前2%頂尖科學家,發表論文130餘篇(包括11篇Additive Manufacturing),單篇最高被引超1500次,入選ESI高被引和熱點論文8篇。現任中國機械工程學會增材製造分會委員、中國材料研究學會增材製造分會委員、中國矽酸鹽學會測試技術分會理事、增材醫療專委會團體標準指導專家,以及JAdvCeram、JMST、材料工程等11家期刊編委/青年編委。擔任增材製造專刊主編6次。參編國家出版基金項目“增材製造”等書著4本。指導或制定增材製造國標/團標10餘個,申請和授權發明專利20餘項。發起創辦第一屆中國陶瓷增材製造前沿科學家論壇,入選中國科協重要會議指南。受邀組織國內外論壇並做特邀報告20餘次。主持和參與各類課題30餘項。受邀擔任中國、歐盟、加拿大、新加坡等國家科研項目函評專家。獲國際先進材料學會會士及科學家獎、世界前2%頂尖科學家、帝國理工優秀博士論文獎、中國矽酸鹽學會特陶優青獎、中國產學研合作創新獎、廣東省特技計畫人才、廣東省優秀創新創業導師等獎勵榮譽。獲中國國際網際網路+創新創業大賽省銀獎2項、金獎1項和國家銅獎1項。研究成果獲《科技日報》、《人民網》、《新華網》、3DPRINT等國內外媒體報導。培養碩博研究生40餘人。以第1完成人獲得2023年深圳市科學技術一等獎(自然科學獎)。


  • 中文名:陳張偉
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:福建
  • 出生日期:1985年10月 
  • 畢業院校:英國倫敦帝國理工學院、西安交通大學、法國里昂中央理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:增材製造 
  • 職務:增材製造研究所所長 
  • 主要成就:2023年深圳市科技技術一等獎(第1完成人)  
  • 任職院校:深圳大學


2010–2014 英國帝國理工學院材料系 博士學位
2007–2010 西安交通大學機械工程及其自動化系 碩士學位
2005–2007 法國里昂中央理工大學 工程師學位
2003–2007 西安交通大學機械工程及其自動化系 學士學位
2021 – 深圳大學增材製造研究所 長聘教授、所長
2018 – 深圳大學增材製造研究所 教授(破格)、執行所長
2016–2018 深圳大學增材製造研究所 副教授、副所長
2014–2016 英國帝國理工學院材料系 博士後
【期刊編委】Journal Editor
●《Journal of Materials Science andTechnology》(SCI收錄):期刊Youth Editor
●《Materials Science in AdditiveManufacturing》:期刊Editor
●《Additive Manufacturing Frontiers》:期刊YouthEditor
●《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》(SCI收錄):期刊Editor
●《Rare Metals》(SCI收錄):期刊青年編委
●《Engineering Reports》(SCI收錄):期刊青年編委
●《Nano Materials Science》(SCI收錄):期刊YouthEditor
●《AdditiveManufacturing Frontiers》期刊“AM of Advanced Ceramics”:專刊特邀主編
●《Open Ceramics》:期刊GuestEditor
【學會任職】Academic Association Member
【項目評審】Funding Application Referee
●歐洲研究委員會(European Research Council)項目:特邀國際函評專家
●荷蘭國家研究委員會(Dutch Research Council)項目:特邀國際函評專家
●新加坡A STAR研究基金項目:特邀國際函評專家
●紐西蘭政府Marsden Fund項目:特邀國際函評專家
【期刊評審】Journal Referee
●《Nature》、《Nature Materials》、《Nature Communications》、《Energy and Environmental Science》、《Advanced Materials》、《Materials Today》、《Materials Horizons》、《Acta Materialia》、《Additive Manufacturing》、《Virtual and Physical Prototyping》、《Journal of European Ceramic Society》、《Ceramics International》、《Journal of Materials Science and Technology》、《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》、《Advanced Engineering Materials》、《Materials Today Nano》、《RSC Advances》、《Journal of AdvancedManufacturing Technology》、《Journal of MaterialsScience》、《無機材料學報》、《機械工程學報》、《中國機械工程》、《材料工程》等80餘本高水平期刊審稿人
【會議任職】Conference Organizer
●中國:第二屆中國陶瓷增材製造前沿科學家論壇 (2023):大會主席
●中國:2022-2023中國材料大會-先進陶瓷材料分論壇 (2023):論壇主席
●中國:第一屆中國陶瓷增材製造前沿科學家論壇 (2021):創始人/大會主席
●加拿大:14th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology(PACRIM14): Symposium of Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics (2021):論壇主席
●日本:13th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology(PACRIM13): Symposium of Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics (2019):論壇主席
●韓國:8th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC8): Symposium of AdditiveManufacturing of Ceramics and Associated Hybrid Printing Technologies (2021):論壇主席
●美國:46th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics& Composites (ICACC): 6th International Symposium on Additive Manufacturing(2022):論壇主席
●中國:10th International Forum of Advanced Materials Science &Technology: Symposium of 3D Printing Materials and Technologies (2019):論壇主席
●中國:第11屆全國無機材料結構、性能及測試表征技術研討會 (2020):論壇主席●中國:13th InternationalConference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and EnvironmentalApplications (CMCEE13): Symposium of Additive Manufacturing & 3D PrintingTechnologies (2021):論壇主席






【After Joining SZU加入深圳大學後】
1. 中核集團領創項目,2023-2026,在研,主持
2. 廣東省高校重點項目,2022-2025,在研,主持
3. 廣東省特支計畫人才項目,2022-2025,在研,主持
4. 廣東省基礎與套用基礎研究基金面上項目,2024-2026,在研,主持
5. 企業橫向課題,2023-2024,在研,主持
6. 深圳大學-台北科技大學合作項目,2023-2023,在研,主持
7. 深圳市國際合作項目,2022-2024,在研,主持
8. 深圳大學-台北科技大學合作項目,2021-2021,在研,主持
9. 國家重點實驗室開放課題,2021-2023,在研,主持
10. 深圳市高校穩定支持項目,2021-2023,在研,主持
11. 華為戰略研究院企業橫向課題,2020-2022,在研,主持
12. 廣東省雷射與增材製造重大專項課題,2020-2022,在研,主持
13. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,2020-2023,在研,主持
14. 廣東省基礎與套用基礎研究基金面上項目,2020-2022,在研,主持
15. 深圳市基礎研究面上項目,2020-2023,在研,主持
16. 深圳市孔雀計畫高端人才啟動項目,2019-2021,在研,主持
17. 深圳市海外高層次人才技術創新項目,2018-2020,結題,主持;
18. 廣東省高校青年創新人才項目,2018-2019,結題,主持;
19. 深圳大學青年教師啟動項目,2018-2022,在研,主持;
20. 企業橫向課題,2019-2021,在研,主持
21. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,2018-2020,結題,第一參與
