



  • 中文名:陳家富
  • 出生日期:1984年2月
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:北京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:地球與空間科學學院構造地質學
  • 任職院校:東北大學資源與土木工程學院





2014年7月至今, 東北大學資源與土木工程學院副教授,碩士研究生導師。







2017.1-2020.12 國家自然科學基金面上項目《新疆西準噶爾北部早古生代增生造山過程研究》, 經費:100萬; 項目號: 41672217
2015.1-2016.12 東北大學基本科研業務費《中亞造山帶西準噶爾與興安地塊早古生代島弧增生造山研究》經費:25萬,項目號:N140104003
2013.1-2015.12 國家自然科學青年基金《新疆西準噶爾北部謝米斯台—賽爾山地區早-中古生代火山岩及構造意義》經費:25萬,項目號:41202161


1.Liu, B., Chen, J.F., Ma, X., et al., 2018, Timing of the final closure of the Irtysh–Zaysan Ocean: New insights from the earliest stitching pluton in the northern West Junggar, NW China: Geological Journal, in press, DOI: 10.1002/gj.3121.
2.都厚遠,陳家富. 2017. 西準噶爾和布克賽爾蛇綠混雜岩的鋯石U-Pb年代學特徵及其構造意義. 地質學報, 91(12): 2638-2650.
3.陳家富,馬旭,李超等, 2017. 西準噶爾謝米斯台山西北段中志留世火山岩地球化學與Sr-Nd-Os同位素特徵及其地質意義. 岩礦測試, 36(3) : 318-325.
4.Chen, J.F., Han, B.F., Zhang, L., et al., 2015. Middle Paleozoic initial amalgamation and crustal growth in the West Junggar (NW China): Constraints from geochronology, geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Hf-Os isotopes of calc-alkaline and alkaline intrusions in the Xiemisitai-Saier Mountains. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113: 90-109.
5.Chen, J.F., Han, B.F., Ji, J.Q., et al., 2010. Zircon U-Pb ages and tectonic implications of Paleozoic plutons in northern West Junggar, North Xinjiang, China. Lithos, 115: 137-152.
6.陳家富,韓寶福,張磊等,2010. 西準噶爾北部晚古生代兩期侵入岩的地球化學、Sr-Nd同位素特徵及其地質意義. 岩石學報26(8): 2317-2335.
7.Liu et al., 2018. The tectono-magmatic evolution of the West Junggar terrane (NW China) unravelled by U-Pb ages of detrital zircons in modern river sands. International Geology Review, in press, DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2018.1440647.
8.Liu et al., 2017. Closure time of the Junggar–Balkhash Ocean: Constraints from Late Paleozoic volcano-sedimentary sequences in the Barleik Mountains, West Junggar, NW China. Tectonics, 36:2823-2845.
9.Chen et al., 2017. Neoproterozoic granitoids along the Ailao Shan-Red River belt: Zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotope analysis and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research, 299:244-263.
10.Ma et al., 2014. Petrogenesis and geodynamic significance of the late Palaeozoic Dongwanzi Complex, North China Craton: constrants from petrological, geochemical, and Os-Nd-Sr isotopic data. International Geology Review, 56: 1521-1540
11.Ren et al., 2014. When did the subduction first initiate in the southern Paleo-Asian Ocean: New constraints from a Cambrian intra-oceanic arc system in West Junggar, NW China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 388: 222-236
12.Ma et al., 2013. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age, geochemical, Sr-Nd isotopic, and in-situ Hf isotopic data of the Late Carboniferous-Early Permian plutons in the northern margin of the North China Craton. Science China, Earth Sciences, 56:126-144
13.Xu et al., 2012. Ultramafic-mafic mélange, island arc and post-collisional intrusions in the Mayile Mountain, West Junggar, China: Implications for Paleozoic intra-oceanic Subduction-accretion process. Lithos, 132-133:141-161
14.Zhang et al., 2012. Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of the Late Cretaceous Shuangyashan suite: evidence for enriched mantle 2 in Northeast China. Geological Magazine, 149: 645–661
15.Liu et al., 2012. Permo-Triassic granitoids in the northern part of the Truong Son belt, NW Vietnam: Geochronology, geochemistry and tectonic implications. Gondwana Research, 22: 628-644
16.Han et al., 2010. Age, geochemistry, and tectonic implications of a late Paleozoic stitching pluton in the North Tian Shan suture zone, western China. Geological Society of American Bulletin, 122:627-640
17.Fu et al., 2009. Geochemistry of Platinum Group and Rare Earth Elements of the Polymetallic Layer in the Lower Cambrian, Weng’an, Guizhou Province. Acta Geoloigca Sinica, 83:618-627
18.張磊等,2009. 黑龍江省東部雙鴨山二長輝長岩的年代學、礦物學、結晶過程及其地質意義. 岩石學報,25:577-587.
19.任榮等,2009. 河北礬山鉀質鹼性超鎂鐵岩-正長岩雜岩體的鋯石SHRIMP U-Pb年齡. 岩石學報,25:588-594


