閆統江,男,1973年生,博士後,教授,碩士生導師,加拿大滑鐵盧大學訪問副教授、中國密碼學學會會員、計算機學會會員、IEICE會員、國家科技計畫項目(課題)評審專家、教育部科技計畫評審專家、山東省科技計畫評審專家、青島市科技獎勵評審專家.1999年畢業於西北師範大學代數學專業,獲碩士學位,2007年畢業於西安電子科技大學密碼學專業,獲博士學位.主要從事流密碼和偽隨機序列設計等方面的研究工作。主持國家自然科學基金面上項目等國家級和省部級縱向科研項目4項、校級項目2項(詳見下表),主持完成國家級縱向科研項目1項,校級項目3項,曾參與完成了包括973課題和國家自然科學基金課題在內的多個重要科研項目.指導三名在讀碩士研究生.發表各級學術論文40餘篇,其中以第一作者在Information Sciences、Applied mathematics Letter、IEICE Transactions、數學進展等國內外著名期刊上發表了相關研究論文20餘篇(其中被SCI檢索或錄用7篇,被EI檢索17篇,被ISTP檢索2篇)。
- 中文名:閆統江
- 出生日期:1973年
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:西安電子科技大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目,兩類新型偽隨機序列的構造與分析/在研,2012.1-2015.12 .1/9
- 中國博士後科學基金面上資助,基於割圓的偽隨機序列研究/在研 2011.4-2012.12. 1/1.
- 山東省自然科學基金面上項目,基於齊次函式的新型偽隨機序列設計算法研究/在研, 2011.1-2013.12. 1/8
- 中科院信息安全國家重點實驗室開放課題,d-次型序列與擴展d-次序列的偽隨機性質研究/結題,2010.1-2011.12 1/5
- 校自主創新科研計畫項目 新型擴頻序列的構造與分析研究/在研 2011.4-2013.3 1/6
- 中國石油大學教學改革項目 深化高等數學教學改革,加強大學生素質教育建設/結題 2008.9-2010.10 1/8
- 中國石油大學引進人才(博士)科研基金資助項目Y080806 d-型序列和擴展d-型序列的偽隨機性質研究 2007.12 -2009.12 1/6
- 中國石油大學基礎科研基金資助項目,割圓序列與廣義割圓序列的偽隨機性質研究2008.01- 2010.12 1/7
- 山東省優秀中青年科學家科研獎勵基金.束縛糾纏及量子態保真度的研究.2012.7-2014.12 2/6
- 中國石油大學(華東)自主創新科研計畫項目,複方程解的特性及其相關問題的研究/在研 2010.10-2012.10 3/6
- 中國石油大學(華東)校級一般教改項目.工科院校數學專業定位與培養模式研究/已結題 2010.11-2012.11 4/5
- 中國石油大學(華東)校級重點教改項目.數學專業核心基礎課程建設 2011.1-2012.12/已結題 5/6
- 山東省自然科學基金面上項目.m-序列的相關性質及其理論套用研究.2014.10-2016.10/在研 2/7
- 閆統江,范凱,杜小妮,肖國鎮.二元W-廣義割圓序列的線性複雜度.西安電子科技大學學報(自然科學版),33(4):617-621,(2006).(EI:064210184910)
- 閆統江,張寧,肖國鎮.8階二元廣義割圓序列的線行複雜度.中國石油大學學報(自然科學版),30(1):142-145,(2006).(EI:06209882464)
- 閆統江,張衛國,肖國鎮.修改的Jacobi序列的線性複雜度.中國石油大學學報(自然科學版),30(2):147-150,(2006).(EI:06229913613)
- 閆統江,李淑清.新的互素序列的跡表示和線性複雜度.計算機工程,36(5) (2011): 137-139. (EI:06209882464)
- 杜小妮,閻統江,石永芳.周期為 的廣義割圓序列的線性複雜度.電子與信息學報32(4): 821-824, (2010). (EI:20102112949912)
- Tongjiang Yan,Zhixiong Chen,Guozhen Xiao.Linear complexity of ding generalized cyclotomic sequences. Journal of Shanghai University (English edition),11(1):22-26,(2007).
