阮吉壽 南開大學數學科學學院教授 信息與機率系主任
研究方向: 生物信息學(Bioinformatics)、計算金融( Computational intelligence on Economics and Finance)。
- 中文名:阮吉壽
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職稱:南開大學數學科學學院教授
研究興趣: 廣義海量數據智慧型化提取信息的理論研究。當前的研究領域(不限於此):序列與結構分類、蛋白質結構預測與數學模型、蛋白質的序列-結構-功能關係、配體、肽鏈、以及RNA的綁定、蛋白-基因複雜網路的分析、開發分析臨床數據的高級系統。長期目標:揭示生物大分子的序列、結構、功能之間的關係,解釋不同的潛在疾病的機理。
1.Kui Wang , Wei Cui , Gang Hu , Jianzhao Gao , Zhonghua Wu , Xingye Qiu , Jishou Ruan , Yi Feng , Zhi Qi , Yiming Shao and Jack A. Tuszynski, Computable features required to evaluate the efficacy of drugs and a universal algorithm to find optimally effective drug in a drug complex. Plos One, 2012
1.Ning Zhang; Shan Gao; Lei Chen; Jishou Ruan; Yudong Cai. Using multitask learning methods to investigate signal peptides and signal anchors. Amino Acids. 2011 Under Review
2.Lei Zhang, Ning Zhang, Ji-Shou Ruan, Tao Zhang. Studies on the Rules of β-Strand Alignment in a Protein β-Sheet Structure. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2011,DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.06.030
3.Ning Zhang, Yutao Tian, Lei Zhang, Zhuo Yang, Tao Zhang, and Jishou Ruan, "Desktop Software for Patch-Clamp Raw Binary Data Conversion and Preprocessing," Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 2011, Article ID 251215, 7 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/251215
4.Ning Zhang, Gao Shan, Guangyou Duan, Zhuo Yang, Jishou Ruan, Tao Zhang. SRD: a universal software tool for DNA/Protein sequence relationship visualization based on undirected graphs. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 2011, in revision
1.Hua Zhang, Tuo Zhang, Jianzhao Gao, Jishou Ruan, Shiyi Shen, Lukasz A. Kurgan, Determination of protein folding kinetic types using sequence and predicted secondary structure and solvent accessibility, Amino Acids,2010.(in press)
2.Gao J, Zhang T, Zhang H, Shen S, Ruan J, Kurgan L.Accurate prediction of protein folding rates from sequence and sequence-derived residue flexibility and solvent accessibility. Proteins. 2010 Jul; 78(9):2114-30.
1.Zhang, Hua, Zhang, Tuo, Chen, Ke, Shen, Shiyi, Ruan, Jishou, Kurgan, Lukasz (2009): On the relation between residue flexibility and local solvent accessibility in proteins, Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics, vol 76, no3. 617 - 636. impact factor 4.019
2.Zhang Ning; Ruan Jishou; Duan Guangyou; Gao Shan; Zhang Tao (2009): The interstrand amino acid pairs play a significant role in determining the parallel or antiparallel orientation of beta-strands, Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 386(3):537-43,影響因子2.823。
3.Shan Gao, Ning Zhang, You G Duan, Zhuo Yang, JS Ruan, Tao Zhang* (2009): Prediction of function changes associated with single-point protein mutations using support vector machines (SVMs). Human Mutation, 30(8):1161-1166, 2008 年影響因子7.033。
1.Ruan J, Chen H, Kurgan LA, Chen K, Kang C, Pu P, 2008. HuMiTar: A sequence-based Method for Prediction of Human microRNA Targets. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 3:16, 影響因子2.08 Y
