控制理論與技術研究所 所長
- 中文名:鐘宜生
- 外文名:Yisheng Zhong
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 性別:男
控制理論與技術研究所 所長
1978年3月至1982年2月 在哈爾濱工業大學4系自動控制專業學習,獲學士學位
1982年3月至1982年9月 在東北師範大學赴日留學預備學校日語專業學習
1982年10月至1985年3月 在日本電氣通信大學電子工程系自動控制專業學習,獲碩士學位
1985年4月至1988年9月 在日本北海道大學工學部 電氣工程系自動控制專業學習,獲博士學位
1975年7月至1976年11月 江西省宜春縣東方紅公社 下鄉知青
1976年11月至1978年3月 江西省宜春地區磷肥廠機修車間 電工
1977年3月至1977年9月 江西省軍區武裝民兵集訓 通訊技工
1989年1月至1991年3月 清華大學自動化系 博士後
1991年4月至1992年11月 清華大學自動化系 講師
1992年12月至1996年8月 清華大學自動化系 副教授
1994年7月至1995年6月 美國Wisconsin-Madison大學 Honor Fellow
1996年7月至今 清華大學自動化系 教授
1998年10月至今 在中國自動化學會控制理論專業委員會擔任委員
[1] 魯棒控制
[2] 群系統
[0] 鐘宜生. 最優控制. 清華大學出版社,2015
[1] J. Xi, Z. Shi, and Y. Zhong: Consensus analysis and design for high-order linear swarm systems with time-varying delays. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol.390, no. 23-24, pp4114-4123, 2011.
[2] N. Cai, J. Xi, and Y. Zhong: Swarm stability of high order Linear Time-Invariant swarm systems, IET Control Theory Appl., vol.5, no.2, pp.402-408, 2011,
[3] B. Zheng andY. Zhong: Robust Attitude Regulation of a 3-DOF Helicopter Benchmark: Theory and Experiments, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, no.2, pp.660-670, 2011.
[4] Y. Yu, Y. Zhong: Semiglobal Robust Backstepping Output Tracking for Strict-feedback Form Systems with Nonlinear Uncertainty, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, vol.2, no.9, pp366-375, 2011.
[5] J. Xi, Z. Shi, and Y. Zhong: Output consensus analysis and design for high-order linear swarm systems: Partial stability method, Automatica, vol.48, no.9, pp2335-2343, 2012.
[6] J. Xi, Z. Shi, and Y. Zhong: Output consensus for high-order linear time-invariant swarm systems,” Int. J. Control, vol.85, no.4, pp350-360, 2012.
[7] J. Xi, Z. Shi, and Y. Zhong: sensus and consensualization of high-order swarm systems with time delays and external disturbances, J. Dyn. Syst. Meas. Control, vol.134, (041011), 2012.
[8] J. Xi, Z. Shi, and Y. Zhong: Admissible consensus and consensualization of high-order linear time-invariant singular swarm systems, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol.391, no.23, pp5839-5849, 2012.
[9] J. Xi, F. Meng, Z. Shi, and Y. Zhong: Time-dependent admissible consensualization for singular time-delayed swarm systems. Systems & Control Letters, vol.61, no.11, pp1089-1096, 2012.
[10] N. Cai, J. Xi, Y. Zhong, H. Y. Ma: Controllability improvement for linear time-invariant dynamical multi-agent systems, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol.8, no.5A, pp 3315-3328, 2012.
[11] Y. Yu, Y. Zhong: Semi-global robust output tracking for non-linear uncertain systems in strict-feedback form,IET Control Theory and Applications, vol.6, no.5, pp 751-759, 2012.
[12] Hao Liu, Geng Lu, and Yisheng Zhong: Robust LQR Attitude Control of a 3-DOF Laboratory Helicopter for Aggressive Maneuvers, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 60, NO.10, 2013, pp.4627-4636. .
[13] Jiao Z., Chen Y., Zhong Y.: Stability analysis of linear time-invariant distributed-order systems, Asian Journal of Control, 2013, 15(3), pp. 640-647. .
[14] Liu Hao, Bai Yongqiang, Lu Geng, Zhong Yisheng: Robust attitude control of uncertain quadrotors, IET Control Theory and Applications, 7(11), 2013, pp: 1583-1589. .