22. 廣東省重大科技專項項目,2017-2020,結題,第一參與
23. 深圳市海外高層次人才孔雀創新項目,2017-2019,結題,第一參與
【BeforeJoining SZU加入深圳大學之前】
24. 英國工程和自然科學研究委員會(EPSRC)項目,2015-05至2018-04,結題,參與
25. 英國工程和自然科學研究委員會(EPSRC)項目,2009-09至2014-02,結題,參與
26. 英國工程和自然科學研究委員會(EPSRC)項目,2008-03至2013-02,結題,參與
27. 國家自然科學基金重點項目,2009-01至2012-12,結題,參與
28. 國家973重點基礎研究發展計畫課題,2007-01至2011-12,結題,參與
29. 美國波音公司-西安交通大學國際合作項目,2007-01至2009-12,結題,參與
30. 教育部長江學者和創新團隊發展計畫,2007-01至2009-12,結題,參與
代表期刊論文 :
[1]Su, F., Li, Y., Xing, H., Liu, Y.,Liu, Z., Liu, C., ... & Chen, Z.* (2024). Additivemanufacturing of high-quality tritium breeding pebbles using ceramicprecursors. Journal of the European Ceramic Society.
[2]Romario, Y. S., Bhat, C., Ramezani,M., Pasang, T., Chen, Z.*, & Jiang, C. P.* (2024).Fabrication of translucent graded dental crown using zirconia-yttriummulti-slurry tape casting 3D printer. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior ofBiomedical Materials, 106406.
[3]Liu C, Zheng C, Zhang S, …Chen,Z. Machine learning-assisted high precision predictive modelling ofconvective heat transfer in fluid channels fabricated by laser powder bedfusion[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2024, 197: 108826.
[4]Wang, X., Xiong, D., & Chen,Z.* (2023). Effective post-processing strategies of inkjet-printedceramic cathodes for improved fuel cell performance. Ceramics International,49(24), 40593-40600.
[5]Wang, P., Lei, Y., Ma, J., Song, K.,Deng, L., Liu, Z., Chen, Z.... & Eckert, J. (2023). Influenceof Mo micro-particles on crack formation, microstructure, and mechanicalbehaviour of laser powder bed fusion fabricated CuZrAl bulk metallic glasscomposites. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 18(1), e2224307.
[6]Yu, S. J., Wang, P., Li, H. C.,Setchi, R., Wu, M. W., Liu, Z. Y., Chen, Z.... & Zhang, L. C.(2023). Heterogeneous microstructure and mechanical behaviour of Al-8.3 Fe-1.3V-1.8 Si alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion. Virtual and PhysicalPrototyping, 18(1), e2155197.
[7]Liu, K., He, J., Li, T., Hu, J., Du,Y., Shi, Y., Chen, Z..... & Sun, H. (2023). Fabrication ofCeramic-polymer Piezo-composites with Triply Periodic Minimal Interfaces viaDigital Light Processing. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: AdditiveManufacturing Frontiers, 2(4), 100104.
[8]Chen, Z.*, Colombo,P., Günster, J., & Kirihara, S. (2023). Additive Manufacturing (AM) ofAdvanced Ceramics: From Materials, Structural Designing, AM Technologies, toPerformance of Printed Components. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering:Additive Manufacturing Frontiers, 100105.
[9]Lin, X., Long, Z., Jiang, L., Liu,Z., Liu, C., & Chen, Z.* (2023). 3D printed crack-free SiOC(Fe) structures with pyrolysis-induced carbon nanowires for enhanced waveabsorption performance. Ceramics International, 49(20), 33205-33213.
[10] Ali Asghar, M.S. Rashid, Yasir Javed,Sajad Hussain, Naveed Akhtar Shad, Muhammad Hamza, Zhangwei Chen*(2023). Facile hydrothermal synthesis of MoS2 nano-worms-based aggregate aselectrode material for high energy density asymmetric supercapacitor, ElectrochimicaActa, 465, 143011
[11] Asghar, A., Chen, Z.,Al-Harthi, E. A., Hakami, J., Rashid, M. S., Sultana, H., ... & Imran, M.(2023). High‐PerformanceElectrode Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices Based onMicrorod‐LikeStructures of Calcium Phosphate (Ca2P2O7). physica status solidi (RRL)–RapidResearch Letters, 17(10), 2300178.
[12] Wang, X., Gao, D., Su, F., Zheng,Y., Li, X., Liu, Z., ... & Chen, Z.* (2023).Photopolymerization 3D printing of luminescent ceramics. AdditiveManufacturing, 73, 103695.
[13] Li, Y., Li, J., Liu, Z., Chen,Z., & Liu, C. (2023). Performance evaluation of a novelsynchronously interdigitated/winded lithium-ion battery configuration enabledby 3D printing through numerical simulations. Journal of Physics: Energy.
[14] Xiao, C., Zheng, K., Chen, S., Li,N., Shang, X., Wang, F., ... & Chen, Z.* (2023). Additivemanufacturing of high solid content lunar regolith simulant paste based on vatphotopolymerization and the effect of water addition on paste retentionproperties. Additive Manufacturing, 71, 103607.
[15] Lin, X., Gong, H., & Chen,Z.* (2023). Fabrication of SiCN (Fe)/Al2O3 wave-absorbing ceramics withenhanced electromagnetic performance. Ceramics International.
