

陳妍慧 女,博士 副教授、碩士生導師。主要從事半晶聚合物及其複合材料在成型加工過程中形態結構控制及與性能關係研究。2008年9月,獲四川大學高分子科學與工程學院高分子材料與工程專業學士學位;2013年12月,獲四川大學高分子科學與工程學院材料加工工程專業博士學位;於2011年11月至2013年11月,在紐約州立大學石溪分校(State University of New York at Stonybrook, SUNY-SB)化學系,世界著名高分子物理學家Benjamin Hsiao教授課題組參加國家建設高水平大學公派聯合培養。作為負責人主持1項國家自然科學基金項目(面上項目),作為主研人員參與3項國家自然科學基金項目(傑青、重點與國際合作項目)。已發表論文14篇,其中第一作者論文7篇,SCI他引100餘次;授權專利1項;撰寫英文書籍中1章;發表會議論文4篇。


  • 中文名:陳妍慧
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:副教授
  • 畢業院校:四川大學



2008.09—2013.12 碩博連讀 四川大學高分子科學與工程學院 材料加工工程
2004.09—2008.07 學士 四川大學高分子科學與工程學院 高分子材料與工程






2011.10 博士研究生學術新人獎






[1]. Yan-Hui Chen, Zhang-Yong Huang, Zhong-Ming Li*, Jian-Hua Tang, Benjamin S. Hsiao.Simultaneous improvement of strength and toughness in fiber reinforced isotactic polypropylene composites by shear flow and β-nucleating agent.RSC Advances. 2014, 4: 14766-14776. (IF: 3.708)
[2]. Yan-Hui Chen, Gan-Ji Zhong, Benjamin S. Hsiao, Zhong-Ming Li.Structure evolution upon uniaxial drawing skin- and core-layers of injection-molded isotactic polypropylene by in situ synchrotron X-ray scattering.J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym.Phys.2013, 51: 1618-31.(IF:2.548)
[3]. Yan-Hui Chen, Zheng-Chi Zhang, Jian-Hua Tang, Zhong-Ming Li, Benjamin S. Hsiao.Microstructure and mechanical properties of isotactic polypropylene composite with two-scale reinforcement.Polym. Adv. Technol.2012, 23: 1580-9.(IF:1.964)
[4]. Yan-Hui Chen, Gan-Ji Zhong, Jun Lei, Zhong-Ming Li, Benjamin S. Hsiao.In-situ synchrotron x-ray scattering study on isotactic polypropylene crystallization under the coexistence of shear flow and carbon nanotubes.Macromolecules. 2011, 44: 8080-92. (IF:5.927)
[5]. Yan-Hui Chen, Yi-Min Mao, Benjamin S. Hsiao, Zhong-Ming Li.Competitive growth of alpha- and beta-Crystals in beta-nucleated isotactic polypropylene under shear flow.Macromolecules. 2010, 43: 6760-71.(IF:5.927)
[6]. Yan-Hui Chen, Zhong-Ming Li, Gan-Ji Zhong, Yan Wang, Liang-Bin Li. Unusual tuning of mechanical properties of isotactic polypropylene using counteraction of shear flow and β nucleating agent on β-Form nucleation. Macromolecules. 2009, 42: 4343-8. (IF:5.927)
[7]. Zhang-Yong Huang,Yan-Hui Chen, Jian-Hua Tang, Zhong-Ming Li.Hierarchic structure and mechanical property of short glass fiber/isotactic polypropylene composites containing β-nucleation agent.Polym. Plast. Technol. Eng.2013, 52: 80-9.
[8]. Hao Wang, Peng-Gang Ren,Yan-Hui Chen, Ding-Xiang Yan, Zhong-Ming Li, Ling Xu.Effects of dodecyl amine functionalized graphene oxide on the crystallization behavior of isotactic polypropylene.J. Appl. Polym. Sci.2014, DOI: 10.1002/app.40000
[9]. Yan Wang, Jia-Zhuang Xu,Yan-Hui Chen, Kai Qiao, Ling Xu, Xu Ji, Zhong-Ming Li, and Benjamin S. Hsiao.Crystalline Structure Changes in Preoriented Metallocene-Based Isotactic Polypropylene upon Annealing.J. Phys. Chem. B2013, 117: 7113-22.
[10]. Zheng-Chi Zhang, Jun Lei,Yan-Hui Chen, Jun Chen, Xu Ji, Jian-Hua Tang, Zhong-Ming Li.Tailored structure and properties of injection-molded atactic polypropylene/isotactic polypropylene blend.ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.2013, 1: 937-49.
[11]. Huan Xu, Lan Xie,Yan-Hui Chen, Hua-Dong Huang, Jia-Zhuang Xu, Gan-Ji Zhong, Benjamin S. Hsiao, Zhong-Ming Li.Strong shear flow-driven simultaneous formation of classic shish-kebab, hybrid shish-kebab, and transcrystallinity in poly(lactic acid)/natural fiber biocomposites.ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.2013, 1: 1619-29.
[12]. Fang-Li Lou, Yi Xu, Huan Pang,Yan-Hui Chen, Jia-Zhuang Xu, Zhong-Ming Li*, Ai Lu.Non-isothermal crystalliztion kinetics of poly(phenylene sulfide) with low crosslinking levels.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2013, 31: 462-470.
[13]. Chen Chen, Huan Pang, Zhong Liu, Yu-Bao Li,Yan-Hui Chen, Wei-Qin Zhang, Xu Ji, Jian-Hua Tang*.Enhanced foamability of isotactic polypropylene composites by polypropylene-graft-carbon nanotube.J. Appl. Polym. Sci.2013, 130: 961-968.
[14]. 陳妍慧,徐家壯,張貽川,李忠明.利用原位微纖化技術控制聚合物形態的研究進展.高分子通報,2009,(2):1-11.國核心心期刊.


[1]. 李忠明,陳妍慧,雷軍,鐘淦基,陳晨.一種增韌增強聚丙烯製品的製備方法,專利申請號:ZL201210395335.9.


