
2) 《穩定碳納米顆粒懸浮物對於有機污染物在飽和多孔介質中運移行為的影響》,國家自然科學基金面上項目,¥700,000,2012/01—2015/12(項目主持人)。
3) 《極性有機污染物與碳基納米材料的特殊作用對不可逆吸附的影響》,國家自然科學基金面上項目,¥360,000,2010/01—2012/12(項目主持人)。
4) 《利用新型納米技術去除飲用水中藻毒素和內分泌干擾物的研究》,教育部高等學校科技創新工程重大項目培育資金項目,¥400,000,2009/01—2011/12(項目主持人)。
5) 《水體沉積物環境質量基準及原位修復關鍵技術研究》,國際科技合作項目,¥1,000,000,2009/01—2010/12(項目主持人)。
6) 《大沽排污河污染河道原位修復技術集成及套用》,天津市科技創新專項資金項目子課題,¥3,000,000,2008/10—2010/12(項目主持人)。
7) 《油田區石油污染土壤生態修復技術與示範》,國家高技術研究發展計畫(863計畫)重點項目,¥6,840,000,2007/07—2010/12(項目主持人)。
8) 《土壤中持久性有機有毒污染物的遷移轉化規律及對地下水的影響》,國家自然科學基金重點項目,¥2,000,000,2007/01—2010/12(第一參加人)。
9) 《污染沉積物的活性反應格柵原位修復技術與機理的研究》,天津市套用基礎及前沿技術研究計畫重點項目,¥500,000,2007/04—2010/03(第一參加人)。
10) 《吸附態1,1,2,2-四氯乙烷的非生物降解機理》,教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金,¥60,000,2007/01—2009/12(項目主持人)。
11) 《中美環境修復與可持續發展中心聯合實驗室建設》,天津市科技支撐計畫重點項目,¥200,000,2007/10—2009/09(項目主持人)。
12) 《天津地區土壤中典型有機污染物環境標準與污染控制技術研究》,天津市科技發展計畫科技創新能力與環境建設平台項目,¥1,000,000,2006/07—2009/06(項目主持人)。
13) 《土壤中被鎖定有機污染物的反應活性》,國家自然科學基金面上項目,¥260,000,2006/01—2008/12(項目主持人)。
14) 《土壤和沉積物中被鎖定有機污染物的生物可利用性》,霍英東教育基金會高等院校青年教師基金項目,$20,000,2005/07—2008/06(項目主持人)。
15) 《土壤和沉積物中持久性有機污染物的生物可利用性》,國家自然科學基金面上項目,¥25,2005/01—2007/12(項目主持人)。
16) 《土壤/沉積物中持久性有機污染物的生物可利用性》,教育部科學技術研究重點項目,¥1,2005/01—2007/12(項目主持人)。
2) Wang, L.; Fortner, J.; Hou, L.; Zhang, C.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B.; Chen, W. 2012, “Contaminant-Mobilizing Capability of Fullerene Nanoparticles (nC60): Effect of Solvent-Exchange Process in nC60 Formation,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (in press).
3) Ji, L.; Chen, W.; Xu, Z.; Zheng, S.; Zhu, D. 2012, “Graphene Nanosheets and Graphite Oxide as Promising Adsorbents for Removal of Organic Contaminants from Aqueous Solution,” Journal of Environmental Quality (accepted).
4) Zhang, L.; Hou, L.; Wang, L.; Kan, A.T.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B. 2012, “Transport of Fullerene Nanoparticles (nC60) in Saturated Sand and Sandy Soil: Controlling Factors and Modeling,” Environmental Science & Technology, 46, 13, 7230–7238.
5) Wang, L.; Huang, Y.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B.; Chen, W. 2012, “Enhanced Transport of 2,2',5,5'-Polychlorinated Biphenyl by Natural Organic Matter (NOM) and Surfactant-Modified Fullerene Nanoparticles (nC60),” Environmental Science & Technology, 46, 13, 5422–5429.
6) Lv, D.; Wan, Y.; Shi, X.; Xu, H.; Chen, W.; Zhu, D. 2012, “Effect of Heat Treatment on Sorption of Polar and Nonpolar Compounds to Montmorillonites and Soils,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 41, 4, 1284–1289.
7) Zhang, L.; Zhu, D.; Wang, H.; Hou, L.; Chen, W. 2012, “Humic Acid-Mediated Transport of Tetracycline and Pyrene in Saturated Porous Media,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31, 3, 534–541.
8) Wang, F.; Zhu, D.; Chen, W. 2012, “Effect of Copper Ion on Adsorption of Chlorinated Phenols and 1-Naphthylamine to Surface-Modified Carbon Nanotubes,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31, 1, 100–107.