2.Zhang T, Zhang H, Chen K, Shen S, Ruan J, Kurgan LA, 2008. Accurate Sequence-based Prediction of Catalytic Residues. Bioinformatics, 24(20):2329-2338 ,影響因子5.039 Y
3.Zhang H, Zhang T, Chen K, Shen S, Ruan J, Kurgan LA, 2008. Sequence Based Residue Depth Prediction Using Evolutionary Information and Predicted Secondary Structure. BMC Bioinformatics, 9:388, 影響因子3.78 Y
4.Kurgan LA, Cios KJ, Zhang H, Zhang T, Chen K, Shen S, Ruan J. 2008. Sequence-based Methods for Real Value Predictions of Protein Structure. Current Bioinformatics, 3(3):183-196,影響因子4.7 X
5.Kurgan LA, Zhang T, Zhang H, Shen S, Ruan J, 2008. Secondary Structure Based Assignment of the Protein Structural Classes. Amino Acids, 35(3):551-564 , 影響因子2.78 Y
6.Chen K, Kurgan LA, Ruan J, 2008. Prediction of Protein Structural Class Using Novel Evolutionary Collocation Based Sequence Representation. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 29(10):1596-1604 ,影響因子2.86 Y
1.Chen K, Kurgan LA, Ruan J, 2007. Prediction of Flexible/Rigid Regions in Proteins from Sequences Using Collocated Amino Acid Pairs. BMC Structural Biology, 7:25, 影響因子3.06X
2.Homaeian L, Kurgan LA, Cios KJ, Ruan J, Chen K, 2007. Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure Content for the Twilight Zone Sequences. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 69(3):486-498, 影響因子3.73X
3.Kurgan LA, Stach W, Ruan J, 2007. Novel Scales Based on Hydrophobicity Indices for Secondary Protein Structure. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 248(2):354-366 , 影響因子2.6 X
4.Guangyue Hu, Shiyi Shen, Jishou Ruan: SGA: A Grammar-Based Alignment Algorithm, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 86(2007) pp17-20, (impact factor 0.788)影響因子0.85 X
5.Ning Zhang, Jishou Ruan, Jie Wu, Tao Zhang*. SheetsPair: a database of amino acids pairs in protein sheet structures, Data science journal, 2007,6:s589-s595. ,[查看 168 次X
1.Ruan J, Chen K, Tuszynski J, Kurgan LA, 2006. Quantitative Analysis of the Conservation of the Tertiary Structure of Protein Segments. Protein Journal, 25(5):301-315 ,影響因子1.3
2.Chen K, Ruan J, Kurgan LA, 2006. Prediction of Three Dimensional Structure of Calmodulin. Protein Journal, 25(1):57-70 ,影響因子1.3
3.Shiyi Shen, Bo Kai, Jishou Ruan? J. Torin Huzil, Eric Carpenter, Jack A. Tuszynski, Probabilistic Analysis of The Frequencies of Amino Acid Pairs within Characterized Protein Sequences, Physica A:Statistical and Theoretical Physics,Volume 370, Issue 2, 15 October 2006, Pages 651-662. (impact factor 1. 311)
1.Ruan J, Wang K, Yang J, Kurgan LA, Cios KJ, 2005. Highly Accurate and Consistent Method for Prediction of Helix and Strand Content from Primary Protein Sequences. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, special issue on Computational Intelligence Techniques in Bioinformatics, 35(1-2):19-35,影響因子1.825
1.沈世鎰,余濤,開波,阮吉壽(2004):生物序列的語義分析與第二密碼規則,工程數學學報,第21卷,第6期 pp862-870。
2.沈世鎰,阮吉壽(2003):蛋白質二級結構的條件隱Markov性及其預測問題,工程數學學報, 第20卷,第3期,pp117-124。
3.阮吉壽,沈世鎰(2002):弱Takens嵌入定理,高校套用數學學報,第17卷,A 第4期,pp419-424。
[1] 阮吉壽、張華 (譯),沈世鎰(審校)(原著:(美)Thomas M. Cover & Joy A. Thomas):《資訊理論基礎》(第一版),機械工業出版社,2005.5.
[2] 阮吉壽、張華 (譯),沈世鎰(審校)(原著:(美)Thomas M. Cover & Joy A. Thomas):《資訊理論基礎》(第二版),機械工業出版社,2007.7.