[16] Mwizerwa, J. P., Xu, K., Liu, C.,Zhao, N., Li, Y., Ndagijimana, P., ... Chen, Z., & Shen, J.(2023). Three-dimensional printed Li4Ti5O12@ VSe2 composites ashigh-performance anode material in full 3D-printed lithium-ion batteries withthree-dimensional-printed LiFePO4@ AC/rGO cathode. Materials Today Chemistry,29, 101483.
[17] Idrees, M., Batool, S., Din, M. A.U., Javed, M. S., Ahmed, S., & Chen, Z.* (2023).Material-structure-property integrated additive manufacturing of batteries.Nano Energy, 108247.
[18] Tu, Y., Gong, H., Hassan, A.,Siadat, A., & Chen, Z. (2023). Computer vision-basedevaluation of dimensional accuracy for MEAM in new product development.Procedia CIRP, 119, 444-449.
[19] Fan, F., Jiang, M.*, Wang, P., Liu,C., Liu, Z., & Chen, Z.* (2022). Defect-associatedmicrostructure evolution and deformation heterogeneities in additivelymanufactured 316L stainless steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 861,144287.
[20] RP Chaudhary (博後), C Parameswaran, M Idrees, SRasaki, C Liu, Z Chen*, P Colombo, Additive Manufacturing of Polymer-DerivedCeramics: Materials, Technologies, Properties and Potential Applications,Progress in Materials Science, 2022, 128: 100969 (SCI收錄、影響因子48.17、中科院大一區TOP期刊)
[21] 苑景坤,熊書鋒,陳張偉,聚合物前驅體轉化陶瓷增材製造技術研究趨勢與挑戰,無機材料學報,38 (5):477-488
[22] M Idrees (博後), S Batool, J Cao, MS Javed, SXiong, C Liu, Z Chen*, 3D Printed PC/SiOC@ Zn Hybrid Composite as Dendrite-FreeAnode for Zn-Ion Battery, Nano Energy, 2022, 100: 107505 (SCI收錄、影響因子19.07、中科院大一區TOP期刊)
[23] J Huang, ZD Chen, C Wen, T Ling, ZChen*, Thermally assisted 3D printing of bio-polymer with high solute loadingwith improved mechanical properties, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 59A: 103088 (SCI收錄、影響因子11.63、中科院大一區TOP期刊、增材製造領域排名第1)
[24] J Cao (博後), K Miao, S Xiong, F Su, D Gao, XLin, Z Liu, P Wang, C Liu, Z Chen*, 3D printing and in situ transformation ofSiCnw/SiC structures, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 58: 103053 (SCI收錄、影響因子11.63、中科院大一區TOP期刊、增材製造領域排名第1)
[25] F Su (學生), Z Su, Y Liu, X Lin, J Cao, Z Liu,P Wang, C Liu, Z Chen*, Generative shaping and material-forming (GSM) enablesstructure engineering of complex-shaped Li4SiO4 ceramics based on 3D printingof ceramic/polymer precursors, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 57: 102963 (SCI收錄、影響因子11.63、中科院大一區TOP期刊、增材製造領域排名第1)
[26] S Xiong (學生), J Liu, J Cao, Z Li, M Idrees, XLin, Z Long, Z Liu, P Wang, C Liu, Z Chen*, 3D printing of crack-free densepolymer-derived ceramic monoliths and lattice skeletons with improved thicknessand mechanical performance, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 57: 102964 (SCI收錄、影響因子11.63、中科院大一區TOP期刊、增材製造領域排名第1)
[27] F Su (學生), Y Liu, C Zhang, Z Luo, J Cao, ZLiu, P Wang, C Liu, Z Chen*, Photopolymerization and reaction sintering enabledgenerative shaping and material-forming of complex ceramic structures with highperformance, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 51: 102651 (SCI收錄、影響因子11.63、中科院大一區TOP期刊、增材製造領域排名第1)
[28] D Xiong (學生), SA Rasaki, Y Li, L Fan, C Liu, ZChen*, Enhanced cathodic activity by tantalum inclusion at B-site ofLa0.6Sr0.4CO0.4Fe0.6O3 based on structural property tailored viacamphor-assisted solid-state reaction, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2022,11(8): 1130-1342 (SCI收錄、影響因子11.53、中科院大一區TOP期刊、陶瓷領域排名第1)
[29] X Wei, M Jin, H Yang, X Wang, YLong, Z Chen*, Advances in 3D printing of magnetic materials: fabrication,properties and their applications, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2022, 11(5):665-701 (SCI收錄、影響因子11.53、中科院大一區TOP期刊、陶瓷領域排名第1)
[30] C Liu, Y Qiu, Y Liu, K Xu, N Zhao, CLao, J Shen, Z Chen*, Novel 3D grid porous Li4Ti5O12 thick electrodesfabricated by 3D printing for high performance lithium-ion batteries, Journalof Advanced Ceramics, 2022, 11(2): 295-307 (SCI收錄、影響因子11.53、中科院大一區TOP期刊、陶瓷領域排名第1)
[31] Xu, K., Zhao, N., Li, Y., Wang, P.,Liu, Z., Chen, Z.*, ... & Liu, C. (2022). Design and 3DPrinting of Interdigitated Electrode Structures for High-performance FullLithium-ion Battery. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: AdditiveManufacturing Frontiers, 1(4), 100053.
