- 軟體名稱:陀螺塗料
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:1.39MB
目前免費,直到下次更新 使用GyroPaint創建所有你周圍的圖紙!簡單地瞄準你的iPhone在任何方向和觸控螢幕。 GyroPaint使用陀螺儀技術,給你一個獨特的3D繪圖體驗。它讓你在一個球體的中心,你可以畫上它從裡面。 您的手機將只顯示您正在查看的球體的一部分,所以你真的需要起床,如果你想使一個完整的全景圖走動。 每當這幅畫中可以設定顯示的範圍之外得到一個全景視野。 (請注意,沒有3G上/秒的iPhone工作) Currently FREE until the next update Use GyroPaint to create drawings all around you! Simply aim your iPhone in any direction and touch the screen. GyroPaint uses gyroscope technology to give you an unique 3d drawing experience. It puts you at the center of a sphere and you can paint on it from the inside. Your phone will only show the portion of the sphere that you're looking at, so you really need to get up and move around if you want to make a full panorama drawing. Anytime during the painting you can set the display outside of the sphere to get an allround view. (Note, does NOT work on 3g/s iPhones)