



  • 中文名:阮俊虎
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1983年10月
  • 畢業院校:大連理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:管理科學與工程
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學


2010.09-2015.05 大連理工大學 管理科學與工程 獲得博士學位
2013.11-2014.11 阿德萊德大學 系統控制工程 國家CSC公派聯合培養
2007.09-2010.07 河北工程大學 管理科學與工程 獲得工學碩士
2003.09-2007.07 河北工程大學 信息管理與信息系統 獲得管理學學士(保研)
2017.05-2019.12 西北農林科技大學經濟管理學院 副教授
2016.02-2018.03 大連理工大學管理與經濟學部 博士後
2016.02-2018.02 香港理工大學工業及系統工程系 博士後(香江學者)






[1] 國家自然科學基金青年項目【71703122】,電商模祝寒擊式下基於成熟度的鮮果採摘與發貨聯合決策研究,2018.01 -2020.12, 18萬, 主持
[2] 陝西省普通高校青年傑出人才支持培育計畫項目,人才項目,2018.01 -2020.12, 5萬, 主持
[3] 陝西省引進和接收校外博士專項配套項目,電商配送中鮮果成熟度變化的情景識別方法研究,2018.01 -2020.12, 5萬, 主持
[4] 楊凌示範區科技計畫項目【2016RKX-04】,“網際網路+”環境下生鮮電商物流模式對比與最佳化設計,2016.01 -2017.12, 4萬, 主持
[5] 中國博士後科學基金項目一等資助【2016M600209】,F2C 電商模式下基於成熟度的獼猴遙敬墊桃採摘與配送聯合最佳化,2016.11-2018.02,8萬,主持
[6] 香江學者人才項目【XJ2015007】,隨機需求條件下生產庫存控制和動態批量規則問題方法的研究,2016.02-2018.02,30萬港幣+30萬RMB,主持
[7] 教育部人文社科青年項恥舉盛目【16YJC630102】,考慮成熟度的鮮果B2C電商物流配送最佳化研究-以陝西省獼猴桃為例,2016.01-2018.12,8萬,主持
[9] 國家自然科學基金重點項目群項目【71531002】,物聯網環境下基於情景的線上智慧型調度最佳化方法,2016-2020.12,排名第九,主要參與人
[10] 國家自然科學基金面上項目【71471025】,B2C電子商務物流整體最佳化及動態調整方法研究,2015.01-2018.12,排名第四,主要參與人
[11] 國家青年科學基金項目【71301020】,鮮活農產品冷鏈物流配送的干擾管理模型研究,2014.01-2016.12,排名第三,主要汽頸盛艱參與人
[12] 國家自然科學基金面上項目【71171029】,基於行為運籌的城市物流協同配送及其干擾管理研究,2012.01-2015.12,排名第七,主要參與人
[13] 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫培育項目【90924006】,非常規突發事件的資源協調最佳化及仿真研究,2010.01-2012.12,無排名,主要參與人
[14] 2013國家建設高水平大學公派研究生項目【留金髮[2013]3009】,Scenario Construction and Deduction Method of Relief Supplies Dynamic Allocation Optimization in Unconventional Large-Scale Disasters,2013.09-2014.09,主持
[15] 大連理工大學學術新人獎資助項目,物聯少罪朽奔網環境下救災物資實時最佳化調度研究,2011.09-2012.08,主持
[16] 大連理工大學基本科研業務費項目,應急醫療物資實時最佳化調度研究,2011.09-2012.09,主持
[17] 河北省社會科學基金項目【HB09BYJ087】,河北省現代農村物流體系建設及評價,2009.09-2010.09,排名第三
[18] 河北省軟科學研究計畫項目【09457277D】,基於未確知綜合測度與主成分分析法的城市綠色發展評雄匪精價和控制研究,2010.01-2010.12,排名第四




[1]王旭坪, 阮俊虎, 趙穎. 非常規突發事件的資源協調最佳化及仿真研究[M]. 科學出版社, 2016.(國內權威出版社,遼寧省自然科學學術成果獎二等獎)


[1] Junhu Ruan, et al. Comparison of three delivery modes for online fresh products [J]. (Target journal) European Journal of Operational Research, working paper.(SSCI/SCI,IF: 2.679,JCR一區)
[2] Junhu Ruan, Felix T. S. Chan*, Fangwei Zhu, Xuping Wang, Jun Zhang. Replanning the intermodal transportation of emergency medical supplies with updated transfer centers [J]. Complexity, Major revision.(SCI&EI,IF: 2.291,JCR一區)
[3] Junhu Ruan, Felix T. S. Chan*, Fangwei Zhu, Xuping Wang. Towards agri-product lifecycle based carbon mitigation [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, under review.(SSCI/SCI,IF: 4.959,JCR一區)
[4] Bapi Dutta, Felix T.S. Chan, Debashree Guha, Ben Niu, Junhu Ruan. Aggregation of heterogeneously related information with extended geometric bonferroni mean and its application in group decision making [J]. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2018, vol.33, no.3, 487-513.(SCI, IF: 2.929,JCR一區)
[5] Yingchen Wang, Xiaoxiao Geng*, Fan Zhang, Junhu Ruan. An Immune Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Echelon Inventory Cost Control of IOT Based Supply Chains [J]. IEEE Access, 2018, vol.6, no.1, 8547-8555.(SCI, IF: 3.244,JCR一區)
[6] Yanbing Yang, Junhu Ruan*, Jianmin Li, Bin Liu and Xiangfei Kong. Route choice behavior model with guidance information based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2018, vol. 14 no. 01, pp. 363-370.(EI)
[7] Junhu Ruan*, Yaqin Ren, Shicheng Zhang, Jingxuan Li, Jieqiong Mao and Felix T. S. Chan. Investigation and analysis on logistics mode of fresh fruit ecommerce– Taking Zhouzhi and Meixian as examples. International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences, 2017, Vol.22, No.1, pp.29-40.