[15] Liu Hao, Derawi Dafizal, Kim Jonghyuk, Zhong Yisheng: Robust optimal attitude control of hexarotor robotic vehicles, Nonlinear Dynamics, 74(4), 2013, pp: 1155-1168. .
[16] Xi Jianxiang, Li Hailong, Cai Ning, Zhong Yisheng: Consensus of swarm systems with time delays and topology uncertainties. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2013, 7(8): 1168-1178. .
[17] Xi Jianxiang, Shi Zongying, Liu Guangbin, Zhong Yisheng: Dynamic output feedback consensualization of uncertain swarm systems with time delays. Asian Journal of Control, 2013, 15(4): 1228-1237. .
[18] Xi Jianxiang, Shi Zongying, Zhong Yisheng: Stable-protocol output consensualization for high-order swarm systems with switching topologies. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2013, 23(5): 2044-2059. .
[19] Xi Jianxiang, Zhe Xu, Guangbin Liu, Zhong Yisheng: Stable-protocol output consensus for high-order linear swarm systems with time-varying delays.IET Control Theory & Applications, 7(7), 2013, pp.975-984. .
[20] Xiafu Wang,Geng Lu, Yisheng Zhong: Robust H∞ attitude control of a laboratory helicopter, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61, 2013, pp.1247-1257.
[21] Xiwang Dong, Jianxiang Xi, Zongying Shi, Yisheng Zhong: Practical consensus for high-order linear time-invariant swarm systems with interaction uncertainties, time-varying delays and external disturbances, International Journal of Systems Science, 44(10), pp. 1843-1856, 2013. .
[22] Zheng B., Zhong Y.: Robust output regulation for a class of MIMO nonlinear systems with uncertain exosystems, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2013, 350(6), pp. 1462-1475. .
[23] Hao Liu, Danjun Li, Jonghyuk Kim, Yisheng Zhong. Real-time implementation of decoupled controllers for multirotor aircrafts. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2014, January, 73(1-4),pp.197-207.
[24] Hao Liu, Geng Lu, Yisheng Zhong. Robust output tracking control of a laboratory helicopter for automatic landing. International Journal of Systems Science, 2014, Nov, 45(11),pp.2242-2250.
[25] Hao Liu, Jianxiang Xi, Yisheng Zhong. Robust hierarchical Control of a Laboratory Helicopter. Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2014, January, 351(1),pp.259-276.
[26] Hao Liu, Jianxiang Xi, Yisheng Zhong. Robust Motion Control of Quadrotors. Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2014, December, 351(12),pp.5494-5510.
[27] Hao Liu, Xiafu Wang, Yisheng Zhong. Robust position control of a lab helicopter under wind disturbances. IET Control Theory and Applications, 2014, Oct, 8(15),pp.1555-1565.
[28] Hao Liu, Yao Yu, Yisheng Zhong. Robust trajectory tracking control for a laboratory helicopter. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, Aug, 77(3),pp.621-634.
[29] Hao Liu, Yongqiang Bai, Geng Lu, Zongying Shi, Yisheng Zhong. Robust tracking control of a quadrotor helicopter. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2014, September, 75(3-4),pp.595-608.
[30] Li S., Liu H., Shi Z., Zhong Y.: Monocular camera based trajectory tracking of 3-DOF helicopter, Asian Journal of Control, 2014, 6(3), pp.742-751.
[31] X.W. Dong, J.X. Xi,G. Lu,Y.S. Zhong, Containment analysis and design for high-order linear time-invariant singular swarm systems with time delays, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2014, 24(7),pp.1189-1204.
[32] X.W. Dong, J.X. Xi, G. Lu, Y.S. Zhong, Formation control for high-order linear time-invariant multi-agent systems with time delays, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2014, 1(3),pp.232-240.
[33] X.W. Dong, Z.Y. Shi, G. Lu, Y.S. Zhong, Output containment control for swarm systems with general linear dynamics: A dynamic output feedback approach, Systems & Control Letters, 2014, 71(1), pp.31-37.
