- 中文名:阿格雷爾
- 外文名:Agrael
- 種族:黑暗精靈
- 所屬城鎮:地獄(Inferno)

特技:迅捷光環(Aura of Swiftness)
初始魔法:正當之力(Righteous Might)
英雄簡介: 阿格雷爾在狂熱的惡魔教徒中迅速崛起,成為了魔王信賴的副手。批評他的人說他魯莽無忌,野心太大,但阿格雷爾這種敢做敢為的作風使其成為戰場上一位令人敬畏的領袖。一旦看準了時機,阿格雷爾就會主動出擊,只要有利可圖,他願冒任何風險。
據謠傳稱,惡魔領主阿格雷爾擅長各種魔法。現在是伊莎貝爾了解一些魔法奧秘的時候了。沒有魔法的幫助,要擊敗惡魔領主的機會微乎其微。光明樹鎮的魔法行會聲名遠揚——這裡是年輕的女皇學習魔法的理想地點,要知道完全依靠鋼鐵的 力量有時不能很好的解決問題。伊莎貝爾應該為攻打光明樹鎮做好充分準備,成功比時間來得重要。占領光明樹鎮並將魔法行會升級到第3級。

Agrael:Leave us.
Agrael:I`m sorry. That`s not what I wanted, but the Demon Sovereign gave clear orders. Killing Beatrice seemed the easiest way...
Isabel:Easy for you, black-hearted...
Agrael:I know it hits you hard. She practically raised you. Her abbey was like a second home and the apple orchard became your favorite playground.
Isabel:What? How do you know?
Agrael:But my master is after you, not Beatrice.
Isabel:The Demon Sovereign? Me? Why?
Agrael:He wouldn`t tell me. All I know is that he sent us to deliver you to him.
Isabel:I will die before I see that happen.
Agrael:No one - least of all - I would like to see that, Isabel.
Isabel:Really? So what do you want? And who are you?
Agrael:Me? I am Agrael. A mere soldier in a greater war, and war demands sacrifice.
Isabel:So, "soldier," what do you intend to do with me?
Agrael:If I could find a means for you to escape this fate... if the two of us could disappear. Would you trust me?
Isabel:Trust you? A servant of the Demon Sovereign? The murderer of Beatrice?
Agrael:As if I had a choice!
Agrael:I will do what I can to protect you, for now.


Tieru Who disturbs the rest... a Demon! But you touched the Stone, so you can`t be... Approach me, stranger.
蒂耶魯 是誰擾亂了安寧……一個惡魔!但是你觸碰了石頭,因此你不可能……靠近我,陌生人。
Agrael You are an illusion. From where do you speak?
阿格雷爾 你是一個幻像,你在哪裡和我說話?
Tieru Ah... that is why you were not affected by the stone. Interesting. Agrael, I presume?
蒂耶魯 啊……這就是你未受那塊石頭影響的原因。很有趣。阿格雷爾,我說得對嗎?
Agrael You have one up on me. And you are...?
阿格雷爾 你的確勝我一籌。你是……?
Tieru Tieru.
蒂耶魯 蒂耶魯。
Agrael Tieru! My former master had much to say about you. It was all quite passionate, and none of it was nice.
阿格雷爾 蒂耶魯!我的原來的主人經常提起你。他一提到你就激動不已,但對你的評價都是負面的。
Tieru Former master? That is reassuring news. If you have disowned the Demon Sovereign, why are you here?
蒂耶魯 原來的主人?這可真是個振奮人心的訊息。如果你已經否認了惡魔領主是你的主人,那么你來這的目的是什麼?
Agrael He seeks this, and I don`t want him to have it.
阿格雷爾 他在找這個,我不想讓他得到這個寶貝。
Tieru Then we share a goal. Correct me if I`m wrong, but you were high in the counsels of Kha-Beleth?
蒂耶魯 那么看來我們的目標是一致的。你是卡貝勒斯的高級顧問,我沒有說錯吧?
Agrael For years I was his agent in the Griffin Empire.
阿格雷爾 我為他在獅鷲帝國從事間諜活動已經很多年了。
Tieru Then we can help each other. Kha-Beleth wants to destroy you, the Griffin army hunts you for killing their king, and now something even worse comes.
