


  • 中文名:鐘舜聰
  • 畢業院校:曼徹斯特大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:機電工程
  • 職務:福州大學機械工程及自動化學院博士生導師


英國工程技術學會會士(Fellow of IET)
2014年1月至2015年07月:英國斯特拉斯克萊德大學工程學院,Chancellor Fellow/Lecturer
1999年09月至2002年01月:汕頭大學機械電子工程系,碩士研究生 (廣東省“南粵優秀研究生”、優秀畢業研究生,全系第一)


國際標準ISO 16063-33“磁靈敏度測試”起草小組委員
Journal of Marine Science Research and Technology, Editorial Board Member
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Member
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Member
Optical Society of America (OSA), Member
國家自然基金評審專家、教育部回國留學人員啟動資金、福建省自然科學獎、廈門市雙百人才評審專家、莆田市雙百人才評審專家、國際雜誌特邀審稿人:Optics Letters, Optics Express, Journal of Sound and Vibration, IEEE Photonics Journal、Journal of Applied Physics、Applied Optics、Applied Surface Science等雜誌
國際會議“The 1st Joint Symposium on Advanced Mechanical Science & Technology for Industrial Revolution 4.0”大會副主席、ICEDyn 2017和UCMMT 2017等國際會議技術/科學委員會委員


1) Terahertz Pulsed Imaging, High Power Terahertz Device based on Surface Plasmon Resonance, ultra-sensitive terahertz sensing, and Terahertz applications
2)Optical Coherence Tomography and its applications
3) Non-destructive testing and quantitative evaluation, damage/defect detection and health monitoring/condition monitoring, characterization of multi-layered coating structures / thin films/surfaces and interfaces (optical coherence tomography, terahertz pulsed imaging, ultrasonic imaging, infrared spectroscopy and imaging, thermal imaging, ultrasonic wave propagation, vibration, and acoustic emission etc.)
4) Wearable medical devices and biomedical sensing
5)Advanced signal/imaging processing, sensors, instrumentations and algorithm development
6)Design, analysis and health monitoring of offshore wind turbines
7)FDTD electromagnetic simulation, and finite element analysis 8)Active vibration control/isolation



1) 國家自然科學基金,主持,“TGO生長和微缺陷演化的太赫茲定量無損評價機理及其可靠性研究”,2017-2020
2) 福建省財政廳,超快雷射和太赫茲工程創新團隊建設經費,2016-2018
3) 機械系統與振動國家重點實驗室開放課題,基於光學位感條紋的振動測量系統及其套用研究,2018/01-2019/12
4) 廈門市特種設備檢測檢驗院課題,TOFD超聲自動檢測機器人技術研究,2018/01-2019/12


5) 福建省傑出青年基金(滾動資助計畫),主持,“超高溫陶瓷複合材料塗層的定量無損評價研究”,2014-2017
6) 衛生和計畫生育委員會科研基金,主持,“高解析度眼科光學相干層析成像儀的研發”,2013-2016,結題(結論:國際先進水平)
7) 國家自然科學基金,主持, “多層結構蠕變和微裂紋擴展行為的無損檢測和定量評價”, 2011-13,結題(優秀)
8) 教育部高等學校博士學科點科研基金(博導類),主持,“高功率太赫茲脈衝成像系統及玻璃纖維複合材料的缺陷檢測和評價研究”,2013-2016
9) 福建省傑出青年基金,主持,“基於光學相干層析和太赫茲成像的飛機複合材料的無損檢測和定量評價”,2011-2014,結題(優秀)
10) 廈門特種設備檢驗院項目,主持,“聚乙烯管道接頭的超聲相控陣檢測與缺陷智慧型化識別研究”,2013-2014,結題
11) 廈門特種設備檢驗院項目,主持,“基於紅外熱成像的聚乙烯管道接頭缺陷檢測及圖像處理技術研究”,2013-2014,結題
12) 福州大學,重點學科“儀器科學與技術”學科建設經費,2015-2017
13) 廈門特種設備檢驗院項目,主持,基於超聲紅外熱像法的奧氏體不鏽鋼焊縫缺陷檢測技術,2015-2017
14) 教育部回國留學人員啟動基金,主持,“結構故障診斷和信號處理研究”,2010–2012,結題
15) 承壓系統與安全教育部重點實驗室開放基金,主持,“膜基結構的無損檢測及定量評價”,2011-13,結題
16) 福州大學科研啟動基金,主持,“光學相干層析無損檢測系統及其套用研究”,2011-2013,結題
17) 企業橫向項目,技術主持,“硫化機的測試分析和故障診斷”,2013-2013,結題
18) 福建省特種設備檢驗院項目,主持,“基於光學相干層析的無損檢測系統在承壓設備中的研究與套用”,2010-2012,結題
19) 科技部重大儀器設備專項項目,主要參與,“高精度衡器載荷測量儀開發和套用”,2011-2016
20) 國家自然科學基金,主要參與,“材料蠕變損傷和微組織演化的非線性超聲蘭姆波評價”,2011-13,結題
21) 福建省特種設備檢驗院,主要參與,“港口起重設備動態參數檢測與評價研究”09-11,結題
22) 福建省特種設備檢驗院,主要參與,“遠場渦流檢測技術研究與套用”2009-2011,結題
23) 國家質檢總局院科技計畫項目,主要參與,“在役鍋爐水冷壁管渦流檢測技術研究與套用”2009-2011,結題
24) 英國政府科技戰略委員會(TSB)項目,主要參與,“利用太赫茲和紅外相干層析實時線上監測和控制生物製藥的生產過程”,結題
25) 英國工業項目,主要參與,“基於超聲導波在航空電力系統無損檢測”,結題
26) 英國工程和自然科學研究委員會(EPSRC)課題,主要參與,“無損檢測的可靠性”,結題