[32] C Liu*, N Zhao, K Xu, Y Li, JPMwizerwa, J Shen, Z Chen*, High performance LiFePO4 and SiO@C/graphiteinterdigitated full lithium-ion battery fabricated via low temperature directwrite 3D printing, Materials Today Energy, 2022, 29, 101098 (SCI收錄、影響因子9.26、中科院大一區TOP期刊)
[33] X Wei*, Y Pan, Z Chen*, 3D printingof NiZn ferrite architectures with high magnetic performance for efficientmagnetic separation, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2022, 42(4):1522-1529 (SCI收錄、影響因子6.36、中科院大二區TOP期刊、陶瓷領域排名第2)
[34] C Zhang (學生), Z Luo, J Cao, J Yuan, M Jiang, PWang, C Liu, CP Jiang*, Z Chen*, Mechanical reinforcement of 3D printedcordierite-zirconia composites, Ceramics International, 2022, 48(4): 5636-5645 (SCI收錄、影響因子5.53、中科院大二區TOP期刊、陶瓷領域排名第3)
[35] M Idrees (博後), S Batool, MS Javed, MAU Din, MImran, Z Chen*, Preferred coordination of polymer at MOFs enables improvedlithium-ion battery anode performance, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 6:1690-1705 (SCI收錄、影響因子8.68、中科院大二區期刊)
[36] J Liu (學生), S Xiong, H Mei, Z Chen*, 3Dprinting of complex-shaped polymer-derived ceramics with enhanced structuralretention, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2022, 37(11): 1267-1279 (SCI收錄、影響因子4.78、中科院大三區期刊)
[37] 朱俊逸 (學生), 張成, 羅忠強, 曹繼偉, 劉志遠, 王沛, 劉長勇, 陳張偉*, 脫脂工藝對光固化3D列印堇青石陶瓷性能的影響, 無機材料學報, 2022, 37(3): 317-324(SCI收錄、影響因子1.29、中科院大三區期刊)
[38] 曹繼偉 (博後), 王沛, 劉志遠, 劉長勇, 吳甲民*, 陳張偉*, 基於粉末成形的雷射增材製造陶瓷技術研究進展, 無機材料學報, 2022, 37(3): 241-254, (SCI收錄、影響因子1.29、中科院大三區期刊)
[39] 劉凱, 孫策, 史玉升, 胡佳明, 張慶慶, 孫雲飛, 章嵩, 塗溶, 閆春澤, 陳張偉, 黃尚宇, 孫華君, 增材製造壓電陶瓷的現狀與展望, 無機材料學報, 2022, 37 (3), 278–288(SCI收錄、影響因子1.29、中科院大三區期刊)
[40] 雷楊, 王沛, 鄧亮, 陳張偉, 馬將, 劉志遠, 宋凱凱, 基於增材製造技術的非晶合金研究進展, 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2022 (online)
[41] D Zhao, Y Guo, R Lai, Y Wen, P Wang,C Liu, Z Chen, C Yang, S Li, Abnormal three-stage plastic deformation in a 17-4PH stainless steel fabricated by laser powder bed fusion, Materials Science andEngineering: 2022, A 858, 144160
[42] Y Tu (博後), A Hassan, A Siadat, G Yang, ZChen, Numerical simulation and experimental validation of deposited corners ofany angle in direct ink writing, The International Journal of AdvancedManufacturing Technology 2022, 123 (1), 559-570
[43] JP Mwizerwa, C Liu, K Xu, N Zhao, YLi, Z Chen, J Shen, Three-dimensional printed lithium iron phosphate coatedwith magnesium oxide cathode with improved areal capacity and ultralong cyclingstability for high performance lithium ion battery, Journal of Colloid andInterface Science 2022, 623, 168-181
[44] C Liu, Z Mai, C Zheng, S Zhang, PWang, M Jiang, Z Liu, C Lao, Z Chen, A simple and convenient approach tofabricate gas permeable mould steel by selective laser melting, MaterialsTechnology 2022, 37 (11), 1778-1787
[45] Y Wu, X Zhao, Q Chen, C Yang, MJiang, C Liu, Z Jia, Z Chen, T Yang, Strengthening and fracture mechanisms of aprecipitation hardening high-entropy alloy fabricated by selective lasermelting Virtual and Physical Prototyping 2022, 17 (3), 451-467
[46] JP Mwizerwa, C Liu, K Xu, N Zhao, YLi, P Ndagijimana, Z Chen, J Shen, Activated carbon/reduced graphene oxidewrapped LiFePO4 cathode for Li-ion batteries with ultrahigh capacities and highspecific energy density, FlatChem 2022, 34, 100393
[47] K Xu, N Zhao, Y Li, P Wang, Z Liu, ZChen, J Shen, C Liu, 3D printing of ultrathick natural graphite anodes forhigh-performance interdigitated three-dimensional lithium-ion batteries, ElectrochemistryCommunications 2022, 139, 107312
[48] JP Mwizerwa, C Liu, K Xu, N Zhao, ZChen, J Shen, In-situ solution phase synthesis of LiFePO4@ VSe2 composite ashighly active cathode for Li-ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2022,901, 163639
[49] ZY Liu, XY Zhao, YW Wu, Q Chen, BHYang, P Wang, ZW Chen, C Yang, Homogenization heat treatment for an additivelymanufactured precipitation-hardening high-entropy alloy, Rare Metals, 2022, 1-11
[50] Z Liu, D Zhao, P Wang, M Yan, CYang, Z Chen, J Lu, Z Lu, Additive manufacturing of metals: Microstructureevolution and multistage control, Journal of Materials Science & Technology2022, 100, 224-236
[51] C Hong, X Wang, K Han, D Su, Z Chen,Performance investigation of 3D printed clay soil using fiber Bragg gratingtechnology, Acta Geotechnica 2022, 17 (2), 453-462
[52] J Cao (博後), …, Z Chen*, Complex SiC-basedstructures with high specific strength fabricated by vat photopolymerizationand one-step pyrolysis, Additive Manufacturing, 48B: 102430 (2021) (SCI收錄、影響因子11.63、中科院大一區TOP期刊、增材製造領域排名第1)
