一個現在還在用手帕的女生,想唱歌給大家聽。我們謎上了她的聲音還有她的生活態度。“我要阻止你瘋狂的行為”,鐘茌決定用音樂來表達她對環境與動物保護的關切,當歌聲中不再充斥無病呻吟的情情愛愛,矯揉造作的虛假偽善,我們也更容易被這樣的音樂所感動。專輯《Easy World》將於2007年12月21日全球發布,我們無法用任何術語去界定專輯的風格取向,這張耗時兩年的唱片見證了國內獨立音樂公司(SOMA-ART)及旗下製作人(JAMYAM-YESHE)的獨特理念,以及新一代對於生活簡單直接的表達。
- 中文名:鐘茌
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:歌手
- 代表作品:《簡單世界》
作者簡介,創作背景,專輯詳介,專輯單曲,Easy World,Fairy Tale,From the moon,I Can’t Hide,Rain,Truth,12:44,And This Is Cut,Angle eyes,Kill Sarah,

專輯《Easy World》將於2007年12月21日全球發布,我們無法用任何術語去界定專輯的風格取向,這張耗時兩年的唱片見證了國內獨立音樂公司(SOMA-ART)及旗下製作人(JAMYAM-YESHE)的獨特理念,以及新一代對於生活簡單直接的表達。

-- 我要阻止你瘋狂的行為
你和我一樣,都在找尋一個《Easy World》
“我要阻止你瘋狂的行為”,鐘茌決定用音樂來表達她對環境與動物保護的關切,當歌聲中不再充斥無病呻吟的情情愛愛,矯揉造作的虛假偽善,我們也更容易被這樣的音樂所感動。對於任何用心靈來選擇聆聽方向的人來說,《Easy World》提供給你我的不僅僅是簡單而表面化的耳膜歡娛,在更大程度上,這張唱片是鐘茌本人多年遊走各地所沉澱的生活感受,當一個人慾哭無淚,失去了笑容;當一個人的來來去去就好象風吹一般沒有痕跡的時候,鐘茌發現這個世界上沒有任何事情會因為另一件事情的改變而改變,而她可以掌握的只有她自己。這不是高高在上的說教,也不是閃爍其詞的曖昧,帶著心靈的溫度,或暖或寒地與我們真誠相對。
這是一個美麗的童話 --鐘茌《Fairy Tale》
《Easy World》隨著空曠的電音推進,用強烈的打擊樂器結合在一起構成喧鬧的背景,鐘茌的聲音變得堅定而高亢。當這種純粹和原始的呼喚越來越強烈時,我們能否感覺到在人類的命運也越為岌岌可危。這是本能的呼喚,對簡單世界的追求隱藏在每一個人的心中。
《Fairy Tale》的編曲很簡單,鐘茌的聲音在一片迷離電音中浮出水面,如散爍的珠粒透明而恍惚,在音韻間散落著幽悒而神傷的思緒,仿佛童話中失去家園的美人魚。
在剛聽這張專集是就被《from the moon》這首歌所打動。緩慢而誠摯的女聲貫穿於整個歌的結構。這首歌寫的是一個居住在月球的女人以四季的角度表達離開地球的痛苦。歌曲有一種由低迷走向希望和前進的感覺。
《I Can\'t Hide》也是用瑣碎的打擊樂構成一個有些喧囂的背景,鐘茌PORTISHEAD式的吟唱和咒語似的男聲採樣的加入使這個曲子充滿了異域氛圍。
《And this is cut》是一首靜謐而充滿迷幻感的曲子,開始用了一段女聲作為採樣與曲中鋼琴構造的陰鬱氛圍是這首歌的點睛之作。
《kill sarah》只有簡單的鋼琴和女聲的喃喃自語,和眾多INDIA一樣,有更加自我的和
《Angel Eyes》寫的是一個天使彷徨而失落的情緒。有著強裂的迷幻氛圍和豐富層次感的音色。女聲也十分飄渺迷離。
《12:44》 12點44分。這首歌曲在開頭營造出如同一段夢囈般的場景。鐘茌的聲音像被蒙上了一層水汽隨著音符飄蕩,
這整張專集給人很豐富的聽覺體驗。TRIP HOP的各種元素在這裡糅合。有一種夢幻而直接的觸動。
Easy World
I will stop your crazy work
I’ll lead you to easy world
Can’t you see they are looking forAnother day to paradise