27) 英國曼徹斯特大學研究項目,主持,“結構損傷檢測以及信號處理方法研究”,結題
28) 香港創新科技基金(ITF)項目,主要參與,“汽車防盜系統”,結題29) 香港創新科技基金(ITF)項目,主要參與,“精密儀器的主動振動隔離/控制”,結題
30) 東芝ODM項目,主要參與,“全數字黑白B超醫學診斷儀”,結題31) 教育部高等學校骨幹教師資助計畫項目,主要參與,“機械振動信號處理中一些關鍵理論的研究”,結題
32) 國家自然科學基金,主要參與,“機械振動信號處理中的離散頻譜校正理論”,結題



1)J Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*, Q Zhang, Z Peng, Measurement of instantaneous rotational speed using double-sine-varying-density fringe pattern, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 103, 117-130, 2018
2)Q Zhang, Shuncong Zhong*, J Zhong, X Fu, Ultrahigh-Accuracy Measurement of Refractive Index Curves of Optical Materials using Interferometry Technology, Measurement, 122, 40-44, 2018
3)W Tu, Shuncong Zhong*, A Incecik, X Fu, Defect feature extraction of marine protective coatings by terahertz pulsed imaging, Ocean Engineering, 2018
4)Y Huang, Shuncong Zhong*, Y Shen, L Yao, Y Yu, D Cui, Graphene/Insulator Stack Based Ultrasensitive Terahertz Sensor With Surface Plasmon Resonance, IEEE Photonics Journal, 9 (6), 1-11, 2017
5)Yi Huang, Shuncong Zhong*, Haizi Yao, and Daxiang Cui, Tunable Terahertz Plasmonic Sensor Based on Graphene/Insulator Stacks, IEEE Photonics Journal, 9 (1), 1-10, 2017
6)Shuncong Zhong*, J. Zhong, Q. Zhang, N. Maia, Quasi-optical coherence vibration tomography technique for damage detection in beam-like structures based on auxiliary mass induced frequency shift, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 93, 241-254, 2017
7)Jianfeng Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*,Qiukun Zhang, Quasi‐OCVT technique for response‐only experimental modal analysis of beam‐like structures, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 24 (11), 2017
8)H Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, H Yi, D Cui, CL Pan, Handedness-Switchable Optical Chirality in One-Dimensional Periodic Plasmonic-Grooves for Circular Dichroism and Simultaneous Refractive Index Sensing, IEEE Photonics Journal 9 (3), 1-9, 2017
9)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, “Handedness-switchable chiral field in the one-dimensional metal grooves for plasmonic circular dichroism spectroscopy”, Journal of Optics, 19 (5), 055001, 2017
10)Y Lin, H Yao, X Ju, Y Chen, S Zhong, X Wang, Free-standing double-layer terahertz band-pass filters fabricated by femtosecond laser micro-machining, Optics Express 25 (21), 25125-25134, 2017
11)Jianfeng Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang, Two-dimensional optical coherence vibration tomography for low-frequency vibration measurement and response-only modal analysis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 79, 65-71, 2016
12)J. Zhong, Shuncong Zhong* et al., Vibration monitoring using non-projection quasi-interferogram fringe density enhanced by spectrum correction method,  Measurement Science and Technology, 28(1):015903 , 2016
13)Wanli Tu, Shuncong Zhong*, Yaochun Shen1, and Atilla Incecik, Nondestructive Testing of Marine Protective Coatings Using Terahertz Waves with Stationary Wavelet Transform, Ocean Engineering, 111, 582-592, 2016
14)Yi Huang, Shuncong Zhong*, Haizi Yao, Daxiang Cui, “Tunable ultrasensitive terahertz sensing based on surface plasmon polariton of doped monolayer graphene”, Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials, 2016