[53] Piao Qu (學生), Dingyu Xiong, Zhongqi Zhu, ZhiyuanGong, Yanpu Li, Yihang Li, Liangdong Fan, Zhiyuan Liu, Pei Wang, Changyong Liu,Zhangwei Chen*, Inkjet printing additively manufactured multilayer SOFCs usinghigh quality ceramic inks for performance enhancement, Additive Manufacturing,48A: 102394 (2021). (SCI收錄、影響因子11.63、中科院大一區TOP期刊、增材製造領域排名第1)
[54] M Idrees (博後), …, Z Chen*, Adsorption andelectrochemical facet of polymer precursor to yield mesoporous carbon ceramic, Separationand Purification Technology, 275: 119199 (2021) (IF:7.31)
[55] CP Jiang*, MHentihu, YC Cheng, TY Lei, R Lin, Z Chen*, Development of 3D Slurry PrintingTechnology with Submersion-Light Apparatus in Dental Application, Materials,2021, 14 (24), 7873
[56] S Rasaki (博後), …, Z Chen*, The innovative contributionof additive manufacturing towards revolutionizing fuel cell fabrication forclean energy generation: A comprehensive review, Renewable & SustainableEnergy Reviews, 148: 111369 (2021) (JCR一區, IF:14.982)
[57] S Rasaki (博後), …, Z Chen*, A review of currentperformance of rare earth metal-doped barium zirconia: the promising electrodeand electrolyte material for the protonic ceramic fuel cells, Progress in SolidState Chemistry, 100325 (2021) (IF:5.682)
[58] S Rasaki (博後), Z Chen* et al.: Anti-PerovskiteMetal Carbides: a New Family of Promising Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reductionin Alkaline Solution, Materials Research Bulletin, 133: 111014 (2021) (JCR三區, IF: 4.641)
[59] J Yuan* (博後), L Li, J Cao, P He, Z Chen*, CLao, D Jia, Y Zhou, Preparation and characterization of Cf/Pollucite CompositesThrough Geopolymer Precursors, Ceramics International, accepted (2021)
[60] 葉淑源 (學生),…,陳張偉*,高速連續光固化3D列印工藝與樹脂列印件性能研究,機械工程學報,57 (15): 255-263(2021)(EI、中國卓越期刊計畫)
[61] 熊鼎宇 (學生),…,陳張偉*,陶瓷擠出和噴射增材製造技術研究進展,機械工程學報,57 (17): 253-262(2021)(EI、中國卓越期刊計畫)
[62] MG Jiang (博後), C Xu, H Yan, T Nakata, ZW Chen,CS Lao, RS Chen, Quasi-in-situ observing the rare earth texture evolution in anextruded Mg-Zn-Gd alloy with bimodal microstructure, Journal of Magnesium andAlloys 9 (5), 1797-1805 (2021)
[63] J Yuan* (博後), L Li, P He, Z Chen*, et al.,Effects of Kinds of Alkali-activated Ions on Geopolymerization Process ofGeopolymer Cement Pastes, Construction and Building Materials, 293: 123536(2021) (IF:6.141)
[64] S Rasaki (博後), D Xiong, S Xiong, F Su, Z Chen*, Photopolymerization-basedadditive manufacturing of ceramics: A systematic review, Journal of AdvancedCeramics, 10: 442–471 (2021) (SCI收錄、影響因子11.53、中科院大一區TOP期刊、陶瓷領域排名第1)
[65] 龔志遠 (學生),…,陳張偉*,噴墨列印技術製造新能源器件研究進展,矽酸鹽學報(2021),接收(EI、中國卓越期刊計畫)
[66] 陳張偉*,多孔陶瓷的增材製造及構性表征與關係研究,現代技術陶瓷,42(1-2): 43-63
[67] P Wang, J Qi, Z Chen*, et al., Microstructure and mechanicalproperties of novel high-entropy alloy particle reinforced aluminum matrixcomposites fabricated by selective laser melting, Journal of Alloys andCompounds, 868: 159197 (2021) (JCR二區, IF:5.316, Top期刊)
[68] C Zhang (學生), …, Z Chen*, Dimensional retentionof photocured ceramic units during 3D printing and sintering processes, Ceram. Int., 47 (8),11097-11108 (2021) (JCR一區, IF:4.527, Top期刊)
[69] Z Zhu (學生), …, Z Chen*, Additivemanufacturing of thin ceramic electrolyte using highly stable inks, Journal ofAdvanced Ceramics, 10 (2), 279-290 (2021) (SCI收錄、影響因子11.53、中科院大一區TOP期刊、陶瓷領域排名第1)
[70] M Jiang, C Liu,Z Chen*, P Wang, H Liao, D Zhao, Z Liu, X Wang, M Xu*, C Lao*, Enhancedstrength-ductility synergy of selective laser melted reduced activationferritic/martensitic steel via heterogeneous microstructure modification,Materials Science & Engineering A, 801: 140424 (2021) (JCR一區, IF:5.234)
[71] D Zhao, QYang, D Wang, M Yan, P Wang, M Jiang, C Liu, D Diao, C Lao, Z Chen, Z Liu*, YWu, Z Lu*, Ordered nitrogen complexes overcoming strength-ductility trade-offin an additively manufactured high entropy alloy, Virtual and PhysicalPrototyping, 15 (sup 1): 532-542 (2020) (JCR一區, IF:8.092, Top期刊)
[72] HC Wang, YHong, Z Chen, et al., ZnO UV Photodetectors Modified by AgNanoparticles Using All-Inkjet-Printing, Nanoscale Research Letters 15 (1): 1-8(2020) (IF:4.703)
[73] SA Rasaki (博後), Z Chen, H Shen, etal., Cobalt Nanoparticles Modified Single-Walled Titanium Carbonitride NanotubeDerived from Solid-Solid Separation for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in AlkalineSolution, Electrocatalysis, 1-14 (2020) (IF:2.713)
