


  • 書名:長喜英語:大學英語6級考試詳解最新真題
  • 出版社:北京教育出版社
  • 頁數:118頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:29.80
  • 作者:王長喜
  • 出版日期:2012年8月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787552203196
  • 品牌:長喜英語





Conversation One
W: Mr. Stem, may I ask you? Do you think it was necessary and fair to arrest Steve Brill?
M: I don't know whether you realize that this man has been eating up our parks for five years. And he is encouraging other people to do the same thing every single day. He's been organizing groups to destroy our urban wildlife.
W: But Mr. Stem, this situation has been going on happily forfive years. Why did you suddenly decide to do something about it?
M: Well, at first, we just thought he was an eccentric person, a bit odd, you know. But over the years, we came to realize
that he is a dangerous guy. He's been ruining our city environment. Parks are to look at, not to eat. It's just like going to allow people to walk through a zoo, and eat the baby bears.
W: But surely you or your park keepers, Mr. Stem, could have discouraged Mr. Brill from his activity without going to such drastic measures, without arresting him.
M: Steve is a nice fellow, but what he is doing is illegal. He knows an awful lot about wild weeds. We'll be very happy to let him organize tours if he just wouldn't eat the plants and wouldn't encourage other people to do so, too. You never know what this could lead to--all sorts of people ruin our park in all sorts of ways. This kind of thing is very definitely criminal behavior and must be stopped.
Conversation Two
M: Mary, are your children still at school?
W: Yes, my eldest boy Martin, left school last year. He works at a Day Center nearby for physically handicapped adults. my daughter Liz is in the fourth year at a comprehensive school.
M: How's her foreign language?
W: Very good. She likes French and German. She's not very scientific. Christopher, my youngest child, is in the last year of junior school. He is much more practicall oriented, strong in math and science.
M: He'll be going to a comprehensive school I suppose.
W: We have the choice of three comprehensive schools.
M: Really? It's unusual to have so many to choose from.
W: Well, yes. Charter school seems to have done all right. We're ur there's certain criticism about it, but on the whole, we
are not too dissatisfied.
M: Well, generally speaking, what do you think one considers when one is trying to choose... well, I don't know if one can
really choose one school actually. You tend to ur... children go where they're sent.
W: You can't ur... very easily unless you are very rich and can afford to choose a private school. And since we're not very
rich, we've got all three children to consider, we can't do that. So they go to the local comprehensive school. What really matters is, you know, the quality of the staff, the size of the school. I think the size of the school has a lot to do with it.