15)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, Wideband circularly polarized vortex surface modes on helically grooved metal wires, IEEE Photonics Journal, 7 (6), 1-7, 2015
16)Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang, Subnanoscale-displacement-resolution Calibration of Piezoelectric Actuators using Enhanced Optical Coherence Tomography, Sensors and Actuators A: physical, 233, 42-46, 2015
17)H Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, W Tu,Performance analysis of higher mode spoof surface plasmon polariton for terahertz sensing, Journal of Applied Physics 117 (13), 133104, 2015
18)Jianfeng Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang, “Two-dimensional optical coherence tomography for real-time structural dynamical characterization”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 66, 74-79, 2015
19)H. Lin, R. May, M. Evans, Shuncong Zhong, L. Gladden, Y. Shen, J. Zeitler, Impact of Processing Conditions on Inter-tablet Coating Thickness Variations Measured by Terahertz In-Line Sensing, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 104(8), 2513-22 , 2015
20)Qiukun Zhang, Shuncong Zhong, Jianfeng Zhong, Sine-modulated Wavelength-independent Full Range Complex Spectral Optical Coherence Tomography with an Ultra-broadband Light Source, Advances in Mechanical Engineering (accepted, 2015)
21)Li Cao, Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang and Xinbin Fu, Surface Micro Defect Detection of Tapered Rollers Based on Laser Diffraction, International Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications, 2015 (accepted)
22)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, Higher-order mode spoof SPP of periodic grooves for high sensitive terahertz sensing, Optics Express, 2014, 22(21): 25149-25160.
23)Wanli Tu, Shuncong Zhong*, Yaochun Shen, Qing Zhou and Ligang Yao, “FDTD-Based Quantitative Analysis of Terahertz Wave Detection for Multilayered Structures”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A , 31(10), 2285-2293 (2014)
24)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, “Plasmonic corrugated cylinder-cone terahertz probe”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 31(8), 1856-1860, 2014
25)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, “Frequency dependent circular-polarization of terahertz chiral spoof surface plasmon polariton on helically grooved metallic wire”, Optics Communications, 2015
26)Jinquan Guo1, Lianping Wu1, Xiaoxiang Yang, Shuncong Zhong*, Elastic-plastic Endochronic Constitutive Model of 0Crl7Ni4Cu4Nb Stainless Steels, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016 (accepted)
27)Shuncong Zhong, Y.Shen, L. Ho, R. May, J. Zeitler, M. Evans, P. Taday, M. Pepper, T. Rades, K. Gordon, R. Muller, and P. Kleinebudde, “Nondestructive quantification of pharmaceutical tablet coatings using terahertz pulsed imaging and optical coherence tomography”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 49(3), 361-365, 2011.
28)Shuncong Zhong, Hao Shen, and Yaochun Shen, “Real-time monitoring of structural vibration using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 49(1), 127-131, 2011.
