

2002年獲中國農業大學農學博士學位。日本學術振興會(JSPS)外國特別研究員(2006.11-2008.10),德國洪堡基金會(Humboldt Foundation)研究員(2009.6-2011.12),2009年入選中國科學院"項目百人計畫"。學術雜誌Pedobiologia和《生態學報》編委。同時,為國內外多家學術刊物特邀審稿專家。


  • 中文名:陳保冬
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校中國農業大學
  • 主要成就:學術雜誌Pedobiologia和《生態學報》編委


2002年獲中國農業大學農學博士學位。日本學術振興會(JSPS)外國特別研究員(2006.11-2008.10),德國洪堡基金會(Humboldt Foundation)研究員(2009.6-2011.12),2009年入選中國科學院"項目百人計畫"。國際學術雜誌Plant and Soil和Pedobiologia編委。同時,為國內外多家學術刊物特邀審稿專家。2008年起擔任中國植物營養與肥料學會根際營養專業委員會委員。
一直從事叢枝菌根生態生理研究,在菌根真菌培養方法、菌根植物適應重金屬污染環境機制以及菌根真菌在污染環境生態恢復中的作用等方面進行了比較系統的研究,取得原創性科研成果。近年來在Environmental Pollution、New Phytologist、Mycorrhiza、Plant and Soil、、Chemosphere和生態學報等學術雜誌發表學術論文近50篇,其中SCI收錄近30篇。參編專著1本,撰寫英文專著2章節。
2009.6- : 德國洪堡基金會(Humboldt Foundation)研究員,在柏林自由大學進行合作研究。
2008.11- :生態環境研究中心城市與區域生態國家重點實驗室引進研究員。2009年入選中國科學院“項目百人計畫”。


