



  • 中文名:阿隆.內維爾
  • 外文名:Aaron Nevill
  • 國籍美國
  • 出生地:New Orleans
  • 出生日期:1941年2月24日
  • 星座雙魚座
  • 職業:歌唱家
  • 代表作品:也會傷害我的心、Over You
  • 主要成就:四次獲得葛萊美獎


阿隆.內維爾(Aaron Nevill)1941年2月24日出生於美國Louisiana的New Orleans。Nevill從他與兄弟Art組成的合唱團Ha-wketts開始走上了他的音樂生涯。的確,手足情是Nevill生命中最看重的東西之一,他曾說:“回首歲月,我為自己,更從心底里熱愛同我共甘苦的兄弟們。我永遠是Nevil-les的一員。”
Nevill不僅愛自己的手足兄弟,他更是一個博愛的人。用他自己的話來說“我要為所有心中已沒有歌聲與快樂的人、所有感到被棄路邊的人歌唱,努力用歌聲安撫他們,減輕他們的痛苦,給予他們勇氣。”Aaron Nevill轉而簽約 Minit唱片公司後, 開始了他的個人歌唱事業。 1960年《Over You》 推出, 在樂壇反映並不十分熱烈。 直到1967年 《Tell It Like It Is》的出版,在這首旋律簡潔流暢的民謠之中,Nevill運用他敏銳的感悟能力和紮實的演繹功力,在歌聲中傳達了日漸高漲的黑人人權運動的共鳴之聲。
1989年,Aaron Nevill推出了《Don't Know Much》,這是一首他與Linda Ronstad聯袂演繹的歌曲,其優美的旋律,深情的歌聲打動了無數樂迷的心。接著,A&M 公司又推出了Aaron Nevill的個人專輯《The Grand Tour》,聆聽這張專輯,讓人恍若暫別了喧囂繁華的都市生活,身心都得到一次舒適的休憩。人們把他的歌聲稱為“天使之聲”。而專輯中的兩首濃郁宗教色彩的歌曲《The Lord's Prayer》和《Song Of Bernadette》在輕吟淺唱之中寄託了深深的情思。


Even If My Heart Would Break - Aaron Neville (阿隆.內維爾)
I've been around this world
I've been a lot of places
Seen a million faces in a thousand times
But when I looked into your eyes
I knew I found heaven
And I've been wanting to tell you
I never want to let you go
It may be winter in Eden
But what I'm feeling is summer in my heart
Is it too familiar to say I love you
Would you be suspicious if I asked your name, tell me
What would it take to really convince you
That I'm gonna love you, even if my heart would break
Seen a better day
I can feel it coming
I can hear it coming in the winter night
Cuz you turned this man into a true believer
When you left your traces on that moonlit night
It may be winter in Eden
But when I'm with you, with you, it's summer in my heart
Is it too familiar to say I love you
Would you be suspicious if I asked your name, tell me
What would it take to really convince you
That I'm gonna love you even if my heart would break
It may be winter in Eden
But when I'm with you, with you, it's always summer in my heart
So let the mountains tumble, tumble to the sea
Let the rivers overflow, it won't bother me
Let the stars go out tonight, cuz I can see them in your eyes
I'm gonna love you even if my heart would break
Is it too familiar to say I love you
Would you be suspicious if I asked your name, tell me
What would it take to really convince you
That I'm gonna love you even if my heart would break
Even if my heart would break, I'm gonna love you
Even if my heart would break, I'm gonna love you
Let the stars go out tonight cuz I can see them in your eyes
And I'm gonna love you, even if my heart would break