29)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Crack sensitivity analysis of sampling interval for damage detection by wavelet transform”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 20(1), 2013
30)Shuncong Zhong, S. O. Oyadiji, “Detection of cracks in simply-supported beams by continuous wavelet transform of reconstructed modal data”, Computers and Structures, 89,127-148, 2011.
31)Shuncong Zhong, S. O. Oyadiji, “Crack Detection in Simply Supported Beams using Stationary Wavelet Transform of Modal Data”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 18(2), 169-190, 2011.
32)Shuncong Zhong, Y. Shen, H. Shen, and Y. Huang, “FDTD study of a novel terahertz emitter with electrical field enhancement using surface Plasmon resonance”, PIERS Online, 6(2), 153-156, 2010
33)May RK, Evans MJ, Shuncong Zhong, Warr I, Gladden LF, Shen YC, Zeitler JA Terahertz in-line sensor for perforated pan film coaters. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 62(10), 1213-1214, 2010
34)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Analytical predictions of natural frequencies of cracked beams with a traversing auxiliary mass”, Journal of Sound and vibration , 311, 328-352, 2008
35)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “ Response-only method for damage detection of beam-like structures using high accuracy frequencies”, Journal of Sound and Vibration , 311, 1075-1099, 2008
36)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Identification of cracks in beams with auxiliary mass spatial probing by stationary wavelet transform”, Trans. of ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics , 30, 1-14, 2008
37)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Crack detection in simply-supported beams without modal parameter using stationary wavelet transform”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing , 21(4) , 1853-1884, 2007
38)R.K. May, M. J. Evans, Shuncong Zhong, I. Warr, L.F. Gladden, Y.C. Shen and J.A. Zeitler, “Terahertz in-line sensor for direct coating thickness measurement of individual tablets during film coating in real-time”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 100(4), 1535-1544, 2011
39)R.K. May, K. Su, L. Han, Shuncong Zhong, J. A. Elliott, L. F. Gladden, M. Evans, Y. C. Shen, and J. A. Zeitler, Hardness and Density Distributions of Pharmaceutical Tablets Measured by Terahertz Pulsed Imaging, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (DOI: 10.1002/jps.23560)
40)Yuhui Chen, Shuncong Zhong and Xiaoxiang Yang, Nonlinear thermo-mechanical coupled modeling for the analysis of stress distribution in air-plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coatings, Key Engineering Materials, 577-578, 2014, pp 41-44.
41)Z. Zhu, X. Qiu, Shuncong Zhong*, X. Fu, Y. Yang, Active infrared thermography for defect detection of polyethylene pipes, Advanced Materials Research, 1044-1045 2014: 700-703.
42)Shuncong Zhong, Qiukun Zhang, and Ligang Yao, Yaochun Shen, “Fabric Defect Detection using Wavelet-enhanced Single-Point Photoelectric Sensing System”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 162, 2012, 497-504.
43)YH Chen, XX Yang, SC Zhong, Finite Element Analysis of Four Fracture Mechanism in the Thermal Barrier Coating, Advanced Materials Research 933, 2014,187-191
44)Wanli Tu, Shuncong Zhong*, Yaochun Shen, FDTD-based Computed Terahertz Wave Propagation in Multilayer Medium Structures, Proc. of SPIE, 2013 (accepted)
45)Shuncong Zhong et al., Non-contact creep measurement based on Fourier Domain Optical Coherence Tomograpy, Applied Mechanics and Materials (accepted)
46)Shuncong Zhong et al., Damage detection of cantilever beams based on derivatives of mode shapes, Applied Mechanics and Materials (accepted)
47)Zhibin Zhu, Xu Qiu , Shuncong Zhong* et al. Active Infrared Thermography for Defect Detection of Polyethylene Pipes, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014
48)Manting Luo,Tengfei You,Qiukun Zhang,Jianfeng Zhong,Shuncong Zhong*, Enhancement of Time-domain Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Stationary Wavelet Transform, Applied Mechanics and Materials (accepted)
49)Shuncong Zhong, Y. Yan, Y.C. Shen, “Non-Destructive Testing of GFRP Materials by Fourier-Domain Infrared Optical Coherence Tomography”, The International Conference on Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence, 2012 (accepted)
50)Junru Li, Shuncong Zhong*, X. Yang, L. Gong, Yaochun Shen, Jinquan Guo, Shiwang Chen, Xiaohan Chen, Tong Lin, Feifei Ye, Zhenxing Wen, Tianxue Yang, “Finite Element Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Technique in Pipeline Defect Detection”, The International Conference on Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence, 2012 (accepted)
51)Tianxue Yang, Shuncong Zhong, Yaochun Shen, “Non-contact Real-time Measurement of Structural Thermal Deformation in High-temperature Environment by Optical Coherence Deformation Tomography”, The International Conference on Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence, 2012 (accepted).
