


  • 中文名:關小紅
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:市政工程專業,博士生導師,教授
  • 畢業院校:同濟大學
  • 研究方向:水中微量污染物去除的新方法


2002.2-2005.8 香港科技大學土木工程系 環境工程專業 博士
1999.9-2002.1 同濟大學環境科學與工程學院 環境工程專業 碩士
1994.9-1999.7 同濟大學環境科學與工程學院 環境工程專業 學士


2011.8至今 同濟大學,教授、博導
2010.4-2011.7 哈爾濱工業大學,副教授、博導
2007.9-2010.3 哈爾濱工業大學,副教授
2007.3-2010.6 哈爾濱工業大學土木工程博士後流動站,博士後
2007.1-2007.8 哈爾濱工業大學,講師
2006.2-2006.12 江蘇工業學院環境與安全工程系,院聘教授
2005.9-2006.2 美國密蘇里科技大學土木工程系,訪問學者


  1. Du J.S., Sun B., Zhang J., Guan X.H.* (2012) Parabola-Like Shaped pH-Rate Profile for Phenols Oxidation by Aqueous Permanganate. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46(16): 8860-8867.
  2. Dong H.R., Guan X.H., Lo I.M.C. (2012) Fate of As(V)-treated nano zero-vvalent iron: determination of arsenic desorption potential under varying environmental conditions by phosphate extraction. Water Res. 46: 4071-4080.
  3. Qiao J.L., Jiang Z., Sun B., Sun Y.K., Wang Q., Guan X.H.* (2012) Arsenate and arsenite removal by FeCl3: Effects of pH, As/Fe ratio, initial As concentration and co-existing solutes. Sep. Purif. Technol. 92: 106-114.
  4. Guan X.H.*, Du J.S., Meng X.G., Sun Y.K., Sun B., Hu Q.H. (2012) Application of titanium dioxide in arsenic removal from water: A review. J. Hazard. Mater. 215: 1-16.
  5. Dong H.R., Guan X.H.*, Wang D.S., Li C.Y., Yang X., Dou X.M. (2011) A novel application of H2O2-Fe(II) process for arsenate removal from synthetic acid mine drainage (AMD) water.Chemosphere. 85(7): 1115-1121.
  6. Li C., Guan X.H.* (2011) Competitive adsorption of three different phosphate species on aluminum hydroxide. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 20(8): 1936-1941.
  7. Dong H.R., Guan X.H.*, Wang D.S., Ma J. (2011) Individual and combined influence of calcium and anions on simultaneous removal of chromate and arsenate by Fe(II) under suboxic conditions. Sep. Purif. Technol. 80(2): 284-292.
  8. Guan X.H.*, Dong H.R., Ma J., Lo I.M.C., Dou X.M. (2011) Performance and mechanism of simultaneous removal of chromium and arsenate by Fe(II) from contaminated groundwater. Sep. Purif. Technol. 80(1): 179-185.
  9. Guan X.H.*, Dong H.R., Ma J. (2011) Influence of phosphate, humic acid and silicate on the transformation of chromate by Fe(II) under suboxic conditions. Sep. Purif. Technol. 78(3): 253-260.
  10. Guan X.H.*, Dong H.R., Ma J., Lo I.M.C. (2011) Simultaneous removal of chromium and arsenate from contaminated groundwater by ferrous sulfate: Batch uptake behavior. J. Environ. Sci.-China 23(3): 372-380.
  11. Guan X.H., Zhang J.C., Dong H.R., Jiang L., Ma J. (2011) As(III) removal in KMnO4-Fe2+ process. International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering, ICETCE 2011 - Proceedings, p3925-3930 (EI cited).
  12. Guan X.H., Zhang J.C., Yang X., Qang Q., Dong H.R. (2011) Distribution and treatment of groundwater contaminated by both fluoride and arsenic. 2011 International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering, ICETCE 2011 - Proceedings, p 4046-4049 (EI cited).
  13. He D., Guan X.H.*, Ma J., Yang X., Cui C.W. (2010) Influence of humic acids of different origins on oxidation of phenol and chlorophenols by permanganate. J. Hazard. Mater. 182(1-3):681-688.
  14. Guan X.H., He D., Ma J., Chen G.H. (2010) Application of permanganate in oxidation of micropollutants: a mini review. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China. 4(4): 405-413.
  15. Su T.Z., Guan X.H., Tang Y.L., Gu G.W., Wang J.M. (2010) Predicting competitive adsorption behavior of major toxic anionic elements onto activated alumina: A speciation-based approach. J. Hazard. Mater., 176(1-3): 466-472.


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TiCl4混凝-超濾法去除水中As(V)/As(III)的規律和微觀反應機制研究 同濟大學中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目 30萬 2012.1-2014.12
Ru(III)催化高錳酸鉀氧化去除水中酚類內分泌干擾物的規律與機理研究 污染控制與資源化研究國家重點實驗室自主課題 30萬 2011.5-2014.5
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高錳酸鉀強化亞鐵共沉除As(III)的效能和微界面反應機理研究 教育部博士點新教師基金 3.6萬 2009.1-2011.12
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