
中國科學院沙漠與沙漠化重點實驗室研究員錢廣強,男,主要從事風沙物理與風沙地貌學研究,主持相關國家自然科學基金3項,西部之光博士項目1項,2013年入選中國科學院青年創新促進會。在Journal of Geophysical Research、Sedimentology、Geomorphology、Science China、《中國科學》、《中國沙漠》等雜誌,發表研究論文70餘篇,參編專著2部,專題地貌圖2幅,第一發明人授權專利2項,計算機軟體著作權1項。
錢廣強,楊轉玲,董治寶,等.基於多旋翼無人機傾斜攝影測量的沙丘三維形態研究[J].中國沙漠. 2019(1): 18-25.
楊轉玲,錢廣強,董治寶,等.庫姆塔格沙漠北部三壟沙地區風沙運動特徵[J].中國沙漠. 2018, 38(1): 58-67.
Dong Z, Hu G, Qian G, et al. High‐Altitude Aeolian Research on the Tibetan Plateau[J]. Reviews of Geophysics. 2017, 55(4): 864-901.
楊轉玲,錢廣強,董治寶,等.庫姆塔格沙漠北部三壟沙地區風成沉積物粒度特徵[J].中國沙漠. 2016, 36(3): 589-596.
Qian G, Dong Z, Zhang Z, et al. Morphological and sedimentary features of oblique zibars in the Kumtagh Desert of Northwestern China[J]. Geomorphology. 2015, 228: 714-722.
錢廣強,董治寶,羅萬銀,等.基於數字圖像的中國西北地區戈壁表面礫石形貌特徵研究[J].中國沙漠. 2014, 34(3): 625-633.
Dong Z, Qian G, Luo W, et al. Dune types and their distribution in the Kumtagh Sand Sea, northwestern China[J]. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. 2013, 57(2): 207-224.
Dong Z, Qian G, Lv P, et al. Investigation of the sand sea with the tallest dunes on Earth: China's Badain Jaran Sand Sea[J]. Earth-Science Reviews. 2013, 120(0): 20-39.
Qian G, Dong Z, Luo W, et al. Airflow patterns upwind of obstacles and their significance for echo dune formation: A field measurement of the effects of the windward slope angle[J]. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 2012, 55(4): 545-553.
Qian G, Dong Z, Zhang Z, et al. Granule ripples in the Kumtagh Desert, China: Morphology, grain size and influencing factors[J]. Sedimentology. 2012, 59(6): 1888-1901.
錢廣強,董治寶,羅萬銀,等.回渦沙丘的形態特徵與表面物質組成[J].中國沙漠. 2012, 32(3): 587-592.
錢廣強,董治寶,羅萬銀,等.不同坡度障礙物前氣流場特徵及其對回渦沙丘形成的影響[J].中國科學:地球科學. 2012, 42(1): 34-41.
Qian G, Dong Z, Luo W, et al. Mean airflow patterns upwind of topographic obstacles and their implications for the formation of echo dunes: A wind tunnel simulation of the effects of windward slope[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface. 2011, 116(F4): F4026.
董治寶,屈建軍,錢廣強,等.庫姆塔格沙漠風沙地貌區劃[J].中國沙漠. 2011, 31(4): 805-814.
錢廣強,董治寶,羅萬銀,等.巴丹吉林沙漠地表沉積物粒度特徵及區域差異[J].中國沙漠. 2011, 31(6): 1357-1364.
Dong Z, Qian G, Luo W, et al. Measuring the velocity of sand particles in an air/particle two-phase flow: A comparison of several commonly used methods[J]. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions. 2010, 2(3): 185-197.
Dong Z, Qian G, Yan P, et al. Gravel bodies in the Kumtagh Desert and their geomorphological implications[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2010, 59(8): 1771-1779.
董治寶,錢廣強,羅萬銀,等.幾種常用風沙顆粒測速方法對比[J].中國沙漠. 2010, 30(4): 749-757.
Dong Z, Qian G, Lu P, et al. Turbulence fields in the lee of two-dimensional transverse dunes simulated in a wind tunnel[J]. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 2009, 34(2): 204-216.
Dong Z, Qian G, Luo W, et al. Geomorphological hierarchies for complex mega-dunes and their implications for mega-dune evolution in the Badain Jaran Desert[J]. Geomorphology. 2009, 106(3-4): 180-185.
錢廣強,董治寶,羅萬銀,等.橫向沙丘氣流平均速度變化規律的風洞模擬[J].中國沙漠. 2009, 29(1): 10-17.
董治寶,屈建軍,盧琦,等.關於庫姆塔格沙漠“羽毛狀”風沙地貌的討論[J].中國沙漠. 2008, 28(6): 1005-1010.
錢廣強,董治寶,羅萬銀,等.橫向沙丘背風側氣流重附風洞模擬[J].中國沙漠. 2008(1): 16-20.
Dong Z, Qian G, Luo W, et al. A wind tunnel simulation of the effects of stoss slope on the lee airflow pattern over a two-dimensional transverse dune[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface. 2007, 112: F3019.
Dong Z, Qian G, Luo W, et al. Threshold velocity for wind erosion: the effects of porous fences[J]. Environmental Geology. 2007, 51(3): 471-475.
董治寶,錢廣強.關於土壤水分對風蝕起動風速影響研究的現狀與問題[J].土壤學報. 2007, 44(5): 934-942.
錢廣強,董治寶,羅萬銀,等.橫向沙丘背風側沙粒風蝕起動的風洞模擬[J].乾旱區地理. 2007, 30(1): 66-70.
Dong Z, Qian G. Characterizing the height profile of the flux of wind-eroded sediment[J]. Environmental Geology. 2006, 51(5): 835-845.
Dong Z, Qian G, Luo W, et al. Analysis of the mass flux profiles of an aeolian saltating cloud[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 2006, 111(D16): -.
錢廣強,董治寶,王洪濤,等.粒子圖像測速(PIV)技術在風沙環境風洞中的套用[J].中國沙漠. 2006, 26(6): 890-893.
錢廣強,董治寶.大氣降塵收集方法及相關問題研究[J].中國沙漠. 2004, 24(6): 779-782.
錢廣強,董治寶.一種野外用快速部署集沙儀[P]. 2018.08.17, ZL201820082921.0.
楊轉玲,錢廣強.輸沙勢分析軟體[DB/CD]. V1.0. 2018SR365327, 2018.
錢廣強,張正偲,董治寶,等.一種野外用八方向四層梯度集沙儀[P]. 2016-6-3, 201520059425.x.
董治寶,陸錦華,錢廣強,等.青藏高原風沙地貌圖集[M].西安:西安地圖出版社, 2017: 116.
董治寶,陸錦華,錢廣強,等.騰格里沙漠地貌圖[Z].西安:西安地圖出版社, 2014.
董治寶,蘇志珠,錢廣強,等.庫姆塔格沙漠風沙地貌[M].北京:科學出版社, 2011: 484.
董治寶,屈建軍,陸錦華,等.庫姆塔格沙漠地貌圖[Z].北京:科學出版社, 2009.