52)Shuncong Zhong, Qiukun Zhang, and Ligang Yao, Yaochun Shen, “Fabric Defect Detection using Wavelet-enhanced Single-Point Photoelectric Sensing System”, The Joint International Conference of the XI International Conference on Mechanisms and Mechanical Transimissions (MTM) and the International Conference on Robotics (Robotics’ 12), Clermont-Ferrand, Fance, June 6-8, 2012 (accepted).
53)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Comparisons of damage detection in simply supported beams using stationary wavelet transform on displacement mode shapes and natural frequencies curves”, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 29-31, 2011, Washington, DC, USA (accepted)
54) Robert May, Micheal Evens, Shuncong Zhong, Ian Warr, Lynn Gladden, Yaochun Shen and Axel Zeitler, Direct film coating thickness measurement of individual tablets in real-time using a terahertz in-line sensor, The 1st Electronic Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (ECPS), 2011
55)Shumei Chen, Chuanming Chen, and Shuncong Zhong, English-Chinese Bilingual Lectures on Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission and Engineering Education, 2011 International Conference on Engineering Education and Management (accepted)
56)Shuncong Zhong, X. Yang, Yaochun Shen, “Optical Coherence Tomography-based Structural Vibration Sensor System”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, 2011
57)Shuncong Zhong, Y. Shen, R.K. May, M. Evans, J.A. Zeitler, and D. Dey, “Neural network-based thin coating characterization by terahertz pulsed imaging in frequency domain”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 2010
58)Shuncong Zhong, Y. Shen, H. Shen, R.K. May, M. Evans, J.A. Zeitler, and I. Warr, “Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Non-destructive coating analysis cablibrated by terahertz pulsed imaging”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 2010
59)Hao Shen, N Newman, L. Gan, Shuncong Zhong, and Yaochun Shen, “Compressed terahertz imaging system using a spin disk”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Rome, Italy, September 2010
60)R.K. May, M. Evans, Shuncong Zhong, I. Warr, L.F. Gladden, Y.C. Shen and J.A. Zeitler, “In-line monitoring of coating thickness of pharmaceutical tablets during production scale film coating by terahertz spectroscopy”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 2010
61)R. K May, M. J. Evans, Shuncong Zhong, “Terahertz Pulsed Imaging of Surface Variations on Pharmaceutical Tablets”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 2010
62)H. Shen, N. Newmana, L.Gan, Shuncong Zhong, Y. Huang and Y. C. Shen, Compressive Terahertz imaging system using single rotating mask, 3rd Annual Meeting on THz measurement techniques, Institute of Physics ISAT Group & Dielectrics Group, The University of Reading, 1st July, 2010
63)R.K. May, M. J. Evans, Shuncong Zhong, I. Warr, L. F. Gladden, Y.Shen, J.A. Zeitler,“Terahertz in-line sensor for perforated pan film coaters”, UK-PharmSci 2010.
