- 中文名:閔新民
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:湖北省應城市
- 出生日期:1953年6月
- 畢業院校:武漢大學
- 主要成就:湖北省2002年自然科學一等獎
國家教育部1998年科技進步三等獎 - 代表作品:碳化硼及摻矽系列的量子化學計算研究
- 職務:博士生導師
- 職稱:教授
1978.03-1982.01 武漢大學化學系分析化學專業, 本科生
1982.01-1983.09 中南民族學院化學系, 教師
1983.09-1985.09 吉林大學理論化學研究所, 碩士研究生
1985.09-1988.12 吉林大學理論化學研究所, 博士研究生

(攻讀碩士和博士學位期間均拜采鑽由著名理論化學家, 中科院院士江元生教授指導)
1991.04-1996.12 武漢工業大學新材料研究所, 及材料複合新技術國家重點實驗室, 副研究員
2005.03-今 武漢理工大學套用化學系
在從本科生到博士研究生各層次多門課程(量子化學,結構化學,物理化學,計算化學,材料設計原理,計算材料科學等)的講授中,教學與科研結合,多名碩士、博樂請獄士研究生通過學習,在本人指導下,將量子化學、第一原理計算方法等套用於實際課題,使得學位論文具有較高的學術水平少故辯,均順利通過答辯,並獲得優異評價,顯著提了高學生的科學與教尋盛重育工作素質,在加強素質教育方面具有重要意義。在教學方面重視教學改革,重視新教材、新教學軟體的建設,與合作者一起出版了“無機材料晶體結構 (電子出版物)”,該境歸出版物獲校教學軟體一等獎;國家優秀電子出版物提名獎;教育部首屆全國網路課程與多媒體課件大獎賽三等獎。
1. 鈷酸鹽類材料的熱電傳導機理研究和性能最佳化(20271040), 23萬元, 國家自然科學基金, 主持
2.聚合物基高導熱高絕緣納米複合材料(2005CCA00200),60萬元, 973前期研究專項項目,主持
3.200522PT03,90萬元, 軍工項目,參加
4.高嶺石的表面複合相Au2O3及其表面化學活性機理研究(No.40172017),22萬元, 國家自然科學基金,參加
5.類鈣鈦礦結構有機-無機分子組裝材料的電子學特性研究,80萬元, 國家自然科學基金重點項目,參加
1、“透紅外氟化物玻璃及硫鹵玻璃的基礎研究”, 湖北省2002年自然科學一等獎
3、“TiC-Ni系統複合材料的增強增韌機理及其套用研究” 獲國家建材局1998年科技進步三等獎
4、“非氧化物玻璃的形成,結構埋請煉凶與性能研究”, 獲國家教育部1998年科技進步三等獎
1、CN94108837.5 反頸抹囑擔應燒結用於製備氮化鋁及其複合陶瓷
2、CN200310111301.3 一種用於治療人體膽道狹窄的可磁化醫用金屬支架
1.Quantum chemistry calculations on the interaction between TiB2 ceramic and metals,Int. J. Mat. Pro. Tec.,1,2001
2.Structural characteristics and quantum chemistry calculation of Si-doped boron carbides,Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.,538,1999
3.Transport of Ce-Co-Sb skutterdites,Int. Conf. Thermoelectrics,2001
4.Quantum chemistry calculation and transport of Sb2Te3 and Bi2Te3,Int. Conf. Thermoelectrics,2001
5.Quantum chemistry study on the interaction between kaolinite and gold,J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci.,16(4),2001
6.Structure and chemical bond of thermoelectric Ce-Co-Sb skuttterudies,J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci.,16(1),2001
7.Quantum chemistry calculation and thermoelectrics of Bi-Sb-Te series, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 17(2), 2002
8. Electronic Structure and Chemical bond of Titanium Diboride, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 18(2), 2003
9. Quantum Chemistry Calculation on Oxygen and Nitrogen Adsorption in Carbon Nanotude, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 18(1), 2003
11. Study on adsorption of submicrometer gold on kaolinite by quantum chemistry calculations, American Mineralogist, 87(1), 2002
12. Study on structure, chemical bond and thermoelectric property of boron carbides, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 14(4), 1999
13. Structural characteristics and quantum chemistry calculation of Al-doped boron carbides, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 15(3), 2000
14. Structural characterization of AlON by 27Al NMR and quantum chemistry method, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 538, 1999
15. Structural and electronic properties of SBT in FEDREAM devices, Solid State Electronics, 47, 2003
16. The interactions between SBT and transition metal studied by DV-Xalpha method, Mat. Res. Soc. Sym. Proc., 747, 2003
17. Structures of γ-Al2O3 and AlON studied by 27Al NMR and quantum chemistry calctlations, Acta Met. Sinica, 12(4), 1999
18. Structure, chemical bonds and thermoelectric property and Si-doped boron carbides, Acta Met. Sinica, 12(4), 1999
19. S-M(M=Al, Co)複合摻雜LiMn2O4的結構穩定性, 物理化學學報, 20(3), 2004
20. Chemical bond and Thermoelectric Properties of Ca3Co2O6 and Ca3Co4O9, Chemical Journal on Internet, 6(1), 2004
21. Chemistry Bond and Stability of Adsorption of [Au(AsS3)]2- on the Surface of Kaolinite, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 19(1), 2004
22. Electronic Structure and Property of TATB and TNA, Theory and Practice of Energetic Materials, 16, 2005
23. Thermoelectric Properties and Electronic Structure of Ca3Co2O6, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 19(4), 2004
24. Electronic Structures and Chemical Bonds of Cobaltite and Ni-Doped, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 20(3), 2005
25.Electronic structure and thermoelectric Properties of Ca3Co4O9, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 21(1), 2006
26. Electronis structure and chemical bond of Ti3SiC2 and adding Al element. J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 21(2), 2006
27. Electronic structure and thermoelectric Properties of Na and Ni-doped Ca3Co2O6, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 21(3), 2006.
