錢學仁,教授,博士,博士生導師。1989年畢業於東北林業大學林產化工專業,獲工學學士學位。主持完成國家自然科學基金項目2 項、省部級科研項目5 項,參與完成各級各類科研項目多項。發表論文130餘篇,其中 SCI、EI、ISTP 收錄60 余篇。
- 中文名:錢學仁
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1966年6月10日
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:東北林業大學
- 發表論文數量:130餘篇(截至2019年7月)
- 職稱:教授
錢學仁,男,1966 年6月10日生,內蒙古赤峰市人,博士,教授,博士生導師。 1989 年畢業於東北林業大學林產化工專業,獲工學學士學位。1992 年畢業於東北林業大學林產化學加工工程學科,獲工學碩士學位,同年留校工作。1998 年畢業於東北林業大學木材學學科,獲工學博士學位。2003 年11 月至2004 年10 月期間,受國家公派在加拿大新布朗斯維克大學作訪問教授和博士後研究工作。現為東北林業大學製漿造紙工程學科帶頭人、輕工技術與工程專業學位領域負責人、國家林業局跨世紀學術與技術帶頭人重點培養對象。曾兼任高等學校林科學科林產化工專業指導委員會委員、第四屆ISETPP 學術委員會委員。現兼任中國造紙雜誌社(含《中國造紙》《中國造紙學報》等4 本雜誌)編委、《生物質化學工程》雜誌編委。是《中國造紙》《華南理工大學學報》《東北林業大學學報》《Journal of Forestry Research 》《BioResources 》《Carbohydrate Polymers》《Chemical Papers》《Fibers and Polymers》《Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research》《Synthetic Metals》等國內外期刊的審稿人。主要從事生物質資源高效轉化與利用、清潔製漿與漂白、功能紙與功能材料及造紙化學品與濕部化學等方面的研究與開發工作。主持完成國家自然科學基金項目2 項、省部級科研項目5 項,參與完成各級各類科研項目多項。發表論文130餘篇,其中 SCI、EI、ISTP 收錄60 余篇。出版專著4 部,1 項作為主要參加者完成的課題獲國家技術發明二等獎。《導電紙的研究與開發》於2007 年獲黑龍江省第十屆自然科學技術學術成果二等獎。
1.錢學仁,沈靜,許士玉,楊冬梅.造紙纖維與填料改性技術. 北京:化學工業出版社,2011.2
3.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Ni Yonghao(倪永浩). A review on use of fillers in cellulosic paper for functional applications. Industrial & Engineering
Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(2): 661-666 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.758)
4.Yang Dongmei(楊冬梅), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*. Study on adsorption of benzoic acid by hydrotalcites and their calcined products. Environmental Engineering Science,2010, 27(10): 853-860 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.111)
5.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Yang Fei(楊飛). Fillers and the carbon footprint of papermaking. BioResources, 2010, 5(4): 2026-2028 (SCI 收錄,IF=1.406)
6.Ding Chunyue(丁春躍), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Yu Gang(於鋼), An Xianhui(安顯慧).Dopant effect and characterization of polypyrrole-cellulose composites prepared by in-situ polymerization process. Cellulose, 2010, 17(6): 1067-1077 (SCI 收錄, IF=2.156)
7.Li Jian(李堅), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Chen Jinghuan(陳京環), Ding Chunyue(丁春躍), An Xianhui(安顯慧). Conductivity decay of cellulose–polypyrrole conductive paper composite prepared by in situ polymerization method. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010, 82(2): 504-509 (SCI 收錄, IF=3.167)
8.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Yang Fei(楊飛), Kong Fangong(孔凡功). Nanofillers for papermaking wet end applications. BioResources, 2010,5(3): 1328-1331 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
9.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Yang Fei(楊飛). Carboxymethyl cellulose/alum modified precipitated calcium carbonate fillers: Preparation and their use in papermaking. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010, 81(3): 545-553 (SCI 收錄, IF=3.167)
10.Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Shen Jing(沈靜), Yu Gang(於鋼), An Xianhui(安顯慧). Influence of pulp fiber substrate on conductivity of polyaniline-coated conductive paper prepared by in-situ polymerization. BioResources, 2010, 5(2):899-907 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
11.Li Jian(李堅), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Wang Lijuan(王立娟), An Xianhui(安顯慧). XPS characterization and percolation behavior of polyaniline-coated conductive paper. BioResources, 2010, 5(2):712-726 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
12.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Liu Wenxia(劉溫霞),Yang Fei(楊飛). Filler engineering for papermaking: comparison with fiber engineering and some important research topics. BioResources, 2010, 5(2):510-513 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
13.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*. Possible trends of renewable organic fillers and pigments derived from natural resources for sustainable development of papermaking industry. BioResources, 2010, 5(1):5-7 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