9) Ge, M.; Liu, L.; Chen, W.; Zhou, Z. 2012, “Sunlight-Driven Degradation of Rhodamine B by Peanut-Shaped Porous BiVO4 Nanostructures in the H2O2-Containing System,” CrystEngComm, 14(3), 1038–1044.
10) Tang, H.; Zhu, D.; Li, T.; Kong, H.; Chen, W. 2011, “Reductive Dechlorination of Activated Carbon-Adsorbed Trichloroethylene by Fe(0): Carbon as Electron Shuttle,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 40, 6, 1878–1885.
11) Zhang, L.; Wang, L.; Zhang, P.; Kan, A.T.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B. 2011, “Facilitated Transport of 2,2’,5,5’-Polychlorinated Biphenyl and Phenanthrene by Fullerene Nanoparticles through Sandy Soil Columns,” Environmental Science & Technology, 45, 4, 1341–1348.
12) Berlin, J.; Yu, J.; Lu, W.; Walsh, E.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, P.; Chen, W.; Kan, A.; Wong, M.; Tomson, M.; Tour, J. 2011, “Engineered Nanoparticles for Hydrocarbon Detection in Oil-field Rocks,” Energy & Environmental Science, 4, 2, 505–509.
13) Lian, F.; Huang, F.; Chen, W.; Xing, B.; Zhu, L. 2011, “Sorption of Apolar and Polar Organic Contaminants by Waste Tire Rubber and Its Chars in Single- and Bi-solute Systems,” Environmental Pollution, 159, 4, 850–857.
14) Ge, M.; Li, Y.; Liu, L.; Zhou, Z.; Chen, W. 2011, “Bi2O3-Bi2WO6 Composite Microspheres: Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photocatalytic Performances,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 13, 5220–5225.
15) Ji, L.; Chen, W.; Bi, J.; Zheng, S.; Xu, Z.; Zhu, D.; Alvarez, P. 2010, “Adsorption of Tetracycline on Single-walled and Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes as Affected by Aqueous Solution Chemistry,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29, 12, 2713–2719.
16) Yang, W.; Kan, A.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M. 2010, “pH-Dependent Effect of Zinc on Arsenic Adsorption to Magnetite Nanoparticles,” Water Research, 44, 19, 5693–5701.
17) Wang, L.; Zhu, D.; Duan, L.; Chen, W. 2010, “Adsorption of Single-Ringed N- and S-Heterocyclic aromatics on Carbon Nanotubes,” Carbon, 48, 13, 3906–3915.
18) Qi, Y.; Chen, W. 2010, “Comparison of Earthworm Bioaccumulation between Readily-Desorbable and Desorption-Resistant Naphthalene: Implications for Bio-uptake Routes,” Environmental Science & Technology, 44, 1, 323–328.
19) Zhang, D.; Zhu, D.; Chen, W. 2010, Response to Comment on “Sorption of Nitroaromatics to Soils: Comparison of the Importance of Soil Organic Matter versus Clay,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29, 5, 1022–1024.
20) Zhang, Z.; Li, M.; Chen, W.; Zhu, S.; Liu, N.; Zhu, L. 2010, “Immobilization of Lead and Cadmium from Aqueous Solution and Contaminated Sediment Using Nano-Hydroxyapatite,” Environmental Pollution, 158, 2, 514-519.
21) Ji, L.; Chen, W.; Xu, Z.; Zheng, S.; Zhu, D. 2009, “Adsorption of Sulfonamide Antibiotics to Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes,” Langmuir, 25, 19, 11608-11613.
22) Chen, W.; Duan, L.; Wang, L.; Zhu, D. 2009, Response to Comment on “Adsorption of Hydroxyl- and Amino-Substituted Aromatics to Carbon Nanotubes,” Environmental Science & Technology, 43, 9, 3400–3401.
23) Ji, L.; Chen, W.; Duan, L.; Zhu, D. 2009, “Mechanisms for Strong Adsorption of Tetracycline to Carbon Nanotubes: A Comparative Study Using Activated Carbon and Graphite as Adsorbents,” Environmental Science & Technology, 43, 7, 2322–2327.
24) Zhang, D.; Zhu, D.; Chen, W. 2009, “Sorption of Nitroaromatics to Soils: Comparison of the Importance of Soil Organic Matter versus Clay,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28, 7, 1447-1454.
25) Chen, W.; Hou, L.; Luo, X.; Zhu, L. 2009, “Effects of Chemical Oxidation on Sorption and Desorption of PAHs in Typical Chinese Soils,” Environmental Pollution, 157, 1894–1903.
