



  • 軟體名稱:阿尼姆問
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:9.99MB
  • 支持版本:iOS6.0及以上
拍自己穿著3D動畫面膜,炫耀你的演技和動畫師的技能與這個有趣和創意的iPad應用程式,變成簡單的視頻轉換為3D角色動畫作品。 賦予生命 該應用程式跟蹤演員的頭部三維運動,並將其套用到遮罩。 音頻可以驅動口動畫。 用戶可以通過手工進行實時動畫的眼睛,眉毛,眼皮和嘴巴,像一個木偶。 該面具 該Animask商店提供的有趣動畫的面具及配件(卡通人物,人類,動物,機器人,會說話的東西......頭) (帽子,眼鏡,頭髮... )越來越多的選擇。Animask is compatible with iPhone5, iPad2 and later. Film yourself wearing a 3D animated Mask, show off your acting and animator skills with this fun and creative iPad app that turns simple videos into 3D character animation pieces. Animate The app tracks the 3D motion of the actor's head and applies it to the Mask. The audio can drive the mouth animation. User can animate eyes, eyebrows, eyelids and mouth by hand in real time, like a puppeteer. The Masks The Animask Store offers a growing selection of fun animatable Masks (heads of cartoon characters, humans, animals, robots, talking things…) and accessories (hats, glasses, hair…). Make Movies The animated 3D Mask lays over the video of the actor, covering his/her face. Lighting of the 3D Mask is adjustable to match video background. Animated scenes can be archived and managed in the app. Animation videos can be rendered and saved in the Photo Album. Who is Animask for This special effect app is perfect for video bloggers and entertainers, filmmakers, animators and other creative people who like to tell stories or communicate with style and without having to show their own face. Animask is also great for kids and grown-ups who want to better understand and analyse facial expressions and communication. Animask lets you: - Shoot a new video or import one from Photo Album - See real-time 3D tracking of the face to test the Mask before shooting, - Select Mask, Accessories and customize colors - Save favorite customized Masks - Download more Masks and Accessories from the Animask Store - Animate eyes and mouth in real-time (capture) with an easy button interface - Audio can drive the mouth - Adjust Light color and direction to better match the video background - Archive and manage scenes - Render and save animated movies in Photo Album. Usage Examples - Birthday or Holliday wishes videos, - Animation for creative video bloggers, - Entertainment videos a la Muppet-show - Message and presentation videos for people who do not want to show their real face but still want to express emotions visually - Educational : Learn or re-discover how facial expressions work.