14.Ding Chunyue(丁春躍), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Shen Jing(沈靜), An Xianhui(安顯慧). Preparation and characterization of conductive paper via in-situ polymerization of pyrrole. BioResources, 2010, 5(1): 303-315 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
15.Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Chen Jinghuan(陳京環), An Xianhui(安顯慧). Polypyrrole-coated conductive paper prepared by vapor-phase deposition method. Appita Journal, 2010, 63(2): 102-107 (SCI 收錄, IF=0.437)
3.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Ni Yonghao(倪永浩). A review on use of fillers in cellulosic paper for functional applications. Industrial & Engineering
Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(2): 661-666 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.758)
4.Yang Dongmei(楊冬梅), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*. Study on adsorption of benzoic acid by hydrotalcites and their calcined products. Environmental Engineering Science,2010, 27(10): 853-860 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.111)
5.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Yang Fei(楊飛). Fillers and the carbon footprint of papermaking. BioResources, 2010, 5(4): 2026-2028 (SCI 收錄,IF=1.406)
6.Ding Chunyue(丁春躍), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Yu Gang(於鋼), An Xianhui(安顯慧).Dopant effect and characterization of polypyrrole-cellulose composites prepared by in-situ polymerization process. Cellulose, 2010, 17(6): 1067-1077 (SCI 收錄, IF=2.156)
7.Li Jian(李堅), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Chen Jinghuan(陳京環), Ding Chunyue(丁春躍), An Xianhui(安顯慧). Conductivity decay of cellulose–polypyrrole conductive paper composite prepared by in situ polymerization method. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010, 82(2): 504-509 (SCI 收錄, IF=3.167)
8.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Yang Fei(楊飛), Kong Fangong(孔凡功). Nanofillers for papermaking wet end applications. BioResources, 2010,5(3): 1328-1331 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
9.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Yang Fei(楊飛). Carboxymethyl cellulose/alum modified precipitated calcium carbonate fillers: Preparation and their use in papermaking. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010, 81(3): 545-553 (SCI 收錄, IF=3.167)
10.Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Shen Jing(沈靜), Yu Gang(於鋼), An Xianhui(安顯慧). Influence of pulp fiber substrate on conductivity of polyaniline-coated conductive paper prepared by in-situ polymerization. BioResources, 2010, 5(2):899-907 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
11.Li Jian(李堅), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Wang Lijuan(王立娟), An Xianhui(安顯慧). XPS characterization and percolation behavior of polyaniline-coated conductive paper. BioResources, 2010, 5(2):712-726 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
12.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Liu Wenxia(劉溫霞),Yang Fei(楊飛). Filler engineering for papermaking: comparison with fiber engineering and some important research topics. BioResources, 2010, 5(2):510-513 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
13.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*. Possible trends of renewable organic fillers and pigments derived from natural resources for sustainable development of papermaking industry. BioResources, 2010, 5(1):5-7 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
14.Ding Chunyue(丁春躍), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Shen Jing(沈靜), An Xianhui(安顯慧). Preparation and characterization of conductive paper via in-situ polymerization of pyrrole. BioResources, 2010, 5(1): 303-315 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