I won’t leave you alone
And let this be the reason makes you failed
I am not another passenger in your life
To be a kite without the string
Then you will have nothing to slay
Who asked you must to be a murderer
(I will stop your crazy work)
Why can’t you be another kite?
(I’ll lead you to easy world)
To be a kite without the string
(Can’t you see they are looking for)
Then you will have a chance to paradise
(Another day to paradise)
I won’t leave you alone
And let this be the reason makes you failed
I am not another passenger~
I won’t leave you alone
And let this be the reason makes you failed
I am not another passenger in your life
Fairy Tale
I’m in love I’m in love with you
So in love so in love with you
To carry you away
To leave her alone
You never belong to me
Don’t know how to wipe your sorrow
Don’t know how to be in fairy tale~ fairy tale
Just wanna make you follow
Just wanna be your hero~~ hero
(let me be there~ wait for me)
(let me take you out! Wait for me)
I’ll be there I’ll be there for you
(wait for me)
In the light in the night with you
(please let me with you~ go with you~)
Though still you are
Unable to mate my soul
(leave her alone)
(I’m) returning you back to home
(I’m) learning how to wipe your sorrow
I am taking you to fairy tale~~ fairy tale
Getting closer to your rescue
I am mean to be your hero~~ hero
From the moon
Turning to winter
How come I still see
somewhere in red
It’s burning your skin
You still hope they will wake up
Greens are not coming
Even it is already spring
She tried to escape
Finally was trapped
I can see your panic
tell your sorrow
hear your helpless groan
But I’m sorry they don’t even think of you
Then a light of goodness
from the east side
trying to get grow
Is it the time for me to
get back from the moon
Missing the feeling
(a kinda feeling)
Enjoy coolness of the summer
And now it’s all gone
(it’s all gone)
Even oceans are steaming
Wind just passed us by
(just pass by)
Nothing’s falling down from the trees
You don’t remember
(don’t remember)
What’s called golden fall
I can see your panic
(your panic)
tell your sorrow
(your sorrow)
hear your helpless groan
But I’m sorry they don’t even think of you
(think of you)
Then a light of goodness
from the east side
(east side)
trying to get grow
Is it the time for me to get back from the moon
(get back from the moon)
I Can’t Hide
There’s a voice
Keep telling me
You r trying
To escape from me
I didn’t believe
Until you are lying in the casket
I didn’t care until nothing can hold
Tell me what should I do?
I can’t hide from the pain of losing you
I can’t cry even being treated like a fool
Is the same voice
Invited you to be
Someone who
Only break me up
I can only get
The feeling you want me to have
Couldn’t find a way
To leave
This pain away
How can I leave the pain away?
I can’t hide from the pain of losing you
I can’t cry even being treated like a fool
I can’t hide from the pain of losing you
I can’t cry even being treated like a fool
(Om Ban Ja Sa Do Hum)
Om Ban Ja Sa Do Sa Ma Ya Ma Nu Ba La Ya
Ban Ja Sa Do De Lo Ba Di Tsa Ds Dso Me Ba Wa
Su Do Ka Yo Me Ba Wa Su Bo Ka Yo Me Ba Wa
Ah Nu Ro Do Me Ba Wa
Sa Wa S Di Ma Me Ja Ya Tsa Sa Wa Ga Ma Su Ja Me
Ds Dang Sri Yang Gu Lu Hum Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho
Ba Ga Wen Sa Wa Da Ta Ga Da
Ban Ja Ma Me Mu Ja Ban Ja Ba Wa
Ma Ha Sa Ma Ya Sa Do Ah
(Hum Pa)
If I could set you free
I’d give up all my wishes
If I were to keep you here
Would you ever run away
In our dreams, we last forever
Frozen in time
Trapped in lies
In your cage, you surrender
(but)You can’t see
You can’t feel
RAIN RAIN Just fan your wings
I Prayed
If you would let me go
I would grant you life
Or would you just leave me be
In my desolation
In my dreams I soar above all
Free to roam
In your eyes I see my pain
I can’t breath
I can’t feel
RAIN RAIN Just lead me be
Where you at
What you do may not be what you want ideally feedback
Stand on what you believe
may not be what you see
After all the truth is here
No one chase it anymore
It’s beautiful to see you’re clean
But we don’t
(I think we don’t I think we don’t I think we don’t)
We don’t leave
(we can’t leave we can’t leave)
We can’t leave the lord
And I need
(and I need)
I need you
Want you to follow me
(want you to follow me)
I’m confounded that I cannot
See where am I going after here
After I left this world.
You give out a hint to me
A code that I must find it first
Then turn on the channel
I drop into my blood
Float to the heart with the wave
To seek it
Seeing all my faces
Hearing all my voices
Feeling all my greed
(floating~ I am floating)
Then I’m cleared who am I
Someone is floating besides me
I hope this is a shadow of you
A shining shadow
You give out a hint to me
A code that I must find it first
Then turn on the channel
I drop into my blood
Float to the heart with the wave
To seek it
Seeing all my faces
Hearing all my voices
Feeling all my greed
(floating~ I am floating)
Seeing all my faces
Hearing all my voices
Feeling all my greed
(floating~ I am floating)
Then I’m cleared who am I
And This Is Cut
And This Is Cut
And This Is Cut
And This Is Cut
And This Is Cut
Free your mind
Start the night
Get between
Into the light
She’s there, you’ll meet her in someday
She’s left, and this is cut
Free your hand
Let her go to where she wants
Until she wants to come back
You’ll be there
She’s there, you’ll meet her in someday
She’s left, and this is cut
Angle eyes
I see you just landed,
From somewhere called heaven
You are trying to open
Open your angle eyes
Don’t look around the wreckage
You wouldn’t want to see
You opened your eyes
And opened your mouth without voice
You are trying to open
Open your angle wings
It is not the time yet to fly
Wait until the night
Kill Sarah
I want to cry but no tears
I also lost my smiles
Like the wind goes by
Every single person who came who left
And I realized there’s nothing changed after anything
In the real world all I can take all I can hold is me
I want to cry but no tears
I also lost my smiles
Like the wind goes by
Every single person who came who left
So I realized what people have said may never be
In the messy place even myself even myself got lost
………..my tears
………..my smiles
………..my heart