
傳奇酒店艾德隆,命名為itsowner ,洛倫茲艾德隆, 1905年建成和1907年之間。 Adlon, who wasborn in Mainz, had previously made a big name for himself in Berlin asa restaurateur.艾德隆,誰wasborn在美茵茨,曾作出了巨大的名字為自己在柏林阿司匹林餐館。 The hotel, which cost 20 million gold marks, was to setstandards for the future as a top luxury hotel.這家酒店,其中成本二千點〇 〇萬黃金標誌,是setstandards未來作為最豪華酒店。

Sophisticatedguests from all over the world praised the hotel effusively when itopened on 24th October 1907; architects and artists, too, joined in thegeneral praise. Sophisticatedguests來自世界各地的酒店熱情稱讚時itopened對07年10月24號;建築師和藝術家也加入thegeneral好評。 From then on, the Adlon was the setting for smart,international life and was “neutral terrain” on which therepresentatives of nations exchanged political views and where familiescelebrated anniversaries and birthdays.從那時起,艾德隆是設定智慧型,國際生活,是“中立的地形”上therepresentatives國家交換了意見,並在政治familiescelebrated紀念日生日。 Here, any differences betweenindividual groups, relationships and even between nations, were oftenput aside.在這裡,任何分歧betweenindividual群體,關係,甚至國家之間,有oftenput一邊。 Until now, this was a luxury which had only been reservedfor the likes of princes and rulers and now it was also accessible tothe middle classes.到現在為止,這是一種奢侈品,只reservedfor這樣的王子和統治者,現在它也可予以中產階級。