- Tongjiang Yan,Rong Sun,Guozhen Xiao. Autocorrelation and linear complexity of the new generalized cyclotomic sequences. IEICE Transactions,90-A(4):857-864,(2007).(SCI: 000253184800009,EI: 20071710564568)
- Tongjiang Yan,Xiaoni Du,Enjian Bai,Guozhen Xiao.Some notes on form functions with difference-balanced property. WAIFI 11-17,2007.(ISTP: 000247854300002,EI: 2008041,1054262)
- Tongjiang Yan,Javed Ahsan,Xiangli Fei,Guozhen Xiao.Monoid characterized by their injectivity and projectivity classes. Advances in Mathematics,36(3):321-326,(2007)
- Tongjiang Yan,Xiaoni Du,Guozhen Xiao.Trace representations and multi-rate constructions of two classes of generalized cyclotomic sequences. International Journal of Network Security,7(2):269-272,(2008).(EI :20131216132507)
- Tongjiang Yan,Bingjia Huang,Guozhen Xiao. Cryptographic properties of some binary generalized cyclotomic sequences with the length . Information Sciences,178(4):1078-1086,(2008).(SCI: 0002531848000,EI: 20074910961270)
- Tongjiang Yan,Li Hong,Guozhen Xiao. The linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of order four. Information Sciences. 178(3): 807-815,(2008),(SCI:000251621700017,EI: 20074510912943)
- Tongjiang Yan,Shengqiang Li,Guozhen Xiao.On the linear complexity of generalized cyclotomic sequences with the period . Applied Mathematical Letter, 21(2):187-193,(2008).(SCI:000252954600015, EI: 20074910961435)
- Tongjiang Yan,Xiaoni Du,Guozhen Xiao,Xiaolong Huang.Linear complexity of binary Whiteman generalized cyclotomic sequences of order . Information Sciences,179(7): 1019-1023,(2009)(SCI:000263385400012, EI:20090411873690)
- Tongjiang Yan,Li Hong.On constructions of some difference-balanced form functions. IEEE Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security.IAS2009,I:635-638(2009)(ISTP: 000275852000145,EI: 20100312642517)
- TongjiangYan. New binary sequences of period with low values of correlation and large linear complexity. International Journal of Network Security, 10(2):153-157,(2010). (EI: 20131316154404)
- Tongjiang Yan, Xiaoni Du,Yuhua Sun,Guozhen Xiao.Construction of form sequences with ideal autocorreation. IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences,94-A (8) :1696-1700, (2011)(SCI,EI 20113214211789).
- Tongjiang Yan. Generalized injectivity S-acts on monoid. Advances in Mathematics (Chinese), 40(4): 421-432, (2011).
- Tongjiang Yan, Pan Xu,Yuhua Sun,Kai Fan.The k-error linear complexity of Whiteman generalized cyclotomic sequences of period pq of order 2. ICSPS, 473-476,( 2011 ).