15.Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Chen Jinghuan(陳京環), An Xianhui(安顯慧). Polypyrrole-coated conductive paper prepared by vapor-phase deposition method. Appita Journal, 2010, 63(2): 102-107 (SCI 收錄, IF=0.437)
16.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Liu Wenxia(劉溫霞). Modification of precipitated calcium carbonate filler using sodium silicate/zinc chloride based modifiers to improve acid-resistance and use of the modified filler in papermaking. BioResources, 2009, 4(4): 1498-1519 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
17.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*. Investigations on the preparation of starch/sodium oleate/alum modified precipitated calcium carbonate filler and its use in papermaking. Appita Journal, 2009, 62(5): 360-364,382 (SCI 收錄, IF=0.437)
18.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Liu Wenxia(劉溫霞). Modification of papermaking grade fillers: a brief review. BioResources, 2009, 4(3): 1190-1209 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
19.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Liu Wenxia(劉溫霞). A preliminary investigation into the use of acid-tolerant precipitated calcium carbonate fillers in papermaking of deinked pulp derived from recycled newspaper. BioResources, 2009, 4(3): 1178-1189 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
20.He Zhibin(何志斌), Qian Xueren(錢學仁),Ni Yonghao(倪永浩)*. The tensile strength of bleached mechanical pulps from the Mg(OH)2-based and NaOH-based peroxide bleaching processes. JPPS, 2006, 32(1): 47-52 (SCI 收錄, IF=0.638)
21.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Ni Yonghao(倪永浩). Carbohydrate-based fillers and pigments for papermaking: A review. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2011.02.026 (SCI 收錄期刊, IF=3.167)
22.Yang Dongmei(楊冬梅), Li Shuangyue(李雙月), Li Shujun(李淑君)*, Li Jian(李堅), Sun Molong(孫墨瓏), Jin Yan(金燕). Effect of juglone from Juglans mandshurica bark on the activity of wood decay fungi. Forest Products Journal, 2009, 59(9): 79-82 (SCI 收錄, IF=0.426)
23.陳京環,錢學仁*,李翠翠,於鋼.氣相聚合法製備聚吡咯導電紙. 中國造紙,2008, 27(4):5-8(EI 收錄)
24.陳京環,錢學仁*. 製備條件對聚吡咯/紙漿纖維導電紙導電性的影響. 中國造紙,2007,26(7):4-7(EI 收錄)
25.宋豪,錢學仁*,王立娟,謝瑋. 聚苯胺/紙漿纖維複合製造導電紙(Ⅰ)——吸聚條件對導電紙性能的影響. 中國造紙學報,2006,21(1):43-46(EI 收錄)
26.宋豪,錢學仁*,王立娟. 聚苯胺/紙漿纖維複合製造導電紙(Ⅱ)——摻雜條件對導電紙性能的影響. 中國造紙學報,2006,21(3):64-67(EI 收錄)
17.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*. Investigations on the preparation of starch/sodium oleate/alum modified precipitated calcium carbonate filler and its use in papermaking. Appita Journal, 2009, 62(5): 360-364,382 (SCI 收錄, IF=0.437)
18.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Liu Wenxia(劉溫霞). Modification of papermaking grade fillers: a brief review. BioResources, 2009, 4(3): 1190-1209 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
19.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Liu Wenxia(劉溫霞). A preliminary investigation into the use of acid-tolerant precipitated calcium carbonate fillers in papermaking of deinked pulp derived from recycled newspaper. BioResources, 2009, 4(3): 1178-1189 (SCI 收錄, IF=1.406)
20.He Zhibin(何志斌), Qian Xueren(錢學仁),Ni Yonghao(倪永浩)*. The tensile strength of bleached mechanical pulps from the Mg(OH)2-based and NaOH-based peroxide bleaching processes. JPPS, 2006, 32(1): 47-52 (SCI 收錄, IF=0.638)
21.Shen Jing(沈靜), Song Zhanqian(宋湛謙), Qian Xueren(錢學仁)*, Ni Yonghao(倪永浩). Carbohydrate-based fillers and pigments for papermaking: A review. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2011.02.026 (SCI 收錄期刊, IF=3.167)
22.Yang Dongmei(楊冬梅), Li Shuangyue(李雙月), Li Shujun(李淑君)*, Li Jian(李堅), Sun Molong(孫墨瓏), Jin Yan(金燕). Effect of juglone from Juglans mandshurica bark on the activity of wood decay fungi. Forest Products Journal, 2009, 59(9): 79-82 (SCI 收錄, IF=0.426)
23.陳京環,錢學仁*,李翠翠,於鋼.氣相聚合法製備聚吡咯導電紙. 中國造紙,2008, 27(4):5-8(EI 收錄)
24.陳京環,錢學仁*. 製備條件對聚吡咯/紙漿纖維導電紙導電性的影響. 中國造紙,2007,26(7):4-7(EI 收錄)
25.宋豪,錢學仁*,王立娟,謝瑋. 聚苯胺/紙漿纖維複合製造導電紙(Ⅰ)——吸聚條件對導電紙性能的影響. 中國造紙學報,2006,21(1):43-46(EI 收錄)
26.宋豪,錢學仁*,王立娟. 聚苯胺/紙漿纖維複合製造導電紙(Ⅱ)——摻雜條件對導電紙性能的影響. 中國造紙學報,2006,21(3):64-67(EI 收錄)