64)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Response-only frequency-domain method for damage detection”, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2009
65)Shuncong Zhong, H. shen, Y. Shen, J.A. Zeitler, L. Ho, M. Evans, P. T. Taday, M. Pepper, T. rades, K.C. Gordon, R. Muller and P. Kleinebudde, “Noninvasive 3D characterization of Layered samples using Terahertz pulsed imaging and infrared optical coherence tomography”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 2009
66)Shuncong Zhong, Y. shen, M. Evans, J.A. Zeitler, R.K. May, L.F. Gladden and C. Byers, “Quantification of thin-film coating thickness of pharmaceutical tablets using wavelet analysis of terahertz pulsed imaging data”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 2009
67)R.K. May, M. Evans, Shuncong Zhong, R. Clarkson, Y. Shen, L.F. Gladden and J.A. Zeitler, “Real-time in situ measurement of particle size in flowing powders by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 2009 (Invited paper)
68)R.K. May, L.Han, J. Alton, Shuncong Zhong, J.A. Elliott, C. Byers, L.F. Gladden, M. Evans, Y. Shen, and J.A. Zeitler, “Pharamecutical tablet hardness measurements with Terahertz pulsed imaging”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 2009
69)Shuncong Zhong, H. Shen, J.A. Zeitler, R.K. May, M. Evans, P. T. Taday, D. Dey and Y. Shen, “Non-destructive characterization of pharmaceutical tablet coating by terahertz and infrared spectroscopy and imaging”, 2009 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, Los Angeles, USA
70)R.K. May, Shuncong Zhong, M. Evans, Y. Shen, L.F. Gladden and J.A Zeitler, “Terahertz measurements of particle size in static/flowing powders”, 2009 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, Los Angeles, USA
71)R.K. May, L. Han, Shuncong Zhong, J. Alton, M. Evans, D. Dey, J. Elliott, Y. Shen, L.F. Gladden and J.A. Zeitler, “Terahertz imaging of density variations over the surface of typical pharmaceutical”,2009 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, Los Angeles, USA
72)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Wavelet-based structural damage detection”, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computer and Information in Engineering Conference,Vol.1,461-469,2008
73)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Detection of cracks in simply-supported beams by wavelet analysis”, Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Vibration Engineering, Romania, 27-30 September,2005
74)Zhong Shuncong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Damage Detection in Simply Supported Beams using Derivatives of Mode Shapes”, Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV12), 11-14, July, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal
75)Kang Kang, Zhong Shuncong, “Research of Phase Difference correcting Methods on Spectrum”. Proceedings of 8th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV8). 2-6 July, 2001, Hong Kong: 2391-2398
76)Kang Ding, Zhong Shuncong. “Synthesized Correcting Method of Phase Difference on Discrete Spectrum ”, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Vibration Congress (APVC), 2001:1121-1125
77)Shuncong Zhong, Jinquan Guo, Ligang Yao, and Yizhou Zhuang, Wavelet-based Damage Localization in Plate-like Structures, The 2012 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition
78)Jianfeng Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang and Ligang Yao, Two-dimensional optical coherence tomography for low-frequency vibration measurement and response-only modal analysis, International Conference on Structural Engineering Dynamics, Lagos, Algarve, Protugal, 22-24 June 2015
79)H Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, Chiral terahertz surface wave on the helically grooved metal wire, Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), 2382-2386, 2016
80)Yi Huang, Shuncong Zhong*, Tunable terahertz plasmonics sensor using doped graphene, 10th UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimetre Waves and Terahertz Technologies (UCMMT), 2017
81)丁康,鐘舜聰, “離散頻譜的通用相位差法研究”, 電子學報, 31(1), 142-145,2003
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84)陳丹陽,張秋坤,鐘劍鋒,郭金泉,鐘舜聰*,沈耀春, 姚立綱, 基於頻譜校正技術的光學相干振動和熱變形層析系統研究,南京大學學報(自然科學),50(2), 1-6, 2014
85)吳育東, 鐘舜聰*, 沈耀春, 基於EEMD 和ANN 的血壓測量方法研究, 中國醫療器械, 2017(accepted)
86)陳宇慧,楊曉翔,鐘舜聰, 對流換熱對ZrO2-8%Y2O3塗層系統力學性能的影響, 航空材料學報, 05, 2014.
87)陳宇慧,楊曉翔,朱志斌,鐘舜聰, 熱障塗層界面形貌參數對殘餘應力的影響, 套用力學學報, 32(2), 175-179, 2015.