4、“非氧化物玻璃的形成,結構與性能研究”, 獲國家教育部1998年科技進步三等獎
1、CN94108837.5 反應燒結用於製備氮化鋁及其複合陶瓷
2、CN200310111301.3 一種用於治療人體膽道狹窄的可磁化醫用金屬支架
1.Quantum chemistry calculations on the interaction between TiB2 ceramic and metals,Int. J. Mat. Pro. Tec.,1,2001
2.Structural characteristics and quantum chemistry calculation of Si-doped boron carbides,Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.,538,1999
3.Transport of Ce-Co-Sb skutterdites,Int. Conf. Thermoelectrics,2001
4.Quantum chemistry calculation and transport of Sb2Te3 and Bi2Te3,Int. Conf. Thermoelectrics,2001
5.Quantum chemistry study on the interaction between kaolinite and gold,J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci.,16(4),2001
6.Structure and chemical bond of thermoelectric Ce-Co-Sb skuttterudies,J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci.,16(1),2001
7.Quantum chemistry calculation and thermoelectrics of Bi-Sb-Te series, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 17(2), 2002
8. Electronic Structure and Chemical bond of Titanium Diboride, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 18(2), 2003
9. Quantum Chemistry Calculation on Oxygen and Nitrogen Adsorption in Carbon Nanotude, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 18(1), 2003
11. Study on adsorption of submicrometer gold on kaolinite by quantum chemistry calculations, American Mineralogist, 87(1), 2002
12. Study on structure, chemical bond and thermoelectric property of boron carbides, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 14(4), 1999
13. Structural characteristics and quantum chemistry calculation of Al-doped boron carbides, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 15(3), 2000
14. Structural characterization of AlON by 27Al NMR and quantum chemistry method, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 538, 1999
15. Structural and electronic properties of SBT in FEDREAM devices, Solid State Electronics, 47, 2003
16. The interactions between SBT and transition metal studied by DV-Xalpha method, Mat. Res. Soc. Sym. Proc., 747, 2003
17. Structures of γ-Al2O3 and AlON studied by 27Al NMR and quantum chemistry calctlations, Acta Met. Sinica, 12(4), 1999
18. Structure, chemical bonds and thermoelectric property and Si-doped boron carbides, Acta Met. Sinica, 12(4), 1999
19. S-M(M=Al, Co)複合摻雜LiMn2O4的結構穩定性, 物理化學學報, 20(3), 2004
20. Chemical bond and Thermoelectric Properties of Ca3Co2O6 and Ca3Co4O9, Chemical Journal on Internet, 6(1), 2004
21. Chemistry Bond and Stability of Adsorption of [Au(AsS3)]2- on the Surface of Kaolinite, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 19(1), 2004
22. Electronic Structure and Property of TATB and TNA, Theory and Practice of Energetic Materials, 16, 2005
23. Thermoelectric Properties and Electronic Structure of Ca3Co2O6, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 19(4), 2004
24. Electronic Structures and Chemical Bonds of Cobaltite and Ni-Doped, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 20(3), 2005
25.Electronic structure and thermoelectric Properties of Ca3Co4O9, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 21(1), 2006
26. Electronis structure and chemical bond of Ti3SiC2 and adding Al element. J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 21(2), 2006
27. Electronic structure and thermoelectric Properties of Na and Ni-doped Ca3Co2O6, J. Wuhan Uni. Tech. Mat. Sci., 21(3), 2006.