[34] Xi J., Yao Z., Liu G, Zhong Y.: Admissible consensus for singular time-delayed swarm systems with external disturbances. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, 403(7): 165-176.
[35] Xi J., Yao Z., Liu G, Zhong Y.: Guaranteed-cost consensus for singular multi-agent systems with switching topologies. IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, 2014, 61(5): 1531-1542.
[36] Hao Liu, Jianxiang Xi, Yisheng Zhong. Robust optimal attitude control of a laboratory helicopter without angular velocity feedback. Robotica, 2015, Feb, 33(2): 282-294.
[37] Hao Liu, Xiaolei Hou, Jonghyuk Kim, Yisheng Zhong. Decoupled robust velocity control for uncertain quadrotors. Asian Journal of Control, 2015, January, 17(1): 225-233.
[38] Xi Jianxiang, Yao Zhicheng, Liu Guangbin, Zhong Yisheng. Swarm stability for high-order linear time-invariant singular multi-agent systems. International Journal of System Science, 2015, 46(8): 1458-1471. .
[39] Xi Jianxiang, Yao Zhicheng, Wang Zhong, Liu Guangbin, Zhong, Yisheng. Admissible consensus analysis for high-order linear singular swarm systems with multiple time-varying delays and topology variances. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2014, 24(18): 3331-3344.
[40] Xiwang Dong, Bocheng Yu, Zongying Shi, Yisheng Zhong, Time-varying formation control for unmanned aerial vehicles: Theories and applications, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2015, 23(1): 340-348.
[41] Xiwang Dong, Qingdong Li, Zhang Ren, Yisheng Zhong, Formation- containment control for high-order linear time-invariant multi-agent systems with time delays, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2015, 352(9): 3564-3584.
[42] Xiwang Dong, Yan Zhou, Zhang Ren, Yisheng Zhong, Time-varying formation control for unmanned aerial vehicles with switching interaction topologies,Control Engineering Practice, 2016, 46: 26-36.
[43] Xiwang Dong, Zongying Shi, Geng Lu, Yisheng Zhong, Formation- containment analysis and design for high-order linear time-invariant swarm systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2015, 25(17): 3439-3456.
[44] Xiwang Dong,Zongying Shi, Geng Lu, Yisheng Zhong, Output containment analysis and design for high-order linear time-invariant swarm systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2015, 25(6): 900-913.
[45] Xiwang Dong, Zongying Shi, Geng Lu, Yisheng Zhong, Time-varying output formation control for high-order linear time-invariant swarm systems, Information Sciences, 2015, 298(20): 36-52.
[46] Lianhua Zhang , Zongying Shi, Yisheng Zhong:Attitude Estimation and Control of a 3-DOF Lab Helicopter only Based on Optical Flow. Advanced Robotics, 2016,30(8):505-518.
[47] Meng Fanlin, Xi Jianxiang, Shi Zongying, Zhong Yisheng:Admissible output consensus control for singular swarm systems. International Journal of Systems Science, 2016, 47(7): 1734–1744. ISSN: 0020-7721, WOS IDS: DA5DH.
[48] Hao Liu, Danjun Li, Jianxiang Xi, Yisheng Zhong. Robust attitude controller design for miniature quadrotors. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2016, 26(4): 681-696. (WOS:000368802500004,ISSN:1049-8923)
[49] Hao Liu, Danjun Li, Zongyu Zuo, Yisheng Zhong. Robust three-loop trajectory tracking control for quadrotors with multiple uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016, 63(4): 2263-2274. (WOS:000372645900028,ISSN:0278-0046)
[50] Xiwang Dong, Yan Zhou, Zhang Ren, Yisheng Zhong, Time-varying formation control for unmanned aerial vehicles with switching interaction topologies,Control Engineering Practice, 2016, 46: 26-36.
[51] Xiwang Dong, Qingdong Li, Zhang Ren, Yisheng Zhong, Output formation-containment analysis and design for general linear time- invariant multi-agent systems, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2016, 353(2): 322-344.
[52] Lianhua Zhang , Zongying Shi, Yisheng Zhong,Attitude Estimation and Control of a 3-DOF Lab Helicopter only Based on Optical Flow. Advanced Robotics, 2016:1-14.