1) Chen Baodong, Christie Peter and Li Xiaolin, 2001. A modified glass bead compartment cultivition system for the study of nutrient uptake by arbuscular mycorrhizae. Chemosphere, 42: 185-192.
2) Chen Baodong, Tao Hongqun, Li Xiaolin, Christie Peter and Wong Minghong, 2003. The role of arbuscular mycorrhiza in zinc uptake by red clover growing in a calcareous soil spiked with various quantities of zinc. Chemosphere, 50: 839-846.
3) Chen Baodong, Shen Hong, Li Xiaolin, Feng Gu and Christie Peter, 2004. Effects of EDTA application and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization on zinc uptake by maize (Zea mays L.) from soil experimentally contaminated with zinc. Plant and Soil 261: 219-229.
4) Chen Baodong, Liu Yu, Shen Hong, Li Xiaolin and Christie Peter, 2004. Uptake of cadmium from a experimentally contaminated calcareous soil by arbuscular mycorrhizal maize (Zea mays L.). Mycorrhiza 14: 347-354.
5) Liu Yu, Zhu Yong-Guan, Chen Baodong, Christie Peter and Li Xiaolin, 2005. Influence of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae on uptake of arsenate by the As hyperaccumulator fern Pteris vittata L. Mycorrhiza 15(3): 187-192.
6) Chen Baodong, Roos Per, Borggaard Ole K., Zhu Yong-Guan and Jakobsen Iver, 2005. Mycorrhiza and root hairs in barley enhance acquisition of phosphorus and uranium from phosphate rock but mycorrhiza decreases root to shoot uranium transfer. New Phytologist 165: 591-598.
7) Jakobsen Iver, Chen Baodong, Munkvold Lisa, Lundsgaard Thorben and Zhu Yong-Guan, 2005. Contrasting phosphate acquisition of mycorrhizal fungi with that of root hairs using the root hairless barley mutant. Plant, Cell and Envrionment 28, 928-938.
8) Chen Baodong, Tang Xiangyu, Zhu Yongguan and Christie Peter, 2005. Metal concentration and mycorrhizal status of plants colonizing copper mine tailings: potential for phytoremediation. Science in China (Ser. C) 48 Supp. I, 156-164.
9) Chen Baodong, Zhu Yong-Guan, Zhang Xuhong and Jakobsen Iver, 2005. Uranium and phosphorus uptake from a field-contaminated soil by bald root mutant and wild type barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L.) in association with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus caledonium. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 12(6), 325-331.
10) Chen Baodong, Jakobsen Iver, Roos Per and Zhu Yong-Guan. 2005. Effects of the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices on uranium uptake and accumulation by Medicago truncatula L. from uranium-contaminated soil. Plant and Soil 275 (1-2): 349-359.
11) Chen Baodong, Zhu Yong-Guan and Smith F. Andrew. 2006. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation on uranium and arsenic accumulation by Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata L.) from a uranium mining-impacted soil. Chemosphere 62: 1464-1473.
12) Zhang Xuhong, Lin Aijun, Chen Baodong, Smith Sally E, Smith F Andrew, 2006. Effects of Glomus mosseae on the toxicity of heavy metals to Vicia faba. Journal of Environmental Sciences 4: 721-726
13) Zhang Xuhong, Zhu Yong-Guan, Lin Ai-Jun, Chen Baodong, Smith Sally E. and Smith F. Andrew, 2006. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can alleviate the adverse effects of chlorothalonil on Oryza sativa L. Chemosphere 64 (10): 1627-1632.
14) Huang Honglin, Zhang Suzhen, Chen Baodong, Wu Naiying, Shan Xiaoquan and Christie Peter, 2006. Uptake of atrazine and cadmium from soil by maize (Zea mays L.) in association with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus etunicatum. Journal of Agricultura; and Food Chemistry 54 (25): 9377-9382.
15) Chen Baodong, Zhu Yong-Guan, Duan Jing, Xiao Xueyi, Smith Sally E, 2007. Effects of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae on growth and metal uptake by four plant species in copper mine tailings. Environmental Pollution 147 (2): 374-380.
16) Chen Baodong, Xiao Xueyi, Zhu Yong-Guan, Smith F Andrew, Smith Sally E and Xie Zhengmiao, 2007. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae gives contrary effects on phosphorus and arsenic acquisition by Medicago sativa Linn. Science of the Total Environment 379 (2-3): 226-234.
17) Chen Meimei, Zhu Yong-Guan, Su Yuhong, Chen Baodong, Fu Bojie and Marschner Petra, 2007. Effects of soil moisture and plant interactions on the soil microbial community structure. European Journal of Soil Biology 43 (1): 31-38.
18) Xia Yunsheng, Chen Baodong, Christie Peter, Smith F. Andrew and Li Xiaolin, 2007. Arsenic uptake by arbuscular mycorrhizal maize (Zea mays L.) grown in an arsenic-contaminated soil with added phosphorus. Journal of Environmental Sciences -CHINA 19 (10): 1245-1251.
19) Chen Baodong, Zhu Yong-Guan, Roos Per and Jakoben Iver 2007 Arbuscular mycorrhizas contribute to phytostabilization of uranium in uranium mining tailings. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 99(5): 801-810.
20) Boulois H. Dupré de, Joner EJ, Leyval C, Jakobsen I, Chen BD, Roos P, Thiry I, Rufyikiri G, Delvaux B and Declerck S, 2008. Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on uranium accumulation by plants. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 99(5): 775-784.
21) Dong Yan, Zhu Yong-Guan, Smith F. Andrew, Wang Youshan and Chen Baodong, 2008. Arbuscular mycorrhiza enhanced arsenic resistance of both white clover (Trifolium repens Linn.) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) plants in an arsenic-contaminated soil. Environmental Pollution 155: 174-181
22) Chen Meimei, Chen Baodong and Marschner Petra, 2008. Plant growth and soil microbial community structure of legumes and grasses grown in monoculture or mixture. Journal of Environmental Sciences 20: 1231-1237.
23) Chen Baodong, Li Xiaolin and Christie Peter, 2002. Studies on two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonizing maize under different phosphorus regimes in a compartment cultivation system. Pedosphere, 12(2): 121-130.
24) 陳保冬, 李曉林, 朱永官, 2005. 叢枝菌根真菌菌絲體吸附重金屬的潛力及特徵. 菌物學報24(2): 283-291.
25) 朱永官,陳保冬,林愛軍,葉志鴻,黃銘洪, 2005. 珠江三角洲地區土壤重金屬污染控制與修復研究的若干思考. 環境科學學報 25(12): 1575-1579.
26) 肖雪毅,陳保冬,朱永官,2006. 叢枝菌根真菌對銅尾礦上植物生長和礦質營養的影響. 環境科學學報 26(2): 312-317.
27) 劉翠花, 陳保冬, 朱永官, 張澈, 2006. 叢枝菌根真菌對青生長發育及磷營養的影響研究. 土壤學報 43(6): 1052-1055.
28) 夏運生,陳保冬,朱永官,吳亞洵,李曉林, 2008. 外加不同鐵源和叢枝菌根對砷污染土壤上玉米生長及磷、砷吸收的影響. 環境科學學報 28(3): 516-524.
29) 楊秀梅,陳保冬,朱永官,王冬梅,王幼珊, 2008. 叢枝菌根真菌(Glomus intraradices)對銅污染土壤上玉米生長的影響. 生態學報28(3): 1052-1058.
30) 陳梅梅,陳保冬,許毓,田慧穎,鄧皓,2009. 菌根真菌對石油污染土壤修復作用的研究進展. 生態學雜誌 28(6): 1171-1177.
31) 陳梅梅,陳保冬,王新軍,朱永官,王幼珊,2009. 不同磷水平土壤接種叢枝菌根真菌對植物生長和養分吸收的影響. 生態學報 29(4): 1980-1986.
32) 參編 《土壤微生物生態學及其實驗技術》 (姚槐應 黃昌勇 等 主編)科學出版社 北京 2006.8
33) Zhu Yong-Guan, Kong Weidong, Chen Baodong, Nan Zhibiao and Christie Peter. Soil microbial community: understanding the belowground network for sustainable grassland management. In: McGilloway David A (Ed.). Grassland: A Global Resource. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 209-217, 2005.
34) Zhu Yong-Guan and Chen Baodong,2009. Principles and Technologies for Remediation of Uranium-Contaminated Environments. In: Radioactivity in the Environment, 14: 357-374. (Book chapter)


