


  • 中文名:陳力聞
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:勞動經濟學、人力資源管理、勞動關係
  • 職務:副教授
  • 任職院校:華東師範大學經濟與管理學部
  • 性別:女




Addison, J., Chen, L., and Ozturk,O. Occupational Match Quality and Gender over Two Cohorts. ILR Review. (Forthcoming)
Chen, L., Su, Z. X., and Zeng, X. (2016). Path Dependence and the Evolution of HRM in China. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-27.
Zeng, X., Chen, L. and Su, Z. X. (2014). ‘The Evolution of Human Resource Management in China: Traditions, Reforms and Developments’. In Kaufman, B. E. (Eds.). (2014). The Development of Human Resource Management Across Nations: Unity and Diversity. Edward Elgar Publishing, 92-122.
曾湘泉, 陳力聞, 楊玉梅 (2013). 城鎮化、產業結構與農村勞動力轉移吸納效率.中國人民大學學報, V27(4): 36-46
“Diversity is More than Numbers: The Wage Effects of Supervisor-Worker Gender Match”
Following (Not Quite) in Your Father’s Footsteps: Returns to Intergenerational Occupation and Task Following by Gender” (with John Gordanier and Orgul Ozturk)
Father competition: The Career Effects of Having a Cadre Parent”
“Competition for Local Public Good Provision” (with Alexander Matros and Yue Liu)
“Experimental Investigation on Competing Local Public Good Provision Mechanisms” (with Alexander Matros and Yue Liu)
“Great Recession and Match Quality for Old and Young workers” (with John Addison and Orgul Ozturk)
The 88th Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association, Washington, DC. (Nov.2018)
LERA Winter Meeting at the ASSA/AEA, Philadelphia, PA. (Jan. 2018)
The 87th Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association, Tampa, FL. (Nov. 2017)
The 28th International Conference on Game Theory in Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY. (Jul. 2017)
Midwest Economic Association Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. (Mar. 2017)
The Eastern Economic Association 43rd Annual Meeting, New York, NY. (Feb. 2017)
The 82nd International Atlantic Economic Conference, Washington, D.C. (Oct. 2016)
The 27th International Conference on Game Theory in Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY. (Jul. 2016)
The Eastern Economic Association 42nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (Feb. 2016)
The 26th International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook, NY. (Jul. 2015)