蒂耶魯 如果是這樣的話,我們或許可以彼此幫助。卡貝勒斯想要除掉你,你又殺了獅鷲國王,帝國大軍正在搜捕你,現在,一件更糟糕的事馬上將接踵而至。
Agrael Worse than that?
阿格雷爾 更糟糕?
Tieru Indeed. A Demon Messiah - more powerful even than Kha-Beleth. It might mean the end of everything. We need each other.
蒂耶魯 是的。一個可能比卡貝勒斯更強大魔鬼降臨了——他的名字叫彌賽亞。這可能預示著世界末日,我們需要彼此合作。
Agrael Where do I find you? 阿格雷爾 我到哪兒才能找到你?
Tieru South of the Elven capital in Irollan. The Irisus Sea. There is an island in the shape of a crescent moon. If you live to make it that far, don`t worry. I`ll find you. Hurry!
蒂耶魯 到精靈族的首都艾羅蘭,愛里瑟斯海。那裡有一個彎月形的島嶼。如果你能活著走到那裡,不用擔心,到時我會找到你。要快!
Agrael Well, dead king, I think you will have a great deal of company before this comes to an end.
阿格雷爾 很好,死去的國王。我想在一切結束之前會有很多人來陪你的。

Agrael So, could you try to explain this all to me, from the beginning?
阿格雷爾 那么,請你從頭開始把這一切向我解釋一遍,好嗎?
Tieru Very well. In the beginning, our mother Asha created the stars from the coarse matter of the cosmic egg...
蒂耶魯 好吧。一開始,我們的母親亞莎從宇宙之卵的一片混沌中創造了星辰。
Agrael No! The Demon Messiah!
阿格雷爾 不!我說的是魔鬼彌賽亞!
Tieru I was just kidding. Well, then, you know of the War of the Eclipse - twenty years ago.
蒂耶魯 我只是開玩笑而已。嗯,接下來,我想你已經對二十年前的那場日蝕戰爭有所了解。
Agrael Of course. The combined armies of men, elves, and mages fought Kha-Beleth. That`s when King Alexei - Nicolai`s father - died.
阿格雷爾 當然。當時人類,精靈和法師組成聯盟共同抗擊卡貝勒斯的進攻。在那場戰爭中,尼科萊的父親——亞歷克斯國王戰死疆場。
Tieru Yes. I created the Heart of the Griffin then, saving a fragment of Alexei`s soul when he entered Sheogh and Kha-Beleth took him. The brave fool. Like father, like son.
蒂耶魯 是的,他進入地獄城謝爾戈後被卡貝勒斯殺害。隨後我創造了獅鷲之心,把亞歷克斯靈魂的一個片斷封存起來。這個愚勇的傻瓜。既像一位父親,又像一個孩子。
Agrael Who are you? Really?
阿格雷爾 你究竟是誰?
Tieru A humble servant of Asha. I have spent the last two hundred years fighting the Demon Sovereign and his plans. And now, when I am old and tired, you show up to complicate things.
蒂耶魯 我只是亞莎一個卑微的僕人。我與惡魔領主和他的陰謀已經鬥爭了200多年。現在,我老了,身心疲憊,而你的出現卻使事情變得更複雜了。
Agrael Not I. I am simple. I only want to defend the Griffin Empire.
阿格雷爾 不,我的目的很簡單。只是想保衛獅鷲帝國。
Tieru Then why did you lead the army that fought Nicolai? How many Griffin soldiers died with him? Come, Agrael, there cannot be secrets between us.
蒂耶魯 那為什麼攻打尼科萊的軍隊是由你領導的?你知道隨他戰死的士兵有多少嗎?阿格雷爾,你必須明白一點,你我之間不能有秘密。
Agrael It... It is Isabel.
阿格雷爾 是……是伊莎貝爾。
Tieru By Asha`s eight heads! I tried to factor every force and power into my plans, and forgot the oldest and messiest one.
蒂耶魯 聖明的亞莎!我試圖在我的計畫中把所有勢力,所有力量考慮得面面俱到,但卻唯獨忘了這一個最古老,也是棘手的一個因素。
Agrael I watched her grow up, almost from birth. Kha-Beleth sent me to keep an eye on her.