[74] C Liu, DYan, J Tan, Z Mai, Z Cai, Y Dai, M Jiang, Pei Wang, Z Liu, C Li, C Lao*, ZChen*: Development and Experimental Validation of a Hybrid SelectiveLaser Melting and CNC Milling System, Additive Manufacturing, 36:101550 (2020).(SCI收錄、影響因子11.63、中科院大一區TOP期刊、增材製造領域排名第1)
[75] Y Liu (學生), Z Chen* et al.: 3D printing of ceramic cellular structuresfor potential nuclear fusion applications, Additive Manufacturing, 35 (2020). (SCI收錄、影響因子11.63、中科院大一區TOP期刊、增材製造領域排名第1)
[76] C Liu, …, ZChen* et al.: Effect of Hot Isostatic Pressing on Microstructures and MechanicalProperties of Ti6Al4V Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting, Metals, 10(5): 593(2020) (JCR三區, IF: 2.351)
[77] 屈 飄(學生),歐陽竟,龔志遠,劉長勇,勞長石,陳張偉*:燃料電池多孔陶瓷電極薄層的噴墨列印製造,矽酸鹽學報,48(10):1-10 (2020). (EI、中國卓越期刊計畫)
[78] 劉雨(學生), 陳張偉*:陶瓷光固化3D列印技術研究進展,材料工程,48(9):1-12 (2020).(EI、中國卓越期刊計畫)
[79] Z Li (學生), Z Chen* et al.: Additive manufacturing of lightweight andhigh-strength polymer-derived SiOC ceramics. Virtual and Physical Prototyping,1-15 (2020). (JCR一區, IF:8.092, Top期刊)
[80] Z Chen*, Z Gong (學生), et al.: Characterizationof indentation microstructures of porous SOFC cathodes. Ceram. Int., 46(1): 803-812(2020) (JCR一區, IF: 4.527,Top期刊)
[81] P Wang, A Gebert*,L Yan, H Li, C Lao, Z Chen, K Kosiba, U Kühn, S Scudino, Corrosionof Al-3.5Cu-1.5 Mg–1Si alloy prepared by selective laser melting and heattreatment, Intermetallics, 124: 106871 (2020) (JCR二區, IF:3.758)
[82] P Wang*, CLao, Z Chen, Y Liu, H Wang, HWenrock, J Eckert, S Scudino, Microstructure and mechanicalproperties of Al-12Si and Al-3.5Cu-1.5Mg-1Si bimetal fabricated by selectivelaser melting, J. Mat. Sci. Tech. 36: 18-26 (2020) (JCR一區, IF: 8.067, Top期刊)
[83] Z Chen*, Z Li (學生), et al.: 3D printingof ceramics: A review. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 39(4): 661-687(2019) (JCR一區, IF:5.302, Top期刊)
[84] Z Chen*, C Liu (學生), et al.: Mechanical properties and microstructures of 3D printedbulk cordierite parts, Ceram. Int., 45(15): 19257-19267 (2019) (JCR1區, IF: 4.527, Top期刊)
[85] Z Chen*, J Li (學生), et al.: Preparation of high solid loading and low viscosity ceramicslurries for photopolymerization 3D printing. Ceram.Int., 45(9):11549-11557 (2019) (JCR一區, IF: 4.527, Top期刊)
[86] M Jiang (博後), Z Chen* et al.: Strong and ductile reducedactivation ferritic/martensitic steel additively manufactured by selectivelaser melting. Mater. Res. Lett., 7(10): 426-432 (2019) (JCR一區, IF:7.323, Top期刊)
[87] Y Fu (博後), Z Chen* etal.: Preparation and stereolithography 3D printing of ultralight andultrastrong ZrOC porous ceramics. J.All.Compd., 789:867-873 (2019)(JCR一區, IF: 5.316, Top期刊)
[88] C Liu, J Tong, J Ma, D Wang, F Xu, YLiu, Z Chen*, C Lao*, LowTemperature Deposition Manufacturing: A Versatile Materials Extrusion-based 3DPrinting Technology for Fabricating Hierarchically Porous Materials, Journal ofNanomaterials, (2019) (JCR二區, IF: 2.986)
[89] C Liu*, F Xu, Y Liu, J Ma*, P Liu, C Lao, ZChen*. High MassLoading Ultrathick Porous Li4Ti5O12 Electrodes with Improved Areal CapacityFabricated via Low Temperature Direct Writing, Electroch. Acta, 314: 81-88(2019) (JCR一區, IF: 6.901, Top期刊)
[90] C Liu*, F Xu,X Cheng, J Tong, Y Liu, Z Chen,C Lao, J Ma*. Comparative study on the electrochemical performance of LiFePO4cathodes fabricated via low temperature 3D printing, direct ink writing andconventional roller coating process. Ceram.Int., 45(11):14188-14197(2019) (JCR一區, IF:4.527,TOP期刊)
[91] C Liu, JTong, M Jiang, Z Chen, X Wu, M Xu, H Liao, P Wang, G Xu, C Lao, Effectof scanning strategy on microstructure and mechanical properties of selectivelaser melted reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel, Mat. Sci. Eng. A,(2019) (JCR一區, IF: 5.234)
[92] X Jiang, WLi, T Hai, R Yue, Z Chen, C Lao, Y Ge, G Xie, Q Wen, H Zhang,Inkjet-printed MXene micro-scale devices for integrated broadband ultrafastphotonics, npj 2D Materials and Applications, 3(1): 1-9 (2019) (IF: 11.106)
[93] Z Chen* et al.:Development and characterizations of novel aqueous-based LSCF suspensions forinkjet printing. Ceram.Int., 44(11): 13381-13388(2018) (JCR一區, IF:4.527, TOP期刊)
[94] Z Chen* et al.:Numerical Study of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Contacting Mechanics. Fuel Cells, 18(1): 42-50(2018) (JCR二區, IF:2.33)【封面文章-Front CoverPaper】
[95] P Gao, S Xu, Z Chen, X Huang, Z Bao, C Lao, G Wu, Y Mei: Flexible andHierarchically Structured Sulfur Composite Cathode Based on the CarbonizedTextile for High-Performance Li–S Batteries. ACS applied materials &interfaces 10(4): 3938-3947(2018)(JCR一區, IF:9.229, Top期刊)
