







研究生:《結構風工程》、《土木工程專業外語》、《Structural Wind Engineering》


《Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE》審稿人
《International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics》審稿人
《Advances in Strucural Engineering》審稿人


1.B.W. Yan and Q.S. Li, Inflow Turbulence Generation Methods with Large Eddy Simulation for Wind Effects on Tall Buildings. Computers & Fluids, 116: 158-175, 2015.
2.B.W. Yan, Q.S. Li, Y.C. He and P.W. Chan, RANS simulation of neutral atmospheric boundary layer flows over complex terrain by proper imposition of boundary conditions and modification on the k-ε model. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 1: 1-23, 2015.
3.B.W. Yan and Q.S. Li, Large-Eddy Simulation of Wind Effects on a Super Tall Building in Urban Environment Conditions. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2015.
4.B.W. Yan and Q.S. Li, Coupled on-site measurement CFD based approach for high-resolution wind resource assessment over complex terrains. Energy Conversion and Management, 117, 351-366, 2016.
5.B.W. Yan and Q.S. Li, Detached-eddy and large-eddy simulations of wind effects on a high-rise structure. Computers and Fluids, 150: 74-83, 2017.
6.B.W. Yan and Q.S. Li, Wind tunnel study of interference effects between twin super-tall buildings with aerodynamic modifications. Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, 156: 129-145, 2016.
7.L. Hu, B. Shen, K.J. Ma, C.G. Deng and B.W. Yan*. A mechanical model and experimental investigations for axially compressed sleeved column. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 89: 107-120, 2013.
8.Y. Li, Z.T. Yan, Z.L. Li, B.W. Yan*, Wind forces on circular steel tubular lattice structures with inclined leg members, Engineering Structures, 153:254-263, 2017.
9.Y. Yang, Q.S. Li and B.W. Yan*. Specifications and Applications of the Technical Code for Monitoring of Building and Bridge Structures in China. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017.
10.Q.S. Li, G. Hu and B.W. Yan, Investigation of the effects of free-stream turbulence on wind-induced responses of tall building by Large Eddy Simulation. Wind and Structures, 18 (6): 599-618, 2014
11.Q.S. Li, Y.H. He, H. Wang, K. Zhou and B.W. Yan, Monitoring and time-dependent analysis of vertical deformations of the tallest building in China. Structural control & health monitoring, 2016.
12.Q.S. Li, X.J. Wang, B.W. Yan, J.C. Li., Full-scale Measurements of Wind Effects on a Low-rise Building with Roof Overhang during Typhoons. Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, 2018. (Accepted)
13.M. Liu, S.H. Huang, B.W. Yan, Q.S. Li, Modelling of turbulent dispersion for numerical simulation of wind-driven rain on bridge. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2018. (Accepted)
14.游溢,晏致濤,陳俊帆,李文勝,何成,閆渤文, 圓管截面格構式塔架節段的數值模擬. 湖南大學學報, 2017. (Accepted)
15.胡偉成,楊慶山,閆渤文,張建, 基於譜元法的複雜地形風場大渦模擬.工程力學,2018. (Accepted)
16.B.W. Yan and Q.S. Li. Inflow turbulence generation for LES of wind flow around bluff body. 7th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications (BBAA7), Shanghai, 2012.
17.B.W. Yan, Q.S. Li, Y.C. He and P.W. Chan, Numerical simulation of topographic effects on wind flow fields over complex terrain. 8th Asia-Pacific conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE8), India, 2013.
18.B.W. Yan and Q.S. Li, Large Eddy and Detached Eddy Simulations of wind effects on an Elliptical Cylinder. 6th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE6), Germany, 2014.
19.B.W. Yan and Q.S. Li, LES of fluctuating wind loads on a super-tall building. 14th International Conference on Wind Engineering – ICWE14, Brazil, 2015.
20.B.W. Yan, Q. Yan, K.K. Liu and Q.S. Li, LES of wind effects on super-tall buildings with cross-validation by wind tunnel and field measurement. 9th Asia-Pacific conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE9), New Zealand, 2017.
21.Q. Yan, D.L. Li, and B.W. Yan. Coupled CFD/FEM of wind effects on tall buildings in urban areas. International conference of industrial aerodynamics, Qingdao, China, 2017.
24.閆渤文,劉康康,鄢喬, 複雜山地地形風場模擬及風能評估。第十八屆全國結構風工程會議,長沙,2017.


2008年 國家獎學金
2010年 香港政府UGC獎學金
2013年 香港城市大學獎學金


