


  • 中文名:陳君
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:醫師、副教授,博士研究生導師
  • 畢業院校:中國藥科大學中藥製藥專業
  • 主要成就:入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”
  • 代表作品:2010年版《中國藥典》
個人簡介(brief introduction)
近五年來,在ChemcommJournal of Chromatography A、Analytical and
  Bioanalytical Chemistry、Journal of Chromatography B、Food ChemistryRapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry、Journal of Separation Science等國際雜誌發表SCI收錄論文20餘篇,獲申請發明專利6項,授權4項。獲2009年度國家科學技術進步二等獎(排名第九),2007年度教育部自然科學一等獎(排名第九)。指導本科生完成的作品獲第十二屆“挑戰杯”全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽江蘇省三等獎,指導本科生開展的國家大學生創新性實驗計畫項目入圍第四屆全國大學生創新年會學術論文大賽(2011年)。
學習經歷(study expriences)
2004/01- 2004/12 香港浸會大學中藥學院交流學習
2001/09 - 2006/06 中國藥科大學生藥學專業,碩博連讀,獲博士學位(導師:李萍 教授)
1996/09 - 2000/06 中國藥科大學中藥製藥專業,獲學士學位
研究方向(research area)
科研項目(research projects)
代表性研究論文(representative research papers)
  1. Yu Fu, Jun Chen*, Yan-Jing Li, Yun-Feng Zheng, Ping Li*. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of six flavonoids separated from licorice.Food Chemistry, 2013, 141:1064-1071.
  2. Wen Gao, Hua Yang, Lian-Wen Qi, E-Hu Liu, Mei-Ting Ren, Yu-Ting Yan,Jun Chen*, Ping Li*. Unbiased metabolite profiling by liquid chromatography- quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry and multivariate data analysis for herbal authentication: classification of sevenLoniceraspecies flower buds.Journal of Chromatography A, 2012, 1245:109-116.
  3. Yan-Jing Li,Jun Chen*, Ying Li, Qin Li, Yun-Feng Zheng, Yu Fu, Ping Li*. Screening and charactrerization of natural antioxidants in fourGlycyrrhizaspecies by liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry.Journal of Chromatography A, 2011, 1218:8181-8191.
  4. Jun Chen, Song Yue, Ping Li*.Capillary high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry for simultaneous determination of major flavonoids, iridoid glucosides and saponins in Flos Lonicerae.Journal of Chromatography A, 2007, 1157:217-226.
  5. Mei-Ting Ren,Jun Chen*, Song Yue, Long-Sheng Sheng, Li Ping*, Lian-Wen Qi. Identification and quantification of thirty-two bioactive compounds inLoniceraspecies by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry.Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Analysis.2008, 48:1351-1360.
  6. Yan-Jing Li, Huan-Li Wei, Lian-Wen Qi,Jun Chen*, Mei-Ting Ren, Ping Li*. Characterization and identification of saponins in Achyranthes bidentata by rapid-resolution liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry.Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry,2010, 24:2975-2985.
  7. Yan-Jing Li,Jun Chen*, Ying Li, Ping Li*. Identification and quantification of free radical scavengers in the flower buds ofLoniceraspecies by online HPLC-DPPH assay coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry.BiomedicalChromatography, 2011, doi:10.1002/bmc.1685.
  8. Yong-Dong Luo,Jun Chen*, Jun Cao,Xiao-Dong Wen, Ping Li*. Determination of sweroside in rat plasma and bile for oral bioavailability and hepatobiliary excretion.Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2009, 57:79-83.
  9. Jun Chen, Song-Lin Li, Ping Li*, Yue Song, Xing-Yun Chai, Ding-Yuan Ma. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of active flavonoids in Flos Lonicerae by capillary zone electrophoresis coupled with solid-phase extraction.Journal of Separation Science, 2005, 27:365-372.
  10. Ju Wang, Zi-Qi Shi, Xiao-Jun Xu, Gui-Zhong Xin,Jun Chen, Lian-Wen Qi, Ping Li*. Triptolide inhibits amyloid-β production and protects neural cells by inhibiting CXCR2 activity.Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2013, 33(1):217-219.
專利申請(patents application)
1) 一種常春藤皂苷、其製備方法及其抗腫瘤用途. 李萍, 陳君, 湯丹. ZL 200710135566.5. 已授權.
2) 丹酚酸C在製備防治高尿酸血症藥物中的套用. 陳君,李萍,高雯. ZL201210000772.6. 已授權.
3) 一種黃酮化合物預防或治療炎症性疾病的用途. 陳君,李萍,李艷靜,付鈺. ZL201110398561.8. 已授權.
4) 一種適用於天然產物高通量篩選的化合物庫高效製備方法. 李萍, 陳君, 張慧, 羅麗平, 宋慧鵬, 周萍.2013100326266,已申請.
5) 一種黃酮化合物在製備預防或治療腫瘤藥物中的用途. 陳君, 李萍, 王一方, 劉靜, 付鈺, 鄭雲楓. 201310112169.1, 已申請.
6) 丹參新酮在製備保護血管內皮細胞的藥物中的用途. 陳君, 李萍, 羅麗平, 張慧, 宋慧鵬, 周萍, 劉鄂湖. 201310128667.5, 已申請.
7) 青蒿素及青蒿琥酯抗阿爾茨海默病的醫療用途. 李萍,陳君,徐曉軍,王菊,石子琪. 申請號: 201210380878.3.
8) 黃褐毛忍冬總次級皂苷部位、其製備方法及抗腫瘤用途. 李萍, 陳君, 湯丹. 申請號: 200810019284.3.