- Tongjiang Yan,Yuhua Sun, ZilongWang, Bao Li.Cross-correlation of some extended d-form sequences. Proceedings of IWSDA 11:56-59 (2012). (EI 20121214883360 )
- Yan Tongjiang, Xu, Pan. Linear complexity of two classes of binary generalized cyclotomic sequences of any order. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 7(14):98-106, (2012). (EI 20123415359800)
- Yan, Tongjiang ,Xiao, Guozhen.Divisible difference sets, relative difference sets and sequences with ideal autocorrelation. Information Sciences, 2013 (SCI, EI IP52653966)
- Xiaoni Du,Tongjiang Yan,Guozhen Xiao.Trace representation of some generalized cyclotomic sequences of length . Information Sciences,178(16): 3307-3316,(2008).(SCI: 000258052400014,EI: 20082611340815)
- Tongjiang Yan, Yanyan Liu. Linear Complexity of Binary Generalized Cyclotomic Sequencesof Order 6 over Zpq. International Workshop on Communications and Network Theory(CNT 2013).( EI源)
- Li Ming, Yan Tong-Jiang, Fei Shao-Ming,Entanglement detection and lower bound of the convex-roof extension of the negativity, J. Phys. A,(2012). (SCI)
- Sun, Yuhua; Yan, Tongjiang; Li, Hui. The linear complexity of a class of binary sequences with three-level autocorrelation..Source: IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E96-A, 7, :1586-1592, (2013). (SCI, EI 20133116546319)
- Li, Xiaoping; Ma, Wenping; Yan, Tongjiang; Zhao, Xubo Linear complexity of binary whiteman generalized cyclotomic sequences of order 4. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E96-A(1):363-366, (2013), Cryptography and Information Security. (EI:20130215882812)
- Li Xiaoping; Ma Wenping; Yan Tongjiang; Zhao Xubo.Linear complexity of a new generalized cyclotomic sequence of order two of length pq. Source: IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E96-A, 5:1001-1005, (2013).(EI:20132216383716)
- Yuhua Sun, Hui L,Tongjiang Yan, Crosscorrelation of m-sequences with decimation ,, ICSPS 428-430,(2011).
- Tongjiang Yan, Pan Xu.A New polyphase Generalized Sequence of Length pq and Its LinearComplexity. International Workshop on Communications and Network Theory (CNT 2013). ( EI源)
- Yuhua Sun, Zilong Wang, Hui Li, Tongjiang Yan. on the cross-correlation of a ternary m-sequence of period and its decimated sequence by . Proceedings of IWSDA’11:48-51. (EI 20121214883358)
- Niu Zhihua, Li Zhe, Chen Zhixiong, Yan Tongjiang.Computing the k-error linear complexity of q-ary sequences with period 2pn, IEICE Transactions, 95-A(9): 1637-1641 (2012). (SCI, EI:20123715417782)
- Zhao Xubo, Ma Wenping, Yan Tongjiang.The linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of order two of length pq .Li Xiaoping, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8(19): 8193-8200,(2012). (EI核心)
- 孫玉花, 李暉,閆統江.不同周期的p-元m-序列之間的互相關性質,西安電子科技大學學報,39(5):30-34,(2012).(EI20124715691809)
- Li, Xiaoping; Zhao, Xubo; Ma, Wenping; Yan, Tongjiang. The linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of order two of length pq. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8(19):8193-8200, (2012) (EI:20130215882812)
- Sun, Yuhua ;Li, Hui; Wang, Zilong; Yan, Tongjiang. A new decimation (pn/2)2/2+1 of Niho type: p-ary sequences with six-valued cross-correlation function. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 9( 4): 1361-1367, (2013) (EI 20131516191864)
- 李淑清,閆統江. 6 階W-廣義割圓序列的線性複雜度.計算機工程,36(4): 150-154 .(2011)
- 閆統江.審美觀照下的高等數學教學(教學論文)中國石油大學學報2009Z
- 閆統江.簡談高等數學教學中創新能力的培養(教學論文).讀與寫(教育教學刊),(2009)
- 閆統江.么半群的投射類刻畫,中國石油大學學報(自然科版).(2002)
- 閆統江,亓健. 多媒體教學的資訊理論分析與策略最佳化.中國石油大學學報(社會科學版).(2002)
- 李淑清,閆統江.如何提高學生的問題意識.中國石油大學勝利學院學報.2007
- Tongjiang Yan, Xiaoping Li,Some notes on the generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of length 2p^m and p^m. IEICE Transactions, 95-A,(2013) ,(SCI,EI源刊)
2001年獲大學生科技節課外活動優秀指導教師,2007年獲得中國石油大學(華東)科技教學成果二等獎,2009年獲全國計算機課件評比二等獎,2009年指導學生獲全國大學生數學建模競賽兩個山東省一等獎,2012年指導學生獲全國大學生數學建模競賽山東省二等獎, 2009年獲得校級優秀教師、中國石油大學(華東 )“十大傑出青年”提名.