26) Yang, W.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, C.; Zhu, L.; Chen, W. 2009, “Sorption and Resistant Desorption of Atrazine in Typical Chinese Soils,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 38, 1, 171-179.
27) Chen, W.; Duan, L.; Wang, L.; Zhu, D. 2008, “Adsorption of Hydroxyl- and Amino-Substituted Aromatics to Carbon Nanotubes,” Environmental Science & Technology, 42, 18, 6862-6868.
28) Chen, J.; Chen, W.; Zhu, D. 2008, “Adsorption of Nonionic Aromatic Compounds to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Effects of Aqueous Solution Chemistry,” Environmental Science & Technology, 42, 19, 7225-7230.
29) Duan, L.; Zhang, N.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, C.; Zhu, L.; Chen, W. 2008, “Release of Hexachlorocyclohexanes from Historically and Freshly Contaminated Soils in China: Implications for Fate and Regulation,” Environmental Pollution, 156, 753-759.
30) Liu, L.; Zhao, Y.; Wang, Y.; Duan, Y.; Gao, G.; Chen, W. 2008, “Directed Synthesis of Hierarchical Nano-Structured TiO2 Catalysts and Their Morphology-Dependent Photocatalysis for Phenol Degradation,” Environmental Science & Technology, 42, 7, 2342-2348.
31) Chen, W.; Cong, L.; Hu, H.; Zhang, P.; Li, J.; Feng, Z.; Kan, A.; Tomson, M. 2008, “Release of Adsorbed Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons under Cosolvent Treatment: Implications for Availability and Fate,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27, 1, 112-118.
32) Yang, W.; Duan, L.; Zhang, N.; Zhang, C.; Shipley, H.; Kan, A.; Tomson, M.; Chen, W. 2008, “Resistant Desorption of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Typical Chinese Soils: Implication for Long-Term Fate and Soil Quality Standards,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27, 1, 235-242.
33) Chen, W.; Duan L.; Zhu, D. 2007, “Adsorption of Polar and Nonpolar Chemicals to Carbon Nanotubes,” Environmental Science & Technology, 41, 24, 8295-8300.
34) Beckles, D.; Chen, W.; Hughes, J. 2007, “Bioavailability of PAHs Sequestered in Sediment: Microbial Study and Model Prediction,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 26, 5, 878-883.
35) Zhu, X.; Zhu, L.; Li, Y.; Duan, Z.; Chen, W.; Alvarez, P. 2007, “Developmental Toxicity in Zebrafish (danio rerio) Embryos after Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials: Buckminsterfullerene Aggregates (nC60) and Fullerol,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 26, 5, 976-979.
36) Chen, W.; Lakshmanan, K.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2004, “A Program for Evaluating Dual-Equilibrium Desorption Effect on Remediation,” Ground Water, 42, 620-624.
37) Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Newell, C.J.; Moore, E.M.; Tomson, M.B. 2002, “More Realistic Soil Cleanup Standards with Dual-Equilibrium Desorption,” Ground Water, 40, 153-164.
38) Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2001, “Modeling Irreversible Sorption of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Natural Sediments,” in Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic Chemicals I, Fate and Exposure, American Chemical Society.
39) Kan, A.T.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B. 2001, “Resistant Desorption Kinetics of Chlorinated Organic Compounds from Contaminated Soil and Sediment,” in Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic Chemicals I, Fate and Exposure, American Chemical Society.
40) Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2000, Response to Comment on “Irreversible Adsorption of Chlorinated Benzenes to Natural Sediments – Implication for Sediment Quality Criteria,” Environmental Science & Technology, 34, 4250-4251.
41) Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2000, “Irreversible Adsorption of Chlorinated Benzenes to Natural Sediments – Implication for Sediment Quality Criteria,” Environmental Science & Technology, 34, 385-392.
42) Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Fu, G.; Tomson, M.B. 2000, “Factors Affecting the Release of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants from Natural Sediments,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19, 2401-2408.
43) Kan, A.T.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B. 2000, “Desorption Kinetics of Neutral Hydrophobic Organic Compounds from a Field Contaminated Sediment,” Environmental Pollution, 108, 81-89.
44) Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Fu, G.; Vignona, L.C.; Tomson, M.B. 1999, “Adsorption-Desorption Behaviors of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds in Sediments of Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18, 1610-1616.
45) Kan, A.T.; Fu, G.; Hunter, M.; Chen, W.; Ward, C.H.; Tomson, M.B. 1998, “Irreversible Sorption of Neutral Hydrocarbons to Sediments: Experimental Observations and Model Predictions,” Environmental Science & Technology, 32, 892-902.
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