[8] Junhu Ruan*, Xuping Wang, Chengyan Yue, Guo Chen, Minsoo Kim. Optimization models and algorithms for operation and control with advanced information technologies [J]. Scientific Programming, 2017, Article ID 4706714. (SCI&EI, IF: 0.455,JCR四區)
[9] Jun Zhang, Xuping Wang, Felix T. S. Chan*, Junhu Ruan. On-line order batching problem with multiple order pickers and a hybrid rule-based algorithm [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2017, 45, 271–284.(SCI&EI, IF: 2.291,JCR一區)
[10] Junhu Ruan*, Yan Shi. Monitoring and assessing fruit freshness in the IOT-based e-commerce delivery-Using scenario analysis and interval number approaches [J]. Information Sciences, 2016, 373, 557-570.(SCI&EI, IF: 3.364,JCR一區,ESI熱點論文和高被引論文)
[11] Junhu Ruan, Xuping Wang, Felix, T. S. Chan*, Yan Shi. Optimizing the intermodal transportation of emergency medical supplies using balanced fuzzy clustering [J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54 (14), pp.4368-4386(SCI&EI, IF: 1.693,JCR二區,ESI高被引論文)
[12] Junhu Ruan, Felix T. S. Chan, Fangwei Zhu, Xuping Wang, Jing Yang*. A visualization review of cloud computing algorithms in the last decade [J]. Sustainability, 2016, 8 (10), 1008.(SSCI/SCI, IF: 1.343,JCR三區)
[13] Xuefeng Li, Kai Chen, Junhu Ruan, Chenghua Shi*. A fuzzy TOPSIS for assessing higher vocational education development levels in uncertainty environments [J]. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2016, 31(6): 3083-3093. (SCI&EI, IF: 1.004,JCR四區)
[14] Junhu Ruan, Peng Shi*, Cheng-Chew Lim, Xuping Wang. Relief supplies allocation and optimization by interval and fuzzy number approaches [J]. Information Sciences, 2015(303): 15–32.(SCI&EI, IF: 4.038)(ESI期刊)
[15] Junhu Ruan, Xuping Wang*, Yan Shi. Developing fast predictors for large-scale time series using fuzzy granular support vector machines [J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2013, 13(9): 3981-4000.(SCI&EI, IF: 2.810)(ESI期刊)
[16] Xuping Wang*, Junhu Ruan, Yan Shi. A recovery model for combinational disruptions in logistics delivery: Considering the real-world participators [J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2012, 140(1): 508-520.(SCI&SSCI, IF: 2.752)(ESI期刊)
[17] Junhu Ruan, Xuping Wang*, Yan Shi. A two-stage approach for medical supplies intermodal transportation in large-scale disaster responses [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2014, 11(10): 11081-11109.(SCI, IF: 2.063)(ESI期刊)
[18] Yanbing Yang, Junhu Ruan, Bin Liu, Yi Liu, Yan Shi*. Evolution of cooperation with Moore neighborhood and self-playing rule [J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2015: 1-14.(SCI&EI, IF: 0.877)(ESI期刊)
[19] Xuping Wang, Linmin Zhan, Junhu Ruan*, Jun Zhang. How to choose "last mile" delivery modes for E-fulfillment [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, Article No.417129: 1-11.(SCI&EI, IF: 0.762)(ESI期刊)
[20] Junhu Ruan, Xuping Wang*, Yan Shi, Zilai Sun. Scenario-based path selection in uncertain emergency transportation networks [J]. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2013, 9(8): 3293-3305.(EI)
[21] Junhu Ruan, Xuping Wang*, Yan Shi. Scenario-based allocating of relief medical supplies for large-scale disasters [J]. ICIC Express Letters, 2013, 7(2): 471 -478.(EI)
[22] Junhu Ruan*, Yan Shi. A new method for predicting relief supplies based on fuzzy information granulation and support vector machines [J]. ICIC Express Letters, 2012, 6(1): 289-294.(EI)
[23] 孫自來, 王旭坪*, 阮俊虎, 高岩. 考慮直銷成本和平台交易費的製造商銷售模式選擇. 管理學報, 2018, 15(1): 1-7.