阿格雷爾 我看著她從小長大,從她出生的那一刻起,卡貝勒斯就派我去監視她了。
Tieru Do you know why?
蒂耶魯 你知道他的目的是什麼嗎?
Agrael He never said. He must have foreseen that she would be the queen of the Griffin Empire one day.
阿格雷爾 他從沒說起過。他肯定已經預料到伊莎貝爾終有一天會成為獅鷲帝國的女皇。
Tieru No, there must be more to it than that. I have a guess...
蒂耶魯 不,事情不會這么簡單。我有一個猜想……
Agrael Enough of Isabel. What of your dire warnings? And this Demon Messiah?
阿格雷爾 不要在談伊莎貝爾了。你那可怕的預言是什麼?是這個魔鬼彌賽亞嗎?
Tieru It is the greatest of Kha-Beleth`s efforts, to bring a half-human half-demon into the world. Unlike Demons, it could remain in this world permanently. Unlike humans, it could wield the magic of Urgash.
蒂耶魯 卡貝勒斯所做的一切努力都是為了實現一個目標——把一個半人半魔的怪物帶到世上來。與惡魔不同,他可以永存於世界上。與人類不同,他能施展鄂加斯魔法。
Agrael How? When?
阿格雷爾 這件事將以何種方式在什麼時間發生呢?
Tieru I do not know where, or how. That is what I am striving to learn.
蒂耶魯 我還不清楚具體的時間和方式。這也是我迫切想知道的。
Agrael So how can I help?
阿格雷爾 那么我怎樣才能幫上忙?
Tieru Change. You no longer follow the Demon Sovereign, you need to free yourself from his tainted magics.
蒂耶魯 易主。你不能再追隨魔王,必須從他污濁的魔咒中解脫出來。
Agrael This is possible?
阿格雷爾 這可能辦到嗎?
Tieru The Rite of True Nature - it is exhausting and painful, but it will purge you.
蒂耶魯 通過本性儀式的洗禮可以辦到——雖然這將使你耗盡精元,並且非常痛苦,但你可以得到淨化。
Agrael And Isabel?
阿格雷爾 伊莎貝爾也要進行這個儀式嗎?
Tieru First you, my friend. Then we go to war to save the world.
蒂耶魯 你是第一個,我的朋友。完畢後我們奔赴戰場拯救世界。
Agrael The world is your concern, Tieru. As I said, I am simple. I only want to save her.
阿格雷爾 世界和平不關我的事,蒂耶魯。我說過了,我的目的很單純。我只想救她。
Tieru You are ready? Once I start, I cannot stop.
蒂耶魯 你準備好了嗎?一旦開始,就不能停下來了。
Agrael The sooner we start, the sooner I can act.
阿格雷爾 越快越好,我希望儘快開始行動。
Tieru Excellent.
蒂耶魯 非常好。
Agrael Leopards do not change their spots, nor succubi their alliances. Bad decision. Bye-bye, sweetie.
阿格雷爾 江山易改,本性難移。女妖永遠是惡魔的盟友。糟糕的決定。再見了,親愛的。
Tieru That was certainly effective. But the next time you see her, you better be prepared.
蒂耶魯 那當然很有效。但是下次見到她時,你最好有所準備。
Agrael What do you mean? I just killed her.
阿格雷爾 什麼意思?我剛剛才消滅她。
Tieru Not at all. The Heart of the Griffin creates a portal, it sends the demons back to their realm of Sheogh.
蒂耶魯 不,你沒有。獅鷲之心開啟了一個傳送口並把惡魔們送回了謝爾戈的領地。
Agrael What?! You mean that all those Demons that Nicolai destroyed...
阿格雷爾 什麼?!你是指所有被尼科萊已經消滅的惡魔嗎……
Tieru They were simply banished back home.
蒂耶魯 他們只是被趕回了老家。
Agrael So... the Demon army is as large and powerful as it ever was?
阿格雷爾 這么說……現在的魔軍比任何時候都要強大,對嗎?
Tieru Precisely.
蒂耶魯 一點不錯。