[96] Y Fu, G Xu, Z Chen, D Wang, C Lao: Multiple metals doped polymer-derivedSiOC ceramics for 3D printing. Ceram.Int., 44(10):11030-11038(2018)(JCR一區, IF:4.527, TOP期刊)
[97] C Liu, N Huang, F Xu, J Tong, Z Chen, X Gui, Y Fu, C Lao: 3DPrinting Technologies for Flexible Tactile Sensors toward Wearable Electronicsand Electronic Skin. Polymers, 10(6):629 (2018)(JCR二區, IF:4.329)
[98] Z Chen* et al.: Spherical indentation ofbilayer ceramic structures: Dense layer on porous substrate. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc.,37(15):4763-4772(2017) (JCR一區, IF:5.302,TOP期刊)
[99] Z Chen* et al.: Analysis of sphericalindentation of porous ceramic films. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 37(3):1031-1038(2017)(JCR一區, IF:5.302,TOP期刊)【特色文章-Feature Article】
[100] M Biton, V Yufit, F Tariq, Z Chen, N Brandon: Integratingmulti-length scale high resolution 3D imaging and modelling in thecharacterisation and identification of mechanical failure sites inelectrochemical dendrites. Acta Materialia, 141:39-46(2017)(JCR一區, IF:8.203, TOP期刊)
[101] C Liu, X Cheng, B Li, Z Chen, S Mi, C Lao: Fabricationand characterization of 3D-printed highly-porous 3D LiFePO4 electrodes by lowtemperature direct writing process. Materials, 10(8):934-946(2017) (IF:3.623)
[102] Z Chen* et al.: Inkjet printing andnanoindentation of porous alumina multilayers. Ceram.Int.,42(7):8316-8324(2016) (JCR一區, IF:4.527,TOP期刊)
[103] Z Chen* et al.: Spherical Indentation ofPorous Ceramics: Cracking and Toughness. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 36(14):3473-3480(2016) (JCR一區, IF:5.302,TOP期刊)
[104] Z Chen* et al.:Spherical indentation of porous ceramics: elasticity and hardness.J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 36(6):1435-1445(2016) (JCR一區, IF:5.302, TOP期刊)
[105] Z Chen* et al.:Microstructural characteristics and elastic modulus of porous solids. ActaMaterialia, 89: 268-277(2015) (JCR一區, IF: 8.203,TOP期刊)
[106] Z Chen* et al.:Fracture Toughness of Porous Material of LSCF in Bulk and Film Forms. J.Am.Ceram.Soc.98(7):2183-2190(2015) (JCR一區, IF:3.784,Top期刊)
[107] Z Chen* et al.:Analyses of microstructural and elastic properties of porous SOFC cathodesbased on FIB tomography. J.PowerSources, 273:486-494(2015) (JCR一區, IF:9.127, Top期刊)
[108] F Tariq, M Kishimoto, G Cui, V Yufit,M Lomberg, E Ruiz-Trejo, Z Chen,N Brandon: Advanced 3D Imaging and Analysis of SOFC Electrodes, ECSTransactions, 64(2): 81-86(2015)
[109] Z Chen* et al.:Surface quality improvement of porous thin films for nanoindentation.Ceram.Int., 40(3):3913-3923(2014) (JCR一區, IF:4.527, TOP期刊)
[110] F Tariq, V Yufit, Y Merla, M Biton,B Wu, Z Chen et al.:In-Operando X-ray Tomography Study of Lithiation Induced Delamination of SiBased Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, ECS Electrochem.Lett.3(7):A76-A78(2014) (JCR三區, IF:1.771)
[111] X Wang, F He, Z Chen et al.: Porous LSCF-3YSZ interface fracture toughnessmeasured by single beam wedge test. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc. 34(10):2351-2361(2014)(JCR一區, IF:5.302, TOP期刊)
[112] Z Chen* et al.:Nanoindentation of porous bulk and thin films of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ. ActaMaterialia, 61(15): 5720-5734(2013) (JCR一區, IF:8.203, TOP期刊)
[113] X Wang, Z Chen et al.: Crack formation in ceramic films used insolid oxide fuel cells. J.Eur.Ceram.Soc., 33(13-14):2539-2547(2013) (JCR一區, IF:5.302, TOP期刊)
[114] Z Chen* et al.:Process parameters appraisal of ceramic fabrication via stereolithography usingTaguchi method. J.Eng.Manuf., 226(7):1249-1258(2012)(JCR三區, IF: 2.61)
[115] X Tian, D Li, Z Chen: Study on the fabrication accuracy of ceramic partsby direct stereolithography, Virtual and Physical Prototyping7(3):195-202(2012) (JCR一區, IF:8.092)
[116] W Zhou, D Li, Z Chen: Influence of ingredients of silica suspensions on UVcuring behavior of ceramic suspensions. Int.J.Adv.Manuf.Tech.52(5-8):575-582(2011)(JCR二區, IF:3.226)
[117] Z Chen* et al.:Curing characteristics of ceramic stereolithography for an aqueous-based silicasuspension. J.Eng.Manuf., 224(4): 641-651(2010)(JCR三區, IF: 2.61)
[118] W Zhou, D Li, Z Chen, Direct fabrication of an integral ceramic mould bystereolithography, J.Eng.Manuf. 224(2):237-243(2010)(JCR三區, IF: 2.61)
[119] 周偉召, 李滌塵, 陳張偉, 盧秉恆: 漿料光固化快速成形特性研究及其工程套用, 航空製造技術, 8:36-42(2010)
[120] 周偉召, 李滌塵, 陳張偉, 等: 基於光固化的直接陶瓷成形工藝, 塑性工程學報, 16(3):198-201(2009)