[24] 阮俊虎*,王永強. 計量經濟學案例管理系統需求分析與系統設計[J]. 教育現代化, 2017, 9(38), pp.205-206+208.
[25] 阮俊虎, 石寶峰. 構建開放共享資料庫,改善計量經濟學實驗教學[J]. 教育現代化, 2017, 3(12), pp.67-68.
[26] 阮俊虎, 王旭坪*. 中轉點變化的應急醫療物資聯合運送干擾管理研究[J]. 運籌與管理, 2016, 25(4), pp. 114-124.(CSSCI)(NSFC 管理學部A 類期刊)
[27] 阮俊虎, 王旭坪*, 楊挺. 大規模災害中基於FCMwNC 的醫療物資聯合運送最佳化[J]. 系統工程理論與實踐, 2015, 35(10): 2675-2686.(CSSCI & EI)(NSFC 管理學部A 類期刊)
[28] 張宏雷, 阮俊虎*, 王莉敏. 中國城市經濟發展水平比較研究——基於環境友好視角[J]. 財經理論與實踐, 2015, 36(197): 108-113. (CSSCI檢索)
[29] 阮俊虎, 王旭坪*, 楊挺. 大規模災害中基於聚類的醫療物資聯合運送最佳化研究[J]. 中國管理科學, 2014, 22(10): 68-77.(CSSCI)(NSFC 管理學部A 類期刊)
[30] 王旭坪*, 阮俊虎, 孫自來. 帶回程取貨車輛路徑問題的干擾恢復模型[J]. 系統工程學報, 2013, 28(5): 608-616.(CSSCI)(NSFC 管理學部A 類期刊)
[31] 王旭坪*, 馬超, 阮俊虎. 運力受限的應急物資動態調度模型及算法[J]. 系統工程理論與實踐, 2013, 33(6): 1492-1500.(CSSCI & EI)(NSFC 管理學部A 類期刊)
[32] 王旭坪*, 馬超, 阮俊虎. 考慮公眾心理風險感知的應急物資最佳化調度[J]. 系統工程理論與實踐, 2013, 33(7): 1735-1742.(CSSCI & EI)(NSFC 管理學部A 類期刊)
[33] 王旭坪*, 阮俊虎, 張凱, 馬超. 有模糊時間窗的車輛調度組合干擾管理研究[J]. 管理科學學報, 2011, 14(6): 2-15.(CSSCI)(NSFC 管理學部A類期刊)
[34] 曹慶奎*, 阮俊虎, 劉開第. 基於隸屬度轉換新算法的煤氣站安全性模糊評價[J]. 煤炭學報, 2010, 35(3): 467-471.(EI)


[1] 2017年陝西省普通高校青年傑出人才支持計畫
[2] 2016年遼寧省優秀博士學位論文提名獎
[3] 2016年遼寧省自然科學學術成果獎二等獎;
[4] 2015年入選“香江學者計畫”(2015年全國管理科學與工程專業入選2人)
[5] 2014年獲得大連理工大學“博士學術之星”(每屆全校共10名博士生)
[6] 2013年獲得大連理工大學“優秀研究生標兵”(每屆全校共4名博士生)
[7] 2012年獲得博士研究生國家獎學金
[8] 2011年獲得教育部“博士研究生學術新人獎”(每屆全校共10名博士生)
[9] 2015年獲得遼寧省哲學社會科學成果三等獎
[10] 2013大連市第十五屆社會科學進步三等獎
[11] 2014年遼寧省優秀畢業生、大連理工大學“優秀畢業生”
[12] 2013年屈伯川獎學金、蘇州工業園區獎學金
[13] 2010-2011年遼寧省“三好學生”、大連市“三好學生”
[14] 2010-2012年大連理工大學創先爭優“優秀共產黨員”稱號
[15] 2013-2014年、2011-2012年、2010-2011年大連理工大學“優秀研究生”
[16] 本碩期間獲得“校優秀碩士畢業論文”、 邯鄲市第十一次社會科學成果三等獎、創先爭優“優秀共產黨員”稱號、“校優秀畢業生”、“校優秀本科畢業設計”、“學習狀元獎”、“國家勵志獎學金”、“學習優秀獎”等
[10] 國家自然科學基金面上項目【71471025】,B2C電子商務物流整體最佳化及動態調整方法研究,2015.01-2018.12,排名第四,主要參與人
[11] 國家青年科學基金項目【71301020】,鮮活農產品冷鏈物流配送的干擾管理模型研究,2014.01-2016.12,排名第三,主要參與人
[12] 國家自然科學基金面上項目【71171029】,基於行為運籌的城市物流協同配送及其干擾管理研究,2012.01-2015.12,排名第七,主要參與人
[13] 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫培育項目【90924006】,非常規突發事件的資源協調最佳化及仿真研究,2010.01-2012.12,無排名,主要參與人
[14] 2013國家建設高水平大學公派研究生項目【留金髮[2013]3009】,Scenario Construction and Deduction Method of Relief Supplies Dynamic Allocation Optimization in Unconventional Large-Scale Disasters,2013.09-2014.09,主持