88)張濤, 鐘舜聰*,沈耀春,姚立綱,基於圖像壓縮感測的光學單點成像系統,儀器技術與感測器01, 2015
89)塗婉麗;鐘舜聰*;周卿;姚立綱, 太赫茲波在船舶防護塗層系統的傳播特性研究, 系統仿真學報, 1, 2016
90)羅曼婷,游騰飛,張秋坤,鐘劍鋒,鐘舜聰*, 基於平穩小波變換的時域光學相干層析系統, 套用光學, 36(4), 543-549,2015
91)曹麗, 鐘舜聰*, 張濤, 沈耀春, 基於圖像壓縮感測的自動式光學單點成像系統, 套用光學, 2015
92)黃躍鑫, 鐘舜聰* , 伏喜斌, 黃學斌, 塗善東, 聚乙烯管道電熔接頭的超聲相控陣成像及缺陷特徵, 焊接學報,2015
93)吳育東, 鐘舜聰*, 沈耀春, 基於SWT和ANN的無創連續血壓測量方法研究, 中國醫療設備, 2017.
94)汪俊,伏喜斌,黃躍鑫,鐘舜聰*,黃學斌,張金梅,基於標記的改進分水嶺的焊縫超聲TOFD檢測圖像分割,焊接學報,2018 (accepted)
95)塗婉麗; 鐘舜聰; 徐軼群, 船舶防護塗層厚度的太赫茲無損定量評估, 船舶工程, 02: 73~79, 2017
96)Springer英文專著:L Yao, S Zhong, H Kikuta, JG Juang, M Anpo, Advanced Mechanical Science and Technology for the Industrial Revolution 4.0, 2018


1) 發明專利:壓電驅動器的標定裝置(授權,第一發明人)
2) 發明專利:可遠程通訊的家用心血管檢測和診斷裝置(授權,第二發明人)
3) 發明專利:光學材料折射率曲線測量方法及裝置(授權,第一發明人)
4) 發明專利:一種軸承滾子表面缺陷的雷射衍射測量儀器及其方法(授權,第一發明人)
5) 發明專利:一種基於砷化鎵單量子阱的太赫茲探測器的實現方法 (授權)
6) 發明專利:一種生物螢光檢測探頭(授權,第一發明人)
7) 發明專利:一種軸承滾子表面缺陷的雷射衍射測量裝置和方法(授權,第一發明人)
8) 發明專利:高溫塗層結構蠕變/熱變形和內部裂紋檢測裝置 (授權,第一發明人)
9) 發明專利:非接觸結構微振動監測裝置 (授權,第一發明人)
10) 發明專利:珍珠真偽鑑別的無損檢測系統 (授權,第一發明人)
11) 發明專利:織物瑕疵光電,檢測裝置 (授權,第一發明人)
12) 發明專利:碳纖維抽油桿的非接觸損傷檢測裝置 (授權,第一發明人)
13) 發明專利:玻璃纖維複合材料內部結構的三維成像及損傷檢測裝置 (實審,第一發明人)
14) 發明專利:基於表面電漿共振的太赫茲發射器 (實審,第一發明人)
15) 發明專利/PCT:高速多尺度形變和振動檢測裝置(實審,第一發明人)
16) 發明專利/PCT:一種基於條紋靶的高速多維度振動測量裝置及方法(實審,第一發明人)
17) 發明專利:基於線偏振光入射一維周期金屬槽的圓二色光譜測量系統(實審,第一發明人)
18) 發明專利:可同時測量圓二色譜和折射率的光學系統(實審,第一發明人)
19) 發明專利/PCT:一種基於雙正弦變密度條紋的轉速測量裝置及方法(實審,第一發明人)
20) 發明專利/PCT:一種基於變密度正弦條紋的轉軸轉速測量裝置及方法(實審,第一發明人)
21) 發明專利:太赫茲表面電漿共振感測裝置及使用方法(實審,第一發明人)
22) 發明專利/PCT:一種轉軸三維振動同步測量的裝置及方法(實審,第一發明人)
23) 發明專利:埋地管道開挖檢驗埋深測量方法及測量尺(實審)
24) 發明專利:一種具有浸濕功能的A型架(實審)
25) 發明專利:基於摻雜的石墨烯/緩衝層堆疊SPR感測器系統設計(申請,第一發明人)
26) 發明專利:基於摻雜的石墨烯THz-SPR氣體感測器系統及測試方法(申請,第一發明人)