[1]Z Chen, F Giuliani, A Atkinson. Determination of Elastic Moduli for Porous SOFC Cathode Films Using Nanoindentation and FEM. Advances in Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics VII: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 35, 2015 (5): 111
[2]Z Chen, X Wang, V Bhakhri, F Giuliani, A Atkinson (2012). Elastic moduli and 3D microstructures of porous LSCF films. Proceedings of the 10th European SOFC Forum, European Fuel Cell Forum AG, Lucern, Switzerland. Pages: B1021-1028
[3]周偉召,李滌塵,陳張偉 (2009) 水基陶瓷漿料的光固化特性及成形工藝參數選擇,第13屆全國特種加工學術會議論文集,中國機械工程學會特種加工分會,南昌,中國,第23-27頁
[4]歐陽竟,陳張偉,勞長石 (2017) 噴墨列印用水基LSCF墨水的開發與研究,第17屆全國特種加工學術會議論文集,中國機械工程學會特種加工分會,廣州,中國,第389-395頁
[5]劉長勇,程星星,許豐,陳張偉,勞長石 (2017) 低溫沉積3D列印製備鋰離子電池LiFePO4正極及其電化學性能,第17屆全國特種加工學術會議論文集,中國機械工程學會特種加工分會,廣州,中國,第376-481頁
[10] 鄧幫林,陳張偉等,一種微通道非均勻布置的機動車尾氣轉化器及其製造方法,授權號:202011567462.3
[11] 勞長石,陳張偉等,一種基於全息投影的3D列印方法及系統,授權號:201810234619.7
[12] 劉長勇,買灼鏗,嚴登,戴玉宏,蔡志祥,馬建立,勞長石,陳張偉,牛文明:一種具有隨形冷卻水路的透氣模具及其製造方法,授權號:201911244640.6
[13] 李滌塵,周偉召,吳海華,陳張偉,盧秉恆,一種空心葉片陶瓷鑄型的光固化直接製造方法,授權號:200810150112.X
[14] 陳張偉等,一種聚合物前驅體陶瓷3D列印複雜結構件清洗方法,申請號:202310366743X
[15] 陳張偉等,一種消除光固化3D列印陶瓷分層和階梯效應的方法,申請號:2022115488807
[16] 陳張偉等,一種用於鋅離子電池直寫3D列印的墨水及其製備方法,申請號:202210576480.0
[17] 陳張偉等,一種基於金屬有機骨架化合物的複合材料及其製備方法,申請號:202111075724.9
[18] 陳張偉等,一種鋅離子電池無枝晶陽極及其3D列印製備方法,申請號:202210575015.5
[19] 陳張偉等,基於數值仿真的直寫列印中沉積細絲的橫截面預測方法,申請號:202211367829.0
[20] 陳張偉等,一種鋅離子電池及其製備方法,申請號:202210575014.0
[21] 陳張偉等,一種3D列印一體化製造堇青石蜂窩陶瓷載體的方法,申請號:201811038113.5
[22] 陳張偉等,一種用於3D列印的堇青石陶瓷漿料及其製備方法,申請號:201811038913.7
[23] 陳張偉等,一種噴墨3D列印製造固體氧化物燃料電池電極的方法,申請號:201811038102.7
[24] 劉志遠,曾健華,王沛,劉長勇,陳張偉,一種免訓練鐵系高熵形狀記憶合金及其製備方法,申請號:2023103052064
[25] 劉志遠,陳強,謝盛輝,徐斌,陳張偉,一種用於污水降解的納米晶複雜三維結構的增材製造方法,申請號:2022107945783
[26] 王大明,勞長石,陳張偉等,一種醫用水凝膠及其製備方法,申請號:201910023950.9
【Books & Chapters 代表著作】
[1]Z Chen, C Lao. 3DPrinting of Ceramics: from Mechanisms to Applications, John Wiley & Sons +ACerS, to be published in 2021
[2]Z Chen.Nanoindentation of Porous Materials for Elastic Modulus and HardnessDetermination, in Applied Nanoindentation. John Wiley & Sons (Ed:A.Tiwari), 2017
【Invited Talks 邀請報告】
[1] Progress ofCeramic Additive Manufacturing, 17th International Laser Processing and SystemsConference (LPC2023), 2023, 中國
[2] AdditiveManufacturing of Advanced Porous Ceramics, 15th Pacific Rim Conference onCeramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM15), 2023, 中國
[3] 創形創材陶瓷增材製造研究,2022-2023中國材料大會,2023,中國
[4] AdditiveManufacturing of High-performance Ceramics, 1st International Conference onAdditive Manufacturing for a Better World, 2022, 新加坡
[5] Integrated designand additive manufacturing of ceramics, 8th International Ceramic Congress,2022, 韓國
[6] Generativeshaping and material-forming technology for ceramic 3D printing, 3rd SmartMADEJapan Conference, 日本
[7] 3D printing ofporous ceramic for energy devices, 3rd International Forum on AdvancedMaterials and Technologies, 2021, 中國
[8] AM of ceramicsfor innovative applications, YCN Seminar, 2021, 法國
[9] 陶瓷3D列印:工藝-結構-性能-套用,首屆先進陶瓷高峰論壇,2021,中國
[10] 3D printing ofporous ceramics: Structures vs. Functionalities, 10th International Forum onAdvanced Materials, Science and Technologies, 2019, 中國
[11] 3D printing ofporous ceramics for advanced applications: Research at AMI-SZU, 13th PacificRim Conference of Ceramic Societies, 2019, 日本


2024/01 第九屆中國國際“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽國家銅獎指導教師(1項)
2023/11 深圳市自然科學獎一等獎(第1完成人)
2023/10 斯坦福全球前2%頂尖科學家(連續3年入選)
2023/09 第九屆中國國際“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽廣東金獎指導教師(1項)
2023/05 國際先進材料學會科學家獎
2023/04 《無機材料學報》期刊優秀青年編委
2023/01 《Journalof Advanced Ceramics》(SCI收錄)期刊優秀編委
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2022/12 《材料工程》(EI收錄)期刊編輯部特別獎
2022/12 廣東省重大人才工程特支計畫
2022/12 深圳大學百篇優秀碩士學位論文指導教師
2022/10 斯坦福全球前2%頂尖科學家(連續2年入選)
2022/08 第八屆中國國際“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽國家銀獎指導教師(1項)
2022/07 第八屆中國國際“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽廣東銀獎指導教師(2項)
2022/06 深圳大學優秀碩士研究生導師
2022/03 國際先進材料學會會士(IAAM Fellow)
2021/10 斯坦福全球前2%頂尖科學家
2021/07 深圳大學優秀學者
2020/10 中國矽酸鹽學會特陶分會優秀青年獎
2020/01 中國產學研合作創新獎(個人)
2019/10 深圳大學首屆新銳研究生導師
2019/10 斯坦福全球前2%頂尖科學家
2018/05 深圳大學優秀本科生畢業論文指導教師
2017/09 深圳市南山區領航人才計畫
2017/05 廣東省教育廳優秀青年創新人才
2017/03 深圳市海外孔雀人才計畫
2015/02 博士論文獲帝國理工材料系年度唯一John Kilner Prize
2010/10 帝國理工學院校長獎學金
2010/10 帝國理工學院學生基金
2010/06 陝西省優秀畢業生
2010/03 西安交通大學研究生創新一等獎學金
2009/12 西安交通大學優秀研究生標兵
2009/09 西安交通大學貝卡爾特企業獎學金
2008/05 西安交通大學優秀研究生
2007/09 西安交通大學研究生一等獎學金(連續3年入選)
2005/07 法國政府外交部艾菲爾全額獎學金
2005/05 西安交通大學優秀學生


