山西大學計算機與信息技術學院博士生導師,主持和參與國家自然科學基金(含重點基金)、國家863計畫、973前期研究計畫專項等國家級項目多項。近年來,先後在《Artificial Intelligence》、《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》、《Pattern Recognition》、《IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics》、《International Journal of Approximate Reasoning》、《Information Sciences》、《Data & Knowledge Engineering》、《中國科學》、《計算機學報》等國際國內重要學術刊物和國際會議發表學術論文70餘篇,SCI收錄30餘篇,獲發明專利2項。
1. Jiye LIANG, Feng WANG, Chuangyin DANG, Yuhua QIAN. An efficient rough feature selection algorithm with a multi-granulation view, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 53(6):912-926, 2012-09.
2. Wei WEI, Jiye LIANG, Yuhua QIAN. A comparative study of rough sets for hybrid data, Information Sciences. 190:1-16, 2012-05.
3. Jiye LIANG, Ru LI, Yuhua QIAN. Distance: A more comprehensible perspective for measures in rough set theory, Knowledge-Based Systems. 27:126-136, 2012-04.
4. Peng SONG, Jiye LIANG, Yuhua QIAN. A two-grade approach to ranking interval data, Knowledge-Based Systems. 27:234-244, 2012-03.
5. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Witold Pedrycz, Chuangyin DANG. An efficient accelerator for attribute reduction from incomplete data in rough set framework, Pattern Recognition. 44(8):1658-1670, 2011-08.
6. Fan MIN, Huaping HE, Yuhua QIAN, William ZHU. Test-cost-sensitive attribute reduction, Information Sciences. 181(25):4928-4942, 2011-07.
7. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Weizhi WU, Chuangyin DANG. Information Granularity in Fuzzy Binary GrC Model, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 19(2):253-264, 2011-04.
9. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Witold Pedrycz, Chuangyin DANG. Positive approximation: an accelerator for attribute reduction in rough set theory, Artificial Intelligence. 174(9-10):597-618, 2010-09.
10. Wei WEI, Jiye LIANG, Yuhua QIAN, Feng WANG, Chuangyin DANG. Comparative study of decision performance of decision tables induced by attribute reductions, International Journal of General Systems. 39(8):813-838, 2010-07.
12. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Yiyu YAO, Chuangyin DANG. MGRS: A multi-granulation rough set, Information Sciences. 180(6):949-970, 2010-03.
13. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Chuangyin DANG. Incomplete multigranulation rough set, IEEE Transactions on Systems, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and humans. 40(2):420-431, 2010-03.
14. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Peng SONG, Chuangyin DANG. On dominance relations in disjunctive set-valued ordered information systems, International journal of information technology & decision making. 9(1):9-33, 2010-01.
15. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Feng WANG. A new method for measuring the uncertainty in incomplete information systems, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. 17(6):855-880, 2009-12.
16. Yuhua QIAN, Chuangyin DANG, Jiye LIANG, Dawei TANG. Set-valued ordered information systems, Information Sciences. 179(16):2809-2832, 2009-07.
17. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Chuangyin DANG. Knowledge structure, knowledge granulation and knowledge distance in a knowledge base, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 50(1):174-188, 2009-01.
18. Jiye LIANG, Junhong WANG, Yuhua QIAN. A new measure of uncertainty based on knowledge granulation for rough sets, Information Sciences. 179(4):458-470, 2009-01.
19. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Chuangyin DANG. Interval ordered information systems, Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 56:1994-2009, 2008-10.
20. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Chuangyin DANG. Consistency measure, inclusion degree and fuzzy measure in decision tables, Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 159(18):2353-2377, 2008-09.
21. Jiye LIANG, Yuhua QIAN. Information granules and entropy theory in information systems, Science in China Series F: Information Sciences. 51(9):1-18, 2008-09.
22. Yuhua QIAN, Chuangyin DANG, Jiye LIANG, Haiyun ZHANG, Jianmin MA. On the evaluation of the decision performance of an incomplete decision table, Data and Knowledge Engineering. 65(3):373-400, 2008-06.
23. Junhong WANG, Jiye LIANG, Yuhua QIAN, Chuangyin DANG. Uncertainty measure of rough sets based on a knowledge granulation for incomplete information systems, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. 16(2):233-244, 2008-04.
24. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Chuangyin DANG. Converse approximation and rule extraction from decision tables in rough set theory, Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 55(8):1754-1765, 2008-04.
25. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG. Combination entropy and combination granulation in rough set theory, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. 16(2):179-193, 2008-04.
26. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Chuangyin DANG, Feng WANG. Consistency and Fuzziness in Ordered Decision Tables, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 63-71, 2008-03.
27. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Deyu LI, Haiyun ZHANG, Chuangyin DANG. Measures for evaluating the decision performance of a decision table in rough set theory, Information Sciences. 178(1):181–202, 2008-01.
28. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG, Xia ZHANG, Chuangyin DANG. Rough Set Approach Under Dynamic Granulation in Incomplete Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 4827:1-8, 2007-10.
29. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG. Evaluation Method for Decision Rule Sets, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 4482:272–279, 2007-10.
30. Jiye LIANG, Yuhua QIAN. Axiomatic approach of knowledge granulation in information system, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 4304:1074-1078, 2006-12.
31. Yuhua QIAN, Jiye LIANG. Combination entropy and combination granulation in incomplete information system, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 4062:184-190, 2006-07.
32. Jiye LIANG, Yuhua QIAN, Chengyuan CHU, Deyu LI, Junhong WANG. Rough Set Approximation Based on Dynamic Granulation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 3641:701-708, 2005-08.