[15] 大連理工大學學術新人獎資助項目,物聯網環境下救災物資實時最佳化調度研究,2011.09-2012.08,主持
[16] 大連理工大學基本科研業務費項目,應急醫療物資實時最佳化調度研究,2011.09-2012.09,主持
[17] 河北省社會科學基金項目【HB09BYJ087】,河北省現代農村物流體系建設及評價,2009.09-2010.09,排名第三
[18] 河北省軟科學研究計畫項目【09457277D】,基於未確知綜合測度與主成分分析法的城市綠色發展評價和控制研究,2010.01-2010.12,排名第四




[1]王旭坪, 阮俊虎, 趙穎. 非常規突發事件的資源協調最佳化及仿真研究[M]. 科學出版社, 2016.(國內權威出版社,遼寧省自然科學學術成果獎二等獎)


[1] Junhu Ruan, et al. Comparison of three delivery modes for online fresh products [J]. (Target journal) European Journal of Operational Research, working paper.(SSCI/SCI,IF: 2.679,JCR一區)
[2] Junhu Ruan, Felix T. S. Chan*, Fangwei Zhu, Xuping Wang, Jun Zhang. Replanning the intermodal transportation of emergency medical supplies with updated transfer centers [J]. Complexity, Major revision.(SCI&EI,IF: 2.291,JCR一區)
[3] Junhu Ruan, Felix T. S. Chan*, Fangwei Zhu, Xuping Wang. Towards agri-product lifecycle based carbon mitigation [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, under review.(SSCI/SCI,IF: 4.959,JCR一區)
[4] Bapi Dutta, Felix T.S. Chan, Debashree Guha, Ben Niu, Junhu Ruan. Aggregation of heterogeneously related information with extended geometric bonferroni mean and its application in group decision making [J]. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2018, vol.33, no.3, 487-513.(SCI, IF: 2.929,JCR一區)
[5] Yingchen Wang, Xiaoxiao Geng*, Fan Zhang, Junhu Ruan. An Immune Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Echelon Inventory Cost Control of IOT Based Supply Chains [J]. IEEE Access, 2018, vol.6, no.1, 8547-8555.(SCI, IF: 3.244,JCR一區)
[6] Yanbing Yang, Junhu Ruan*, Jianmin Li, Bin Liu and Xiangfei Kong. Route choice behavior model with guidance information based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2018, vol. 14 no. 01, pp. 363-370.(EI)
[7] Junhu Ruan*, Yaqin Ren, Shicheng Zhang, Jingxuan Li, Jieqiong Mao and Felix T. S. Chan. Investigation and analysis on logistics mode of fresh fruit ecommerce– Taking Zhouzhi and Meixian as examples. International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences, 2017, Vol.22, No.1, pp.29-40.
[8] Junhu Ruan*, Xuping Wang, Chengyan Yue, Guo Chen, Minsoo Kim. Optimization models and algorithms for operation and control with advanced information technologies [J]. Scientific Programming, 2017, Article ID 4706714. (SCI&EI, IF: 0.455,JCR四區)
[9] Jun Zhang, Xuping Wang, Felix T. S. Chan*, Junhu Ruan. On-line order batching problem with multiple order pickers and a hybrid rule-based algorithm [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2017, 45, 271–284.(SCI&EI, IF: 2.291,JCR一區)
[10] Junhu Ruan*, Yan Shi. Monitoring and assessing fruit freshness in the IOT-based e-commerce delivery-Using scenario analysis and interval number approaches [J]. Information Sciences, 2016, 373, 557-570.(SCI&EI, IF: 3.364,JCR一區,ESI熱點論文和高被引論文)
[11] Junhu Ruan, Xuping Wang, Felix, T. S. Chan*, Yan Shi. Optimizing the intermodal transportation of emergency medical supplies using balanced fuzzy clustering [J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54 (14), pp.4368-4386(SCI&EI, IF: 1.693,JCR二區,ESI高被引論文)
[12] Junhu Ruan, Felix T. S. Chan, Fangwei Zhu, Xuping Wang, Jing Yang*. A visualization review of cloud computing algorithms in the last decade [J]. Sustainability, 2016, 8 (10), 1008.(SSCI/SCI, IF: 1.343,JCR三區)
[13] Xuefeng Li, Kai Chen, Junhu Ruan, Chenghua Shi*. A fuzzy TOPSIS for assessing higher vocational education development levels in uncertainty environments [J]. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2016, 31(6): 3083-3093. (SCI&EI, IF: 1.004,JCR四區)
[14] Junhu Ruan, Peng Shi*, Cheng-Chew Lim, Xuping Wang. Relief supplies allocation and optimization by interval and fuzzy number approaches [J]. Information Sciences, 2015(303): 15–32.(SCI&EI, IF: 4.038)(ESI期刊)
[15] Junhu Ruan, Xuping Wang*, Yan Shi. Developing fast predictors for large-scale time series using fuzzy granular support vector machines [J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2013, 13(9): 3981-4000.(SCI&EI, IF: 2.810)(ESI期刊)
[16] Xuping Wang*, Junhu Ruan, Yan Shi. A recovery model for combinational disruptions in logistics delivery: Considering the real-world participators [J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2012, 140(1): 508-520.(SCI&SSCI, IF: 2.752)(ESI期刊)
[17] Junhu Ruan, Xuping Wang*, Yan Shi. A two-stage approach for medical supplies intermodal transportation in large-scale disaster responses [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2014, 11(10): 11081-11109.(SCI, IF: 2.063)(ESI期刊)
[18] Yanbing Yang, Junhu Ruan, Bin Liu, Yi Liu, Yan Shi*. Evolution of cooperation with Moore neighborhood and self-playing rule [J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2015: 1-14.(SCI&EI, IF: 0.877)(ESI期刊)
[19] Xuping Wang, Linmin Zhan, Junhu Ruan*, Jun Zhang. How to choose "last mile" delivery modes for E-fulfillment [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, Article No.417129: 1-11.(SCI&EI, IF: 0.762)(ESI期刊)
[20] Junhu Ruan, Xuping Wang*, Yan Shi, Zilai Sun. Scenario-based path selection in uncertain emergency transportation networks [J]. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2013, 9(8): 3293-3305.(EI)
[21] Junhu Ruan, Xuping Wang*, Yan Shi. Scenario-based allocating of relief medical supplies for large-scale disasters [J]. ICIC Express Letters, 2013, 7(2): 471 -478.(EI)
[22] Junhu Ruan*, Yan Shi. A new method for predicting relief supplies based on fuzzy information granulation and support vector machines [J]. ICIC Express Letters, 2012, 6(1): 289-294.(EI)
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[1] 2017年陝西省普通高校青年傑出人才支持計畫
[2] 2016年遼寧省優秀博士學位論文提名獎
[3] 2016年遼寧省自然科學學術成果獎二等獎;
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